• Published 16th Dec 2017
  • 559 Views, 20 Comments

Derpy and the Pegasi Express Race - TheReaderAndWriter

Derpy has to complete a race across Equestria to save her job as a mailmare. Things go wrong.

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In The Middle Of The Night

It had been five long days since starting all the way back in Vanhoover. A fantastic journey was definitely at the very least past the halfway point. With Canterlot barely visible over the horizon, the trip to their next destination, Baltimare, felt like the longest they had undertaken so far. According to Rainbow Dash, reading their map, they would reach the checkpoint tomorrow.

Getting there faster would have been impossible even if Derpy had been capable of flight. If nothing else they didn't need to take many detours, as the path to Baltimare was practically straight, most of it being almost along the Equestrian railroads. They decided to shave a few hours off their time by going through the forest, past a small mountain, not to mention avoiding the sun in the cool shades of the trees.

It was getting dark, so they set up camp in the middle of the dark woods, their backs towards the mountain cliff. Rainbow Dash retrieved a raincloud so they could have a drink, and there was even enough for a refreshing cold shower to wash away all the sweat. Then, they heated up near the campfire as they had a simple packed dinner. It was nice, it was cozy. Exhausted, but content, it didn't take long for them to rest their tired legs and wings. Tomorrow was going to be another exciting tiring day.

However difficult it would be, they were getting close. It was just the checkpoint in Baltimare, then they only needed to follow the coast past Fillydelphia all the way up to their goal: Manehattan.

Almost there.

"Thanks for the cloud, Rainbow Dash," said Geld. "I really needed to cool off."

"No problem," said Rainbow Dash. Her attention momentarily turned towards the woods, perhaps hearing a critter or something similar.

"Geld," said Derpy. "You've almost crossed Equestria. How do you like it so far?"

"Other than the surprising amount of organized crime, of course," added Rainbow Dash.

Geld looked over his shoulder, towards the west. "Canterlot was really impressive, almost reminded me of the griffon capital. Other than that, I haven't really been floored by any other location," said Geld. "But I have to admit, it's peaceful almost everywhere. Glad I'm not living here, I'd be bored... but happy."

Rainbow Dash laughed. "I wouldn't exactly call Equestria boring."

"In any case, I can see why you like it so much," said Geld, with a look of reminiscing on his face. "Back home, I feel like I have to always watch my back around every single griffon I see. Here, if it wasn't for the Big Bills, I could fall asleep in the streets without a care."

"How did you get on their bad side to begin with?" asked Rainbow Dash. Judging by his eyes, one could just notice that Geld was taken a little off-guard.

Derpy had to admit to herself that she too was a little intrigued, but she had learned both at home and at work it was rude to ask. Still, curiosity kept her from telling Rainbow Dash her question wasn't proper. All she did was keeping herself quiet and small under her cover, not unlike a stealthy cat.

"Well, I guess it wasn't for the reasons I thought. I still owe them a bit of money, but I imagine that now it's because I'm not currently giving the packages to them on a silver platter."

"I know what this is about, you doofus, I meant how and why did you think they were after you to begin with?"

"Well," said Geld shifting his weight a little before settling, "I was going to make a bet, but I needed some extra cash. One of their usual hangouts were just across the street and none of the other griffons around were just about to lend me money, so I went for it. Went straight in and asked the first guy I saw for a small sum."

Rainbow Dash had to scoff just a little. "You didn't think it might have been a bad idea?"

"For what I borrowed I had assumed they wouldn't expect me to pay it back immediately! I didn't think they would go across the sea and Equestria for it. When Derpy and I met them outside Vanhoover, I assumed they were even more extreme than I had heard." Geld sighed. "Either way it doesn't matter. Once I get some price money, I'm going to need to lie low for a while."

Derpy raised her head just a little. "If you didn't have a brother in need, would you have turned us over to them?"

"Just her? Absolutely," said Geld, pointing in Rainbow Dash's direction. "Not you, though, Derpy. You've really impressed me. Not to mention you've really helped out." There was a moment of silence, and something about Geld's shuffling behaviour, him scratching his feathers and rubbing his beak, made the moment feel unnecessarily awkward.

"What is it, Geld?" asked Derpy.

"I'm kind of... I'm kind of an... only child."

Rainbow Dash clearly wasn't surprised, judging by how she rolled her eyes. Derpy, however, just stared at him, eventually thinking she had to have heard him wrong. "What?"

