• Published 15th Jul 2016
  • 704 Views, 2 Comments

Plague - Even Evil Has Standards

Pinkie Pie is having a dream when she's interrupted by 3 vile villains who blackmail her into becoming Pinkamena.

  • ...

A New Ally? (Extended)

Everyone stood still, petrified as Percy underwent a disturbing (though somewhat awesome) transformation, even the bad guys. His green fur became enameled by black, covering up every bit, including his cutie mark. He grew into a full grown stallion. And I don't mean, Big Mac sized, I mean the size of an actual horse. He got wings which was the only good thing about it; his face, however...no nose, no eyes, no eye sockets even. He did have a mouth, but that was the only facial feature, just a mouth with teeth. Razor sharp teeth.

He teleported to directly in between the villains and their victims. "Come not between a Nazgûl horse and its mate." Pinkie Pie did a :pinkiegasp:

"Out of the way!" ordered Screwtape.

"Get over, old fool!" snarled Timothy.

"WITCH KING TO YOU!" roared the beast. "This is my hour! Dost thou not knoweth death when they see it?"

"I'm already dead!" retorted Timothy.

"And we can't die," added Eris.

"But of course." sneered Witch King. "Your reliquary. Your own One Ring."

For the first time, the warlock looked frightened. "What do you know about it?"

"Thy life, thy very existence depends on it." The horn on the helmet glowed firey orange and a Morningstar mace and chain appeared. "Once, thou cease to live. Tis like thou never existed." He swung his mace, missing the triumvirate, but scattering them. In the turmoil, the reliquary flew over to Pinkie Pie.

"Throw it to me! Throw it to me!" It was Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie slung it into the air, but Eris extended her serpentine body and caught it. Witch King let out another terrifying shriek. Everyone in the vicinity stopped their ears, Eris had to drop the reliquary to do so. Gordon flew over and caught it in his hooves. But Eris landed on his back, forcing him to let go. Eris held onto it for a few seconds before Rainbow Dash rammed into her.

Spike picked it up and tried to run, but tripped over the string. Timothy snatched it up with his blood red aura, only to be tackled by Pinkie Pie and Toby, who weren't afraid to get covered in a little blood. The reliquary flew over to Witch King who brought his mace down on it with a roar.

As Screwtape writhed in agony, flames glowed orange then green. A hole opened up in the ground and a green vortex appeared, filled with deathly white bats. Out of the vortex flew a green comet that headed straight towards him. He screamed in pain as it struck him. His skin peeled off and his eyes went bugeyed.

Applejack covered her sister's eyes while poor Spike looked like he was going to throw up. He did when the cloak fell off to reveal an empty skeleton that tipped over and became ashes upon impact. A breeze blew the remains away.

"Wow" was all Twilight could say. Everyone else was shocked beyond words (except Spike). It was awhile before Pinkie Pie could ask, "But...what about Percy?"

"Merely asleep. Thanks to this helmet, I'm allowed to enter his mind, control his body, and use him to harm who broke thee." The horn on the helmet glowed orange again and Applejack found herself in a cage, trussed up in the same way from Boast Busters. "I'll deal with thee later," he growled.

Eris faced him , seeming more genuinely frightened than she let on. "Now I'm sure we could talk about this. Maybe we can make a deal or-"

"NAY!" thundered Witch King. "Thou hast done too much to make negotiations! The pink one had a good life before thee and thy entourage came! Thou hast broken her as well as him!" he looked at Timothy who had just finished a teal cupcake with a golden heart on it. "Thou hast fed him lies and used her to bring ruin to a populace considered friendly! Thee must take me on or else!"

"I'm going to a different sequel!" shrieked Eris. Before anyone knew what was happening, she tore in the air with her claw. A rift opened and she dove right in.

"COWARD!" shouted Timothy who had just finished a teal cupcake with a gold harp and now had gained gargoyle features. Unfortunately, he was the last triumvir left.

"And now for thee." growled Witch King. "The abomination of mine host's friend."

"He's not our friend!" hissed Timothy. "None of them are." He turned his red eyes on the others who backed away.

Henry-of all ponies-was the first to speak. "Now if this is about the schism between you and Gordon-"

"SHUT UP!" thundered Timothy. "This is about all of you now."

"What?" asked Edward slowly.

