• Published 21st Jul 2016
  • 3,387 Views, 12 Comments

Sunset's Recession - EldinKaiser

When duties overrule personal needs, what's is there to do for a young woman who has lost hope?

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Sunset's Recession

It's been a few month's since we've been engaged. Twi is in Equestria and I'm still here in the human world, stuck with nothing to do other than go to school.

I look at the book that brought us together to see it lighting up and vibrating. I quickly snatched it up to read inside. "Hey, Sunny. How's things going in your world?" She asked.

I gave a small smile and grabbed my pen. "Just living life I guess. How's everything back home?" I asked.

The book sat there for a second without any response coming from her. I gave a frustrated groan as I closed the book and put it in my book bag.

"Everything alright Sugercube?" I hear Apple Jack ask. "Yeah, just kind of frustrated." I said, bringing my knees into my chest. "Well, what's got yall so frustrated?" She asked, sitting down beside of me.
I look over at her and gave a defeated sigh, knowing that I couldn't lie to her. "Twilight, she's been acting kind of distant as of late." I said, looking down at the ground.

"Well she is a princess. Ya gotta understand that sometimes it takes a while to get back to others." She stated.
"I know this, but still... ever since she went back home. It always seems like I'm the last priority." I said, finally meeting AJ's gaze.

"Well, don't ya think that's kinda selfish? I mean, she has responsibilities that kind of over rule anything else on her plate. And besides, ain't she supposed to be coming here soon?" She asked.

"This weekend. Hopefully at least." I said in a blunt tone.

AJ rose a brow and looked at me in concern. "What do ya mean?"

"Well, she was supposed to come up last weekend, the weekend before that, and so on." I said, bringing my knees back up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them to pull them closer.

She sat there and scratched her chin for a moment, pondering in what to say. "Well, why don't you just go over there? May make things easier on the both of yall." She suggested.

"I would love to, but there's a problem there. When I left the first time, I burnt a few bridges along the way. Princess Celestia is furious with me even to this day." I said, now burying my face into my knees.

She sat there in silence for a second, doing her best to figure out a solution. "Well, why don't ya message her and tell her that there is something that yall need to talk about? That usually works with Rarity and her boyfriends that ignore her. Couldn't imagine why they'd ignore her in the first place." She said sarcastically. I chuckled a bit, a faint smile forming on my lips.
I jolted a bit to feel the book activate once more and quickly pull it from my backpack to only see. "That's good. Hey Sunny, is there any way we can postpone again? I'm still rather busy at the moment." I read.

I felt my hands begin to shake with anger as I tossed the book away from me and stormed off, leaving the book behind. "Sunset! What about your book."

"Leave it! I don't care anymore." I snapped as I began to head on home.

When I finally got home, I shut and locked the doors and immediately went upstairs into my room and collapsed on the bed, screaming as loud as I can into my bed in hopes to get my frustration out, but failing at it.

A few minutes passed before I rolled over to look at the night stand to see a picture of me and Twilight together and instantly pushed it off.

"I'd figured by now in our relationship, we would at least be seeing each other on a daily basis. Not once a month." I growled out to myself.

An hour passed as I laid there by myself, still angry at the fact for being blown off again. I hear a knock on the door and didn't budge. I hear it again and groaned. "Go away!" I screamed out.

Of course I hear the knock again and snapped, getting up and began to head downstairs to unlock the door and slung it upon. "What part of go away does no one understand!" I screaming out a bit more of my frustration.

I calm down and looked down to see Fluttershy, terrified of me. I couldn't help but to feel bad as tears began to swell her eyes. "Oh! No, no, no! I am so sorry, that wasn't directed at you. I just..." I paused to look at her. "Rough day?" She asked. "Yeah, I guess you can say that." I replied.

"It's alright, I was coming to check up on you after AJ told me what was going on." I looked at her and gave a small smile. "I-I'll be fine, I just need some time by myse-"

"Hold it, one of my friends is upset. If I can't actually help, then at least I can be there to listen to them." She stated.

I looked at her to see that she was giving me her stare down and gave a defeated sigh. "There's no saying no to you, is there?" I said with a faint laugh. "I guess make yourself at home." I said, opening the door for her.

She wrapped her arm around mine and pulled me into the living room and sat me down and then sat down in front of me. "So, start explaining." She stated.

"Well, what did AJ tell you? I'll fill in what's left." I said, leaning back in my chair. "You feel like you're second priority to Twilight and that you feel like she's ignoring you on purpose." She stated.

"W-Well, not on purpose. But I feel that since we're engaged, she could at least explain why she's being held off from coming up. And a lot of the time, here lately it just feels like she's not really wanting to be with me. We only see each other once a month any more and it doesn't feel like we're together anymore." I said, hanging my head low.

"And the thing is. I love her unconditionally. I miss her so much and it hurts to think that she's trying to ignore me. Though if I could, I'd go back home and be with her, but Princess Celestia doesn't want me there because she thinks that I'm still only after power." I stated, feeling worse and worse with each passing word. "Well, we all know that's not true." Fluttershy said.

"You all do, but Princess Celestia isn't easily persuaded. I mean, she did launch her sister to the moon for over a thousand years." I stated without thinking.

She looked at me, giving me a concern look. "I come from a world full of magical creatures. It would be easier to ask what can't be done with magic." I said.

I spread out on the chair to get more comfortable. "What do you want to do?" She asked.

"I just want her back in my arms. To feel the warmth of her body against mine at night when we sleep. I want to either be back in Equestria or have her here." I said, wrapping my arms around myself and held myself. "Flutters, what should I do?" I ask.

