• Published 16th Aug 2016
  • 7,102 Views, 125 Comments

Seeing Double - flawlessvictory20

  • ...

We're Not So Different (Jack x Rarity)

A few weeks later, early in the morning, the Apple clan rose to prepare for the day ahead. Jack, Big Mac, and Applejack headed to the South Field to start the day. Much like his home, Jack quickly fell into the daily routine that took place with the Apple clan. After a few hours of early morning bucking, they finally cleared the South Field at which they turned their attention to the East Field. By the time the sun was high in the sky, the trio had completed most of the orchard. As they began heading to the last one on the list, Jack wiped his brow. His white crew neck shirt was damp from his sweat, while his blue jeans that were lightly covered in dirt.

“Whew, startin’ ta feel just like home,” he chuckled.
“Well, Ah’d imagine the work ain’t any different,” noted Applejack, dressed in an orange collared sleeveless shirt tied with a front knot and cutoff jean shorts.
“True, but it’s still a bit different here and there.”

When the moisture from his shirt became too much, he decided to take it off and let the gentle breeze caress his body.

“Ah! Now that’s better!” he exclaimed.
Applejack looked at his chiseled body and let out an approving whistle.
“Looks like ya took after yer Pa’s side,” she grinned.
“Yeah, Ah come from good genes,” he smirked.
“That plus hard work and good clean-livin',” chimed in Big Mac, who wore a tan vest and blue jeans.
“Ah couldn’t have said it better mahself, Mac,” nodded Applejack.
“Having the proper attire helps as well,” sang a female voice from behind them.

They all turned around to see that Rarity was walking up to them. She sported a collared long-sleeved white blouse, a short black skirt with a golden ringed belt and black stockings. They all noticed she had a few articles of clothing in arms.

“Oh hey there....uh Rarity right?” spoke Jack.
“That’s correct, darling,” she smiled.
“Is there somethin’ Ah can help ya with?” he asked with a smile.

Before she could answer, she felt her words leave her as she gazed at the specimen before her. Never before had she seen a stallion that looked so toned and fit as Jack. She internally sighed as she saw his rippling muscles glisten in the sunlight. Her mind began to drift off into a fantasy of him cradling her in his arms like a princess.

“Umm…are you all right, Rarity?” Jack asked as he gazed at the mare before him.

Her expression had a slight smile forming on it. She shook her head to recompose herself. When her eyes met Jack’s, she could feel her face begin to heat up.

“Oh, umm yes darling,” she replied, a bit flustered. “I...uh...well...I thought you could use these…” she said, as she handed him the clothes.
“Really? Well, that’s mighty kind of ya,” he smiled.

When he tried on one of the shirts, it hugged his frame tightly, much to Rarity’s delight, who smiled to herself.

“Uh, Rarity. Ah think they might be a bit too small,” Jack sheepishly grinned.
“I...I can very clearly see that...” she blushed as she eyed him up and down.
“Somethin’ wrong? Yer face is all red,” he asked.
“No, not at all,” she quickly waved it off. “It’s...just rather warm today. Being directly under the sun can take its toll on a mare like myself.”
“Oh okay. Well, Ah do appreciate the new duds, but Ah won’t be able to wear ’em.”
“Oh come now, darling. It will be just a quick hem to fix that.”
“Really? Ah wouldn’t wanna trouble you.”
“No trouble at all~. I’ll just need you to come by for proper measurements.”
“Um okay. Will y’all be fine without me?” Jack looked at Applejack then to Big Mac and back again.
“We got this,” grinned Applejack, as she elbowed Mac.
“Well if ya sure. Ah'll be happy ta come in fer a fittin’,” Jack said as he turned back to Rarity.
“Splendid, darling~,” she beamed.

He took off the tight shirt to replace it with his old one, and the two headed off for Carousel Boutique.

The trip didn’t take too long, in the distance, he could still see Sweet Apple Acres. They entered the boutique, which was cool compared to the blistering heat. She ushered him into her workroom. She quickly found her roll of measuring tape which was laying on a table.

