• Published 29th Sep 2016
  • 3,383 Views, 122 Comments

Lord Of ARMs - Xenoguyver

Displaced story. Guy went to his first ever con as what he thought of as one of the coolest but not so well known characters in video games. Then, he ended up in Equestria. What the hell just happend?

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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

Okay. Wow. I was pretty damn surprised by the turnout of my story here.

Seriously. First 48 hours. It already got added to 76 "bookshelves" and has 35 people tracking it. Just.......I'm just stunned and humbled. I thought my story was PASSABLE but that many people, maybe more, liked my story in just the first 48 hours.

Thank you. All of you.

And a special thanks to "The Villain In Glasses" for his constructive criticism. He gave me a good directional start so I can at least make my story more readable. Here is hoping that I do not end up disappointing you all.

This link will show you what the girls figures would be like in this story. MINUS the fact they are human. They ARE anthro in this story.

Disclaimer is the same thing I posted in the first chapter.

1500 years later
a few minutes before the start of the Summer Sun Celebration

Celestia walked through her castle in the middle of the night, deep in thought. She remembered when the Guardian Lord of Desire appeared before her and her sister. She also remembered what he had spoken to her and Luna about. Lucied had explained what a Guardian was, and what a Guardian Lord was as well. The information was............mind boggling for her at the time. The revelation that the Guardians were essentially GODS, beings in power superior to her and Luna. Lucied had told them that the Guardians and Guardian Lords were not going to take over their kingdom or world. They all represented and governed over aspects of Nature and Reality, maintaining balance.

But there was a great threat coming. Not just to her ponies and country, but the whole world. That worried her and Luna. But Lucied had told them the strange creature they had just met at the time had a great burden placed on him, but he was too 'weak' at the time. Thus his form that Lucied said was called a "Protoblazer". He asked them to place him in a certain place and use their magic to place the Protoblazer into a 'pseudo-suspended animation' so that his body can start adjusting to his new body and power.

They had done so and Lucied then asked for more help. He had asked them to keep the two "ARMs", called Twin Fenrir, close to them so they can be returned to this strange creature when he wakes up in the future.

Soon after, the Guardians were explained to not just her ponies, but also other races. They were all fearful of these new beings at first, but gradually all races of the world began to get used to them and their subtle power. 10 years after the "introduction" of the Guardians, they were starting to be worshiped, and even the various races asked and/or prayed to them for their blessings in various things.

The Guardian Lords, the strongest ones who ruled and governed over the four strongest emotions of the heart however.....They remained neutral in everything as did all the Guardians.

Celestia stepped out to a balcony looked up at the moon sadly, staring at the Mare In The Moon, remembering how she had to banish her sister to it one thousand years ago. She just knows that Luna is going to return soon. She also hopes that her faithful student Twilight Sparkle will be able to find the Elements of Harmony, as well as other ponies compatible with them, and turn her sister back to normal. She also sent Twilight to Ponyville to find not just some friends, but also sent with Twilight the Twin Fenrir ARMs. Celestia had a feeling that this was a good time to "return" the weapons.

She still beat herself up about how she had not noticed how her Luna, her sister, was feeling at the time. How Luna thought that ponies did not appreciate all the work she put into the night. "Twilight, please help my sister." Celestia quietly said to herself.

She saw the Mare In The Moon disappear and her eyes widened. She heard an evil chuckle behind her. She turned but all she saw before she blacked out is a black furred figure with wings, a horn and a dark, menacing glow to her mane and tail.

Castle of the Twin Pony Sisters
Everfree Forest

A group of 6 young women who all look to be 19-20 years of age, all lay sprawled on the ground before Nightmare Moon who laughed victoriously over them. "Pathetic foals. It looks like even though you have obtained the Elements, you are not yet able to use enough of their power to defeat me." Nightmare Moon said with a grin. The girls all glared up at her, too weak after such an early attempt at using the Elements.

