• Published 28th Jul 2016
  • 664 Views, 3 Comments

It's an Inkblot - GunsRGreat

Snips and Snails try to figure out something

  • ...

It's an Inkblot

"It's a sandwich." said Snails.

"It's a Monarch Butterfly!" yelled Snips.

"Why would it be a butterfly?"

"Just look at it! Can't you tell? It's got the shape, the antennae, everything! Trust me; I know my bugs, and THAT is a Monarch Butterfly."

"......Are you sure it isn't a pretzel?"

"Why would it be a pretzel?!"

"Doesn't it look pretzel shaped? It just has no holes. Have you ever eaten a pretzel without holes before?"


"Neither have I."

"I don't think they exist."

"Are you sure? They probably do, but we just haven't seen them yet."

"Why would people want to make solid pretzels?"

"So they're less hungry after they eat it. Pretzel sticks don't have holes."

"That's because they're straight lines! What would they do, punch a hole through the dough?"

"They could."

"Again, I ask, why would they WANT to?!"

"How should I know? You're the one who came up with the idea."

"Me? YOU'RE the one who brought up the whole thing! You and your stupid pretzels..."

"Pretzels can't be stupid. They're inanimate objects."

"I KNOW that!"

"Then why did you contradict yourself, if you knew?"

"Let's get back to the subject, okay? What IS it with you and food right now?"

"I'm hungry."

"Didn't you just eat a half hour ago?"



"It wasn't very much. Besides, I was sharing with you, remember?"

"I remember. I'll pay you back tomorrow."

"Good. Weren't we supposed to to be going back to the subject now?"

"Was there ever a subject to begin with? I guess we should."

"Mmhmmm. You know, that could be a bean."

"A bean?"

"Yeah, laying on it's side. A pinto bean, maybe."

"You're NUTS."

"No, I'm beans."

"Don't make me hurt you...."

"What'd I do?"

"Nothing, nothing...."

"Good. So why would you want to hurt me?"


"Isn't it unusually aggressive for you to threaten to hurt me when I didn't do anything?"

"Just drop it okay."

"Really, I want to know. It isn't like you at all."

"I thought I told you to drop it!"

"Yeah, you did, but you still never answered my question."


"Okay, okay! You don't have to yell, I can hear you just fine....."

"With that thick skull of yours, I'm surprised you can hear anything at all."

"I could hear perfectly well, if you would just take my for it......"

"I can't take your word because you're a numskull."

"I'm not a numskull. I just think very slowly."

"If by that you mean don't think at all."

"I think!"

"But you don't use your brain."

"I use my brain!.... I just don't use it that much."

"Meaning you don't use it at all."

"Shut up."

"Why should I?"

"Because I told you to."

"You and what army?"

"I'm not old enough to go to the army; you know that. You aren't either, so you might as well give up on the idea. Why would you want to join the army?"

"I don't."

"But you just said-"

"Figure of speech. Forget about it."


"I SAID, forget about it."

"Fine, fine...."

"You really do get us off-topic, don't you? Look at how sidetracked we are....."

"I know, I know.... but I still think it's a pinto bean."

"It's a Monarch Butterfly."

"It's an INKBLOT, you morons." Sunset shouted, her patience finally worn thin. She was sitting large chair with a pile of papers on the arm and a clipboard on her lap, the other two sitting next to each other in front of her.

"Are you sure you didn't mean to draw a Monarch Butterfly?" Snips asked. "It does look like you did, you know. Just exactly like it."

"I STILL say she drew a pinto bean." Snails said.

"I didn't draw it." Sunset rolled her eyes, biting back a stinging comment.

"Well, whoever DID draw it, then." Snails amended imperiously, still positive he was right.

"NOBODY drew it." Sunset growled, looking down at the inkblot picture she'd been holding for them to look at.

"Then how could it be there?" Snails demanded. "You see? Somebody had to, and saying nobody did is nonsense, because we can ALL see it's there, right? You have good eyesight, so you should be able to see it just as well as I can."

"It's an INKBLOT." Sunset repeated. "Nobody DREW it; they just spilled some ink on a piece of paper! It's not SUPPOSED to look like anything!"

"Well, they certainly didn't do a very good job, if it isn't." Snails concluded.

Sunset groaned out loud, setting the inkblot down and massaging her temples. She was getting a massive migraine. "I am never, ever, EVER working on a project with you two again....."

Comments ( 3 )

Sunset, you better not do something without being ready for it to backfire this badly, especially with those two around :rainbowlaugh:

Also, nitpick:

"your a numskull"
*your -> you're

That's all I caught though, otherwise it was an amusing short read :twilightsmile:

7435272 A little late: Thanks man.

You're 9 weeks late!

Shut up Aron

it's two bears high-fiving
i'm not sorry.

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