“So where do ya want me?”
“Just over here darling,” she replied, pointing to the Hitchcock mirrors.

He obeyed her instructions and walked over to the mirrors. Rarity followed quickly behind him and positioned him to begin the measurements. As she slowly worked her way around his frame, she paid great attention to his lower region. While she was on her knees to measure his inseam, Jack couldn’t help but notice how her tender breasts swayed as she moved. He tried to think of anything that would prevent his lower half from erecting. She got up and walked over to her bench to quickly jot down the numbers she had collected.

“Are we done?” he nervously asked, his cheeks beginning to blush.
She turned to him with a wink.
“It’s a rule for a seamstress: ‘Measure Twice, Cut Once’~,” she sang.

He groaned as she walked over and started the process over again. The whole time he found it hard to keep his gaze from drifting downward to her bountiful breast. It was a considerable task to maintain his composure.

“Y’all sure are attentive when it comes to yer job Rarity,” he noticed.
“Well, I do have an eye for detail,” she winked.
“Ah can see that,” he chuckled.

At that moment, he felt her hand briefly brushed against his package. He felt a slight shiver run through his body. He looked down to see that she went along measuring as if it didn’t happen.

“So what got ya in this line of work?” he asked.
“Oh, same as Elusive, I would imagine,” she said as she tapped her chin. “I’ve been interested in fashion ever since I was a filly. After getting my cutie mark, well the rest is history, darling~.”
“Ah see. Y’all must’ve worked hard to get where ya are today?”
“Maybe not as hard as you Apples, but I did my time,” she said, as she moved to measure his deltoid.
“Don’t sell yerself short. Whether it’s in the field or here in yer shop, hard work is hard work.”

His statement got a small blush from the fashionista.

“Why thank you, Darling,” she smiled.
“Where Ah’m from, the only mare Ah know that works hard like you is mah big sister, Red Gala,” he stated.
“I see…the strong and silent type?’
“And a hard worker.”
“It’s so fascinating how our worlds have intertwined…”
“True, we’re different, yet so similar.”

After she heard him sigh, she looked up to see him get a bit downcast.

“Ah wonder if Ah’ll ever get home.”
“Twilight is the smartest pony I know, and Dusk is every bit as brilliant. They will find a way; I’m sure of it. For now, try to enjoy your time here. Surely you’ve found something that appeals to you?”

As she got up, she headed toward her work desk. She noticed Jack rub his chin.

“Well yeah. There’s the farm, AJ, and the Apple clan, and the town seems real nice,” he began before he chuckled. “Though there’s one particular thing Ah find most appealing.”

That last comment caught her attention.

“Is that so?” she questioned with a curious gleam in her eye. Jack noticed how she stopped briefly continued on her work.
“Yeah…a mare actually…” he blushed.
“Is it anypony I know?” she pried.
“You could say that?”
“Is that so?” she asked with an arched eyebrow.
“She’s kind, dedicated, a hard worker and not lacking in the beauty department,” he started.

She felt that she knew whom he was referring to her made her heart skip a beat. She turned around and slowly walked over to him.

“Go on~.”
“Ah reckon she has to fend off suitors with a stick.”
She merely shook her head.
“Not exactly, darling. I tend to put my work ahead of most everything else,” she replied. “If I may be so bold as to assume that I’m the one who has caught your eye.”
He gave an embarrassed grin.
“Ah guess it wasn’t too hard to figure out huh?” he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I do have a knack for picking up on the details,” she winked.
“Well, yes ah do fancy ya.”
“Well...I do also admit that I’ve...taken an interest in you as well, Jack. Also, I know that a stallion like you doesn’t leave a lady like me fearing for their reputation.”
“Not at all.”

She looked at him a lidded smile.

“Uh, Rarity. Are ya feeling okay?”
“Oh, it’s just that I’ve been on my hooves all day. Perhaps I should rest for a bit. Maybe give my hands something to do and have a small snack, so I don’t doze off~.”
“Um. Ah don’t quite know. Um, what do you mean?”