Two of the girls are Pegasi. One with blue fur on her body, a rainbow colored hair and tail and a rainbow lightning bolt coming out of a cloud. This is Rainbow Dash, the self proclaimed "fastest flyer in Equestria" and head of the Ponyville weather team. But at the moment, she is on her hands and knees, tried to stand back up but failed and glared at Nightmare Moon. The other Pegasus had an almost buttercream color coat, peach color hair and tail and her cutie mark is three butterflies with dotted lines behind them. This is Fluttershy, Ponyville's gentle local vet and animal caretaker, and she tried to get off the ground like Rainbow. But unlike Rainbow, she stared at Nightmare Moon fearfully, but still kept trying to get up.

Another two of the girls, a pair of Earth Ponies also tried to get up, but like Dash and Fluttershy, have been failing. One of them has orange fur on her body with a blonde colored hair and tail, her cutie mark being three apples. The other Earth Pony has a light pink coat of fur with her hair and tail being a darker pink, her cutie mark being three party balloons. These two are Applejack, Ponyville's local apple farmer, and Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's Premier Party Pony.

The last two girls are a pair of Unicorns. One of them has a pale pearl colored fur with a rich dark purple hair and tail, her cutie mark a trio of diamonds. This is Rarity, Ponyville's local dress designer/fashionista. The other one has a lavender coat of fur, her hair and tail made of a very dark purple with a pair of streaks in them. One pink the other purple. Her cutie mark is a six pointed star with several other stars around it. This is Twilight Sparkle, the prized and dear student of Princess Celestia.

Twilight tried to warn Celestia about Nightmare Moons coming, but she was instead sent to Ponyville to prepare it for this years Summer Sun Celebration and to, in Celestia's words according to the letter Twilight got from her, "make some friends". When she realized the girls she traveled into the Everfree Forest with to find the Elements Of Harmony were true friends, and they all activated said Elements, she was hopeful. But now, since they had failed, because according to Nightmare Moon they didn't build up enough of a "charge", things looked bleak.

Nightmare Moon stood over all of them, laughing and enjoying her inevitable victory. She soon stopped laughing and grinned at them, then raised a hand above her. Moon then gathered magic into it, preparing to blast Twilight and her friends into oblivion, along with the Elements. "Now, to end you and destroy the Elements. And my rule will be ETER-" Before she finished the last word there is a loud sound from behind her.


The sound causes her to jump in surprise and spin in place, the magic she gathered so far dispersed harmlessly. The tired girls then looked behind Moon. The ground started to look uneven.


The ground swelled up for a moment before going back down. The sight confused the girls on the ground, but Nightmare Moon had a strange feeling. Like she knows what it is but it is hidden from her. In the back of her mind.

There is a sudden explosion of dirt, rock and granite as the ground exploded. There was a sudden growl from the dust cloud. There was then the sound of footsteps. Out of the dirt cloud is Guy still in his Protoblazer form. Guy saw the girls on the ground, and recognized them as anthro versions of what he saw on the cartoon back at home.

Ah jeez. First I wake up surrounded by humanoid horse people who were scared of me, then I was almost killed by soldiers of said horse people, now I wake up here when they are beating Nightmare Moon? And why are they tired? They have the Elements, but why is Nightmare still here? Am I missing something? Guy thought to himself.

Nightmare Moon grins and laughs some more. Remembering when she first saw Guy. "Oh how delicious. No need for me to dirty my hands. I can just let the monster deal with you foals." she said as she stepped to the side. Guy glances at Nightmare Moon as she moves aside. The hell? She wants me to kill them? Yeah. NOT gonna happen lady. Guy thought sarcastically.

The sight of him scared the girls as Guy walked up to them. He soon stopped in front of Twilight and reached out to her. She flinched thinking she is going to be killed by Guy.

"LEAVE HER ALONE MONSTER!" Rainbow Dash screamed out. The others each said their own version of what Rainbow had said. Guy stopped for a moment, looked at them then back at Twilight. The sight of them scared of him hurt, but the sight of them being hurt bothered him even more. He saw that the Element Of Magic had fallen from Twilight's head. He knelt down and picked it up, placing it back on Twilight's head. The action caused her and her new friends to stare at him in confusion.

