• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 533 Views, 4 Comments

Harmony Day - Ditz

Discord sees festivities happening, so he wants to find out what they are all about.

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Chapter the Only One

“What a totally, nonspecific, wonderful day it is today. Not! What has gotten into me that I wake up, and the moon isn’t moving on its own!” these were the complaints of one Discord as he left his home, aimlessly slithering through the sky, letting his snake-like body go where the wind would take him. Chaos was all that he required, after all.

“That would be the plan, if I weren’t being handicapped at the moment,” he thought, stopping mid spin, and reaching into his nonexistent pockets, wringing out a large stack of papers, and donning a pair of thick framed glasses to read the contents.

Be good.

Looking exasperated, he tossed the items away, huffing and puffing at the prospect of what he had read. “I always get stuck with the difficult tasks, don’t I?” he spun on ahead regardless, his mind running amok with thoughts of his predicament: had the god of chaos himself been tamed? How had he, in his month of freedom gotten to such a state? How did Sunbutt manage to keep that luscious mane for so long?

But the tossing in his mind stopped as he arrived to the always obvious reasoning; the yellow horse. The one who resided in his heart and had given him friendship, of all things. It was something new, something that he had never been part of, but now was attached to like a cat to a couch. Surely, you could try to pull the cat off the couch, but the only way that it could accept would be if there was another couch which was shinier, it would probably make toast too, and who can really argue against that incentive?

Suddenly looking down, Discord found himself over a specially bustling city. He didn’t know what town it was, but the sounds of celebration made that a null point because everyone was having fun and he hadn’t been invited. Surely, it was a tragic misunderstanding.

“Of course, that would require me to find out the occasion,” he said, disappearing in a flash of light, and appearing inside one of the city’s homes, staring straight into the face of an innocent calendar. Ignoring the number it passionately presented to him, he looked under it, reading the name of the present-less holiday.

Harmony Day

“That’s new,” he thought, trying his best to recall if anypony had ever spoken of such a day even in his stone bodied state, but nothing came to his mind, much to his surprise. Was this a new holiday he hadn’t been told about? As strange as that were, it would need to be fixed.

He flew over the city, staring at the usual colorful celebration ribbons hanging over the streets. “Boring would be an apt word to describe it,” Discord thought, hovering over the ignorant ponies who busied themselves with treats that they likely weren’t willing to share with him. Where was the harmony in that?

He grew bored of observing fairly quickly, noting the lack of visuals involving the holiday itself, something found strange even by ‘the-all-powerful-alihorse’ ruler’s personality, perhaps sitting in a throne doing nothing of particular importance made her more boring than usual. “But I was trapped in stone for just as long and she doesn’t see me souring everypony’s mood!” he concluded, knocking the ice cream out of an unsuspecting unicorn’s magical grasp as he entered a book store nearby.

Discord’s appearance out of thin air was not received well by the mare who clearly had a horn on her—obviously knowing of such magic—as she hid behind her desk, terrified, clearly not welcoming him. “I suppose the greetings are on my part, then, are they not? The name is Discord, God of cHaos,” he noted, as he magicked a small plate and tea pot, serving a sizable fix for the pony to drink.

Slowly, the pony of unknown name or importance looked up to him, then back down to the plate with the fifteen second old tea, before suddenly speaking up, asking Discord h-h-h-h-h-how she could help him.

Spoilsports weren’t part of Discord’s balanced chaos breakfast, as he lowered himself down, sipping the tea while simultaneously sipping the plate along. “Normally, you would be floating right now, but I’m far too keen in my question of what these ‘celebrations’ are all about. So, I expect you to give me an answer, and quickly if you want your life to return to being boring once more.”

Strangely enough, the pony was hesitant to answer herself, delving into her desk in search of something or other, bringing out the something in that search which happened to be a small book, almost jokingly so, which she slowly hovered over to Discord himself.

“I suppose this will do,” he shrugged, storming out of the store in a rainbow of colors, leaving behind a mess of books all over the floor and an overwhelmed mare, still caught in the shock. She was not able to recover before Discord returned, meekly saying: “I am SO sorry for the mess! I learned that from a terrible influence, never visit Ponyville again, I suppose. Ta-ta!” he stated at last, before literally popping out of existence in front of her.

Popping back into the frame, Discord was quick to burst into laughter. Taking out the small book, and promptly reading the clearly childish words written as he rebelled in what he had done. However, that was not to last, as he continued his reading, and finally reaching the end of the book, puzz- “WHAT!?” he roared, cutting his confusion short, and promptly disappearing in a puff of smoke.


Drinking from a cup of tea, Sunbut-yellow-horse-the-all-powerful-alihorse enjoyed the relatively quiet day, sitting down in her throne room. She hadn’t yet taken part in the festivities themselves, allowing her sister to do that instead as she dozed off in her self-brought solitude.

This, however, didn’t last long as the castle walls trembled, the lamps flickered, the windows creaked, and her crown tipped sideways (if only very slightly) as a puff of smoke spontaneously appeared, and imploded into the form of Discord, who did not look too happy, as shown by the prop glasses he wore.

“Celestia!” he yelled, finally naming the pony with the long title. “What is this!?” he asked, holding the book near her face.

“Good morning, Discord, it's good to see you,” she welcomed him unfazed. “And I do believe that’s a book.”

He huffed, and he puffed, and he opened the book, revealing the last page, showcasing the words in bright, glittery text saying: “And that’s how Equestria regained its freedom from the chaotic evil known as Discord come now, Celestia, everypony knows I’m more of a Chaotic Neutral type!”

“Well, you can’t expect me to write every book on the matter, can you?” she shrugged, taking another sip from her cup. “Besides, I feel you being here isn’t just for an inaccuracy, is it?”

“Why didn’t you tell me that there was a day celebrating my defeat under you and your sister’s cheating hooves!” he asked, wondering what her answer would be. Perhaps she had a lesson in mind, forcing him to learn how to be modest? Maybe she was trying to get him to talk about the whole issue? Maybe she had forgotten? Old people do that.

As she took another sip from her cup, Celestia revealed a smile behind it as she uttered without restraint: “Honestly, I just wanted to see the look on your face when you found out.”

Author's Note:

Inspired by the 4th of July, I wrote this story in a day, as it's possibly noticeable in the overly silly-fied writing. That being said, hope you can enjoy it for the dumb thing it is.

Thank you for reading! :rainbowwild:

Comments ( 4 )

GG Bubble Butt, good story but your avatar will still be mine one day. We'll see which one of us can play the waiting game even longer.

7367372 Thank you!

And good luck with that. :derpytongue2:

On the one hand, you captured the near incoherence of a disgruntled Discord very well.

On the other, intentionally nigh-incoherent is still nigh-incoherent.

This one's a wash for me, fun and obnoxiousness balancing each other to the point where I came out ultimately neutral.

8610278 That's fine. Appreciate that you gave it a shot!

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