• Published 23rd Jun 2012
  • 3,129 Views, 133 Comments

The First Journey: Feelings of Etherealism - Kaille

Just a normal day for Connor, but a single change to the routine throws his world for a loop.

  • ...

Chapter 20: Part 1 of 2

~Chapter 20 (Part 1 of 2): Colours. . .~

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, yeah. Been a while. Finally finished this chapter, and it is a lot bigger than I originally anticipated. Also, next chapter will be my usual length I'm thinking, not another 10k. As a note regarding the end of this chapter, it gets a little graphic. Not for the faint of heart. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Now, ONWARDS, ALONSY! (no, I don't watch Doctor Who.)


About a week later and our relationship was pretty cemented. We did everything together, went everywhere together, worked on more art together, and simply enjoyed everything more. There were of course days we spent apart though; we did need SOME space, and some errands to run. Like, you know, my work. But we went at life pretty hard, now that we were together.

It was about a month from the upcoming art show, so I was getting fairly excited. Chroma was also getting pretty excited, because she had some sort of event to attend in Canterlot, with a few of her works on display. In fact, she is packing for her trip now.

"Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck, WHERE DID I PUT THAT?!" She was running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to pack her bags. She had a taxi ride on a larger sized cab to fit her stuff, what with her going away for a month. She had a couple of crates holding artworks of hers, from special orders to things for her to sell on the market, to display items.

But as she sprinted around the house at an appreciable amount of the speed of sound, enough to impress Rainbow Dash I think, I simply sat on the couch, sipping a glass of juice, and watched her, grinning. "It's in the guest bedroom, stored in the closet." I offered my tidbits here and there if I remembered where something was.

She stopped on a dime, eyes widening, and clapping her hooves together grinning. "YES! Thank you!" She darted off again and darted back with the object in question, depositing it in a suitcase. Most people would consider what she was packing excessive, but this sounded like an important event for her, and she had a LOT of orders to deliver. This was simpler then spending a couple of legs on mailing them, and much more safe.

She looked at a checklist that Twilight Sparkle made for her - I went and asked if Twilight if she wouldn't mind; Chroma was getting more and more nervous about it every day for the past three or four days - and Chroma checked off an item. After giving the list a once-over, she grinned and collapsed on the floor with a contented sigh. "Finally. Done. Packing."

I laughed and extricated myself from the sofa, going over to her and lying down next to her. "Good. Now I have you to myself the rest of the day."

She giggled and snuggled up to me, wrapping her forehooves around my neck. "Mmm. Or, I have YOU to myself the rest of the day, hmmm?" This time both of us giggled.

I downed the last of my beverage and placed the empty glass on the table next to the couch and turned to the mare next to me, who was staring up at me from her slightly lower vantage point, eyeing me dreamily, and I grinned at her. "I have no objections to that."

We stood up and walked down the hall towards the studio - passing a crate similar to the one that Rarity came with three weeks ago - and settled onto a couch in there, staring around the room. The couch was a recent addition, what with there now being a couple living here, not just my special somepony - I simply HAD to say that to myself at some point! I couldn't pass up the chance!

After examining the walls for a few minutes, enjoying each others company, Chroma turned to me. "Hey, want me to take one or two of your works of art with me? I have a few connections up in Canterlot; might be able to get you your first couple of orders."

I found myself slightly taken aback by this, pleasantly so. "Oh, thank you! I would love that!" We got up and went over to the small section that was my artwork and looked through it a bit.

"Hmm, this one is good. . ."

"Maybe this one? . . Nah, not one of the best. . ."

"Ooh, definitely this one! . ."

"How about this one? . ."

We looked over them all, picking out my most noticeable ones, and eventually stopped on my first work in Equestria; the heart. I stared at it for a few seconds before speaking. "You know how I feel on this one."

She laughed and took it down, placing it with the rest. "Of course, I would have smacked you if you didn't want it to come with!"

I grinned. "I would LET you do that if that were to happen!"

We laughed together before packing my art - twelve pieces - and she slipped them into the crate of her artworks; there was a gap the perfect size to fit them without risking damaging them. Upon completing this we went upstairs to our room and dropped on the bed; it seemed like a good time for snuggles, a tickle fight, and spooning.


Four weeks later, a week from heading off to Canterlot, I found myself beginning prep for the trip. Compared to Chroma I travelled incredibly light; I had my art supplies stuffed into a rucksack to throw over my back - didn't plan to draw this week - and threw all the bits I saved for the trip, plus the admission for the show in my saddlebag. I didn't have to worry about my tux; I sent it up with Chroma because it was easier to take that way. I didn't pack my toiletries yet though because I would need them for the following week, but just before I leave Im throwing them into my bag.

I was just minding my own business, reading a book a borrowed from the library, when there was a knock on the door. I got up and walked over to the door and opened it up, delighted to see Rarity on the other side. "Rarity! How nice to see you. How can I help you?"

She smiled. "Thank you, dear, likewise. I was actually going to ask you something; the girls and I are heading up to Canterlot tomorrow for a meeting with the Princesses, and I knew you would be heading to Canterlot soon, so I thought I would see if you might like to come with us? I know it's earlier then you likely planned, but I thought you might appreciate the company, no?"

I smiled even more. "Thats not a problem, thank you! I would love to. When are you leaving tomorrow?"

She nodded, positively beaming. "Wonderful! We are boarding the train at twelve sharp. That is not an issue, is it?"

"Nope! I get up around seven or eight everyday anyway. I will see you there!"

She laughed. "Oh, good! Although, the girls and I are free today and were going to spend it on the town. Would you like to come with? I assure you, you wont be intruding on anything."

I beamed. "I would love to."


A day later, here I was, in Canterlot castle. With the rest of the mane six. Borrowing a room for my stay.

With all of them.

That took a little adjusting to. Sharing a room with six attractive females? Yeah. My self control became a virtue here. Especially when they started a massive pillow fight.

No, wait. War. Pillow war. Yeah, that pushed me to my limits. But I survived.

But that was only the first night. *Sigh*, this is going to be HARD.

After the train ride, which took us into the evening, we left right for the castle. I would have seen Chroma first, but she was busy with a client that day; I remembered her talking about him. So, castle first, and we met up with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna - Still looking fine! - but she appeared worse for wear, despite the air of cheer she put on. I could barely notice it; in order for it to be visible at all though, was a sign that something was amiss. Horribly so.

They took us into the castle, providing me a quick tour and the others followed, talking to the princesses and I about various things. At the end of the tour we reached our room, and they ushered us inside for the night. The meeting with the mane six was scheduled in a weeks time, just after the art show, so they were free for a while. After that - stressful on my part - night, we went out into Canterlot proper the next day, browsing the shops and taking in the sights. This wasn't entirely new for Twilight or Rarity, but they enjoyed doing it all with their friends.

"So, Ink, dear, how have you been adjusting to life in Ponyville?" Rarity asked of me after we exited a small book store. Twilight noticed it and wished to take a peek inside.

I looked skywards for a few seconds, thinking. "Well, pretty darn well, If I say so myself." I look at each of them in turn. "Got myself some awesome friends." They all d'awwed, except Rainbow making a gagging noise. We all laughed. "Got a good job." AJ blushed a little and tipped her hat down. "And got the best marefriend I could ask for." They all stopped in their tracks, but I took a couple steps before noticing the lack of hoofsteps behind me. I stopped and turned to them, frowning. "Whats wrong?"

Twilight broke the silence first. "When. . . When did you get a marefriend?"

I realized I hadn't told them yet. They knew I was spending a great deal of time with another mare, but not that we actually started a relationship. "Yeah, the mare that is letting me stay at her place? Our feelings for each other grew."

"OH! OH! Who is it?" Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing up and down on the spot.

I chuckled. "Her name is Chroma. Kinda forgot to mention that to you guys previously, I suppose. Sorry."

Rarity's jaw dropped, and she plumped down onto the spot. "Chr- Chroma?"

I looked at her, eyebrow raised. "You know her?"

She shook herself out of her stupor. "Sorry, only a little, eh heh heh! . ." She said sheepishly, obviously avoiding the topic.

Rainbow was looking at her, eyebrow raised herself. "O-kaaaaay. . ?"

I shrugged. "It's alright. I assume you know her for her art?"

Rarity nodded. "You could say that, yes."

I still found myself suspicious, but let it slide. "Anyway, I suppose I am doing well in Ponyville. Now, where do you girls want to go next?"


Later that day the girls and I split up, them going to have a girl's night, myself going to visit my mare. She had told me which hotel she was staying at, and which room, so I made my way there. It was a short trip from the castle which was nice, and was a fairly high-class one I discovered upon reaching it.

The hotel was located at the edge of Canterlot, close to the edge of the mountain and nestled against the wall. It was about ten stories tall, the top most floor only taking up around half the roof of the ninth floor, leaving a sizeable balcony. The walls on the tenth floor, obviously designed as a penthouse, were all glass. When I entered the building, the walls were a slightly beige colour, and the furniture was crimson and gold. A few stallions and mares done up in fancy dresses and tuxes filled a few seats. Wow. Cliche luxury colours much? I approached the front desk and smiled at the pony behind it in greeting. He looked me up and down for a second before smiling in return. When he spoke, he did so with slightly feminine tone and inflection. "Hello, welcome to the Scarlet Overlook. How may I help you, hun?" He followed his greeting up with a wink. OH-KAY. Definitely gay. I couldn't help but laugh to myself in my mind; this was kinda funny.

"Hi. I am hear to meet up with my marefriend?" His eyes obviously fell a bit at this. Sorry bro; I'm claimed.

"And who might this lucky mare be?" he asked, leaning on his forehooves against the counter.

"Her name is Chroma?"

His expression blanked, and I heard a few conversations stop behind me. "Um. . . Your name please?"

I looked around a second, wondering what was going on. "Umm. . . My name is Ink."

His eyes widened, and my mentioning my name elicited a few gasps behind me a well. He hesitated for a second before acting. "Uh. . . Yes. One moment please." He turned to a door behind the counter and exited through it, and I could hear him pick up a phone. After a few more seconds of me nervously waiting at the counter and hearing his muffled voice through the door he returned. "If you don't mind waiting a few minutes, she will be right down to verify. Thats not a problem is it?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Not at all. Thank you." I nodded to him and trotted off to the sitting area, choosing a seat separated from the other fancy ponies around me. I pulled my sketch pad and a pen from my saddlebag, deciding to draw a bit while waiting. I noticed a couple ponies leaning towards each other and whispering while staring at me from my peripheral vision. This was somewhat unnerving.

After a little bit I heard a ding across the room and looked up to the elevator, in unison with the other ponies around me. The doors opened to it and one green mare, covered in paint, stood inside, staring out wide-eyed. "Ink!" She called, galloping towards me and tackling me out of the chair. She hugged me into the floor and I laughed.

"Well, hi. How are you?"

"Your early! I thought you were coming in a couple more days?!"

I grinned and pulled away in order to give her a peck on the nose. "Twilight and crew came to see the princesses, so I tagged along. I'm staying with them in Canterlot Castle." This brought even more gasps from around me, and thought I heard a thunk, like somepony fainted. "I remembered that you said you were going to be free this evening, so I thought I would stop by and surprise you."

She squee'd and glomped me to the floor again. "Come! Lets go to my room, up top!"

I stopped. "Wait, you have the penthouse?"

She grinned at me and winked. "You know it. Come." We got up and headed to the elevator. I looked to the side and noticed that yes, a mare did faint. She was very long-limbed and lean, a unicorn with an alabaster coat, pale pink mane and tail, a cutie mark of three symbols that I couldn't recognize from this distance besides one being purple and two being yellow, and violet, drooping eyes, still recovering from her mishap.

I smirked as the elevator doors closed, but then I remembered something. "Hey Chroma, why is it every time a pony in Canterlot hears about our relationship they go crazy?"

She blushed and scuffed a hoof on the elevator floor. "Well. . . I'm a bit of a hit up here. Sure it's nice to make a living off my art, but I would rather avoid the fanatics of it. Thats why I live in Ponyville; they don't care for it as much down there. I get to work in peace and quiet."

The elevator dinged and we looked up. We weren't on our floor yet; it was floor seven. The doors opened and revealed a pony on the other side. He had a fur coat as white as the mare downstairs, with a slightly cooler tint to it, a blue, wavy mane, tail and stache, a tux, three crowns for a cutie mark, a monocle, and blue eyes. He had a slightly panicked look in his eyes. "I'm sorry for the intrusion; I need to go to the main floor." he said hurriedly.

Chroma and I looked at each other and back to him. I replied. "Thats not a problem. We are heading up first, though."

He nodded. "Thats quite alright; up is not to far from here." he said with a quick laugh before stepping into the elevator. The rest of the ride up was awkwardly silent, Chroma and I not really sure what to say with this guy here.

We finally reached the top, and the door opened. His eyes widened and he gasped, spinning to look at us. "You. . . Your Chroma and Ink?"

We grinned sheepishly. "Yes, we are."

He grinned back. "Oh, this is good! I was hoping to place a commission with the two of you, if it is not a bother? When would you be free for a meeting?"

I looked to Chroma and shrugged. "Her call. I'm free all week, so whenever she is, is fine by me."

She looked up for a second and bit her lip. She turned to me. "Would you be free in about a week and a half?" I nodded. She nodded in return and turned back to the stallion. "That fine with you?"

He nodded eagerly. "Yes! Perfect, thank you! Oh, I can't wait! This will make the perfect gift! I will see you both then!" He waved and shut the elevator doors.

Then we realized he didn't give us a name or place.

I turned to my mare friend smiling. "Well, he will probably remember sometime soon he missed giving his name, and will drop a letter off for you at the front desk with his information."

She chuckled. "Yes, I hope so. Now, onward!"


We spent a few hours together enjoying the hotel - which was beautiful, I must say - she needed to get to bed, and I had to return to Canterlot Castle. I walked out onto the balcony of the hotel, hugged Chroma goodbye, and flew off. I landed at the main gate to the castle, proved my identity, and went inside.

I walked down the halls casually, making my way to the room I shared with the others. Everything was very quiet, what with it being the hour separating Day and Night court. No ponies were around except the guards holding their posts and making their rounds on patrol.

Until I heard soft crying.

I made my way to the sound, and found a corridor blocked off by Night Guards, from Luna's charge. I noticed in the middle of the hall was the large, black and blue doors bearing the cutie mark of the moon princess, signifying her room. Something was very off.

One of the guards, a male unicorn, extended a hoof towards me, barring entry. "Sir, you can not come this way. The princess asked for a wide birth around her quarters."

I felt a lightbulb go off in my mind, formulating the perfect excuse. "Sorry, I kinda got lost. I was hoping somepony might be able to direct me back to my room?"

The guard nodded. "Yes, sir. Do you happen to know what wing it was in?"

I shook my head. "No, but I'm sharing it with Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Do you happen to know what room that is?"

He nodded once more. "Yes, sir. Right this way. Morning Star, I will return in a couple of minutes." He said to the earth pony that was sharing his post with him.

The other pony saluted and set her hoof down again. "Yes sir, Blitz!" She went motionless once more after that. Blitz, apparently, took the lead, drawing me away from the night princess' quarters.


I reached our room with the guard in tow. He knocked on the door to the room hard and fast five times, and I heard Applejack call out. "Hold yer' horses there! Ah got it!" The door opened to reveal the orange earth pony, and she seemed taken aback by the night guard in her face. He turned to me, nodded, and trotted back off to his post. AJ turned to me. "What was that about?"

I smiled. "Got lost on the way. Still new to the castle."

She burst into a couple of peals of laughter before pressing a hoof to her mouth. "Sorry sugarcube, kinda slipped out there."

