• Published 13th Aug 2016
  • 8,480 Views, 616 Comments

Chrysalis: Saviour of Time - Robo Bro

What should you do if while time travelling you accidentally kill Twilight Sparkle and desperately need to avoid the ensuing time paradox? Probably not what Time Keeper does: recruit Chrysalis to take her place.

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2 - The Switch

“Okay, we’re almost where I hit Twilight Sparkle. We’ll stop a little bit after that, though, since we don’t want to risk running into me from a few hours ago.” Time Keeper explained as he fiddled with various levers, dials, buttons and other contraptions. Time travel seemed a terribly complex business to Chrysalis.

“And why does it matter that we don’t meet past you?” Chrysalis questioned with the borrowed voice of Twilight Sparkle. She had already taken on her disguise of the violet unicorn she was to replace.

“Because I would remember it happening if it did, but I don’t, so it didn’t so I won’t. Make sense?”

Chrysalis merely rolled her eyes in response. She could just mess with his past self’s memories if she needed to do so, it really didn’t matter if they happened to see each other, but she had no desire to argue. “Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”

His plan was simple. They were to arrive minutes after the past Time Keeper dragged off the dead Twilight Sparkle and she was to take her place and live her life to ensure that the universe didn’t collapse in on itself and kill all life. Time Keeper would show up every now and then to check up on her and let her know about major upcoming events in history and how they needed to unfold. Yeah, very simple.

“Aaaaand there!” Time Keeper announced. “Just open the door and have you take your place and we should be good to go! Time paradox and the destruction of all space and time averted!” He slammed a button with his hoof and the door swung open. Natural light flooded from outside and the sound of voices filtered through the opening.

“I’m telling you I saw it all happen! A big, metal box crashed on top of Twilight Sparkle, then a grey pegasus stallion dragged her into the box and they just disappeared!” A frantic stallion’s voice explained.

“And this happened one hour ago?” Came a regal, motherly voice in response.

“Yes, Princess Celestia.”

Chrysalis’ eyes widened at the sound of Celestia’s voice and she flattened herself against the interior wall of the time machine. “I thought you said we’d only be a few minutes after you left!” She furiously whispered.

“If I were any good at time travel I wouldn’t need your help to begin with! We’re lucky I didn’t crush Celestia too!”

“Or myself.” Chrysalis shuddered as she remembered how he had crashed his time machine into her chambers. “Okay, what now?”

Time Keeper cautiously glanced out the door at the attending royal party. “I have an idea!”

In the air floating before the eyes of Princess Celestia, a royal guard and a unicorn noble, the time machine’s invisibility dropped as it faded into view. Moments later, a screaming Twilight Sparkle fell from it to the earth below. Following this, a grey pegasus stood proudly in the opening she had fallen from.

“Behold! It is I! Zarplat of the planet Zirc! I have finished with the primitive creature known as Twilight Sparkle! Now I must return to my—hey! What are you doing! Stop that right now!”

The entire time machine was suddenly wrapped in the golden glow of Princess Celestia’s aura and it was being dragged down to the ground with ease. When ‘Zarplat’ tried to escape inside his box, he too was wrapped in the same glow, brought down to earth and forced to lay prone in the dirt beside the dazed Twilight Sparkle.

“Twily! Are you okay?”

Chrysalis groaned. She was going to kill Time Keeper for this indignity. Wait, that voice sounded familiar...

“Shining Armor?!” She bolted upright from the shock.

“Yeah, it’s me, Twi. I’m here for you.” He attempted to soothe who he believed to be his sister, nuzzling her lovingly. It had been a long time since she had last experienced Shining Armor’s nuzzling, and she couldn’t help but smile lightly at the memories of what else she had done with him.

While the two siblings were reuniting, Celestia towered imposingly over the pegasus that had kidnapped her favourite student.

