• Published 23rd Jul 2016
  • 6,984 Views, 268 Comments

My Life as a Post-Adolescent Pony - Unicorncob

A guy wakes up with a hangover and has to figure out how hooves work.

  • ...

21 - Winter's Going

Some days after Hearth's Warming, Rivershine and I stood in front of the town hall, where it looked like everycreature in Ponyville had gathered. They all looked excited, but I couldn't guess why until she started explaining to me.

"Winter what-now?" I said, just before yawning into my hoof.
"Winter Wrap-Up," Rivershine repeated. "The town gets together to clear up the winter and bring in spring."
"Like ploughing snow?"
"Well yeah, but there's more to it."

The Mayor took the stage, tapped the microphone and blew into it. "Testing. Hello? Is this on?" she muttered into it. The resulting feedback was enough to hush the crowd. "Ahem, good morning! I hope everycreature had a wonderful Hearth's Warming."
Rivershine and I exchanged smiles.
"Now, it's time to begin this year's Winter Wrap-Up! I'm so happy to see such a turnout. Now, for those who don't know, it's Ponyville tradition to shovel the snow, clear the clouds from the skies and wake up the slumbering critters without magic. We'll all get our hooves, claws and paws dirty together."
"I'll try not to leave you the hardest jobs," I murmured with a smirk.
"And I won't leave you the easiest ones," Rivershine shot back.
"And to introduce this year's teams," the Mayor continued, "I'll pass over to this year's All-Team Organiser, Starlight Glimmer."

A round of applause sounded as the School of Friendship's Headmare took to the podium. Instead of her usual cardigan, that morning she was wearing a blue and green vest with tan lining.

"Thank you, Ms. Mayor," she began. "I'm so honoured to be chosen as this year's All-Team Organiser. For any newcomers, as the name suggests, my job is to keep the teams running smoothly while the captains are busy. It helps that I can literally be in three places at once," she added playfully, nodding up at her horn. "I've spoken with the Mayor, and she agreed that since it's technically not being used to physically help with the Wrap-Up, I'm allowed to use my cloning spell to advise all three teams. Just in case any questions are raised."
"The Great and Powerful Trixie approves of this loophole!" a mare called from the crowd.
"Um, thank you," said Starlight, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I took the liberty of assigning everycreature to the team they're best suited for. Don't ask how I determined that. Once you've got your vest, make your way to your team leader--they'll be wearing a legband."

I eventually got my own vest, which was tan. Rivershine's was green. I tried not to balk at the silhouette of a rabbit on mine.
"Ooh, you got the animal team," said River. "I'm on the plant squad."
"I don't have to deal with long-eared demons, do I?" I asked, looking around to see if any of them were lurking in wait to attack me.
"Mostly the other kinds, but I'll let you know if I spot any long-eared ones coming near you."
"Appreciate it." I looked toward other green-vested creatures gathering around Applejack, who was wearing a legband. "Looks like you're needed over there."
"Indeed I am. See you later?"
"Absolutely." We kissed on the lips before joining our teams. I tried not to prance too much on my way over.

I still couldn't believe I had a partner now. A romantic one. I took a chance and it paid off. I found myself often wondering if Valentine's Day. If there was, what should I do for her? Take her out? Buy her something? Cook? No, I didn't know how to cook. But I could learn.

Things were actually going great in the land of Ponies. A lot greater than when I was a human, at least.

I went to the tan-vested Ponies, where I spotted Fluttershy at the front with a legband. Good for her. Next to her was a similarly yellow Earth Pony with a blue ponytail (Ha!) and her own legband. I was pretty sure she was the local vet, but I wasn't sure. Didn't have a pet of my own and all. Wouldn't have minded one, though. Maybe a dog? I liked dogs. Did River like dogs? I could get her a dog for Pony Valentine's!

Focus, lover-boy.

"Alright, folks," the vet spoke up, "I'm Dr. Fauna and this is Fluttershy, and we'll be the leaders of the animal team this year. For any newcomers, our job is simple: We wake up the hibernating animals, clean out their dens and make sure they have food to get them going for spring."
A hippogriff raised a claw. "Don't animals wake themselves up after hibernating?"
"Most of them, yes," answered Fluttershy. It was a good thing the team was quiet or I wouldn't have heard a thing she was saying. "But we've got quite a bunch of sleepyheads to give a gentle wake-up nudge."
"It could cause the animals and the environment quite a bit of damage if they don't wake up on time," added Dr. Fauna, "so it's up to us to keep the balance of nature intact."
No pressure, then. Though, I felt the need to ask. "What kinds of animals are we dealing with?"
"Oh, just cute little hedgehogs, skunks and snakes," gushed Fluttershy.
Snakes? Cute?
"How do we wake them up?" asked a kirin.
"We'll go over what when we get there," said the vet. "We'll start at the park, then head to the animal sanctuary. Fluttershy lives near the Everfree Forest, so she'll take care of the outskirts when we're done."
"Outskirts?" repeated a deer. "We're not going into the forest?"
"Oh, no. The animals inside the forest take care of themselves, just like how the clouds there move themselves without Pegasi's help."

I seemed to be the only one there who didn't find that strange. If anything, everycreature else's surprised murmurs were what got me.

Fluttershy and Dr. Fauna led us out to the park, where creatures in blue vests were at work shovelling snow and...
"The weather team gets to ice skate?" I murmured to a Unicorn next to me, nodding toward the lake.
"They're scoring the ice to make it easier for the sun to melt," he explained.

We gathered around the two captains, who started putting us to work.

"We'll start by splitting into two groups," Dr. Faunus began. "Every creature make a line in the middle. That's it, just split apart. Um, you, you and you move to that side. Perfect. Okay, this side is Group A, this side Group B. Group A, your job is to gather twigs and bedding to put together nests for the returning birds. Group B, you'll start waking up the hibernating creatures."
Fluttershy gave me a small bell, and I could only furrow my brow at it. "We're going to annoy them awake?"
"Oh, we'll just ring them nice and gently," she explained, "so we'll wake them up but not irritate them. Here, watch me." She floated over to a burrow and gently tinkled the bell at the entrance. "Rise and shine, little critters. Almost time for spring."
I watched as some skunks stumbled outside, yawning and shaking themselves out.
"Just like that," she said, beaming at me. A few creatures nodded in understanding, and we all got to work.

I approached another burrow and swallowed. I knew those... things lurked inside holes like this, and I'd be literally ringing the dinner bell. Though, maybe it would be something safer, like a viper.
I swallowed and gave the bell a little shake. "Uhh, hello? Winter's over, so, uh, up you get...?"
I heard scraping inside and stepped back. I bit my lip anxiously and my hooves prepared to flee the opposite direction, should the worst occur. I nearly let out a yelp when a nose poked outside, but relaxed when I noticed the creature's ears were notably short and its body much rounder and pricklier than a rabbit's. Though, it certainly looked ready to commit unspeakable things to me, giving me some rather irate squeaks.
"Oh dear," said Fluttershy as she trotted up to me. "I'm sorry, Sharp, I forgot Harold here made a hibernation hole here in the park. He wanted to take his family somewhere outside the sanctuary this year, you see."
"Oh, don't sweat it," I said, before looking down at the critter. "Uhh, what's hedgehog for 'My bad'?"
'Harold' let out another series of squeaks before disappearing back in the burrow.
"He said that at least you were polite about it," she translated. "Sorry about that, he's a bit cranky during the day. I'll make sure he moves his family back home tonight."
I nodded, then looked at her. "Wait, I can't understand him but he can understand me?"
"Animals can hear a lot more than you'd think," she said, smiling. "Why don't you try that burrow there? You've definitely got a grip on the technique."

I meandered over with her and gave the bell another little ring. "Uhh, morning in there. It's almost spring, and... don't be mad, I'm just doing my job."
I stepped back again, and watched a family of porcupines step out, bristling their long prickles. Thankfully, they didn't seem to be preparing said prickles for sticking into me for waking them up. In fact, one of them gave me a thumbs-up. It almost made me miss having digits.
"You're a natural," Fluttershy said proudly. "Once they're all woken up, we'll help the other group with finishing the nests, then move these little dears back to their homes."
"I don't know much about making nests," I admitted. "I can barely make my own bed."
"Oh, it's easy," she assured me. "Here, I'll show you."

I followed Fluttershy to a bench, where she showed me how to put a bird's nest together with twigs and such. She certainly made it look easy, but I clearly was an amateur in the art of nest crafting. Still, she was happy to help me through the first few. Dozen.

"They'll... certainly hold," she tried, taking a look at my creations. Well, my abominations.
"I just hope the birds don't stab themselves," I said flatly.
"Oh, they just need a little smoothing down," she assured me, doing just that with her hooves. "They'll appreciate that you took the time."
I took the liberty of copying her technique, which helped to make the nests at least somewhat presentable. She seemed satisfied, and I'd take that much from the resident animal expert.

My ear perked up when I heard voices from close by. I turned to see Starlight chatting to her clone. Or was the clone chatting to her? Or were these the two clones? I stopped thinking about it once my head hurt. Either way, they both looked a little frazzled.
"Don't look now," I said to Fluttershy, "but I think Starlight is arguing with herselves."
She took a look for herself. "Oh, my. Maybe I should see what's wrong?"
"I'll come with. I'm a bit tired of pricking myself with sticks." The two of us trotted over. "Hey, Starlights, everything alright?"
"Oh, Fluttershy, Sharp Sight," Starlight #1 sighed with relief. "Maybe you two can help."
"What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy.
"The plant team just checked Applejack's seed shed," explained Starlight #2, "and the seeds are missing!"

"Stolen seeds?" I repeated as Fluttershy and I followed Starlight #2 toward Sweet Apple Acres. "That's a new one."
"I couldn't imagine what anycreature would want with crop seeds," she said thoughtfully. "Especially during Winter Wrap-Up."

We arrived at the farm and approached the crop shed, where Applejack and a few of the plant team creatures were gathered. Rivershine was among them, and we exchanged a quiet, friendly wave. The farm mare was understandably incensed, given her pacing had worn a groove in the snow.
"Who in the hay is tryin' ta sabotage the Wrap-Up?" she demanded under her breath. "Ah swear, as soon as Ah find 'em..."
"As you can see," muttered Starlight #2, "she's not exactly in a thoughtful mindset right now."
Applejack looked up and spotted us. "Howdy, Fluttershy, Sharp Si--hang on a sec!" Her face lit up once she realised I was me. "Sharp Sight! Y'all might just be the Pony Ah need!"
I blinked. "I might?"
"Yer a dang good problem solver, and Ah got a real big problem on mah hooves right here."
"Oh, that's right!" Fluttershy beamed at me. "You cleared Applejack's name when Rarity's shop was robbed, didn't you?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"Then this oughta be like findin' apples in an orchard in summertime," Applejack interrupted. "Just find our seeds and the varmint who stole 'em. We need that food, y'know!"

I was about to blurt out an excuse not to, given how I wasn't exactly an expert in agricultural investigations, but catching Rivershine's look of "Go on, smart guy" made me reconsider.

"I'll certainly take a look," I decided, walking to the shed. "So, what's the full story here?"
"Well, we got the fields plowed and ready fer plantin'," Applejack explained, "but when Ah opened the shed ta get the bags a' seeds, there was almost nothin' in 'em!"
I looked at the door and noted the padlock. "Was it locked when you got here?"
"Tighter than a tutu on a blue-ribbon pig, and Ah got the only key. Been carryin' it with me all through winter, and everythin' was right as rain when Ah last checked."

I looked inside the shed. Indeed, the large sacks were deflated and devoid of seeds. A few were scattered around the floor, meaning the culprit was sloppy in their theft. But something else on a sack caught my eye: a hole. Very tiny, but big enough to slip seeds through. I checked the other sacks, and each sported a similar hole. I pushed past the sacks, and noted some seeds lined almost like a trail to the back wall, where another hole was revealed.

"Fluttershy," I called, keeping my gaze fixed on it, "are we missing any animals to wake up?"
"I think we got all the hibernating critters," she answered.
"All the hibernating animals?"
"Y'all figured out who stole the seeds?" asked Applejack impatiently.
"I have a hunch," I said, and turned to face the Pegasus. "Tell me, do we have any rats in Ponyville?"
"Oh yes," she said, smiling. "Roquefort has a big family who lives near the café."
"Rats?!" shrieked Applejack. "Mah farm's got pests?!"
"They're not pests, Applejack," snapped Fluttershy, in a pointed voice that caught me off guard. "They'd never steal without good reason... anymore."
The Earther tipped her hat. "Sorry, Flutters, just this is mah livelihood here."
"I don't think it's an infestation, per say," I pointed out, mostly in an attempt to calm both parties. "Fluttershy, could we talk to these rat friends of yours?"

Fluttershy led me, Applejack and some of the plant team into town, and we entered an alley behind the café where we saw a pile of cardboard boxes. Fluttershy gave them a little knock with a hoof.
"Roquefort, are you home?" she asked softly. "I'm sorry to bother you so early, but we just need to ask you a question, if that's okay."
I heard some rustling from inside, and in a moment, out popped a large rodent's head from the boxes.

With a seed sticking out of its mouth.

"You lil' varmint!" snarled Applejack. It took me, Rivershine, and the entire plant team to hold her back. "Y'all stole mah crops!"
The rat, Roquefort I assumed, squeaked something to Fluttershy, who nodded along.
"He says finding food this winter was even harder than usual," she said. "And even the food I gave him wasn't enough. He didn't mean to steal from Applejack, but he was desperate to keep his colony fed and those seeds were just the trick."
That seemed to quell Applejack's rage, at least for the most part. "Well shoot, if y'all needed extra vittles fer yer folks, ya should'a asked! Well, asked Fluttershy, but y'know."
Another series of squeaks from Roquefort.
"He didn't want to impose," said Fluttershy.
"Whatever seeds ya got left, we need 'em ta grow crops with. Ah'm sure Fluttershy can set y'all up with some proper food till the snow's cleared."
"Oh yes, absolutely," the Pegasus agreed.
That seemed to satisfy the rat, according to the softer chitters coming from him.
"He's also wondering how we found out it was him."
"That'd be me," I said, raising a hoof. "The little holes at the bottom of the sacks, for one. The edges didn't show signs of being torn, but rather bitten open. And the space at the back of the shed looks big enough to get your head through, Roquefort."
"Because rats can squeeze through any hole their head can fit in!" Fluttershy gasped.
I nodded. "Exactly. I figured it might be rats because they don't hibernate, and mice would need a bigger entryway. Good thing Fluttershy came with us--of course Ponyville's last word in animal care would know where we'd find a colony in the area."

