• Published 10th Jul 2016
  • 3,903 Views, 59 Comments

Observation - Inucroft1

Great galactic Empires that have fallen into themselves, other alien races whom have also learnt how to travel the stars and wonders that befuddle human knowledge. All have been discovered by humanity, yet a certain little planet needs a closer look.

  • ...


“I’ve got to admit, Lieutenant, this has got to be one of the strangest things I’ve seen... stranger than that planet sized egg in M-5-7-7” calmly spoke Michelle, trying to hide the confusion within. Breaking the silence that had reigned within the bridge for the past couple of hours. Rachel simply nodded, too focused on operating the sensors to try and get a more accurate readings from the system around them. Grunting in annoyance as yet another calibration failed to remove the extreme level of background interference.

The ship ambled forward at speeds that made the first interplanetary ships of Earth look akin to racing cars of old. Michelle refused to go faster than quarter sub-light speed, until the navigation sensors were working within optimum tolerance. Not the first time, grimly thought Michelle shuddering with the memories of previous explorations gone wrong.

Progressing deeper into the system, the pair slowly learnt that there were further objects in the system than simply the star, planetoid and moon. Small clusters of asteroids formed into focus as the ship move within a few hundred miles of them, only for the asteroids to slip back into the interference clouding their view as the ship moved further away.

Grateful for Michelle’s caution, Rachel sighed and simply glared at her console. Having so many default configurations of the sensors failing was a pain, worse that all the manual reconfigurations so far had failed made it a personal insult to her pride. Yet she was simply glad that so far, anything that could be a threat was able to be picked out with a few hundred miles to spare.

“Please put your hooves together for our benefactor and ruler, Princess Luna!”

The maroon stallion bowed and moved off the podium to allow the Diarch take his place. Pausing to allow the applause die down, Luna surveyed the auditorium, taking in the sight of the small collection of ponies in attendance. Youths, students, university lecturers and simply hobbyists occupied the seats.

“Thank you, Solar Comet” giving the stallion a nod in acknowledgement, she took a deep breath as Luna faced the crowd. “After I halth returned just over two years ago, I was overjoyed when I learned from mine sister that the study of the stars had not died out during my banishment. Some of you will remember my reaction, however, when I learned the state it was in. So much knowledge hast been lost, most in the purges following my… banishment”

Pausing to elevate a glass of water to partake a sip from, Luna was pleased to note unhappy reaction of those in attendance.

“I sort out those whom hoarded what little knowledge of old and those willing to learn what was lost. I transformed bits into bricks, wood and parchment; without magic nor alchemy! The small annex added to the castle library has allowed a renaissance in Astronomy to begin. You all here, each and every one of thou are the seeds that will grow into a great tree. Your dedication has what has made Stars of Equestria, what it is today and-“
Cheers of gratitude reverberated around the room, forcing Luna to pause in her speech. Smirking, she waved a hoof to quieten the overly enthusiastic members. A few gave a sheepish smile in embarrassment as they sank back into their sky blue cushioned seats.

“As I was saying, you all are the key for much of the progress made. Without you, then all the bits spent would have been worthless. Indeed, Canterlot University hast even given the option to have a class in astronomy in their physics courses. All thanks to thine passion for the stars. To get to the point of my speech this fine evening during your Annual Meeting. At the behest of mineself and my sister; the Equestrian Government has agreed this very day, to open a new department into investigate what is beyond the void surrounding our solar system”

Stunned silence reigned. Whatever level of attention they were paying to her earlier, they were all now firmly affixed on her.

“Thou heard correctly, my explorers of the sky. With the advances of technology and magic in mine absence, we have been able to design the most powerful telescope in Equestrian history. Genelcolts and mares; we can build it, we have the technology, we have the capability of making the world’s first techno-magic telescope. Better than before, better, stronger, faster.”

A rousing cheer hit Luna like a tidal wave. Unlike before, everypony joined in. Basking in the approval, she felt some of her doubts return. Shrugging them off to live in the moment, Luna stepped down off the podium. With a quick flourish of magic, she teleported away.

Blinking back into existence on her personal balcony, Luna heaved a sigh of relief. Giving the news to those invested into space exploration was one thing, trying to convince the masses was another. Looking up into the early night sky she had created, a silent prayers pass over her lips.
It had been hard for both herself and Celestia to convince Parliament to grant the funds along with approval needed to get the project started. The “Search for Extra-Equis Intelligence Bill” was a hallow shadow of which Luna envisioned, but it was a start.

Casually walking into the warmth of her bedchambers, having enjoyed the chill of the night for long enough. When doing so, she levitated two scrolls from her shelves and unfurled them on a table sitting in the corner of her room. Taking a seat, Luna started to read through the second scroll filled with various statistics, while also making notes on the first scroll.

Her note taking went throughout the night, slowly but surely crossing out entire sections on the second scroll. Hours after the moon had passed its zenith, all but one section of the scroll had been finally crossed out.

Standing up, she stretched her stiffened muscles giving a quite murmur of happiness. Luna walked towards a large map of Equestria hung on her wall. Looking over the map, the mare spotted what she was looking for. A large grin passed across her face as she elevated a pin from one of her draws and placed it onto the map.


Author's Note:

Princess Luna, Princess of Monologues!

Not as large as the first chapter, but helping built for future events and plot. Not the best chapter I've written either but in some ways necessary.

If you haven't realised the reference, have a read about S.E.T.I :pinkiesmile: