• Published 30th Jul 2016
  • 2,275 Views, 103 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Looks for Love - CategoricalGrant

At the urging of her friends, Starlight Glimmer enters the Ponyville dating scene.

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In Which Things Go Pretty Well

Author's Note:

:heart: Love is in Bloom...

Starlight Glimmer walked through the dark streets of Ponyville with Comet Tail. It was still early enough that the town was awash with couples and groups of young mares and stallions still too reserved at their age to go out on their own. Despite the crowds, the night was truly beautiful, complete with a perfect temperature and just the slightest hint of a breeze.

“I, uh, I really meant that you look great, you know…I like your dress.”

“Th-this old thing? Thanks…I think you look very handsome.”

“O-of course, I like how you look more than how your dress looks. I-I mean, uh, you look great.”

Starlight smiled as she looked over and saw Comet Tail looking away slightly, unable to make eye contact.

The duo rounded a turn. However, they both pursued different vectors, and their paths converged, ending in their sides coming into contact with the smallest of bumps.

Comet Tail practically leapt into the air. “Oh! I-I’m so sorry!”

Starlight began stammering, worried that things were already going down the wrong path. “N-n-no! I’m…I-I’m the one who’s sorry, I mean, y-you were leading, and I ran into you…”

“O-oh!” Comet Tail stuttered, seemingly relieved. “N-no, I, uh, I didn’t mind it all!”

“N-neither did I!” Starlight let out an awkward chuckle as they continued down the road.

Slowly, she inched toward him, so that they were still walking parallel to each other but much closer. Starlight felt a slight jolt of excitement whenever their sides brushed even slightly.

“So, um, you really like this restaurant, huh?” Starlight asked, attempting to tear her attention away from the questionable amount of pleasure she was obtaining from accidental contact with Comet Tail.

He seemed to have to focus his attention at the question, as well. “W-well, um, it’s great. The food is pretty good, but I really go for the atmosphere. You can’t beat eating with a view of the river! I know the owner a little bit from work and some of my more distant friends, and he’s a great pony. I’m sure he’ll make sure the evening is special.”

Starlight felt herself relax slightly. “Oh, great! I haven’t had too much chance to try the restaurants in Ponyville since I moved here, and I love water views.”

The next minute or so was spent in silence. As they came up on the River Grill, Comet Tail opened the door with his magic and held it for Starlight, letting her go in first.

Starlight entered the dark foyer as Comet Tail followed behind her. She allowed herself to smile slightly. This date was going well. If the butterflies in her tummy were any indication, she really, really liked him. Hopefully, he liked her too, and the date would go off without a hitch.

That is, as long as he didn’t have a fiancé that came storming into the restaurant halfway through the date, that is.

As Comet Tail spoke to the host, Starlight took a quick glance around the restaurant. Her heart fell, just a tad, when she saw that the restaurant was full to the brim. How could she have forgotten: it was Friday night! They were lucky just to have a reservation! She would have to just take a deep breath and deal with the fact that the restaurant was crowded.

The host led them through the restaurant along a winding path that made it abundantly clear that the restaurant had more demand than supply on Friday evenings.

They approached the end of the restaurant, and Starlight’s ears fell to the sides of her head. The only booth left was in the corner, close to the kitchen and restrooms. It wasn’t the best placement, but she wasn’t going to be picky about it. Besides, it was close enough to the river that they could glimpse at the river from their seat.

At the last second, the host took a hard left and led them through a glass door onto a lit patio with a single table. The patio pushed up right against the river, giving them a spectacular view of the swift waters and the buildings on the other side.

“Here you are,” the host declared in a nonchalant manner. “Your server will be with you soon.”

As soon as the host had left them, Starlight ran to the railing and put her hooves on it, looking down at the water. “Wow! You got us incredible seats!”

Comet Tail let out a single, joyous laugh. “This has to have been the owner’s doing, because it wasn’t me! That old pony really came through…”

Starlight and Comet Tail strolled out of the restaurant just over an hour later, smiling and much more comfortable.

“Wow, you were right Comet Tail! They had great food!”

Comet Tail beamed back. “They were really on point today! The salad, especially, was crazy fresh!”

“And that view…”

Comet Tail shook his head. “I’ll have to thank him sometime. I really wish that I could take credit for that one…He must have gotten wind of my reservation.”

They turned the corner and the spires of Ponyville Castle came into view.

Starlight slowed her gait slightly. “Oh, we’re almost home. I was having such a good time…”

“Really!? I-I mean, if you’re having a good time, he date doesn’t have to be over…”

Starlight flushed red. “W-what?”

“I-I-I-I meant w-we can go get some ice cream,” Comet Tail elaborated sheepishly, gesturing toward a small ice cream and gelato shop that was still open down a side street.

Starlight exhaled and smiled again. “Yes! Let’s go!” she said, leaning into Comet Tail as they walked in together. He fidgeted just a little, but leaned back into her as well.