Nightmare Moon snarled and stormed up to him. "NO! You are supposed to KILL THEM not HELP THEM!" she snarled as she stood next to him then faced the girls again. "Oh, if you want something done, you have to do it yourself!" She charged her magic up again and was about to kill the girls.

Suddenly, a bone white fist appeared in her vision and sent her flying away from the girls. Moon then slammed into a wall. The action surprised her, causing her spell to disperse harmlessly again. The action Guy had done shocked the girls on the ground. Guy then turned and took a combat ready stance. 'This creature is helping us? Why? And why does it seem familiar for some reason?' Twilight thought to herself.

Guy looked back at the girls over his shoulder for a moment, then turned to focus mainly on Nightmare Moon. 'I don't know how I got here or why I am in this form, but I will use it to help them.' He clenched his monstrous clawed hands for a moment as he remembered what he said to that merchant dressed as Irving just before he became what he is now. 'I made a vow that if I ever had the power of Knight Blazer, I would use it to protect those who need it. These girls look like they need help right now.' He glared at Nightmare Moon as he got into the combat stance used by Protoblazer in the game. This form might not be Knight Blazer, but I can't be picky if I want to fight and survive.

Nightmare Moon pulled herself from the wall and snarled, returning her own glare at Guy. "Fine. If you want to die with them SO BE IT CREATURE!" Guy growled back at her and charged at Moon while she charged some of her magic. Before Guy reached her, she blasted him, the spell strong enough to send Guy flying back and smashed into the wall opposite of Moon. Guy fell from the wall and knelt for a few moments, shaking his head. 'Gah. That hurt.' He thought to himself. He got up and roared, and charged back at Moon. Moon shot a few more spells at him, but he barely dodged them. He managed to get close to her and grabbed one of her arms.

He swung around and slammed her back into the wall and started wailing on her. He has never fought before in his life so his swings were wild. Moon managed to dodge most of his blows, but Guy still managed to get a few good hits in.

"ENOUGH!" Moon yells and sent out a pulse of magic that sent Guy flying away from her again, but he landed in front of Twilight and the others on his back. He rolled over and looked at the Elements on them. He looked Twilight in the eyes, used a hand to gesture to her Element Of Magic and back at Nightmare Moon. Twilight blinked a few times before getting what he is 'saying'. She shook her head in the negative. "We haven't built up enough power in them. They still need a bit more time."

Guy nodded. He got back up, turned to face Nightmare and charged her again. Moon blasted him with her magic again and again, but Guy soldiered through it and grabbed her. He first hit Moon with a basic punch to her face, kneed her in the stomach hard enough to make Moon bend over, gave her a quick uppercut to her head and then did a basic headbutt, making sure not to impale his head on her horn.

Moon had a semi bleary look in her eyes as the blows, while basic and not that complex, were strong with his Protoblazer form and the blows to her head gave her a minor concussion.

Guy then threw Moon to the floor where she landed on her back. He flipped her over and lifted her upper body, pinning her arms and wings to her by holding her tightly. Moon's head lolled from side to side as she still suffered from the concussion Guy gave her and a good deal of dizziness. Guy looked at Twilight and used his head to gesture to Moon and her friends. Twilight blinked again and nodded. She then turned to look at her new friends.

"Okay girls. It's giving us a chance to do this again. Think you are all up for one more shot?" Twilight asked.

"Always Twilight." Rainbow Dash said with a cocky grin.

Fluttershy just nodded with a serious but still somewhat nervous look on her face.

"Ah'm ready for another shot Twi." Applejack said with a smirk.

"Yepperooni." Said Pinkie Pie with a wide grin on her face.

"Of course darling." Rarity said with a smile.

Twilight smiled at them all and nodded. They all got up, gathered power into their Elements one more time. Guy just watched them charge up, while making sure he kept his grip on Nightmare Moon to prevent her from escaping.

