• Published 18th Jul 2016
  • 2,005 Views, 23 Comments

Truth be Told... - dramatic_spoon

Harpo, Beauty Brass and Frederick try to figure out why Octavia is acting so oddly.

  • ...

Time For Us

“...And I was like, Oatmeal? Are you crazy?” Beauty Brass concluded before bursting out into loud, enthusiastic laughter. Frederick politely laughed, while Harpo only shook his head. As the laughter died out, the three noticed the last member of the group, a grey skinned girl with long, black hair, staring at the clock.

“Octavia? You alright?” Brass asked.

“What? Oh yes, fine.” the other girl absentmindedly responded.

“...Was it funny?”


“What was the punchline, then?” Brass continued as she raised her eyebrow.

“Something about hot sauce.”

Harpo shook his head.

“You didn’t listen to a word I said,” Brass frowned.

“I’m sorry, I was miles away.”

“You seem to be spacing out more and more lately, is something wrong?” Frederick asked.

“No, no, everything’s…What time is it?”

“About Four, why?”

“I have to…” Octavia paused, “Got to go, bye.”

Octavia got up, grabbed her cello case and ran off. Her three friends watched as she turned a corner.

“She’s been acting odd lately, hasn’t she?”

Harpo and Brass nodded in agreement.

“Perhaps she has a boyfriend?” Frederick continued on, “...No, that’s not very likely, is it?”

“Just because she won’t date you doesn’t mean she can’t find someone else,” Brass countered. Harpo nodded in agreement.


“She hasn’t mentioned anything to you, did she?” Brass looked at Harpo. The silent teen shook his head.

“Yeah, she hasn’t told me anything either.”

“I’m sure she’ll tell us when she’s ready,” Frederick stated.

Brass shrugged. “Maybe.”

Harpo coughed, catching the attention of the other two: the silent teen held up a backpack.

“Ah, Octavia must have forgotten it,” Brass took out her cellphone and quickly dialed a number, “Pick up, pick u...”

She trailed off as one of the pockets in Octavia’s bag began to vibrate.

“...Or we can just go and look for her and give it back.”

“Do you even know where she went?”

“We can ask. Maybe we can see what she’s hiding.”

“That’s rude is…” Frederick trailed off as Brass grabbed her own bag and ran out the door, “..n’t it?”

He sighed as he got up, “Best we go after her.”

Harpo frowned and gave Frederick a knowing look.

“If Octavia is trying to keep things secret, do you really want Beauty to be the first to know?”

Harpo frowned.

“...Yes, I admit that I want to know too. Don’t pretend that you’re not interested either.”

Harpo shrugged.

“Anyway, we better get going.”


Brass paused and listened for the sound of footsteps.

“Hm. I could have sw…”

“Beauty! Wait up!”

She looked behind her as Frederick and Harpo came to a halt. Frederick gasped for air, as Harpo rolled his eyes.

“I knew you couldn’t help it.”

“We agreed that you would probably make things worse if you found out first.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Harpo scoffed and crossed his arms.

“...That was one time,” Brass grumbled.

“One time is sometimes one time too many,” Frederick added.


“Did you see where she went?” Frederick continued on as Harpo rolled his eyes.


“So should we ask someone or…” Frederick trailed off.

“I haven’t really sea…” Beauty trailed off, “Hey, look there’s Soarin.”

“Wait, don’t-”

“HEY SOARIN!” Beauty called out as she ran to the soccer player. Frederick rubbed his temples while Harpo shook his head.

The blue-skinned teen glanced over as the musician ran towards him. She skidded to a stop in front of him, gasping for breath.

“Hey um...Beauty, right?” the soccer player chuckled, “Can I help you with something?”

“You haven’t happened to seen my friend Octavia, have you?”

“The grey one? Yeah, I saw her go that way,” Soarin jabbed a thumb behind him, “I think she was heading towards the gym.”


“Hey, if you see Rainbow Dash, let her know practice is canceled,” the soccer player ran a hand through his hair, “Sprinklers broke so the place is flooded.”

“We’ll let her know if we see her.”

Soarin walked off, muttering, “Guess I should call Minnie and let her know I’m freed up…”

Before Beauty could take off again, Harpo and Frederick grabbed her arms.

“What are you doing? Let go.”

