• Published 31st Jul 2016
  • 8,016 Views, 74 Comments

Wanna Play? - Opium4TmassS

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Wanna Play?

When Anna was a baby her mother used to toss her in the air and catch her. She’d giggle and squeal each time she was airborne, the feel of the warm summer sun and air caressing her made her happy. Then one day her mom missed. Anna never knew for sure just how accidental it was, though she grew to have her suspicions. She knew that everything got dark suddenly and when she woke up she hurt all over. She cried and nobody came. They never came.

As she wept she heard it. From the darkness a small soft voice hummed a little tune. It was peaceful and somehow wrapped itself about her and comforted her. The pain she felt melted away and from that point on she was never without it. When Anna got a little older and learned to talk she learned what it called itself, “Derpy.”

The years drug on in the small trailer on the edge of Humansville. The longer they dragged the taller Anna grew. Her dark brown hair was often uneven due to the haircuts she had to give herself. Her pale skin and light blue eyes gave her a slightly ghostly appearance that caused the other children to shy away from her and give her the nickname, “Haint.” In truth, the only ones who hung out with her were the voice in the dark and her younger brother, Ryan.

Ryan was four years old and her opposite in almost every way. His light blonde curly hair sat mounded on the top of his head. Somehow he had a rosy complexion, even though Anna never really saw him eat anything at dinner, and cheery blue eyes filled that filled with delight and mischief. When he wasn’t tagging along with Anna he plopped himself in front of the TV for hours on end watching cartoons to his heart’s content.

Anna loved Ryan even if she preferred to be alone in her room and the sounds of the voices that lived in those moments when nobody was home. She’d lie on her bed and close her eyes and speak quietly to her friend Derpy who would share secrets with her and would warn against certain courses of action.

When she was six, she’d told Anna not to hang out with Jarvis Peterson who was heading to the creek to go frog gigging. That day he stepped on a hollow log into a beehive and was stung to death. On that day she knew never to doubt the advice of Derpy, but also decided not to let anyone know she existed, especially her mother. She’d just get mad and when she got mad it was hard for Anna to sit down for a good while.

One day after her mother had been particularly cross with Anna she found herself in front of the TV with Ryan. Her backside and shoulders ached fiercely as she leaned forward on the couch. “What are you watching,” she asked him.

“My Little Pony,” he said with glee, “It’s funny.”

“I never heard of it and it looks new. When did we start getting this in,” she asked knowing the TV only got three stations on a good day.

Ryan shrugged and continued giggling at the show. Yet, as he giggled something about the show seemed unusual. It wasn’t just that it was unusually clear; it was the fact that it seemed almost lifelike. The more she watched the closer she crept toward the TV, the happy characters and bright colors filled her with a sense of wonder she did not know she was missing.

“Don’t look too close,” said Derpy quietly.


“You heard me. This isn’t something you should be watching.”

“Well, he’s watching it. Why can’t I?”

Derpy fell silent as the front door to the trailer swung open, and her mother, a skinny pock faced woman strode in with two paper bags in her arms, “Haint! Don’t just sit there damn it! Get the rest or I’ll tan your ass again!”

Anna muttered to herself as she went out to the small car and grabbed as much as a little girl could and brought it into the trailer. After a couple of trips the task was done even if Anna muttered the entire time. “Why doesn’t Ryan ever have to do anything?”

“What did you say,” growled her mom.

Anna cowered and muttered, “Nothing just going to watch the TV.”

Her mother grunted indecipherably as Anna sat back down in front of the TV. “You’re lucky,” she said to Ryan, “She loves you.”

Ryan ignored her and continued to giggle at the show. The ponies bounded about on screen, sang songs and got into antics. Anna felt like she could get used to this show as she leaned forward paying closer attention to it. For the better part of six episodes she leaned forward and watched with ever growing interest, eventually moving from the couch to the floor in front of the TV.

“Don’t get too close to the screen,” warned Derpy.

Anna rolled her eyes, “Or what? I’ll go blind?”

“No,” replied Derpy fearfully.

“You’re being weird Derpy,” she said leaning back into the coffee table. She winced as she made contact with it. When Anna finally got used to the feeling she closed her eyes and sighed. “It’s just a cartoon nothing bad happens with cartoons.”