Soon, the girls were almost finished charging up when Moon came out of her concussed state. She looked at the girls and her eyes widened in fear. "NO! NO! NO!" She tried to escape but found she was being held in place. She looked to see what held her and saw the white and purple arms of the "creature". She looked over her shoulder and stared at Guy. "Let me go!" She yelled as she struggled. Guy held her tight and shook his head.

"But you will be blasted by the Elements as well!" She yelled. Guy nodded and held Moon more tightly with how much she was struggling. It was at this point, that Twilight and her new friends had fully charged the Elements. They released the power in a rainbow beam of light. Moon stared at the incoming light and screamed. Guy, still holding onto Moon, saw the light and since he didn't have a mouth, just grinned in his mind. He then remembered this one line he heard a few times back home as a meme slash reference to this power that Twilight and her friends used.

'Taste The Rainbow Motherfucker.' Guy thought. It was at that point that the full power of the Elements had hit Moon with such force, he lost his grip on her and was caught up in the rainbow tornado from the power of the Elements Of Harmony. He saw as the darkness within Moon was drained out of her by the power of the Elements and she slowly turned back into Luna, but also shrank down to the size of a somewhat tall teenager.

Guy suddenly spasmed as he felt a strange pain surge through him. He looked down at his hands and saw his clawed getting darker, narrower, essentially becoming a more human shape. Before he could process what he was seeing, he was thrown from the tornado into a wall behind him. He hit the wall so hard, some of the wall collapsed around him. He soon blacked out.

Guy soon woke up a few minutes later. He shook his head started to get up, but noticed how his form is not longer Protoblazer. It was more human. He looked at himself and saw how he looked like he was wearing a black and red armor, his hands look like they still had claws, but their overall shape was still human. The back of his hands and the back of his forearms had what looked like red armor extensions. He put his hands on his head and felt what seemed to be a helmet of sorts with a red visor sticking out slightly and curving down, like the beak of a bird of prey. At his waist was a pair of pauldron like extensions. He also noticed the worn scarf slash cape hanging down over his shoulder, the sight he always found reminiscent of Kamen Rider.

He grinned under his helmet as he made a sudden realization. 'The Elements Of Harmony must have acted like a replacement for Argetlahm.' Guy thought. He then heard a voice in his head not his own. It sounded deep and gruff. -FINALLY! About time a connection got started!- Guy had frozen up at the extra voice in his head. Guy knew there was only two possible reasons to hear a voice like that in his head. One was he was finally going crazy and had snapped. The other possibility is that he is hearing the voice of Lord Blazer, the legendary "Blaze Of Disaster" and fallen Guardian, the source of Knight Blazer's power. Neither prospect was very reassuring.

'Um, Lord Blazer?' Guy asked in his head, and he already felt like a lunatic for even doing so. -Well I certainly am not the damn Easter Bunny! Look, we can talk later, there is no time right now. LOOK IN FRONT OF YOU!- Guy finally became aware of his surroundings and saw in front of him Twilight and her friends, Celestia and Luna all gathered looking scared of Nightmare Moon in front of them all with a pissed off look on her face. Nightmare Moon was also collecting a LOT of magic into her hands as well.

'What the? How? Damnit! Blazer's right.' He thought to himself. He looked around for something and only saw the large pieces of rubble from the wall he hit around him. 'Better than nothing!' He grabbed a piece of rubble 4 times the size of his head and was surprised at how light it was. He decided he would figure out why later.

"HEY CRAZY BITCH!" Guy yelled out, a part of him both surprised and relieved that he can talk now. He chucked the large stone at Nightmare Moon. It flew and hit her in the head, breaking apart from the impact and causing Moon to lose her concentration on the magic she was gathering. She turned to glare at the one who threw the stone at her head but her look of surprise was shared by the others at the sight of his current form.

Guy just grinned under his helmet but was nervous inside. "Forget about me? How about you take me on instead?"