• Published 13th Jul 2016
  • 3,263 Views, 13 Comments

Spike's Actual Date - Silver Topaz

Spike and Starlight go on their first actual date.

  • ...

Asking her out

Spike sat on a cloud, looking bored. He went all around town and asked everypony he knew, and he still didn't have anything to do. Spike sighed and laid down on the cloud, looking over the town. He thought about his options, "I can wait for Starlight to finish, or I could go somewhere else" Spike thought to himself. He went through his options and realized there was nothing to do but wait. He could fly to Canterlot or the Crystal Empire, but he didn't really feel like it. Spike sighed one more time and decided to sleep to pass the time. "Hey Spike", Spike was interrupted by a voice. He looked around until his eyes fell onto a familiar face.

"Silver Breeze". Spike said in almost a whisper.

Said pegasus sat down next to Spike on the cloud. "So what are you doing?".

"Nothing really, I mean there's nothing to do". Spike said not even looking at him.

"I know what you mean". Spike turned to look at him.

"Don't you have to work?".

"Today is my day off Spike". Silver Breeze laid down on the cloud, looking like he was about to sleep. "Today is my lazy day Spike" he said with a yawn.

"I know what you mean, lately Twilight hasn't been needing my help". Spike sighed sadly "I think she's starting to move on".

"Well she has to Spike". Spike turned to look at Silver, with a confused look on his face. "Twilight knows your dating Starlight right" Spike nodded, "well she knows one day you'll move on, so she needs to try and do more things by herself".

"That's stupid Twilight knows I'll never abandon her". Spike said a little anger present on his voice.

"Maybe she doesn't want to make you choose". Silver whispered so low, not even Spike could hear it.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing Spike". Silver scratched the back of his head looking really nervous. "Look maybe Twilight just wants you to do your own thing, have freedom to do all the things you have ever wanted to do". Spike looked at him with a skeptical look, Spike was smart enough to know when someone was lying and this was one of those moments. "You know what I'm going to get some rest okay" whit that Silver closed his eyes, hoping Spike would just follow along. Spike was still curious about what he said but he wanted to get some rest, so he decided to ask him later.

Spike moved around, as he slowly opened his eyes. He saw that the sun was starting to set. He wondered how long had he been asleep, but he stopped when he saw a letter in front of him. He grabbed it hoping that it would say that Starlight was finished. Sure enough it said exactly that, he stretched and got ready to go back home when a voice stopped him. "Someone's excited", Spike turned around and saw that Silver was still here.

"Well I'm going home, Starlight is finally done whit the books she was reading so we can be together now". Silver raised an eyebrow.

"And". Silver said.

"And what?" Spike asked confused.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know". Silver gasped.

"Spike don't you have a plan?" Silver asked, sounding concerned.

"A plan for what?"

"For a date". Realisation finally hit Spike, as he scratched the back of his head. "So I take that as a no" Spike confirmed his suspicion. Silver shook his head, after his friend finally moved on from Rarity, and started dating Starlight he had done nothing. Silver made a decision he was going to help Spike create the perfect date, but he needed to know what they did on their regular dates. "So Spike what do you do on your regular dates with Starlight?"

Spike scratched the back of his head and he gave a cheeky grin. "Well besides the practice date, Starlight and me we haven't been on a date". Silver's mouth hung opened, after being with her for awhile now they haven't been in a single date. "What do they do then" Silver thought to himself.

"Spike how come you haven't been on a date yet". Spike shrugged and Silver just started pacing back and forth. Spike looked at him with a very confused look.

"What's the big deal?"

Silver ran to Spike and he grabbed his face. "What's the big deal Spike" Silver practically screamed, "Spike a date it's when you get to know her for real, you know talk, spend some time together alone". Spike still didn't know why Silver was acting that way, they already spent time together and talked so what was the difference. "Okay Spike I have a plan for the perfect date", Spike was about to protest but he realized spending some time with Starlight outside the castle would actually be pretty good.

Spike sighed "okay what's the plan?"

"Canterlot of course". Silver said while pointing at the city in the mountain.

"But Rarity told me that most Canterlot restaurants are terrible".