I laughed in response, shaking my head. "It's alright. Anyway, is entrance permitted, by chance?"

She grinned and stepped aside. "Sure thing there, hun. How was-"

She was silenced by a pillow flying across the room, nailing her in the face with a soft whump. She stood stock still as it fell away, and she glared at Rainbow Dash. Her frown slowly turned into an evil grin before she did anything. "Oh, yer' gonna git it, girl."

Oh god. Not again.


"Rarity, do you mind lending a helping hoof? It's hard to get dressed without magic, especially into a form-fitting tuxedo."

The rest of the week went by smoothly, enjoying it with all of my friends - marefriend very included - and it was now the day of the art show. I was currently preparing for it, getting myself dressed and stylish. Chroma would be at her own show this evening, and with the number of shows going on every week in Canterlot, the chances of us being at the same show were slim to none. I wasn't holding my breath on seeing her this evening, at least not until after our respective shows.

"Yes darling! One moment, please. Need to apply this last stitch here, and. . . There! Another order complete." She nodded in satisfaction at her most recent creation and trotted over to me. She looked me over, seeing how I was faring with the garment, and clicked her tongue in disapproval. "Dear! Your going to wrinkle the thing. I won't have it!" She exclaimed, stomping her hoof. Suddenly I found myself airborne and spread-eagle, with clothes flying around me rapidly and applying themselves.

I plopped back onto my hooves with a grunt and looked at myself in the mirror. Awwwww, yeh. Still sharp! I turned back to Rarity grinning. I gave her a small bow. "Thank you, milady. Your generosity shall not be forgotten."

She waved a hoof and batted her eyelashes, sighing dramatically. "Oh, think nothing of it, dear. Now, please, you are too flattering! Away with you! You have a date!"

"Oooooh, Ink's got a thing for Rare!" Rainbow Dash said suggestively, and we all laughed in good natured fun. I said farewell to the rest of the mane six in the room and left our room in the castle, heading toward the Canterlot market district where the location of my excursion for the evening was.

I headed towards one of the castle gardens, deciding to fly to my destination rather than walk. A leisurely flight would be nice at the moment. I reached the main garden and gently lifted off, turning in the direction of the market main of the city. As I flew I stared down at the streets below, watching the ants that were my fellow ponies go about their evening business. I saw couples returning home, shop owners closing for the night, the more rowdy ponies laughing and carrying on, steering towards the bars and nightclubs. I even noticed a few were already drunk; they couldn't walk a straight line and were constantly tripping on their own hooves. Well, they certainly don't feel like wasting the night away. Among the mix, however, I saw some ponies in finely crafted clothes, walking regally, or in some cases, making their way in carriages, to other events.

I saw a theatre promising a live ballet, an opera over there, a couple of standard theatres, and then, I saw a few art shows. I lowered my altitude somewhat, hoping to get a closer look to make sure I didn't over shoot my mark. Before leaving, Rarity gave me a tip about the location, saying that I would know it when I saw it due to its vintage architecture, ivory paint, and accents of shimmering gold and regal violet - to use her words. I flew for roughly ten minutes, continuing my pony watching the entire way, and glanced up for a second, hoping for a glimpse of my destination. And, well, Rare didn't kid when she said I would recognize it right away, based on her description.

Spread out in front of me, off to the left, was a large white building, and as for the antique? I would say more ancient architecture. It reminded me of a Greek Acropolis back on Earth, with tall columns that narrowed towards the top, shallow angled roof, and carvings of ponies in various activities around the outside of it. There were purple carpets with gold detailing on the ground, leading up to the front doors of the building - although door is an understatement, being that the entrances were archways that had to be ten ponies tall - and gold leaf glued onto some of the carvings decorating the exterior of the building. There were also long, flowing purple tabards attached to the roof in the same style as the carpet below.

My eyebrows shot up, amazed at the building in front of me. Rarity certainly DOES have her connections to get a free show here, doesn't she? I descended towards the road at the base of the stairs leading up to the building and started to walk up them, admiring the architecture even more. As I ascended the stairs and admired the building I also did some more pony watching, gazing at the elegant equines around me. I even noticed the stallion Chroma and I encountered in the elevator, accompanied by the mare that fainted.

I reached the top and was met with a line of ponies waiting for admission. I frowned a bit and walked up, resigned to waiting in line for a while. I thought I heard my name being called out and I glanced to the side, wondering if I was hearing things. Sure enough, the pony from the elevator was trotting towards me. I smiled and waved at him.

"Ink! Why ever are you waiting in line?" He said upon reaching me.

I blinked. "How else will I get in?"

He laughed and shook his head. "You probably don't need to. Here, let me see your invitation."

Right. I never bothered to check it. I pulled it out and glanced at the front of it and stopped.

~ VIP ~

I looked up at the stallion in front of me, and looked to the front of the line, then to the people behind me. He began to laugh. "See? I didn't think you would have to wait, considering your connections." He said with a wink.

I continued to stare and blink dumbly. "Uh. . . okay. Thanks for getting me to check that." I stepped out of line, the other ponies in line around me staring at us with envy in their eyes.

He spoke up again. "By the way, I apologize for being so rude in the elevator the other day. My name is Fancy Pants, and my beautiful mare here is Fleur De Lis." he said, gesturing to himself and to her in turn. She offered a curt nod in my direction, but proceeded to avoid my gaze. Oh-kay. Rude much.

We proceeded to the front doors and stood next to the giant unicorn stallion tending to the line. He turned from inspecting the next pony's admission to speak to us. "May I help you?" He said in an incredibly deep, graveley voice. I heard a few ponies down the line shout for us to not skip the line or waste their time, calling us rude and inconsiderate. One glance from the over-sized pony in front of me stopped them short.

Fancy Pants spoke up first. "Yes, we have VIP tickets, if you would please."

He looked down at each of our procured invitations and levitated them from our grip. He cast a quick spell on each, I assumed he was testing authenticity, and granted them back to us. "Yes, right this way please." He said, and drew back the rope barricading us from entering. The mare in line that he skipped checking her ticket to see ours glared daggers at us.

We entered the building, and I stopped in my tracks. I now understood why Fancy Pants walked up to me. The connection he talked about?

My relationship with Chroma.

She was standing right there, amidst her artwork on display, talking to ponies about one piece or another, explaining her inspiration for it, and. . .

She was wearing the dress that I saw Rarity creating. The white and green dress with peridot and padparadscha sapphire flower detailing.

My jaw dropped at how beautiful she was in it. The green matched her fur perfectly, and the gems matched her mane and tail.It accented every curve of her body perfectly, and to my eyes, she appeared simply radiant. She laughed, likely at a joke the pony in front of her made, and glanced towards the front door. She suddenly stopped moving, staring wide eyed in my direction. We made direct eye contact, and I slowly made my way forward. She recovered, and excused herself from those around her and began walking towards me as well. As we got closer, we got faster, until the end when we were trotting towards each other and stopped, nose to nose.

She stared at me, eyes the size of dinner plates. "How did you get in?!"

I smiled. "Rarity couldn't make it, so she offered me her admission."

She continued to stare, and then suddenly stepped forward and embraced me. I reciprocated, and we buried our faces in each others necks. We stood like that for a few seconds before separating, and I broke the silence between us. "By the way, that dress. . . I have no words for how beautiful you are in it."

She blushed and scuffed a hoof across the ground. "Thank you. You look mighty handsome yourself, hun."

I grinned. I decided to glance around the room for a second, and realized that everypony was staring at us, slack-jawwed. Feeling bold, I decided to call out. "Hey, can't a couple have some privacy over here?" They all jumped and went back to admiring the art, talking in hushed voices, but they still threw furtive glances towards us periodically.

I turned back to Chroma, still grinning. She was grinning back. "So, hun, want me to show you around my gallery?"


For an hour she gave me a tour of the art room, some pieces I recognized from being with her while she worked on them, most completely new thanks to being stored away before I met her. There were roughly fifty to sixty works, and all of them had high price tags. As in, ranging from fifteen hundred bits on her simplest and smallest work, to twenty thousand bits on the most expensive. All had a list of ponies next to it scheduled to attend the auction for the piece at a later date.

We were now walking towards another wing of the building, a smaller gallery to the side of hers featuring another artist, but she set her signature piece for the show in there instead of the opening. This confused me, but I didn't ask why; I trusted her to explain when she felt like it. I had time.

Chroma was currently detailing various things about how the show has been going - I arrived two hours after it started, and it was scheduled for a six hour showing - and things had been eventful. "There was another pony who flat out offered thirty thousand bits for the canyon landscape; it was only marked as fifteen thousand bits, but my works have been known to more than double my starting price at the auctions, and I don't like giving ponies free reign to simply buy out my art. I auction them off to give more ponies a chance to buy them, not just the ones who buy whatever they want, whenever they want."

I nodded. "Makes sense. I would probably do the same under those circumstances. I will likely have to take what I can until - or, if - I reach your level of prestige."

She giggled. "That might be sooner than you think."

I turned to her, eyebrow raised. "Oh? And why might that be?" She looked at me with a smug smile before gesturing ahead with her chin.

I turned ahead to find we had passed under the arch leading into the other artists wing, and stopped. It wasn't just for some other artist to display. It was for my display. The art of mine she brought with her she mounted in here as a separate gallery. And then I saw the two centre pieces.

My first work, the heart.

And hers; the giant one I saw mounted in her studio that she hadn't finished yet.

Depicting me.

I simply stood there, staring at it. She had repainted the entire thing. It no longer had the pastel background; it was a landscape. We had gone for a little picnic at one point, up on a cliff near Ponyville that overlooked the lake. She must have really remembered the day, because I sat there staring at the lake in the painting. She had also set it at the same time of day; sunset. In more detail, I was lying at the edge of the cliff, staring out at the lake, forehooves crossed, and the setting sun was being reflected off the water. The colour palate was mostly yellows, oranges, and reds, thanks to the sunset, but my eyes were the only other colour for contrast; bright blue. I looked at the plaque just below the canvas with the information about it and read it:

In Dedication
~ Ink ~
My Muse
This signature piece is to be displayed in my personal gallery
~ Chroma ~

I'll admit, it was a bit cheesy. But I liked it. I nuzzled my emerald mare in appreciation, and she nuzzled back. We looked each other in the eyes and shared a kiss. "Chroma. . . Thank you. This is way more than I ever hoped for, much less expected."

She grinned. "I like to book a hall extra every show, in case I get a creative boon and have too much art and too little space to fit it into my main show. In this case. . . I felt it more appropriate to accommodate your works. It will get you some recognition to start, and my pieces I wanted to put in here this time aren't finished anyway."

I grinned back and gave her a peck on the nose, to which she giggled. "Again, thank you." I turned to begin examining the gallery, seeing how she arranged my works. My first piece was directly next to hers, and I had among my other works a pen and ink wolf, an abstract in paint and a desert landscape in paint - I enjoy branching out of my comfort zone every so often - a couple contour line drawings. . . And next to each one was a sheet, like the ones next to Chroma's works to be auctioned, and I walked closer to one - the one for my desert - to see what it was.

The creator of this work, Ink, has not thought about selling this piece, but please leave your name and a method of contacting you if he decides otherwise. You may also leave your projected price by dropping a ballot in the box next to the focal pieces of the gallery.
Thank you

I looked at Chroma to find her still smiling. "You never said anything about selling your works, but I didn't want to discount the possibility. All you need to do is say, and I can have one of the staff announce it."

I grinned even more. "I love the way you think ahead, love." She giggled and blushed at my comment, and I turned to the centre pieces, noticing that yes, a box was between our two works with a small table covered in quills, ink pots, and paper. The box was already filling up with slips of paper. I returned to the sheet for further inspection. My jaw dropped when I realized that there were twenty five names listed, and a note to flip the sheet for the next page. I lifted with a hoof, and saw yet another seventeen names on the list. I blinked and looked back to Chroma. "Forty two ponies already expressed interest in my landscape?"

She nodded. "But there are a great many other names for your other works. One mare, a friend of mine in fact, loves your work so much she asked if she could leave a note to buy the collection of pen works."

My left eye twitched. "Thats. . . seven pieces. Not counting the heart."

She chuckled. "Exactly." She walked over to me and whispered into my ear so nopony else would hear. "She offered one hundred thousand bits."

I'm pretty sure my heart stopped for about ten seconds, and all I managed in that time frame was a copious amount of blinking, twitching, and sputtering. I grew somewhat faint, and actually had to sit on my rump for a few seconds to steady myself; my legs felt like jello.

Chroma laughed at me, but she still had concern in her eyes. "Yeah, I very nearly had the same reaction. I got her information personally. I will tell you about it later; maybe you will even meet her here."

After a minute I recovered enough to stand again, and looked around my gallery. My gallery. I turned to Chroma once more. "I'm going to mark which pieces I am willing to auction and which to sell, then look through a few of those ballots to get a ballpark estimate on what everypony values my work at. You should get back to your show, but I will find you soon, okay?"

She smiled and nodded. "I will see you in a few. Here -" She took my invitation for the event and a pen from the ballot table and wrote a note on the back of it. She signed it and returned it to me. "Give that to one of the security guards when your done marking, and they will find a unicorn to make the announcement, and it asks to call the mare from earlier too, alright?"

I nodded in thanks. "Okay. Now, get going." I gave her a quick kiss then bumped her flank forward with my own. She laughed at me and winked before walking off for one of the exits of the room, swinging her rump side to side seductively.

I turned back to my art and let out a heavy sigh. Buck. Let's figure this out, then.


After another half an hour I had finished, and boy, was I impressed. There were offers ranging from seventy five hundred bits, to fifteen hundred bits on my works. I had decided to let all but my pen and ink heart and my painted desert - I loved them way too much, despite how hefty the offers on them both were - and a few ponies even approached me, remarking about the similarities between myself and Chroma's signature piece. That led to a few interesting conversations. I left my gallery and turned to the hulk of a unicorn stallion guarding the exit I chose. "Excuse me, if I may have a moment of your time?"

He looked dow at me and nodded.

I coughed into my hoof. He came across as very menacing. "I was directed to deliver this to a member of the security team -" I pulled the invitation out of my pocket with my teeth and grabbed it with my wing, "- when I finished with marking my art for auctions."

His eyebrow raised in disbelief, and he glanced at the invitation held up with my wing. He levitated it up closer to his face, obscuring it from my view, and read it. When he lowered it back down into my pocket, he was grinning ear to ear. He spoke, and the tone of his voice surprised me; it had a very silken, and smooth tone to it. "Of course, Master Ink. If you would kindly come this way." He looked up to the guard across from him and nodded before we trotted off.

We reached the security room and entered. He nodded to a blue unicorn mare in front of another door, and then looked to me. "Officer Cobalt will assist you from now. Have a wonderful evening, Master Ink." With that he turned and left the room to return to his post.

I walked up to the mare and stuck a hoof out to shake, and she accepted. Her voice was also surprising; it was just as refined as the stallions, but where his voice seemed full of charm, hers held intimidation in the cold, clipped method of speaking she chose. "A pleasure Master Ink. The name's Cobalt. I'm second in charge of security at this establishment, but for this evening, I am the top of the chain of command. My superior is taking this evening off. How may I be of service?"

I smiled to her. "Hello Officer Cobalt; it is likewise a pleasure. I was hoping you could arrange for a unicorn to make an announcement as to which of my art will be going on auction, and to ask for the presence of a certain somepony I would like to speak with."

She nodded. "Of course; I will do the honours myself. Do you have a list of the pieces to sell, and the name of this pony?" I pulled out the invitation and a sheet of paper I wrote which pieces I would auction and held them out for the officer. She levitated them in front of her and walked towards the door to the main room. I followed and stopped next to her. She cleared her throat and lowered the pages a bit. Her horn grew brighter for a moment, and when she began to speak it filled the entire complex.

"Good evening fillies and gentlecolts: Master Ink, the supporting artist for Master Chroma, has decided to leave some of his work for the upcoming auction. . ." She proceeded to list off the works I wrote down, and then she looked to the invitation and began the second announcement. "Second, would Miss Morning Star head to Master Ink's gallery in front of the focal pieces for a meeting with him. Thank you, everypony. Enjoy your evening." Then I realized; I never looked at the name of the pony who left the offer. I didn't expect to recognize it at all, so I didn't feel I needed to. But I did recognize it, and I couldn't put a face to the name. . .

I turned to the officer and she handed back over my papers. "Thank you Officer. I hope you have a great - and uneventful - night."

She smiled out of one corner of her mouth. "Likewise. Farewell." She turned and walked back to her post, guarding the chief of security's office.

I trotted back to my gallery, and waited in front of my pen and ink heart, watching the other ponies examine my art. I answered a couple of questions while there, and before long, I spotted one young earth pony mare with a light grey coat and decent length, straight, silvery white mane, a matching tail that was pretty poofy, stark green eyes, and dressed in a black, tight dress - I noticed it was actually a corset - that cut low down her chest. A gold necklace with an obsidian moon pendant was also draped around her neck, and she had a slightly thicker body, well muscled - more so than Applejack. She didn't come across as chunky though, just pretty damn buff for a mare. She was approaching me, and her eyes widened slightly when she reached me. "Wait! You! You were at Canterlot Castle with Twilight and her friends!"

I blinked. "Uhh. . . Yes? And you are, may I ask?"

She laughed. "Right, sorry, I'm not exactly the most formal of ponies. I'm Morning Star, member of the Honour Guard for Princess Luna. I was posted at her quarters when you got lost?"

My eyes widened, remembering the guard Blitz mention her name. "Yes! Thats right! Sorry, you don't look the same without your armour."

We both laughed. "No, I suppose I don't." She said. "So! I assume I am here to speak with you about the offer I made for your work?"

I nodded. "That was a hefty chunk of cash, and big order there. I was wondering why my work caught your eye so much."

She touched the pendant around her neck. "Princess Luna loves your work."

I blinked, taking a few seconds to process this, and she laughed. "She loves art in all its forms, and she got me to attend this gallery in her stead. She gave me this necklace to allow her to see what I see, and hear what I hear. Also -" She walked over to me and touched a hoof to my shoulder.

Evening, Ink.

My jaw dropped. The Princess. . . is communicating through the necklace, using Star as a conduit?

Hah! Correct. We have not been feeling well of late, and thus asked of one of our most trusted guards to attend this outting in our place. We must say, we never expected such beautiful works from thine hooves.

I blinked once more. "Well. . . I thank you, Princess."

She laughed, a rich and comforting sound. It is our pleasure, Ink. Now, as to our offer - dost thou accept?

I laughed at this. "I would not feel right declining, your Majesty."

She chuckled. We appreciate thine feelings, Ink. But please; we never liked being referred to with such terms as 'Princess' or 'Your Majesty'. Titles grow tiresome.

I nodded. "Very well. However, I now find myself at a loss as to how to address you."

She laughed once more. Very well, my little pony. Simply refer to us as Luna.

Yet again, blink. "Would that be right of me, Pri - Luna?"

Yes, please. We would ask thou to do so, if only to please us.

I gulped. "Very well, Luna." Then I remembered. "Oh! I apologize, but on your offer. . . I was hoping for my pen and ink heart to stay within my possession; it is my favourite piece, and first work."

I could feel the smile in her voice, and yet a hint of sadness as well. Very well. It is well within thine right to deny sale of thine own art, as much as we wished to display in our own collection.

I smiled. "Thank you, Luna. I shall make another for you, if you so wish."

I heard the delight in her voice. Oh! This would be most wonderful! We appreciate thine offer, Ink. When would thee like thine pay for thine other work?

I smiled. "Well, due to the redaction of the heart from your offer, I would be more than happy to reduce the cost to seventy thousand, not one hundred thousand, and whenever you find it most convenient, Luna."

The joy in her voice was growing incredibly noticeable. We appreciate thine offer, Ink, but we would not feel appropriate with a measly seventy thousand bits for thine beautiful works. We will deliver eighty thousand bits in the form of jewels for easier storage. Where dost thou reside? Within one of Miss Chroma's hearths?

I grinned. "Yes, Luna. I am living with Chroma in her house in Ponyville."

She gasped. Oh, WITH her? We will need to speak to her about the storage of thine property, then. She stores her capital in a vault within Canterlot Castle - We are a personal sponsor of hers.

My jaw dropped at this. "Oh. . . Well, this is an interesting development. I will speak to her about it then."

Thank thee! In the meanwhile, Morning Star, please divulge our second pendant unto Ink. We wish to speak with him more in the future. You have our blessing, Ink, and we shall speak with thee anon. Farewell! Enjoy our evening, as it pleases thee.

With that, there was brief flash from the necklace around Star's neck, and it let out a small chiming sound not unlike a bell, and Luna was gone. Star blinked, having heard the entirety of the conversation, and smiled. "Well, you obviously left a good impression on the Princess. She only lets those she trusts most have one of these pendants." She reached into her dress and pulled a second chain, made of silver, dangling a similar crescent to that of Morning Star's, and offered it to me. I took it from her reverently, treating it as if it were a sugar sculpture and could be crushed with a breath.

"Th. . . Thank you. I don't know what to say." I used my wings to attach it around my neck and I slid it under my tux, out of sight. It felt slightly warm against my chest, and I felt something at the back of my mind when it made contact with my bare flesh, like it itched for a couple of seconds.

Star nodded. "Dont worry about the feeling you get from it in your head; it is establishing a connection between you and the Princess's collar. Now the necklace is bound to you; only you may use it, or those you touch, if Luna perceives them worthy."

I looked at her. "Oh. . . Kay. I will take note of that." I looked around, and saw that since the announcement, I was seeing a bit more activity in my gallery, not just ponies passing through and admiring my work onto Chroma's signature painting. I turned back to Morning Star and smiled. "I will go mark those works for the Princess, and then I should find Chroma to mention the news to her. Thank you very much for your time, Miss Star."

She laughed. "No problem, Ink. You know, you seem cool. Next time your free up at the castle during daylight hours, ask for directions to the Lunar Lounge. I would like to hang, and I'm sure Blitz will like you too. The rest of the Night Guard, in fact. Later!" She waved a hoof and trotted off, leaving me somewhat confused. Lunar Lounge. . ?

I quickly marked the pieces as sold, much to the chagrin of the viewers, and walked out of my gallery to search for Chroma, finding her talking about one of her still life works to a few ponies near the entrance to the building. I trotted over to her, and she finished her little explanation before addressing me. "Hey hun. I noticed the announcement. How was the meeting?"

I smiled. "She was one of Luna's Honour Guard. Luna talked to me through her, and bought my seven pen and ink pieces. For eighty thousand. She was hoping to speak with you sometime soon about your opinion on where to store my pay."

The ponies she was with were completely flabbergasted, jaws on the floor and pupils the size of pinpricks. Chroma herself didn't look too much different. "Eigh. . . Eighty thousand? Princess. . . Luna?" She was silent for a few more seconds before squealing and jumping me. "Thats awesome! Your first sale, seven pieces, to the PRINCESS?! Oh my Celestia, this is amazing!" We both laughed, and then she calmed down a bit, extricating herself from me.

I smiled at her and then remembered. "Oh! Also, I have a way of contacting her later. I am figuring around when the show ends?" I pulled the necklace out for her to see, and her jaw dropped again.

"You. . . She gave you a pendant?"

I smiled. "Yeah. And apparently she personally sponsors your work? When where you going to tell me you had Royal backing?" I said this with a grin and a wink.