“Has it occurred to you that we need to be quiet?” Frederick hissed, “If you’re going to spy on someone, you need to do it quietly.”

Harpo glared at the Frederick. He rolled his eyes, “Yes, I know I’m not one to talk,”

“....why bother?”

“Too much noise and she’ll hide.”

“Not if we get there before she can,”

“Can we actually listen to me for once?” Frederick grumbled.

“Harpo, who’s got a better idea?” Beauty looked at their silent companion.

“Oh, now you want his opinion.”

Harpo paused for a moment, thinking his options over. He shook his head and patted Frederick on the shoulder.

“Of course you’d take his side,” Beauty grumbled.

“Good, now let’s go.”

The two of them let go of Beauty, who dusted off her shoulders. The three began to silently move towards the gym.

“You think she’s going to be inside or behind it?” Beauty asked.

“Behind would be more safe, I think,” Frederick responded.

“Hi Beauty!”

The three turned to see an excited pink haired girl run up and embrace the three.

“Hi Pinkie,” Beauty wheezed.

“What are you all doing here, are you looking for Rainbow too?”


“Pinkie, put them down.”

Pinkie released the three, as Sunset, Fluttershy and Applejack caught up to her.

“Dammit Pinkie, we told ya not ta go runnin’ off by yerself,” Applejack grumbled.

“What are you talking about?” Frederick asked.

“Dashie ran off saying she was late for a meeting, but she forgot her guitar,” Pinkie responded, “We had practice today.”

“And she’s supposed to be here?”

“Well that’s what Spitfire said,” Sunset responded, “We ran into her.”

“Are you looking for her too?” Pinkie cut in.

“No, we were looking for Octa…” Frederick trailed off, “Wait, does that mean they’re both here?”

Harpo shrugged.

“You don’t think…” Frederick trailed off, “Did Rainbow Dash say who she was meeting with?”

“Nope,” Applejack paused, “Who’re you lookin’ for?”

“Octavia ran off saying she had to meet with someone,” Beauty responded, “Soarin said he saw her go this way.”

“...Mighty suspicious,” Applejack frowned, “Y’think they’re meetin’ up with th’ same fella?”

Harpo and Sunset exchanged knowing glances.

“...Wait, where’d Pinkie and Beauty go?”

“Oh no.”

The group quickly and silently made their way to the gym. Frederick pulled on of the doors: locked.

“Well they’re not in there,”

“Around the back,” Sunset motioned.

The group crept around to the back: the backs of Pinkie and Beauty clearly in view, as they peeked around the corner.

“What’s wrong?” Frederick whispered.

The two girls spun around, eyes wide open in surprised. The others pushed their way past and peeked around the corner:

Octavia and Rainbow Dash sat on an old, discarded desk, locked in a passionate kiss. Their friends quickly ducked back behind the corner, surprised at what they had seen.

“...Well...that was unexpected,” Frederick muttered. Several others nodded in agreement.

“Maybe we should...just...you, know, leave them be.”

Frederick and Fluttershy’s response was cut short as they heard Rainbow Dash speak.

“Something bothering you, Tavi?”


“You got that look. You know you make this face when you’re upset.”

“It’s...It’s nothing,”

“C’mon you can tell me.”

“I think my friends are starting to get suspicious,”

“About us?”

“That I’m in a relationship in general. Frederick might not believe it, but the others might. Especially Harpo.”

“...Yeah, I mean, other than Rarity, the others don’t know.”

“She told Rarity,” Pinkie huffed.

The two lovebirds fell silent.

“So what do you want to do about it?” they heard Rainbow ask.

“...I want to tell them, but at the same time….I’m not sure if they’ll accept it.”


Rainbow and Octavia jumped at the outburst and whirled around. Beauty stood at the corner of the gym, quickly followed by Pinkie and the others.

“You really think we’d be upset?” Beauty huffed.

“I’m more annoyed that you told Rarity before th’ rest o’ us,” Applejack grumbled.

“You followed us?”

“Well, you forgot your bag. And your phone,” Beauty added.

“Forgot your guitar,” Sunset held up the guitar case.


The two hopped off the table and approached their friends.

“So...we cool?” Dash asked.

“Of course.”