The words left her mouth and echoed through the air. Anna closed her eyes and listened to the ringing sounds of silence that echoed through the small trailer. It was as if all sound in the world had vanished in an instant and had been replaced with the low audible ringing as her ears tried to find something, anything to focus on. When she tried to open her eyes Derpy implored her to keep them shut as a foul stench slowly wound its way up her nose and through the room. Anna’s pulse quickened and she bit her lower lip, afraid to open her eyes, but afraid to keep them shut.

After what felt like hours, Anna opened her eyes and tilted her head forward. When she did her gaze locked with the gazes of her brother who was now in front of her, and two of the ponies on the TV screen. She quirked her brow as she stared into their gazes. She shifted uncomfortably on the floor to the left and then to the right as the three continued to track her every movement. “Don’t move,” pleaded Derpy.

Anna broke into a panicked sweat as she continued to stare at the trio; he heart beat wildly in her chest as they continued to stare. Finally, in a low unearthly voice they spoke in unison, “Meat.”

Anna shrieked and bolted from the TV, “Mom! Mom,” she screamed as she ran to the pocked marked woman.

“Haint, what the hell are you screaming for?”

Anna quickly explained what had happened in the living room. That Ryan was acting creepy in front of the TV and doing whatever the characters on the show were doing. Her mom cocked her head back questioningly, “Who’s Ryan?”

“My brother,” replied the astonished Anna.

“Girl,” began her mom as she lit her menthol, “You ain’t got a brother. You never had one.”

“Yes I do,” shouted Anna her eyes wide in disbelief, “He’s right over….” She turned and pointed at where he was standing. If her eyes could have widened more they would have. Her hand trembled as she pointed at the nothing that was there.

“Shit girl, you ain’t even got the TV on,” replied her mom as she took a drag, “You just stare at that damn thing like it’s on.”

“But he was there,” Anna whispered.

“You callin’ me a liar?”

“I swear to God he was there!”

“Don’t you go bringin’ God into this you little brat,” growled her mom who then grabbed Anna by her arm and dragged her off to her room.

“Stop please,” she begged as she was left by her bed.

“I don’t have time for you and your brand of crazy. Tyler’s coming over tonight and it’s me time! Your little rant just cost you dinner Haint! Now you sit in here with your belly empty and you think about what you and your lyin’ did,” scolded her mom as she closed the door behind her.

Anna laid on the floor and cried. It wasn’t just because her body hurt, or because her mom had yelled at her but mostly Ryan. For four years she’d lived with that little ball of smiles and joy. During that time even though he never got in trouble he had been the one nice person in her life. She curled up in a ball and wailed into her clutched fists when the voice returned and with it a kind breeze that dried her eyes.

“I’m so sorry Anna,” said Derpy as the calming warmth washed over Anna, “I didn’t know it could do that. I didn’t know your mom was still that way. I-I never saw….”

Anna choked on her sobs and muttered, “…not your fault. Some days I wish she would have just killed me.”

“Don’t wish that.” The soft, warm breeze was combined with the soft scents of summer; much like those Anna had known when she was a baby. The sensations washed over her as Derpy continued, “It’s my fault. I’m not strong enough to really keep you safe the way I should. I kept hoping that at some point, others would see what a wonderful little girl you really are and that you deserve so much more kindness than you’ve been given.”

“They call me Haint.”

“No,” said Derpy, “You’re Anna and if I can I’ll do whatever I might to keep ‘them’ away from you.”

Anna sniffled and slowly sat upright, “What are they? Why me?”

Derpy sighed, “Predators. The darkness. Pick whatever you want to call them. They live in the hopes and fears of children everywhere. They like to play games with them and pretend to be whatever it is they want most. Then when they get hungry enough they come for whoever it is that crossed their path.”

“Maybe I should just let them eat me,” sighed Anna, “Not being here can’t be that bad.”

“No,” said Derpy with finality, “I won’t let them. I may not be a match for your mom but, these things don’t deserve you.”

Anna sighed as she stood and looked out the window at the late afternoon sun. The sky was orange and tinged with purples and blues as the sun began to sink over the horizon. “I’m tired,” she said flatly.

“Get some rest,” said Derpy, “I’ll let you know when to move.”