Roquefort tilted his head and gave his ears a wiggle. Even I could tell that was a sign he was impressed. Validation from a rat certainly wasn't something I thought I'd need.

With Roquefort's help, via Fluttershy's coaxing, the plant team got the seeds planted watered, ready to grow. Granted, that diversion meant we cut it pretty close with the nests--we just barely finished the last one before the weather team brought the birds back. I'd kept an eye on which branches my own nests were set on, and I felt a warmth in my chest when I saw how well they took to them.

Well, that's my good deed done for the day.

Soon the animal team was escorting the awoken animals to their proper homes in the trees and the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. While there, I couldn't help but gaze at the entrance. Supposedly, that was where that huge timberwolf came from. The one that brought me and River together. I suspected that was where the more fantastical creatures roamed. I wondered if I'd run into any more of them. Hopefully the ones that didn't want to eat my face.

After lending a hoof to the other teams with some finishing up, we were gathered back in front of the town hall. It was the late afternoon, and the sun was beginning to set.
"I think we've broken our Wrap-Up record this year!" chirped the mayor. "Well done, everycreature. Thank you all for your hard work."
"Twilight won't be happy to hear I out-organised her," Starlight snickered. She'd gone back to just one Pony, making things much less confusing.
"Now, everycreature relax and get ready for a prosperous spring," the mayor went on, "You've all earned it."

I returned my vest and gave myself a shake. Despite the chill still lingering, all that work really warmed me up.

"How was your first Warm-Up, detective?" asked Rivershine as she walked toward me.
"It was pretty fun," I admitted. "And I didn't run into anyAAHH!!" I shrieked as Fluttershy trotted past. Angel was on her back. Where did that soulless monster come from?! That careless gaze couldn't fool me--it wanted my blood!
"You okay back there?" asked Rivershine flatly, looking over her shoulder.
I gingerly emerged from behind her, my cheeks even redder than usual. "He was looking at me funny."
"Well look at him funny back."
"I'm not putting my soul at risk like that."
"Fair enough, I guess." She shrugged. "Wanna grab a bite? I'm starved."
I nodded. "Y-yeah. Food. Sure."

I walked with her to Hay Burger. First time I saw that place, I couldn't believe a land of magic and mythical creatures would have something like a fast food joint. Even though there was a bustling city just a train ride away, the smell of fryer grease was so strange coming in from the clean air. Not unwelcome, though--I was happy to shovel some deep-fried hay and horseshoe fries into my mouth after a long day's work.

"Y'know, hooking up on Hearth's Warming has a perk," she said. "We'll save money on anniversary gifts."
"Oh yeah, good point," I mumbled through a full mouth. Then I had the good grace to swallow. At least she thought it was kinda funny. Or she was doing that awkward laugh that signalled she was too polite to say she wanted to go.
"Y'know," she went on, "speaking of gifts, Hearts and Hooves Day is around the corner."
Hearts and Hooves Day? That had to be Valentine's Day in Equestria. Or something incredibly horrific. Then I realised something, and I coughed.
Around the corner? How around the corner?!
"S-so it is," I spluttered, taking a drink of soda.
Gifts, gifts, gifts! Uhh, jewellery? Clothes? Dog?!
"I was thinking maybe we could--"
"Dinner?!" I blurted out. Rivershine blinked.
"I was just about to say we could get dinner somewhere. You're not a bad detective, Sharp."
"U-um, yeah," I said, nodding. "Dinner. Dinner is good. I like dinner."
"Good, me too," she giggled. "There's a great Bitalian place in Canterlot. We could split a huge pizza and stuff our faces by candlelight or something."
I regained enough composure to consider the option. "Isn't Canterlot full of really fancy places with really tiny portions?"
"Ugh, more like infested with them," she spat. "I'm not spending a princess's ransom on a meal I need to find with a microscope. I want some real food, Sharp. Gimme a big bowl of carbonara any day."
My tail flicked and a smile crossed my face. "That sounds great. I'll see if I can get a reservation."
"You'll have to act fast," she warned. "Hearts and Hooves Day dinners are really picking up in Restaurant Row these days."

Travelling to another city and potentially wrestling other couples just to get dinner? Well, for Rivershine and pizza, it'd be worth it.