She got within a hair's breadth away from him and leaned up to whisper in his ear as her hand grazed his crotch.

“I want to know what apple seeds taste like~,” she cooed in a sultry tone.
“Oh my. Not one fer subtlety Ah see. Ah like that in a mare,” Jack chuckled. “But Ah’d rather take ya out ta dinner first before we get all intimate.”

She looked at him with a tender smile.

“Oh my, such a gentleman,” she spoke, as she offered her arm as if he’d just asked her out on a date. “Shall we~?”
“Well, Ah haven’t earned many bits. So, Ah can’t take you on the date y’all deserve,” Jack admitted.
“Now we’ll have none of that, darling. Fine company is all I need,” she winked.
“Okay...then let’s get going,” he said. “Unless ya need ta measure some more.”
“Oh, I got everything I need on the first pass.”
“You did? But, Ah thought you said ya need ta measure twice?”
“Did I? My mistake darling. I should have said I wanted to~.’
“Oh?” Jack said before he realized what she meant. “Oh~!

She giggled at his response.

“So shall we?” he asked, as he offered his muscular arm.

With a nod, she accepted his gentlemanly gesture as she wrapped her arms around his. She felt her heart race as she thought how toned and chiseled his arm was.

“Let’s get a bite to eat,” he smiled.
She grinned and nestled closer to him.
“I’ll be sure to save room for dessert~,” she cooed.

With that, the two headed off on their impromptu date.

As they walked through town, arm in arm, Jack scanned the area for an excellent place to take Rarity.

“So, where can a stallion with a limit budget take the lovely lady?” he asked.
“I never say ‘no’ to being treated at a fruit vendor,” she answered.
“Okay. Which one would you like to go to?”
“Well, I do have a weakness for strawberries~.”
“Okay, strawberries it is then.”

He looked around and found the strawberry stand. As they headed to the vendor, Rarity noticed a few of the local mares gazes were locked onto her stallion. Though they gazed at him with hungered looks, he remained utterly oblivious to them.

As a show of force, she stepped closer to him and guided one of his powerful hands around her back and over her waist. The mares quickly took the hint and went about their business. They eventually reached the vendor.

“Howdy there. Yer best strawberry please,” he ordered.
With a smile, the mare gathered the fruit and gently produced them in a small pint-sized box.
“Ooh~ How much, darlin’?”
“Twelve bits~” beamed the mare.
Reached into his pocket and pulled out his bit bag, and placed the bits on the counter. She took the bits and gave him the box with an idolizing gaze.
“Thank ya kindly.”
“You’re welcome. Come back soon~,” the mare smiled warmly.

Nodding he took the box, not noticing the mare’s advances. As the two walked away, he turned to his lovely mare and offered her a strawberry.

“Here ya are, lil lady~.”
With a warm smile, she took one and slowly ate one.
“How is it?”
“It’s divine~. You simply must have one,” Rarity insisted, as she pressed one against Jack’s lips.

He took the hint and bit into the strawberry. He immediately was hit with a wave sweet flavor combined with the crispness for the strawberry.

“Yer right. These are good!” he praised.
She gave him a knowing smile.
“I told you, darling.”

As they continued on their saunter, his eyes ventured toward the park. He thought of a great idea.

“Ya up fer a stroll in the park,” he inquired, as he motioned in that direction.

She gave an approving nod and pulled closer to him. While they walked through the park, Rarity noticed once again the several mares that were eyeing Jack.

“Somethin’ wrong?” he asked, noticing her looking around.
“It seems I’m not the only one who has eyes for you,” she huffed.

He quickly looked around to see the mares were eyeing him. Some would wink while others would blow a kiss at him.

“Oh...Ah guess Ah’m mighty popular,” he chuckled.
“Quite popular indeed,” she spat with a bit of annoyance.

He shook his head and placed his hand on her hip to pull her closer.

“Too bad fer them! ‘Cause Ah got a nice mare right here,” he winked to assure her.

His words earned a giggle from the mare.

“Shall we~?” he hummed.