The sounds of moaning and creaking woke Anna in the dim night. Tyler was here and apparently there was nothing else to do. Anna sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. Physically she didn’t ache anymore, though her heart felt hollow. She missed Ryan, even if he wasn't real and sighed again sadly as the mists began to grow around her eyes.

“Anna are you awake,” asked Derpy quickly.


“You need to hide. It’s here,” exclaimed Derpy, “Quick under the bed and don’t move.”

Anna did as she was told and slid under the small bed. Once there she felt what could only be described as warmth wrap about her. Yet no sooner did she feel that warmth that heard the soft stomping of hoofs along the carpet in the living room making their way to her bedroom door. She curled up into a ball and watched her door slowly open as four pink hooves slowly trekked about her tiny room, “Gosh you sure are a good hider,” said the unnaturally happy voice, “I bet I’m going to have to work super-duper hard to find you!”

“Just stay quiet,” whispered Derpy, “And don’t move.”

Anna watched as the pink pony stalked about, her hair reminded her of Ryan’s if only pink. The pony even had a puffy tail and three happy balloons on its rear flank. A part of her thought it was silly that she was hiding from such a character, yet deep down she knew she had to listen to Derpy.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," the strange pink pony sang out as it hopped out of the room.

Anna heard the words but they contradicted with the feelings she could sense from her. It was angry, hungry and growing rapidly impatient. The pink pony with the picture of balloons on her flank did not like this game. The pink pony did not like hunting her prey.

“Who is that,” whispered Anna.

“Pinkie Pie. Now stay quiet!”

"Who wants a party," said Pinkie entering the room again. "Pinkie Pie style! We'll have cupcakes and balloons and music and Twilight Sparkle will be there. So will Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and of course yours truly. It will be the bestest most funnest time just for you."

Anna slowly crawled backwards until her feet touched the wall behind her while watching the pink toon hooves pace back and forth. Anna covered her mouth. She then held her breath when the hooves stopped directly in front of her position.

"You’re starting to really piss me off," Pinkie growled under her breath dropping her nice act as she turned around and around trying to think where she might be.

Anna slowly began to inch her way along the wall. Her foot barely scraped against it yet in the dark of that room it may as well have been as loud as a cannon. “Quiet,” hissed Derpy, “If you keep moving like that she will find you!”

Anna looked up and saw that somehow Pinkie Pie had disappeared. Cautiously Anna crawled away from the wall to see where the pink pony was at. Moonlight flooded the room from the window making it easier to see and watch but as Anna looked about the pink pony was nowhere to be found.

"I don't like this," whispered Derpy. "I don't like this one bit."

"Gotcha!" squealed Pinkie as her face flooded the space underneath the bed. It smiled sweetly.

Anna bit her tongue; the coppery taste of blood filled her mouth as she tried not to scream. Her heart leapt into her throat as she did her best to hold her breath, but failed poorly at it as the face stared at her.

Gazing into the pink ponies friendly open eyes she saw dark things, black things swim underneath the colorful creation. It was a face of happiness and warmth masking pure evil. Anna could feel the hunger pouring off from it. It wanted her badly.

For a moment she and the smiling Pinkie stared directly at each other, positive she was spotted and it was all over. But after a moment Pinkie broke away and started to visually do a sweep across the bed.

"Don’t move,” cautioned Derpy.

Pinkie frowned angrily as she looked, grinding her teeth in frustration while a low guttural growl emerged. Anna could only guess as what she would do if Pinkie caught her. They were invisible to her for now but already it felt like a swarm of angry bees were inside her head while sweat began drip all over her body. Whatever Derpy was doing to hide from her it wasn't going to last much longer.

“You’re not like the others are you,” mumbled Pinkie, “You’re different. But, I can feel it, in the air tonight; your little friend can’t keep you hidden for forever.”

Anna closed her eyes as her mind raced. Her mind raced trying to find a solution. Yet, the only thing she could think of was Ryan. He was the only thing that had been worth living for in that crummy trailer. The one happy thing in her life that she could see and feel and it was gone. “Why bother,” she muttered to herself as she inched back toward the edge of the bed.

“What are you doing,” asked Derpy her voice sounding weak, “Don’t go! Don’t leave me! I can keep you safe! I promise!”

“Come out you little shit,” muttered Pinkie Pie, “I promise it’ll be a blast.”

“If I come out,” said Anna, “I need to ask you something. But, you have to promise not to eat me at least not right off.”