“I don’t know who you are, or why you have done what you have, but I will find out. Nopony hurts my little ponies.” Her voice was cold as ice and hard as steel. Her glare could bring the strongest of stallions to their knees. The bravest of warriors would balk at the magical power crackling from her horn. Time Keeper was neither of those. He curled into a ball and quaked in abject terror.

Under different circumstances, Chrysalis would have loved to see that little fool suffering through cold blooded torture beyond his abilities to imagine. She would have gladly done it herself, but if he revealed the truth of the situation to Celestia then her cover would be blown, her chance to shape history in her favour would be ruined, and if what the insufferable insect said was true, then the entire universe would end too. At least they had had the foresight to remove Twilight's corpse from the machine and left it inside Chrysalis' chambers. With tremendous regret, she tore herself from the love that Shining Armor was unwittingly providing her to save Time Keeper.

“Princess, please don’t hurt him!”

“This is none of your concern, Twilight.” Celestia sternly informed her, not even taking the time to look away from the cowering stallion before her.

“I don’t give a damn what you think is or is not my business! I’m the one he wronged in this situation and I demand he shouldn’t be treated like this!”

All assembled ponies, minus one terrified Time Keeper, stared in shock at the young unicorn. Never before had she ever dared to speak out against her mentor, let alone with such determination and profanity. Only the snoring of a small, baby dragon filled the uncomfortable silence.

“I think I should go.” The noble stated nervously as he snuck off.

Suddenly apprehensive, Chrysalis began to wither under the combined gazes of Princess Celestia and the captain of the royal guard. Had she gone too far? She swallowed a lump that had developed in her throat. It was time for damage control.

“I...I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t mean...” She groveled before the alicorn that she knew could easily tear her in two.

“No...no, it’s quite alright, my faithful student. I should not have ignored you on this matter. As you say, you are the wronged party and I should take your opinion on the matter into account. What would you have done with him?”

“Ummm...let him go?”

Celestia shook her head gently at the request. “While I admire your kindness Twilight, and may provide some leniency, I cannot do as you request. Even if you feel he has not caused you sufficient harm to justify punishment, he still abducted you, harmed Spike and caused considerable damage to this area. Additionally, we do not know how he did so or what this metal box of his really is. Until I can be sure he is not a threat to my subjects, I cannot let him go.”

“Oh. Of course, I understand.” Chrysalis more than understood. In Celestia’s place she would have likely had the stallion executed. “Just go easy on him for me.”

Celestia smiled warmly at her beloved pupil. “Of course, Twilight. I shall ensure he comes to no harm unless absolutely necessary. Captain Armor!”

“Yes, Princess?” Shining Armor saluted his monarch.

“Take this stallion to the dungeons. Do not harm him so long as he doesn’t attempt to cause any trouble.”

“Yes, Princess.” He gave another salute then took Time Keeper in his own magical aura and cantered off with his terrified prisoner in tow.

After watching the pair disappear around a corner, Princess Celestia turned back towards the disguised changeling in her presence. Chrysalis had also been watching the two leave, filled with trepidation over what would happen if their prisoner actually talked.

“Now, with that unpleasantness dealt with, let’s see about getting you to Ponyville to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

"Wait, what?” Chrysalis snapped out of her thoughts. Was Celestia choosing to not have her prepare for the upcoming disaster because of what had just happened? "What about Nightmare Moon? Shouldn’t I be dealing with her?"

Celestia chuckled. “Still going on about dusty old prophecies? Don’t worry about it. Just go and make some friends and it’ll be okay.”

Chrysalis opened her mouth to argue, but quickly shut it when it sank in just what Celestia meant.

“Yes, Princess.” She acquiesced.

She may not have been intimately familiar with the events surrounding Nightmare Moon’s return and her subsequent defeat, but she knew it required the elements of harmony and Twilight's friends to bear them. It was too bad that Time Keeper had yet to actually tell her the specifics, but she figured she could probably wing it. All she had to do was trick the element bearers into being her friends, and find their gaudy jewellery weapons. How hard could it be?