Chroma reached up and pulled another pendant from her neck, this one with a gold chain, like Star's. "Yeah, she does. And you do already now as well, thanks to the necklace."

She slid her pendant back into her dress, and I blinked, standing there for a second. "Wait. . . This means I'm sponsored?"

She nodded. "Now, you will get a five hundred bit grant each month for supplies. Also, you can ask for a gallery showing anytime, anywhere. It gets covered by the Crown."

I froze, shocked. "Uhh. . . Wow. Okay."

We stood there silent a moment longer before she hugged me again. "I don't believe how well your doing, love. I can't express how proud I am of you."

I chuckled. "You're the one who deserves the praise. You gave me the opportunity for this."

She blushed. "Well, yes, but, your skill allowed you to impress the princess, not I. It was her choice to lend you the support."

I rubbed the back of me neck. "Well, this back and forth praise is getting us nowhere. How are things doing on your end?"

She smiled. "Well, all of my art thats for sale has a guaranteed fifty ponies attending each auction, so I will sell out. Then, I will sell a few of my properties and buy a few rooms in the castle to make contact with the Princess easier."

I stared at her. ". . . Woah. Buying a part of the Castle? You can do that?"

She laughed. "Yes, you can. Actually, the money you get from this show should allow you to buy an adjoining couple of rooms to mine, so we can both move in."

I grinned. "Awesome! Although, were you planning on selling your Ponyville property? If so, I will buy it off you."

She laughed even richer than before. "No, I cherish that house with my whole being; my mother grew up there. I inherited it when her and father moved off to Las Pegasus."

I nodded with a smile on my face. "Good. I love that house, despite not being in it very long. Now that I know it has family history, I don't have to smack you if you were going to sell it." I said with another wink. We both burst into even more laughter, and then we toned down a bit. "Alright, I suppose I should return to my display and keep an eye on things. I will see you later, love." I took a step forward and hugged her, then kissed her before walking off to my area.


The last two hours of the show went smoothly, and after all the visiting ponies left we got to work taking our art down. I removed my two to keep, setting them aside to take with me. I took the three for the auction, and left them at the security office where they asked us to. And the last seven. . . I set aside to take with me as well. What with my currently staying at Canterlot Castle, after all.

Now that I had packed up, I spread my wings out and slid the art onto my back, supporting it as I left. I walked out of the side gallery and watched all the staff busily taking down Chroma's artworks, and Chroma directing them as they did so from above, making sure none of them accidentally damaged her creations. I trotted over and under her, and she looked down at me and smiled. "Hey hun! Whats up?"

One corner of my mouth turned up in a slight smile. "Well, I could say you, but thats a bad pun, isn't it?"

She laughed and lowered herself down. One of the unicorn staff ponies trotted over as well, and not to me. "Excuse me sir, but shall I assist in delivering your creations to the castle?"

I smiled normally now and nodded. "I would appreciate it. Thank you." He nodded in response and activated his magic, levitating the stack of art off my back. I flexed my wings bit before returning them to my sides, and returned my attention to my marefriend. "Now, how are things going on your end?"

She looked around and smiled. "Well, everything is pretty much ready, and now that everything is loaded up for transport, I don't have to hound over them to ensure the safety of my paintings. Yourself?"

I jerked my head slightly toward the stallion walking off with my art. "He's just about to deliver my stuff to the castle, for the princess to get her prizes and leave my two back at my room."

She nodded. "Sounds good. So, we are both free for the evening, and the night is still fairly young. What say you to a date?"

I grinned and kissed her. "Lead the way, love. You know Canterlot better than me." We trotted towards the main archway and exited the building, descending the steps a bit before Chroma spread her wings, gesturing to go airborne. I followed suit and tailed her, wondering what kind of restaurant she would choose. We drifted in companionable silence, enjoying the quiet and each others presence. Feeling a little bit energetic, I did a barrel roll in the air over Chroma, moving to her other side, and we both laughed. She suddenly flashed me a grin however, and tucked her wings flat into her sides, diving for the ground. I smirked back and narrowed my eyes in a competitive manner, and dove as well. I stuck my forehooves straight out in front of me, trying to reduce the amount of air resistance, and with my larger weight I quickly began to catch up to her.

I reached her side just in time for us both to pull up before hitting the ground, sprinting to a stop on the road. We startled the other ponies around us, one mare even screaming as I shot past her, wing tip grazing her ear lightly. We were laughing uproariously when we finally made it to a stop, and panted heavily. The adrenaline from the dive and the exertion from stopping quickly left us short for breath, but a good rush of endorphins coursing through our veins. I walked up to her side as we continued walking and nuzzled her gently, to which she responded with a gentle sigh and return nuzzle. She then looked up at me and burst into laughter.

Curious as to what she found so entertaining, I looked into one of the shop windows and at my reflection. My mohawk was completely slicked back, resulting in a bunch of completely straight spikes sticking out of the back of my head. I couldn't help but laugh myself, and I extended a wing to push my hair back in place.

I looked back at Chroma, both of us still smiling. "So, love, decided on a restaurant yet?" I asked, very curious. We had already been traveling for about ten to fifteen minutes, and were heading to the other side of the city, slightly further away from the castle based on a straight-line return flight.

She smiled. "Yes, as a matter of fact. I know that Morning Star was off work tonight. Princess Luna asked her to go to the show for her on overtime, but Star did it free. She loves my work as well, and wanted to be able to see me. So, the first thing she usually does on her nights off; a visit to the Lunar Lounge."

I laughed. "Well, that gets that out of the way then."

Chroma looked at me questioningly. "Mmm? Whats that?"

I looked at her smiling. "She asked for me to visit the Lunar Lounge when we met about my art; she wants me to meet the rest of the Night Guard." I looked ahead and noticed a metal gate at the opening to a small alley between two buildings, with a black sign mounted to it with a white crescent moon on it - Luna's cutie mark. I nodded my head towards it. "Is that the lounge there?"

Chroma looked ahead and saw it. "Yes, thats the Lounge. Get your pendant out; it's your mark of admission."

I blinked, interested. It must be a Night Guard only place - well, at least a place for only those Luna trusts most. I stuck my wings forward and pulled my tux out a bit with one wing, then slid the other down and lifted out the amulet. I looked down at it, and saw it in comparison with my wings. Hmm. The silver chain matches the gilding on my wings, and the black stone, well, that matches anything, and I'm wearing a black tux. Nice accent, if I do say so myself.

I looked back up and stopped with my other half, in front of the gate. A Night Guard stepped out of the shadows from behind the gate and looked at both of our necks in quick succession before nodding. He looked back up at our faces and smiled. "Welcome! And hello Chroma, it's been a while." He lifted his helmet a bit, and the magic surrounding the armour that made all ponies wearing it look alike slipped, showcasing what he actually looked like for a second.

He had dark, dark red fur, the colour of blood, and he had a short cropped mane, messily styled, in a steely grey colour. His eyes were icy blue, and his cutie mark was of three magical darts. He also had a chunk out of the tip of his left ear. He grinned at us and winked before slipping his helmet back, masking his appearance. "Well, yeah, I've been busy preparing for this major show." Chroma said just after he slipped his helm on. "And it's good to see you, Blitz."

He turned to me, and proceeded to chuckle. "Well, you didn't waste your time getting here. Morning Star just got back from the show after changing into her armour at home, and she mentioned you might come in a couple of days." He unlocked and pulled open the gate to allow us entrance as he said this.

I laughed. "Well, yeah. It was Chroma's idea to come over for a little date after the show. The names Ink." I said, offering a hoof after he closed the gate behind us.

He accepted and chuckled again. "Now, heres to hoping your directional skills improved, and you will remember this place's location when you leave later."

We both laughed, and Chroma looked at me with a smirk. "Directional skills. . ?"

I looked at her and laughed. I continued the little white lie. "Yeah, I got lost in the castle the other day. Blitz led me back to my room while he and Morning Star were on duty."