“What are you doing,” asked Derpy frantically.

“I never said I would,” began Pinkie who then sighed, “Fine come out. This is getting super boring anyway.”

Anna slowly crawled out from under the bed and looked at the small pink pony. She knelt in front of it so that they were eye level. “You’re shorter than I would have thought.”

“You’re exactly the height I knew you’d be,” replied Pinkie Pie, “So ask your question. I’ve got a super party planned and you’re kind of delaying it. It’s not very nice.”

“Were,” Anna began and sighed sadly, “Were you Ryan all this time?”

Pinkie Pie smirked, “Of course I was silly! We were playing house. You weren’t so good at it so I decided instead of being the daddy I’d be the little brother! I didn’t think it would take four years to get to this point but, here we are. Finally.”

“Then you thought I was playing Hide and seek?”

“No,” replied Pinkie Pie, “But you kids do love your games! They are super ultra-fun for you! So I make it one! You should have heard the last one squeal with delight or fear or whatever it was when I found him.”

Anna began to tear up, “But, Ryan….”

“An illusion. I know you loved him but, he was me in disguise. I’m really good at disguises. One time I made myself look like Fluttershy it was super amazing! But right now you’re stalling and I’m hung… looking to throw the best party ever.”

“Anna,” whispered Derpy, “Just let me wrap about you one more time. I can do it for long enough for you to get out of this trailer. You’ll have a chance to….”

“Listening to your little friend huh?”


“Oh, we’ve known about her for years,” muttered Pinkie Pie, “Healing wounds, comforting the weak, showing kindness but never accomplishing anything. She didn’t even know I was Ryan and certainly didn’t keep your mom from treating you like crap.”

Anna sighed and idly tapped the ground with her foot. She was right. What good would it be to stay alive if she had to live with- “Pinkie,” asked Anna, “What would it take for you to forget about this?”

“What are you doing,” asked Derpy.

“Forget about what, the guest of honor?”

“Well what if I could give you two guests of honor instead of just me,” asked Anna.

Pinkie blinked as a small stream of drool slowly leaked out of the side of her mouth. “Are you trying to get me to owe you something?”

“In the next room my mom and Tyler are doing whatever it is they do. If I give you them I want you to spare me, bring back Ryan and make sure I never have to worry about this ever again.”

Pinkie Pie growled deeply her eyes deepening to a deep crimson shade, “You ask for too much little girl. Succulent as they are.”

“Fine,” she said, “Then any bullies we meet too.”


“Bullies, killers, rapists whoever it is that’s out there.”

Pinkie Pie covered her mouth her eyes turning into a deep black as she gazed at her for a long time, “I – we could eat practically freely and you just want your life spared and me to pretend I’m your brother?”

“Think of it as playing house.”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes grew even darker as her smile grew unnaturally wider as she extended her hoof, “Haint you have yourself a deal.”

It wasn’t long before the creaking and moaning from the other room turned into panicked and terrified screams. The screams didn’t last long, nor did Anna expect them to. She sighed as she slowly stood and went to the kitchen to make herself a peanut butter sandwich and enjoy the quiet night air.

“Anna,” asked Derpy cautiously, “Why did you do that? They’re just going to keep eating.”

“There are people in this world that don’t deserve any kindness at all. My mother was one of them.” Anna grabbed the milk and poured it into a tall glass and much like her new/old shadow friend enjoyed her late dinner.

Comments ( 74 )

This is all very surreal. It is extremely difficult to visualize the various scenes playing out and doesn't read like an actual story. It honestly feels like it was based off a dream.

Kind of reminds me of The Darkness, been around since God uttered the phrase: "Let there be light." Also reminds me a bit of The Candy Mare, can't stop eating whatsoever.

So that's the identity of our supernatural mind f***er?

7441863 I don't really want to give to much of it away. But their will be more explanation in the Halloween story "The Truth Behind My Little Pony."

7441934 Some shadow being though? Gotta be strong to be able to show itself in broad daylight, even disguised in a Fluttershy costume.

Uh... Shit, this was a pretty good read if I might say so myself. Just like the others in this read's universe. Still, pic related.

Neat story. Times like this I would ask: "What would Ashley do?"