She sat there in thought for a second before our silence was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I groaned and rolled over to face away from the door. I hear the door open and instantly shot up. I knew I locked that door and the only person who has keys is Twilight.

"Sunset?" I hear Twilight call out. I turn around to see a mildly annoyed Twilight standing there.

"Fluttershy, would you mind stepping out for a minute." She asked. Fluttershy nodded and I felt my heart sink. I was in big trouble.

I watch Fluttershy leave the room and step back outside with Twilight taking her seat in front of me. We sat there in silence for a minute before she was the first to speak. "So, is there something you're not telling me?" She asked in an annoyed tone. I hung my head a bit and nodded.

She crossed her arms and I flinched, expecting the worse. "Well, tell me!" She demanded.

I tried my best to mask the tears in my eyes and made sure to not look up. "I-I feel like I'm not important to you anymore. I feel like I'm only second priority. I understand that your a princess and those things come first, but even so, I wish you would at least tell me what's going to be keeping you." I admitted, a few rogue tears running down my cheeks.

I heard her get up and walk over to me and sat down beside of me, wrapping her arms around me and pulled me close. "Sunset, you are the most important person, or pony, in both this world and Equestria. I love you unconditionally and don't think that I would even dare imagine spending my life with anyone else." She said, holding me close to her.

I look down at her and pull her close to me. "I love you too, Twilly and I know you wouldn't hurt me or do anything to hurt me, but we're engaged. I-I was at least hoping by now I would at least be able to hold you every night and be able to wake up with you every morning." I stated.

She nodded softly. "I understand and I hoped for the same by now, but please understand that I can't do that." I felt my heart sink a bit, but nodded softly.

"You know what..." she said, before releasing me. "You are my future wife. My parents already know and approve. Princess Luna knows and approves. All my friends in Equestria know this and approve. I want you there with me more than anything. I would even give up being a princess just to have you back with me in Equestria." She admitted to.

I froze up a bit and shook my head. "No, you don't need to do that. You've worked so hard to get where you're at. You don't need to throw it away just for me." I said, placing my hands over hers.

"I know, but if it means your happiness, then I will do anything to see you smile." She said.

I felt my face light up a bit, actually hearing her wanting to give up everything just for me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled myself into her. "I love you so much and I honestly do not want you to give up all that just for me. I just wish Celestia will give me another chance so that we wouldn't be in this situation." I said, resting my head on her chest.

"Well, she is wishing to talk to you. Maybe it's good news." She said.

I felt my heart lift a bit and nodded softly. "That's actually why I've been gone a lot more is that I've been trying to convince her into giving you another chance, for my sake. I tried to make it a surprise." She said with a soft smile. "Probably should have told you though." She admitted.

I nodded softly and smiled. "Would have been nice, Twilly." I said with a small smirk. She placed her hand on my back, slowly rubbing along my back, lulling me into a content state.

"Well, the options on the table right now is either you come back with me or I stay with you with the portal completely gone" She said.

I whined softly and shrugged. "I don't know honestly. I have my friends here and school." I said, the reality of everything hitting me finally.

"Well, we may actually be able to talk to her about that. She would be more understandable with the situation if you make it clear that you're wanting to learn more about this world and that you wish to continue your studies here while being a resident of Equestria again. Only thing I would have to do is to make sure you get to and from everyday." She said with a smile. "At least long enough until you graduate from here."

I sat there for a moment and nodded softly. "I only have one more year left until then, but at the same time, wouldn't me jumping between worlds possibly mess up the fabrics of time between worlds or something?" I asked.

"Well, I may have ran a couple of tests and I haven't seen any problems like that come forth. But the issue is, If that does become a factor then you have either the option of staying with me in Equestria or I stay with you here." She said, ready to throw away everything once again.

I shook my head. "No, you don't need to do that. You are a princess, my dear. You don't need to do that. If it comes down to it, then I'll be the one to come with you." I said, nuzzling into her softly.

"I do have one final question." She said. I looked up at her in a half tired gaze. "Hmmm?" "Can I stay here tonight?" She asked, blushing a bit.

I smile and nodded softly. "This is your home as well. You don't need to ask." I said, cuddling up close to her.

Comments ( 12 )

I have to ask... Sunset is in a relationship with Sci-Twi :yay: or the pony princess :facehoof: ?

7412005 Pony princess. Though I'm considering writing a sci Twi and actual human Sunset. Kinda have the plot of Human Sunset meets Sci Twi.

Great sequel bro! I think you are my big inspiration for the story I'm making! :pinkiehappy:
I was thinking of a Sci-Twi and pony Sunset and Princess Twilight with human sunset in the story.

7413048 I'm actually at a loss for words. I've never actually had someone say that I've inspired them to do anything xD though like the concept you have ^^ Are you more of a Sci-Twi x Sunset(pony) shipper?

7413559 You could say that... I kinda like shipping them as much as I want to ship pony Twilight with the human Sunset, so, kinda on a 50/50 scale.

I loved this story. Keep up the amazing job you do with SunLight.

That was pretty good. Keep it going.

Overall both this and the prequel are good stories, but I think sunset is a bit off here. She feels a bit to sensitive and not as strong willed as she seems to be in the movies.
Still a nice read though :twilightsmile:

1 year is a short time limit.

7697070 Anymore, in today's society, waiting a year to be engaged is waiting a long time. Especially when I see people getting engaged and married within like 6 months of knowing each other. Though I understand where you're coming from, I was kind of trying to play it off as in they were talking for several months prior to dating, though I neglected to state that and for the negligence I'd like to apologize.

Awesome story, but I have to ask, are they actually engaged or is that what you called being girlfriends?

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