“Oh, and Soarin said practice was canceled,” Beauty added, “...You guys really been sneaking around back here? It’s...not really romantic.”

“It’s the only place we can really get some privacy,” Octavia sighed.

“Well, the only place we could,” Dash grumbled, “You guys mind?”

“At least go someplace nicer,” Frederick shook his head. Harpo and Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“Well...Alright then, see you guys later.”

Dash and Octavia grabbed their bags and walked off. As they left their friends behind, both of them smiled.

“Told ya it would work,” Dash grinned.

“I know,” Octavia chuckled.

Comments ( 23 )

I promised a few more OctaDash stories, so I'm living up to that.

I've been kicking this one around for a while.

This was fun. Are Bass, Fredrick and Harpo real background persons or OCs?

First-time reading this ship...
Not bad at all.



The Piano player and the harp player at the Grand Galloping Gala.

An interesting pair, to be sure!:twilightsmile:

That last little bit was perfect.

raindow is a mastermind

Umm, but this doesn't have the romance tag.

I prefer my shipping name for this pairing "Roctavia." in any case it was short and sweet.


Roctavia sounds like Maud and Octavia.

Or like Octavia's mirror world counterpart where she's pony Johnny Rotten.

Hmm not bad, I like it!:twilightsmile:

That's... one way to come out of the closet. I think you can call it the "Batman Gambit Aproach."

Also, Harpo is this story's Ferb. Ergo, Harpo is best character.

7404202 I wanna ship Maud and Octavia, but I don't want others to think I only ship them 'cause they're grey.


Harpo is more Harpo Marx than Ferb.


Wouldn't be the silliest reason to start shipping ponies together.


Wouldn't be the silliest reason to start shipping ponies together.

Wait, what was your reasoning behind Dashtavia?

7417903 Mmm, I can see that, and I'm not complaining, but (careful, this part gets Inside Out-ish) the part of my brain in charge of shipping Vinyl and Octavia is complaining that you wouldn't have too change anything if you used them, since apparently Vinyl is friends with the EQG main 6. The rest of my brain is trying to shut her up. My sanity is writing "Redrum" everywhere, which either means I'm an alcoholic now or a homicidal maniac (not that much of a difference either way.)

Okay, this pair is cute.

A Dashtavia story? And in Equestria Girls to boot?


I never thought Rainbow Dash could be so crafty. :rainbowlaugh: Too bad she didn't follow up by racking the lot of them for not minding their own business. :rainbowwild:

I'm curious why this is an alternate universe. Nothing in the movies indicate they're not secretly datin-


...Nevermind. :rainbowwild:


“She hasn’t mentioned anything to you, did she?” Brass looked at Harpo. The silent teen shook his head.
“Yeah, she hasn’t told me anything either.”

Fimfiction didn't skip a line between the two paragraphs here.

“That’s rude is…” Frederick trailed off as Brass grabbed her own bag and ran out the door, “..n’t it?”
He sighed as he got up, “Best we go after her.”


Their friends quickly, all ducked back

Remove the comma.

“She told Rarity/

I think you meant an exclamation or interrogation mark instead of a slash.


“Just because she won’t date you doesn’t mean she can’t find someone else,”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Harpo scoffed and crossed his arms.

“...That was one time,” Brass grumbled.


“One time is sometimes one time too many,”

That's surprisingly wise.

The grey one?

This made me laugh hard for some reason. :rainbowlaugh:

“We ran into her.”

Literally. :trollestia:

“Y’think they’re meetin’ up with th’ same fella?”

Yeah, and they're totally in the middle of a threesome right now. :rainbowwild:

“It’s the only place we can really get some privacy,” Octavia sighed.

“Well, the only place we could,” Dash grumbled, “You guys mind?”

Yeah, seriously. You should be ashamed of yourself. :rainbowwild:


Yeah, and they're totally in the middle of a threesome right now. :rainbowwild:

Completely honest, there's a significant amount of me that wants to write a story with my two favorite Rainbow Dash ships combined into an OT3.

Except TurnerDashTavia, OcatadashTurner and Octaturnerdash sound kinda stupid as ship names.

These two honestly are an underrated couple, and I wish we could see more stories of this ship rather than all the other ones Octavia has been shipped with, mainly the, in my opinion, oversaturated Vinyl X Octavia stories.

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