• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 2,054 Views, 11 Comments

Midnight Snacking. - Lunasservant1985

Sweetie and Rarity are awakened in the middle of the night and need something to get back to bed.

  • ...

Two Minutes To Midnight.

Rarity and Sweetie.

Sweetie Belle kicked off her blanket and her eyes flew open in a flash, she felt the roof of her mouth with her tongue and felt a dryness that, coupled with the heat of the early June weather made only one thing come to mind. 'Ice cream. Hhhmmm gotta have something cold and sweet before I"ll be getting back to bed.' With that Sweetie got out of bed and looked over at her alarm clock on her night table. It was nearly midnight but the call of her tummy was just too good to resist. She made sure her bed covers where nice and folded before taking a flashlight from her night table. No sense in waking her parents up by turning the lights on. She flicked the beam on and slowly opened her bedroom door.

Conversely, just a few rooms over Sweetie's sister Rarity was also tangled in a mess of her blanket. Her dream ended abruptly and was gone. The kind you forget the instant it ends. Oh well, she couldn't tell if it was one not worth remembering or if it was one she needed to remember. "Huh another one slips through your fingers eh Rarity girl?" She said to herself as she got out of bed and slipped into her pink fuzzy slippers. Her hand reached for her doorknob which she began to turn.

When Sweetie heard the knob turn, she didn't know which door would open. Either it would be her parents and she'd be sent back to bed with a cup of water and no ice cream, or it would be Rarity who'd want in on her little caper. She held her breath and tried to think, the hall closet? If she could duck inside it in time, she could wait for who ever too pass. The bathroom was out, ducking in there would only have her parents or even Rarity wait before sending her back to bed.

"Midnight snacking again Sweetie?" A soft voiced older girl said as she stepped out to see Sweetie Belle in the hallway, Sweetie could only nod softly and blush hard. "Ice cream?" Was all she could ask as the sisters hugged softly.

"Mhmhmm." She said aiming the beam of her flashlight on the stair case.

"I thought so, come one I'll get it and we'll have some mint chocolate chip with some chocolate sauce shell on top." Rarity said taking her little sister's hand as she guided her down the stairs to the kitchen, not a single light turned on as they made their way to the kitchen. The house was silent as Rarity opened the fridge door for light and then the freezer. While Sweetie got two spoons and bowls from the dishwasher.

"Is it frozen solid? Sweetie asked as Rarity popped the lid and took her spoon from her, she tapped the top of the ice cream softly. Then she started to jam the spoon into the solid mass in frustration. "Shhh! Rarity! You'll wake mom and dad!" She said as Rarity; left with no choice, placed the tub of ice cream in the microwave and set the timer for a minute and a half. "Won't that spoil it?"

"No...it'll soften it for us...you keep your eyes peeled for mother and father while I watch the Ice cream." Sweetie did as she was told, standing guard spoon in hand like a rifle as she watched for lights or doors to open. While Rarity got the shell sauce from the cabinet. The microwave dinged softly and she took the ice cream from it. The tub wasn't steaming or anything but it was definitely warm and a lot more melted than before. "Come on Sweetie, lets eat." Rarity said as she spooned the green dollops into bowls. Sweetie licked her lips softly when she saw Rarity squeeze the bottle of magic shell over the drippy ice cream.

"I needed this...but you know something Rarity? I think sharing a midnight snack of ice cream with you; my big sister, makes all the more yummier." Sweetie said blushing softly as Rarity handed her bowl to her with a smile. The two sisters ate the cool creamy treat as quick as they could without getting brain-freeze. The flavors danced on their mouths as the mix of minty cool with chocolaty richness was savored by them both. When the ice cream was all finished they used the sink to clean the bowls and thewy put them away. Rarity eeped softly as Opal her cat began to meow softly as she nudged her legs.

"No opal, you don;t get your breakfast for another hour." She said trying to shoo her away. Opal meowed louder, loud enough to wake someone.

"Oh just give her a kitty treat to keep her quiet." Sweetie said fetching the bag of natural temptations and flicking one away for the Persian to purr happily as she ate it.

"Spoiled kitty." Rarity said as she lead Sweetie back to her bedroom as they got back to the bedrooms on the second floor, sweetie held her sisters hand tight.

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked looking at Rarity with her eyes big and a little pout on her lips. Rarity just could never say no to that face. She chuckled softly and ruffled Sweetie's hair as she opened her bedroom door and laid down on her bed. Sweetie giggled as she cuddled beside her sister cooing softly in her arms. The blankets thrown over them as Sweetie made soft little noises as Rarity stroked her hair.

"No more late night snacks for a while?" She asked her little sister before she drifted off to sleep.

"Okay...I promise Rarity." Sweetie said as she began snoring softly. Rarity cooed softly as she felt the peaceful sleep come to her.

"Goodnight Sweetie." She said to her while hugging her close. "Love you, my little sister."

"Goodnight Rarity, I love you too...my big sister." She said as they both drifted off to sleep, their dreams the place they met up together until morning.

Comments ( 11 )

I was wondering when someone would make a Fic about that picture...

7445629 you try to get some ice cream but it's been in the fridge for so long it bends the spoon

7450550 thanks for microwaves with a thaw feature :twilightsmile:

7450831 you know like in the fic? just pop a tub of hard frozen ice cream in the microwave, set it on thaw and soften it uo in no time

7450881 thanks for the info I will try that instead of getting angry and throwing it in a random direction in my house only for it to hit my brother coming through the door, it hit him somewhere you don't want to get hit...I used to get angry real easily.:twilightblush:

They have good taste in ice cream.

Sweetie Belle kicked off her blanket and her eyes flew open in a flash, she felt the roof of her mouth with her tongue and felt a dryness that, coupled with the heat of the early June weather made only one thing come to mind. 'Ice cream. Hhhmmm gotta have something cold and sweet before I"ll be getting back to bed.' With that Sweetie got out of bed and looked over at her alarm clock on her night table. It was nearly midnight but the call of her tummy was just too good to resist. She made sure her bed covers where nice and folded before taking a flashlight from her night table. No sense in waking her parents up by turning the lights on. She flicked the beam on and slowly opened her bedroom door.

Can't argue an empty stomach late at night, has happened to me a few times as well.

"I needed this...but you know something Rarity? I think sharing a midnight snack of ice cream with you; my big sister, makes all the more yummier." Sweetie said blushing softly as Rarity handed her bowl to her with a smile. The two sisters ate the cool creamy treat as quick as they could without getting brain-freeze. The flavors danced on their mouths as the mix of minty cool with chocolaty richness was savored by them both. When the ice cream was all finished they used the sink to clean the bowls and thewy put them away. Rarity eeped softly as Opal her cat began to meow softly as she nudged her legs.


"Oh just give her a kitty treat to keep her quiet." Sweetie said fetching the bag of natural temptations and flicking one away for the Persian to purr happily as she ate it.

That was too close. 😓

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