"Eris took us in and showed us things. You all prospering without him, that purple wannabe running his branchline, as well as wearing his number. Then she showed us your thoughts: how you all said your lives were better without him, you were happier with him gone. Finally, Eris showed us her," he pointed a bloody hoof at Twilight, sneering, "his precious girlfriend, being tricksy, plotting and planning, oh yes. She thinks that if she delivers message, she'll lose Thomas forever. But," here he put up an insane grin that could rival Pinkamena's (or Twilight Snapple's, take your pick), "if she changes message, then she keeps Thomas."

Twilight was stunned by this revelation and it was some time before she could say anything. "But...I would never do anything like that. I would never stoop that low."

"That's what you say," sneered Timothy. "But try and stop me now. I have eaten enough of the pink fool's pony cupcakes to start becoming King Onan again. When I've eaten enough to be him again, say your prayers."


The cupcakes went to ruin as Witch King brought his Morningstar down on them. Icing flew everywhere and landed on the two demons, buildings, and practically every onlooker in the vicinity (except Rarity, shielded by James' wings). "NO!" roared Timothy. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!"


The creatures fought fiercely, the sky growing dark with lightning crackling around them.

(NOTE: I don't know the name of the song that I wanted in the background, but I knew where to find a video that had it. Does anyone know what the name is?)

Timothy may have gained power, but it wasn't enough for an angry deity like Witch King, who both magic in the horn and a weapon powerful enough to break anything. On the downside, they're both darker sides of ponies who were friends. They fought and fought, Timothy firing his horn, Witch King swinging his Morningstar mace. With each blow, Timothy began to grow weaker until he was a zombie hybrid.

"Don't you go thinking this is the end!" he roared. "I'll still be at it! I will grow strong again! I will become King Onan again! When he is risen, he will hunt down Princess Twilight and drag her to ANY equivalent of Hell! And I'll kill ANY being that stands in my way!"

Witch King let out his loudest shriek. Everyone in the vicinity stopped their ears. Anything glass shattered in a matter of seconds. Timothy was blasted off his hooves, stunned by the blast. As he flew over the Mane 6, Twilight noticed a few things.

His face became less wrinkled.

The blood reversed into the body.

The 0 cutie mark faded into a 1.

If Witch King noticed any of this, he showed no acknowledgement. He approached the gray stallion and his horned glowed fiery orange. A rift opened in front of the wraith.

"What are you doing?" asked Twilight nervously. It became clear enough when he started to levitate the unconscious pony. "NO!" screamed Twilight and she lunged forward. She was too late; the body was casted into the rift. Wasting no time, Twilight flew after him. Never changing face, Witch King sealed the rift. Then he turned on Applejack.

"And now for thee." he growled. Applejack whimpered.

Twilight flew for what seemed like hours. In all that time, she never lost contact of the gray spot that got bigger as she got closer; at last she reached him. She threw her forelegs around him and encased them both in a purple orb that cushioned their landing impact on a rocky terrain. Once they landed, she hugged him and began to whisper:

"Thomas listen to me. Eris lied to you. I was devastated when we thought you died. I couldn't eat, sleep, or even come out of my castle. I almost became like Moon Dancer. Plus, why would I lie to make you mine? We thought you were dead for Celestia's sake! So please," she pulled him close to her again, "come back." And she kissed him.

He started so violently that she pulled back. Then he continued to twitch until his fur was the trademark blue. He got up and swayed alarmingly. Twilight caught him and begged him to say something. He shook, inhaled deeply, and mumbled, "Price check on prune juice Bob, price juice." He blinked open his blue eyes and looked around. "Wha...? Twilight...?"

"Thomas! Welcome back!" Twilight was so happy she pulled him into a bear hug, almost choking him.

"Can't...breath," he gasped.

"Oops. Sorry." She blushed and released him. He curled up into a ball and made coughing noises. "Better?"

"Better." He got up and gave her a confused look. "What do you mean 'Welcome back'?"

"It's a long story." answered Twilight. "But now, let's... Oh no."

"What's wrong?"

"We're in Tartarus!" whimpered Twilight. "And tho only way out is..."

"Is what? Is what?" demanded Thomas.


Malicious laughter echoed around the cavern. "That's correct, sister of mine! Now get ready for an exotic experience."

Poor Twilight felt like curling up and staying there, she was so scared. But Thomas nuzzled her and gave her a determined yet caring look. She got up and together, the self named Duumvirate of Friendship started on their quest out of Tartarus.

Author's Note:

As you can see, this went through a major rewrite.