"Well yeah, but only some of them. I have a friend that owns one of the best restaurants in Canterlot. I'll talk to him and get you a reservation, the atmosphere and the food are great, you two are going to love it". Spike thought about it and he decided why not. Silver knew about good food, so any restaurant he recommended was worth checking out. "But what to do after".

"What do you mean?".

"This date has to be perfect, taking her to a restaurant that's a good start, but we have to think what to do after". Silver and Spike started thinking, after a little bit Spike got an idea.

"How about i take her to the Canterlot garden". Silver was confused, "a walk under the moonlight, a perfect spot to see the stars, and the scenery is just beautiful what do you think". Silver thought about it and the more he did, he realized it was the perfect plan.

"Spike do you have permission to be there?"

"I'll send a letter to Celestia telling her about it, I'm sure she won't mind it".

Silver smiled, "okay so we have a plan you go ask Starlight on a date and send that letter to Celestia and I'll fly to Canterlot to speak with my friend". Silver opened his wings to start flying but Spike stopped him.

"Wait I can just use my fire breath to send a letter to your friend in Canterlot".

"I know Spike, is just this way I'll have something to do". With that Silver took off, and Spike did the same.

Spike made it to the castle. He ran inside and he went directly to Starlight's room. He knocked it , told her it was him and when she said come in he went in. Starlight was laying down on her bed, she looked at Spike and smiled, "so did you find something to do while I was busy".

"You can say that". Spike walked to the bed and sat down. He looked at her and smiled, while giving her a hug. "Hey Starlight do you want to go on a date with me?"

Starlight looked up at Spike. "You want to go now?"

Spike looked at her, "yeah I mean we haven't been on our first date yet so, I have it all planned out".

Starlight looked like she was in deep thought. Have they really not been on a date, well there was the practice date and that was it. Starlight couldn't believe it but she knew what she had to do, "okay Spike let's go on a date".

Spike got up looking really happy. "Okay I'll go get ready, I have a letter I need to send and the we'll go okay". Starlight nodded getting up as well. Spike gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and started running to his room. Spike made it to his room and started writing the letter to Celestia. He finished it sent it and almost immediately he got an answer. Celestia told him it was fine, as long as they didn't caused any trouble. Spike started dressing up in his special made suit, when he finally realized something. Silver never told him were to go.

In that moment, almost as if someone heard him say that a letter appeared in Spike's room. It was from Silver, "hey Spike I got you the reservation, just look for the restaurant called Equestrian Garden okay, just tell the guy at the door your name okay. Although he will probably know it's you since I told him your a dragon. Never mind I'll be there just in case, good luck my friend".

Wow, so everything was going according to plan great. "So it's time, my first date okay Spike you can do it". Spike went back to finishing up. When he heard a knock on the door, "who is it?"

"It's me" The voice of Twilight made its way through the door.

"Come in". Twilight opened the door.

"Hi Spike are you going somewhere".

"Yeah I'm taking Starlight out on a date".

Twilight looked to the ground and only said one word "oh". Spike noticed it.

"Twilight is something wrong?"

Twilight looked around nervous for a bit, "no nothing is wrong I was just curious, anyway good luck on your date okay bye". With that Twilight left closing the door behind her. Okay first Silver now Twilight, what's going on. Spike thought for a moment about having a talk with Twilight, but he decided against it. He knew Twilight and he knew there was something bothering her, but he knew that trying to make her say it wasn't going to work. She will talk to him when she's ready, but Spike made a mental note to keep a close eye on her. After what happened with that doll, he was very cautious about waiting for Twilight to talk. So he needed to pay attention.

Spike finished getting ready. He put his suit on and waited at the door for Starlight. When she finally showed up Spike was amazed. She had no makeup but she still looked beautiful, and she was wearing a red dress with a floral design. Spike shook his head a bit and smiled, "are you ready to go". Starlight nodded, Spike opened the door for her and they went out. Spike could only hope that things went well.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took me so long. I've been kinda lazy, so I'll try to get the other chapters done more quickly. As for the name of the restaurant sorry I'm not that creative. So as always I hope you enjoyed.