Pinkamena giggled as she lit the fire under pot in which Tirek sat. "Sacrificing you to the Lord of Potatoes, duh."


Pinkamena giggled as she lit the fire under pot in which Tirek sat. "Sacrificing you to the Lord of Potatoes, duh."

I come up with this crap daily. :rainbowlaugh:

7442503 That's very good I like it a lot.

7442506 I actually have an entire fic based around thoughts like that. I updated it just today.

7442521 Really. I have to take a look at it.

7442600 It's all wacko-crazy, and I don't let anything into it except for ideas like those. There'll be more Pinkamena in the story soon... I just have to finish moving to my new house first.

7442603 I understand. When its ready let me see it.

7442606 I'll try to remember to PM you next time it updates. :twilightsmile:

Creepy. Not as good the first one but still made me shiver. Does this mean Anna will use herself as bait to lure bad people to their doom?

7442606 Just one question : WHERE IS THE SEQUEL ?!!!!!!

7447774 The next story "The Truth about My Little Pony" will be coming out in October.

7448256 October? WHY AREN'T WE IN OCTOBER ALREADY?!!!!


Oh my god
I want more
But not till October whyyyyy

7446646 Well have so see. :pinkiecrazy:

It was glorious, I came in with a might as well mindset and was amazed at how actually interesting it is. Man, this story needs more attention, hell it, along with the previous, should be on the creepypasta wiki, 'cause damn, better than I thought it would be. (haven't read prequel yet)

7470488 Thank you very much it means a lot. It wouldn't have been as good without the help of MisterNick.

7470496 Cheers to him too then.:pinkiecrazy:

I deffinitely enjoyed this one the most of those currently released in the series, not certain if it was just the difference in format or if this one was actually better quality. But format aside, I kind of struggle to see how the previous two really tie in outside of a malevolent entity(ies) and the loosely constructed concept that the mlp show doesn't exist. The latter is where most of my concern stems from though. In "why I stopped watching mlp", hasbro says they never have nor did they have any plans to create/air an mlp show and there weren't any available plushies/toys; the prequel explained that these were not available to the public. This all leaves me to question however, why hasbro would have created the meet and greet event, or how the general population even knows about the show.

Each story in its own right is worth reading however, and I thank you for your work. Some of the things I enjoyed in this story were that I found it well paced, the characters were understandable, and the story ends with a great potential for more sick and twisted events like a horror should.

Heres hoping october comes soon.

7483955 Thank you for the compliment. Their will be more explanation that will answer that question in October.

7731736 lol thank you that means a lot. We will be seeing Anna again.

I knew I was missing a story, thought it was Flutter, but this is even better *__*

7787533 I'm glad you enjoyed it. Btw I'm linking all stories to The Truth Behind My Little Pony to keep it organized.

7804508 Anna will be coming back shortly. Not in the next one but very soon.

I've stumbled into your works, and this is beautiful. I really hope you continue on this idea in some way.

8039686 Thank you that means alot.

Jesus Christ...what the Hell is pinkie some type of demon/cannibal...hehehe

8091024 It's an ongoing series.

8091174 but still, I want to know, is she or is she not..

If she is, then we're doom, just think of it...the most notorious fourth wall breaker, but also a demon/cannibal..

'Sees pinkie in the t.v. as she slowly crawls out before looking at you with those dark eyes, Those horrible dark eyes and before you know, she disappeared and as you turn around...

I'm not going to tell you the ending because you already know what's going to happen.

8091977 I wouldn't call it a forth wall break, more of a doorway.

Hrm.,.. I likie, but the first part was best until 'meat'.

I wouldn't call her nerfed. More on a different plane of existence and talking into someone's head.

Hey, Opium4TmassS bad pitch, good idea,

I had an idea for a story in which a teenager robs a house only realizing the reason the doors and windows were unlocked were that the owner of said house is doing the how to play with ponies ritual,

so I'm asking permission to steal borrow this idea, write a story, and forward it to you as a sort of filler for the 'How to play with ponies' story you worked on.

The sounds of moaning and creaking woke Anna in the dim night


You're not killing my daydream of wanting to be a pony in Equestria dude.

Give up already :trixieshiftright:

...... Please?:twilightblush:

You can still be pony in Equestria...who just happens to enjoy feasting on living human flesh. ^^

*Hissing intensifies* :fluttershbad:

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