Starlight ordered bourbon vanilla ice cream while Comet Tail got mint chocolate. They stood outside at a high table to eat.

About halfway through her ice cream, Starlight began to get curious. “Hey, Comet Tail?”


“Can I try a bite of your ice cream? I’ll give you a bite of mine!”

Comet Tail smiled back at her sweetly, and pushed the cup over to her with his muzzle.

Starlight moved her spoon over (they couldn’t be expected to share spoons yet…right?) and scooped up a wad of the dark frozen mush. She gently took a bite, quickly licking her lips to make sure she didn’t leave any embarrassing residue.

“Wow, that’s amazing!” she exclaimed, throwing her hooves up.

Unfortunately, one of her hooves contacted the ice cream cup and sent it splattering right onto Comet Tail’s muzzle. He shook it off and looked at the ice cream on his muzzle with crossed eyes.

Starlight threw her hooves over her muzzle. “Oh my gosh!” she cried, her voice muffled by her hooves. “I’m soooo sorry!”

Comet Tail shifted his gaze from his muzzle to Starlight and grinned. Then, he laughed. And continued to laugh.

And Starlight couldn’t keep herself from laughing either. The few ponies still out at this hour looked oddly at the cackling couple.

Eventually, their laughing tapered off, but slowly, as if neither wanted it to stop.

“Here,” Starlight managed to say between giggles, using her magic to wipe his muzzle with some napkins. “…Stop scrunching it up, I can’t get it all!”


When Starlight had dabbed the ice cream away to her satisfaction, she tossed the wad of napkins over her back into the trash can.

“Nice throw!”

“Thanks. I’m so sorry, but I think I stained your coat.”

“Yeah, I think so. Yellow stains pretty easy…chocolate will do it,” Comet Tail said, wiping his muzzle with a hoof. “I’ll take a shower when I get home.”

“Should we go?” Starlight asked, tilting her head.

“I can wait and enjoy the evening for a few more minutes…that is, if you’re not embarrassed to spend time with a stallion that has chocolate on his muzzle.”

Starlight giggled, and in a brash move that surprised even her, scooted closer and laid her head on the side of Comet Tail’s neck.

As Starlight and Comet Tail approached the castle, her heart began to beat out of her chest. What was she going to do about the parting? Should she kiss him? She would be okay with it, but she was almost sure that he wouldn’t be!

What was it that her friends had said? She could trust their advice!

“You can’t make it too easy for him!”

“Oh, how could I have forgotten!? You must make sure to make the moment as awkward as possible for him. Anything to force him to take the initiative! Unless he was absolutely perfect on every count, you might even want to give him the cheek if he tries anything. Make him work for it, dear.”

“What if I don’t feel ready?”

“Then brusquely thank him for the evening and slam the door in his face. Honestly, darling, this is really quite intuitive. I can’t hold your hoof through the entire process.”

Wait, wait, what had Spike said!?

“Now, I want you to forget everything they told you about how to act. Okay?”

“Just great…I’m flying blind,” whispered Starlight.

“Uhh, Starlight? Are you okay?” Comet Tail asked.

“Oh, Y-yes!” Starlight answered loudly, realizing that she was standing right outside the castle’s main doors. “Um…thank you so much for a great night.”

“You’re welcome, uh…” Comet Tail seemed to flinch for a moment, before pulling Starlight into a hug and nuzzling her cheek. “I-I had a good time too.”

Starlight hugged him back tightly and nuzzled his cheek as well. She didn’t let him go at first, either.

After maybe fifteen seconds, Comet Tail whispered, “Um, would you like to, maybe, go out again sometime?”

Starlight nuzzled him again. “Yeah. I really, really would.”

Comet Tail pulled away. “Good! I was afraid you were trying to get rid of me with that ice cream attack!”

Starlight sputtered to come up with a retort.

Comet Tail winked before turning around and heading back into town. “See you soon Starlight!” he called back.

Starlight shook her head, smiling, before pulling open the castle double doors, revealing Spike tied to some furniture with a mix of streamers, ribbon, lassos and various other handy supplies.

“…What happened to you?” she asked, far more curious than worried.

Spike groaned. “My discussion with the others about relationship boundaries led into a long argument about aesthetics and the nature of love, and they ended up tying me to this stuff and going out to spy on you. Don’t worry, I fed them a false lead as to your location.”

Starlight narrowed her eyes as she observed the excellent knot-craftsmanship that held Spike in place.

“So, uh…” Spike spoke up again, “How was your date?”

Starlight’s eyes lit up. “Oh, it was so wonderful! He’s the sweetest guy, and he got us a table right on the river even though the restaurant was full, and we got ice cream after even though we didn’t plan on it, but I spilled on him, but he was okay with it, and-“

“Hey, that’s great,” Spike interrupted. “Quick favor: could you untie me? I’m afraid the tissue in my left arm is starting to die off from torsion.”