• Published 17th Jul 2016
  • 1,296 Views, 11 Comments

Good Night, Luna - tursi

Princess Luna receives a visitor after a long time alone.

  • ...

Not Quite Dawn

Hello... I did not hear you come in. It has been a very long time since I have had a visitor. You must forgive my fatigue, I've been awake all night. Won't you sit?

My name? I've had many names.

When I was young and jealous, I was The Mare in the Moon. I made myself dark and powerful. I tried to destroy this land and my sister, all over a foalish need to be noticed. I was captured, punished with exile to the moon for a thousand years. I was beautiful and feared. On my return, I was redeemed.

By who? The Guardians of Harmony. We always had somepony... at first just my sister and myself, but later we found others who could share the burden and protect the land far better than we could. When one would fall, another would stand up, stronger than the last by the bonds that tied them.

After that, I was The Princess of the Night. I guarded the land at night whilst my sister guarded the day. Nighttime is my affinity, you see, I have a talent for all things related to the night. I not only guarded the land while our citizens slept, I treated their worst fears by entering their dreams and guiding them to their destinies. I was beautiful and loved. It was a good life.

Improper dreams? Haha... yes, sometimes. But I was never there to judge. It was my duty and my privilege to guide. The secret to dream-walking is to hint and let the dreamer find their own path. You can never tell them what to dream, only suggest what they might want to dream.

In the Great Wars, I was Commander of Intelligence. I used those same dream powers to penetrate the secrets of our enemies and lead them to their worst fears. I did not show mercy. It was an ugly time, but it was necessary. I grew much older during these difficult times.

Yes... yes it bothers me still, sometimes. But I hope that I saved lives in the long term. I did the best that I could and I did not wish harm on anypony. Fear can be much more powerful. Still... I was grateful never to have to repeat those nights.

After that came the Great Peace. Then as now, I was just Luna. Those who looked to us for guidance in the past began to question why they needed us to lead. They formed governments and sought to lead themselves. But we did not resist, we stepped away. In truth we were grateful for a chance to rest. Soon they began to forget about us, to call us myths and legends. We were grateful for this as well. It was a quiet time.

Family? Yes, I've had family. I'm not the only eternal... my older sister was one as well. But she faded... I lost her a thousand years ago. She was the last one I knew. It's funny, everything happens here in thousand year cycles. After that, I withdrew to here, where I could sit on the edge of civilization. We know there were other eternals, but... they were in other worlds, and other realms. I wonder how many of them remain...

The others? Yes, there were other alicorns here, of course. They were not true eternals, they were ascended from the common pony tribes, but they were family all the same. Cadance, Twilight Sparkle, Winter Gleam... they were some of the first and most loved. I remember them all. My sister and I knew how to guide them, how to raise the most talented ones up until they could create the new magic needed to ascend them. It was our way of trying to share the loneliness. But they could only hold onto a few millennia. After a while... it hurt too much to work with another, only to lose her again.

Now I am alone. Our citizens are still out there, but they do not know that I am here. This is why I am surprised that you have found me. It is much easier this way, and it takes me so long to gather up the magic they expect of me. I can hear them when I really listen, and I like to see their progress. It is amazing what they have accomplished. But they do not need magic anymore. They are doing fine without my help, and I am tired.

Was it worth it? What a curious question... I should need to think for a moment.

Yes... yes, I am content. It was worth it. Every win and every loss as well. Every love and every hurt. I would not give any of it up. It was worth it.

You want me to go with you? I have not left this cave for a very long time. I'm not certain that I should. What would we see?

Something new, you say. That would be impressive. I have lived for a very, very long time and I have seen so many things already.

How long? I have lost track of the centuries. I have seen so much come and go, sometimes it blurs together. But not all of it is blurred. I was there when we founded this land - that memory will never fade. I remember strongly every time we fought for freedom and won. I remember reconciliations and ponies achieving their dreams and the excitement of discovery. And I will never forget every one we lost.

They're waiting for me? Who...? Well, how unexpected... I should not want to disappoint. It has been so very long since I've been expected anywhere. But... I am not up to travel right now. I really must lay down. I have been up all night, you see, and I am so very tired.

Perhaps I will take a nap, and then I can go with you. You don't mind waiting, do you?

Let me just rest my eyes.

Just for a minute.

Comments ( 11 )

Nice - added to Sad Luna!

... I think 'Not Quite Dawn' is a better title, but I can't change it now.

Comment posted by tursi deleted Nov 11th, 2016

AAAAH! Feels man :raritycry:

Pretty short but nice little story :) It's well written and really sad. Not too much to comment about, but the writing style is a little different from what you usually write (or of what I've read so far).

Woah, stop. Actually, noticed something wrong here.

They were not true eternals, they were ascended from the common ponies of the unicorn tribes, but they were family all the same. Cadance, Twilight Sparkle, Winter Gleam...

Cadance ascended from a pegasus.

8180441 Yes, she did, but I didn't really consider that when I wrote this (I can't remember if I knew that at the time, I used to think Cadance was a pretty pointless character. She has grown on me.) I could change that one word, I guess, but it took you two passes to notice. ;)

I'm also not sure I like that. If Twilight needed to create new magic to ascend (and it had never been done before?), how would a pegasus do that? I suppose we'll have the answer someday. The whole ascension thing is kind of poorly defined at the source. :)

This was a personal writing for me. I roleplayed as Luna on Second Life for more than three years and I was dearly missing the role. That's why this is written in the style that it is - I was playing out her final scene. I got some closure from that.

I was looking at it just a couple of days ago and wondering whether it was too vague, or whether deliberately omitting the other party's questions weakened it. I still kind of like this approach - was there really someone else there? Leaves it pretty open.

Anyway, thanks for the comments! :)

The way I envision this... only read this if you want to know what I intended the meaning to be. Also read the story /first/, it's spoilers.

You are the grim reaper, come to take Luna to the next life. That's how you found her, and why you're asking the questions, and where you want to take her. She is thousands of years old, she has been alone for the past thousand, and though she uses the word 'eternals' she knows that doesn't mean forever. She doesn't really realize who you are or why you're there. Her final words are her final breath.

It let me release the role that I'd been playing... and I consider it a happy ending, though it hits my own feels when I think about it.

I've been wanting to outright state this but I want to keep the story vague. That's what comments are for, eh? ;) Also couldn't figure out the spoiler tag last time I tried.

The last eight or ten paragraphs really reminded me of the end of Watership Down. For good reason, apparently.

Hey, thanks man! Appreciate it! :)

Yeah, the feels man.

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