"I'm an only child. I really needed the money, and I know how, well, how much you ponies are about families. You wanted to risk our odds at first, and well, I really felt it was the right move, I guess?"

"Are you serious?! That is awful, so awful!" said Derpy, standing up and marching right up to Geld who simply struggled to back away from her, barely able to get up on all fours, actually looking more terrified of her than any member of the Big Bills.

"H-hey, I'm sorry I lied, but I didn't-"

"Had you told me the truth from the start, I would have helped you then too! I don't care that you lied! That's not the point! If you were willing to put me and Rainbow Dash and bystanders at risk you should have been open with us! Imagine those ponies in Canterlot that got in the way? What if they had gotten hurt? That would have been on not just you, but us!"

Suddenly Geld puffed up his chest, taking a determined step towards her. He then rolled his eyes in an exaggerated manner, finally looking straight into her eyes, beak to face. "Firstly, I never wanted anyone to get in trouble, I just wanted to win! And secondly, hypocrite much, huh?! You still wanted to continue, so you were willing to put ponies in danger too!"

"That's not true!" said Derpy "There were only ever two things I thought about during this whole race! Getting my job back, and helping your fake sibling!"

"And at no point before today, did it ever cross your mind that having an infamous organized little group of criminals be on the warpath after us, might get others in trouble?"

At this, Derpy didn't have an answer, despite desperately trying to come up with one.

Geld took a step back, looking at her with a resentful contempt. "Of course you didn't think about it, and I'm willing to bet that's the basic reason you got fired: because you don't think things through enough."

"Listen, you two," said Rainbow Dash, softly landing between them. "Geld, you were trying to be hurtful, just to be hurtful, didn't you? Say you're sorry."

"I-" but Geld sighed. With anyone else, he might have continued the fight just to continue it, but he couldn't bring himself to keep being angry at the gray mare. "I'm sorry, Derpy."

They watched Derpy trott over to her own spot before Rainbow Dash turned to Geld again. "While you might be in too much trouble with them now for it to matter, I kind of want to know. How much did you actually owe the Big Bills?"

"Oh, three bits."

While Rainbow Dash wasn't surprised by Geld having lied about having a sibling, the amount did take her completely off guard, but it was Derpy throwing her water bottle straight into his face from across the camp that made her jaw drop.

"Are you seriously for real?! You thought they hounded you across Equestria for three lousy bits!?" yelled Derpy.

"I told you I was surprised! How was I supposed to know you happened to carry around what I can only assume is a giant diamond!?"

"You were willing to put ponies in danger because of three bits?!"

"I saw an opportunity and I took it! If there has ever been anything I've been taught as a griffon, it's that!"

"I admit that's kind of a jerk move, Geld, but Derpy," said Rainbow, turning to face her. "You threw that water bottle in his face because you were mad. That wasn't very nice. Apologize."

"Sorry..." said Derpy.

"Good. Now, what I want to know is: does this change anything? Do you still want to finish the race?" asked Rainbow.

"Yes," they said. Geld was a bit more determined than Derpy was.

"At this point, it wouldn't have mattered how this mess started. You are both in trouble, and I guess me too, but I'm fierce so I don't have to worry about anything anyone throws my way. The race is almost over, just a few more days. There isn't a lot of ground left to cover, and I promise you both that no innocent bystander is going to get in more trouble from here on out. I will be 120 percent dedicated to making sure that doesn't happen. Derpy, you will get your job back. Geld, you will get money to pay off your... debts, and then we will leave this whole mess behind us. But, I want us to finish it together. The Pegasi Express Race is about strenghtening bonds, not breaking them. You've worked well together, despite things, and I don't want to ruin that."

Derpy thought it over. Had it not been for the element of danger with the Big Bills, she probably would have simply told him to leave, or left herself to try to finish the race either alone or with Rainbow Dash. She would have given him enough bits, taken his package, and delivered them both. But, she couldn't bring herself to just abandon Geld in the middle of nowhere.

Geld looked at her, no longer puffed up, instead he looked almost small. "Derpy, I'm sorry."

"Let's just go to sleep," said Derpy. "We'll continue tomorrow." She needed to sleep on what to do next. Would they finish the whole race together, or would she practically abandon him in Baltimare where it was safer for them both?

It turned out the choice wasn't really hers to make.

Rainbow Dash's ears suddenly spiked up, she peered into the darkness of the woods, ears twitching, stance tense. In one swift movement, she grabbed the collected rainwater and doused the campfire.

"We're not alone," she whispered in the enveloping cool night. "Get your gear, you've got ten seconds."