Chroma burst into laughter as we walked down the little alley, Chroma and Blitz taking the lead while a lagged a little behind and between them, following. There was a little round courtyard like area at the end,with a cobblestone path around the outside of it it and a small garden in the middle. Off to the left was a single, heavy wooden door set into the wall, and Blitz walked towards it. He pulled it open and one could suddenly hear the noises of a pub. Blitz stepped aside to allow us entry. "Welcome to the Lunar Lounge. Unfortunately I have to keep an eye on the gate for the next fifteen minutes till my shift with it ends, but I will be in after." Chroma and I nodded in appreciation and understanding, heading in, immediately confronted with a stairwell down. He closed the door behind us, and we descended. When we reached the bottom, I was dumbfounded.

Inside, at the very bottom level, was the bar off to one side, semicircular, and the ceiling was gone to allow one to look up at the balcony that made up the second floor. And up higher, to see the third floor. And finally, the skylight ceiling. The roof of the building was a giant, glass dome, allowing one to see the night sky. I looked around the bar now, to get a feel for decor and the company it kept, and a small smile spread across my face. There were little pegs all around the wall with nameplates below them, and hanging on the pegs were Night Guard helmets. Some were vacant, and I assumed it was just the ones on duty. Looking even further though, I noticed that for some of the decor of the place, hanging on similar pegs around the top of the bar were antique helmets, going through multiple variations. Huh. Must be for all the different styles of her Guards uniform over the ages.

Around the room were ponies of various colours, and the only thing uniting them was a good cheer, and matching armour. Colour wise no two ponies were alike, and my eyes instantly set on the grey coat and silver mane of Morning Star, over on one of the barstools, talking with a fellow Guardsman. Now that she was out of the dress I could see her cutie mark as well; I must say, not what I expected for her name. It wasn't a literal version of her name, in the idea of 'morning' and 'star,' but the weapon. A black ball with silver spikes and a silver chain.

Chroma and I made our way over to her, with ponies calling out to her in welcome. Everypony that saw me, though, shot me glances with a wide range of expressions. Most in curiosity, others looking slightly annoyed, and a fair number looking at me with glee. The reasons behind the glee, however, were not visible to me; I was unsure if they wanted to make a new friend, were going to try and make fun of me, or at finding out that Chroma was with somepony now. My imagination was running wild.

We reached her, and she turned to us after finishing her story. She burst into a massive, ear to ear grin. "Chroma! Ink! You came tonight!" She dropped of her bar stool and hugged Chroma, to which Chroma responded in kind. She then looked at me, shrugged, and hugged me as well. I blinked, a little taken aback, but I liked her so far, so I hugged her back with a laugh.

Chroma responded. "Yeah, we both finished up at our show, with huge success - " She said this with a wink, "and after he showed me the pendant, I figured for our date after, to get him acquainted with his new friends early."

I smiled. "I just followed her lead. I had no idea where the place was, and she didn't tell me this was the destination either."

Star laughed. "Right! Sorry! Told you about it, but not where. My bad."

I shook my head. "It's no problem. I would have found a way here eventually." I looked around for a second, and noticed all the other ponies in the room were throwing glances our way and talking to their fellow guards in hushed voices after. "So, I must say. This place is pretty damn awesome."

Star nodded. "It has actually been around for about one hundred years in dedication to what Princess Luna was before she became Nightmare Moon, and once she came back and was returned to normal, the owner proposed to the court that it become the official off-duty locale for the Night Guard. After getting approval, he bought out a few buildings next door and did some renovations, adding the other buildings as more rooms. The guards don't just drink here; we live here when off duty."

I blinked. This was an interesting bit of information. "Huh. Thats pretty damn cool. You have a room here?"

She nodded. "Don't use it for anything other than storage though. I live in Blitz's room with him just down the hall."

Chroma spoke up again. "How is he by the way? Haven't had much chance to see him lately, outside the couple minutes we talked on the way in here."

Star smiled. "Hes been great. We decided to make our relationship official; getting married in a couple of months, once we have saved up enough vacation time for our honeymoon."

Chroma squealed, clapping her hooves together and glomping Star. "Ooh, this is great! I hope I'm invited to the wedding?"

Star balked. "What, would you expect otherwise? Of course you are!" She hugged Chroma back, and they laughed together. They separated and turned to me, the third wheel. Star coughed into her hoof, embarrassed. "So. . . whats up, Ink?"

I laughed. "Not much. You?" We all laughed, awkwardness gone. "In all seriousness though, despite us barely knowing each other, congrats."

She blushed, but she smiled brightly. "Thank you! So, what do you guys want to do?"


I awoke in my bed at the Castle, and I must say, ugh. I have to drink less. Chroma, Star, myself, and later Blitz, all had fun last night. Or, this morning. Whatever. We hung around, drinking, getting to know each other, and catching up on each others adventures. They also took the opportunity to introduce me to most of the Guard in the bar at the time. We where up till around four or five, so around two or three hours of chatting.

They were still carrying on when I left, feeling exhausted. I may have been pretty boozed, but my body could still tell me, SLEEEEEP. I said my farewells, and took a very disjointed flight back to the castle gates. I was admitted, and I stumbled my way down the halls to my room. I managed to stay relatively quiet entering, so I didn't wake up the others, and I plopped on top of my bed, not bothering to get out of the tux or get under the sheets.

Which leads me to waking up.

I hate mornings.

I awoke with an ear-splitting headache, the foul aftertaste of copious amounts of alcohol at the back of my throat, and the soreness of sleeping in an awkward position. I slowly got up and stretched, and when I looked at myself, I still wore the amulet, but the tux was gone. I looked up again, and there was a ponnequin next to my bed wearing the suit. Well, Rarity must have undressed me. I thought with a snort. I turned to the table next to my bed, and there was a note. I walked over and read my name written on the back of it. I unfolded it with my wings and strenuously read it, headache making focusing on it difficult.


Your presence is requested in the great hall at your earliest convenience. Please take your time in making yourself presentable.

Twilight Sparkle

I blinked. Okay, I guess I am to be included in the meeting with the Princesses? I walked over to our bathroom and hopped in the shower, letting the hot water roll of my back for about a half hour to help relax my muscles and dull my headache slightly with the steam and relaxation. I finished my shower and left for the dining hall, grabbing a small jar of pickles from them, and upon completion of the jar, I brushed my teeth to attempt to cure my likely godawful morning breath.

Feeling rejuvenated enough, I grabbed the note and walked down the castle to the great hall, presenting it to the guard posted at the doors. He read it, nodded, and knocked on the door to the room. We waited a few seconds before it was answered by Twilight. She opened the door looking incredibly grim, and when she saw me, she nodded. She opened the door further, granting me entrance, and what I saw after walking in caused my mind to go blank.

The rest of the mane six were sitting in a semi circle on the carpet at the base of the dais to the throne, gazes downcast, with Celestia sitting likewise in front of the them. And under her wing was a weeping Princess Luna.

I gulped, and walked in. Twilight walked over to the side of Luna opposite Celestia and sat close to her, offering her comfort. I walked over and took a seat on the outside of the semicircle, nearest to Luna, and waited.

The only sound that filled the room for the next few seconds was that of the Princess crying, until Celestia sighed. "Ink." I turned to her. "What we speak of here must not leave this room. Are we clear?" She said in a short, clipped tone that brokered no argument.

I nodded, and she nodded in turn. "Good. Princess Luna. . . my dear sister. . . has been having Nightmares. But. . ." She sighed. "She is the Princess of the Night, and under her care is that of dreams. If she didn't wish to dream of something, she would simply choose not to. These Nightmares. . . are of Nightmare Moon." My blood cooled, and my skin crawled. This was not good news. "As you know what Nightmare Moon is, you do not require an explanation of the problem this poses. However, I find myself in the unfortunate position of asking for your help."

I blinked. "Pardon me, but what help would I possibly be of here? I would love to lend a hoof in any way imaginable, you know this, but. . . I feel powerless in this situation. The Elements of Harmony," I said, gesturing to Twilight and the others, "are right here. Can they not dispel Nightmare Moon like before?"