Now confident in his devotion to her, she walked alongside him with new vigor in her step. This time she looked at the mares and saw nothing but looks of jealousy in their expression. As she nestled closer to Jack, he gave her a comforting smile.

“Just ignore’em darlin’,” he spoke. “Y’know there’s a place Ah wanna show ya.”
“Yeah, this way darlin'.”

With a nod from his mare, the two headed to a secluded part of the park.

“It should be around here somewhere…” he said, as he scanned the area.

As for Rarity, she just enjoyed the beautiful flora along the path. When they turned the corner, Jack let out a satisfied sigh.

“There ya are!” he smiled.

Rarity was blown away as she beheld a lush field of flowers (inhabited with daisies, lilies, marigolds, roses, etc.).

“Whatcha think?” he asked.
“Simply breathtaking~” she spoke in awe.
“I thought y’all might like it. Butters told me about this meadow a while back. So, Ah figured I’d take ya here.”
“I…love it.”
“Then Ah guess Ah made the right choice,” he grinned while he pulled her in a warm embrace.

To which she earnestly returned it. Jack tilted her chin upward and gazed lovingly into her eyes.

“So, how am Ah doing so far?” he asked.
“I’d say you’re just about there,” she winked.

He leaned down to kiss her, to where she met him halfway. The two shared a tender, yet passionate, kiss. As she leaned deeper into it, she felt him rest his hands on the small of her back. He glided his tongue along her lips to request access, to which she willingly granted him access. When she felt his strong tongue dominate hers and caress every fold in her mouth, she moaned deeply and dragged fingernails down his back his back. As they broke the kiss to get some much-needed air, he looked at her with a sensual grin.

“Feisty aren’t we?” he chuckled.
“You have no idea, darling~,” she purred.
“Care ta show me sometime?”
Leaned up to his ear to whisper.
“It’s a date~.”
Just the sultry inflection in her voice sent a shiver down his spine.
“Do ya wanna rest here fer awhile?”
With a nod, she found a spot underneath a tree and ushered him over to it. They both sat in each other’s embrace and gazed at the setting sun.
“Y’know maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if we’re not able ta get home,” he spoke softly.
“I wouldn't object to it,” she replied, as she leaned on him.
“But if Ah did end up going back. Ah’d get a might sad…”
“I would miss you too...but I’d always cherish our time together.”
“As would Ah,” he cooed before he leaned down for another kiss.

She returned the kiss zealously. While locked in their oral battle, she felt his strong hands run over her body. She slowly guided one of his hands to her ample plot, to which he gives a firm squeeze which earned a soft coo for his mare. He whispered in her ear.

“Do ya wanna head back? Or ya wanna do it here?” he inquired.
With a carnal grin, she whispered back.
“I feel apples are best enjoyed at home~.”
With an hungered smirk, he scooped her up bridal style in his arm.
“Let’s head back then~” he growled.
“Indeed, my stallion~” she cooed, as she nestled in his firm grip.

As they headed back, she felt her heart race at the prospect of what will happen on this night. Not long after these thoughts weighed in her mind, they found her back at the boutique. When he reached the front doorstep, he looked down to her.

“Shall Ah carry mah mare inside?”
A suggestive smirk snaked across her muzzle.
“So chivalrous~. You do know how to treat a lady.”
“Naturally. Ah’m an Apple after all,” he spoke, as he used one hand to open the door and head inside. “Where to milady?
She thought for a moment.
“That depends...do you want to help clean sheets or upholstery tomorrow?” she hinted.
“Why not both~?” he replied, with a wiggling eyebrow.
“Both it is then~,” she winked. “We’ll start on the couch, and then up to the bedroom~.”

With a nod, he deposited her on the couch. He quickly closed the blinds and made his way over the door. Out of habit, he took off his hat and placed it on the doorknob. When he looked back to her, he saw her magically start to unbutton her shirt. All the while he could see the burning desire she had for him to ravish her thoroughly.

Oh, Ah’m in fer a wild night,’ he internally grinned.
With a click of the lock, he closed the door and headed to his waiting mare.