Twilight grimaced. "That's the problem. She has not yet fully developed, and this time, she is doing more than just use Princess Luna's body as host. She. . . seems to be holding Luna captive somehow. Every thought, every action, has a minor amount of influence from the Nightmare. As long as the Princess does nothing she cannot be affected this way, but her resolve against the Nightmare is growing weaker. There is no telling when she will break."

After Twilight said this, Luna broke into even deeper tears. The sight of this seriously hurt me. I tried pulling into my mind, reaching for the connection made with the pendant I was given, and I tried communicating with it.


I felt her get somewhat startled, and there was a hitch in her tears. She looked up at me, streams down her cheeks, wide and red eyed. You. . . You figured out how to speak back to us.

I stared her in the eyes right back. Yeah. I know that in your physical state speech is very difficult, but I needed to talk to you. Seeing you like this is very painful for me. If there is absolutely ANYTHING I can do to help, please, tell me. I want to help cure you of this. . . Parasite, as soon as possible.

Her crying died down to sniffles, and she closed her eyes. Thank thee, Ink. We greatly appreciate thine offer. Unfortunately, we are unsure as to how thee may be of assistance. My hope began to dwindle. The reason we believe thou might be able to assist us, is thine unique ability to separate thine very soul from the material plane and still reside in it.

I blinked. What use can that provide, Luna?

She smiled slightly. The Nightmare cannot attack that which has no physical form. If it proceeds to possess us, we ask, please see what thou art capable of in dealing with her. But we do not know what thou may accomplish in this form; our only knowledge of it is thine ability to separate oneself from their flesh.

I nodded. I promise, I will see what I am able to do. I sent as much of my feelings of care and worry across the connection to Luna as I could, and her tears subsided.

She opened her eyes and met my gaze. "Thank thee, Ink."

The others were looking at the two of us, confused. Only Princess Celestia seemed to understand what had transpired. "I see Luna bestowed upon you a Pendant."

Twilight gasped. "That was what was around your neck? When did you get it?"

I nodded. "Yes. Her guard Morning Star gave it to me on Princess Luna's behalf at the art show last night." I turned back to Celestia. "We just spoke, and I shall see what I can do, your Majesty."

She smiled. "Thank you, Ink. I will be in your debt."

I shook my head. "I think of it as repaying a debt to you, Princess. You could very well have denied me the ability to live as I pleased in Equestria. You saw my life from my own mind; you know I have made questionable decisions often, yet you chose to trust me based on decisions alone. This will be my way of thanking you."

She smiled in genuine happiness and thanks. She leaned her head forward, and I walked forward. She nuzzled me. "Again, thank you. I can never thank you enough."

I nuzzled her back, but softly spoke into her ear. "Don't thank me unless I save your sister. If I separate from my body to help and somehow get trapped out of it, or I stay away too long, it will die, and I have no idea how long I could survive as a spirit, if at all."

She separated, and grimly nodded. "Lets hope it never comes to that.". I nodded in solemn agreement.

Suddenly, Luna's eyes grew wide, and she became frantic. "No, no, NO! Dont! Get out of my head! Get out! GET OUT! ! !" She started running around and shaking her head wildly. Her mane was thrown every which way, and started becoming more ethereal. She began to scream, and tears were once more pouring down her face. She stared at me in horror as her fur turned black. Her pupils started shrinking to that of cat eyes, and her iris spread to consume the entire white of her eyes, leaving them completely teal with a black slit down the middle. She let loose one last scream, and as the transformation into the Nightmare finished, the scream stopped. She stood there, at the other end of the room, staring at us. We all sat there horrified, but my condition was the worst of them all.

My connection with the Princess through the pendant resulted in my feeling everything she felt during the transformation. All the pain, the agony, the sorrow, the fear, and hopelessness, passed over to me. I could do nothing but stand there, world grey through my eyes from fear, staring at the one that just caused all of these emotions. My legs were shaking, and I collapsed, lying on my belly, but my gaze never left Nightmare Moon.

Twilight and the others recovered before I could and they focused. I saw the elements form around their necks, and Twilight began to draw power from her friends. At the same time, Nightmare Moon prepared a counter attack, the glow at the tip of her horn starting blue but turning black as the spell gained in power.

"No! Twilight! STOP! RUN!" I heard Celestia shout next to me, and she tackled her student, knocking her to the side. Twilight's spell was cancelled, but Nightmare Moons spell had not. It reached the desired power and fired, but instead of striking the purple unicorn, shot out and struck Princess Celestia.

There was a black flash, everything growing dark for a few seconds, and when light returned to the room, Celestia had been thrown into the throne. She sat there, slumped against the back of the chair and the arm, small burns scattered across her body, and one wing appeared broken. Her chest was barely lifting with her breathing.

"Awe, I was hoping to kill the Element of Magic, preventing any resistance later. Thanks to you being an Alicorn, dear sister, you survived. But not after this next blow. Twilight will be next.". She shot a quick, black bolt at the aforementioned Element of Magic, throwing her across the room into the wall. Her head slammed into the wall and she fell to the floor, unconscious. Her friends screamed, rushing to her. Applejack and Rainbow dove at the Nightmare in rage, but were likewise struck down. Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy sat there, clutching Twilight and each other, completely and utterly terrified.

Celestia came to again, and she looked at the Nightmare, exhausted and terrified. The Nightmare began to charge another bolt, and Celestia looked at me, fear plainly visible in here face.

As soon as I saw that look, I completely calmed. No. It's not ending like this. You are NOT going to win, fiend. My world slowed down, and I rose to my feet. I started to run towards Nightmare Moon, reaching a full gallop as fast as I could. She turned to me in surprise before smirking. She began to speak to me, but I heard nothing. I leapt at her when I was halfway across the room to her, using my wings to grant extra speed. Midair, I separated from my body. No longer being constrained by a physical body I covered the remaining distance in a flash. Nightmare Moon's eyes widened in shock, and then I reached her.

When I passed through her, I felt hers and Luna's souls in her body. I attempted to grab them, and found I could. I separated from their body bearing them with me, and I saw Luna's neck in one human hand and the Nightmares in the other. Before I managed to separate though the spell fired, and a black missile began it's flight toward my body. The slow motion I was perceiving everything in allowed me time to think.

I knew the spell would hit my body, no matter what, and there was nothing I could do about that. I made a split second decison. I pushed Luna back into her own body, and flew towards my own, passing the magic bullet. I pushed Nightmare Moon into my own body, and it slowly began to change to accommodate her. My fur darkened a couple shades, and my wings twisted and popped, growing to the size of Celestias.

Then the spell struck.


All Luna could do was watch.

She was trapped inside her own mind, seeing through Nightmare Moon's eyes, and all she saw was the glow from another kill spell charging inside her own horn, aimed for Celestia. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ink running towards her. No. No, don't do it! Nightmare Moon saw him as well, and she redirected the spell towards him. NO! PLEASE, NO!

Then, she saw him jump. Following that, his spirit split from his body, and she felt this weird sensation like she was getting grabbed by the throat, and yet, she felt Nightmare Moon get hit by the same thing.


She separated from her body, and was suspended there, staring at Nightmare Moon who was in a similar situation, and at Ink, looking like he did as a human. All three of them were spirits floating in the middle of the throne room now. He looked at everything in the room in a split second. She felt him push her back into her body, and she had control once again. Her body began to revert to ts original form, and then she saw him push the Nightmare into his own body.

Then she saw the spell.

It had already fired, and it plunged into the chest of his body. The room went black for a second, and when light returned, his body was at the foot of the dais to the throne. However, it did not resemble him anymore. It was broken and charred, bent into horrible and grotesque angles, and his spirit was nowhere in sight. The pendant from around his neck was gone, chain vaporized, and the obsidian jewel was at the far side of the room, glowing purple under a table next to a column.

All was still.