• Published 31st Jul 2016
  • 626 Views, 13 Comments

Apple Bloom's Summer Job - JusSonic

Zecora gets a new apprentice; Apple Bloom. Can she be able to help her without messing up?

  • ...

Chapter 1: An Apple in Magic

Chapter 1: An Apple in Magic

"Bye kids, enjoy your summer off!" Cheerilee calls out to her students as they leave the schoolhouse. It's time that the foals has waited for all year: summer vacation!

The ponies needed a vaca after the madness involving the Dark Water which Bai Tza has made a long time ago. This stuff ended up corrupting the Mane Six, turning them crazy and causing trouble. Fortunately, Spike, Ben, Nyx, the CMC, Princess Luna, Pinkamena's group and their pals were able to fix the mess and restore the Mane Six to normal.

The Mane Six felt a bit terrible for what they did, but luckily, they were forgiven. After all, it isn't the first time ponies were turned bad against their will (they did forgave Rarity for her brief time as Nightmare Rarity).

As things went back to normal and summer has arrived, the ponies of Ponyville prepare for their own summer, especially Twilight Sparkle who is working on tying to prepare a speech to congratulate the most recent graduates of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

On this moment, Apple Bloom hums happily as she trots into the Everfree Forest. The filly has made this trip various times before, visiting her good friend Zecora. Today is going to be a special one as Apple Bloom got something planned to help Zecora this summer.

Apple Bloom reaches Zecora's hut and knocks on the door, calling, "Zecora? You in? Zec..."

Apple Blooom was cut off as an explosion is heard, causing the door to fly open. The filly looks concerned as smoke came out of the room. The zebra is obviously in the middle of another one of her potion making.

Zecora coughs as she came out, groaning, "This is the last time I used bat wings instead of guano." The zebra spots Apple Bloom then smiles. "Ah, young Apple Bloom. What brings you to my hut today?"

"Eh, you sound weird without the rhyming, Zecora." Apple Bloom giggles a bit, amused that Zecora isn't doing the rhyming she is known for.

"As usual, I do that whenever I tend to be mysterious and spooky."

"Uh, right. Anyway, I done wonder if I could ask ya for a favor."

Zecora nodded as she led Apple Bloom into her room. The zebra gets a broom and prepares to clean up as she spoke, "Yes? What is it?"

"I wonder if I would work for ya during the summer." Apple Bloom explains. Zecora arches an eyebrow as the filly continues. "Well, school is out for the summer. I can help make and test yours potions as well as build and reinforce shelves for the bottles for said potions."

"Hmmm, I could use some help around here for a while. And with our past, it will be a blast." Zecora said, giggling as she made a rhyme. "Of course, you know I cannot pay you."

"I know that, but it IS a good way to help a friend and for this." Apple Bloom took out a flier from the saddlebag she's wearing, showing it to Zecora. "I wanna keep in practice for a tinkerer's competition (as in a friendly competition for sentient beings who happen to be good with tools) at the end of the summer."

"Yes, that is good. Very well, you can start by helping me with this mess."

Apple Bloom cheers as she grabs a broom and prepares to help Zecora out in cleaning the mess up. Her summer job is about to begin!


Apple Bloom hums as she helps in putting in the right items for Zecora who looks through her book carefully. The two has been doing quite fine so far.

"Give me the Itemsis Zorcis." Zecora calls out to Apple Bloom for the next item.

"Done!" Apple Bloom giggles as she brings in the ingredient.

"Throw it in."

Apple Bloom throws the contents into the cauldron, causing a bit of a cauldron. Luckily though, it wasn't too bad like the last time.

"My friends are missing this. Shame Sweetie is going to Whinny Land with Diamond Tiara while Scootaloo and Nyx are helping Silver Spoon against Riff." Apple Bloom said to Zecora with a chuckle. The filly is missing her friends who are busy with their own thing this summer.

"I suspect they will be in quite of a ride of their own." Zecora said as she mixes with a spoon. The zebra tasted a bit. "Needs more salt."

Apple Bloom grabs a salt shaker and spread salt into the mixture. She wonders if Zecora is making a potion...or her lunch.

"So what are we making?" Apple Bloom ask as Zecora grabs a bottle and pours the contents into the thing.

"Watch and see." Zecora said as she pours a bit of the potion onto a pot. "Stand back!"

The two stand back as the plant inside the pot grew big. Apple Bloom gasps in amazement as the plant grew watermelons, oranges, and other fruit you don't normally see on trees! Amazing!

"Wow, a potion that makes stuff you don't normally see on trees!" Apple Bloom exclaims with an amazed look. "Zecora, you amazed me!"

"I know." Zecora answers with a smile on her face. "All right, this next one you must do on your own."


"Well, if you wish to practice for the tinkerer's competition, this is the start. Prepare yourself."

"Oh! Okay, Zecora." Apple Bloom said as she brought out a notebook and prepared to write down some notes.

"Now, do we have the croc toes?" Zecora ask Apple Bloom.

"Got them." Apple Bloom said, checking the item.

"The sugar eyeballs." Zecora said, as Apple Bloom checks the next item.


"And the tailfor?"

Apple Bloom blinks as, confused, she ask, "What's a tailfor?"

"For wagging of course!" Zecora giggles as she wags her own tail. Apple Bloom realizes that her zebra friend was making a joke just now.

"Oh, good one!" Apple Bloom exclaimed with a giggle of her own.

"Getting serious. I'm about to make a potion that can allow a pony to see miles away...in fact, I made one already." Zecora said, bringing out a bottle. "Test it out and see how it works."

"All right." Apple Bloom said as she took the bottle.

Apple Bloom drinks the potions, yelping as she jumps a bit for a few seconds before stopping.

"All right, do you see anything?" Zecora ask Apple Bloom curiously.

"Hmmm....oh, I see Diamond Tiara and Sweetie's family in a car heading somewhere." Apple Bloom gasps as she saw something miles away. "Diamond was reading an issue of Power Ponies and...EEEEW!"

"What? What is it?"

"I guess Diamond found out too late that Sweetie can't read and eat in the car." Apple Bloom remarks with a shrug, knowing what just happened.

"Good." Zecora said with a nod. "And what else?"

"Well, I see Riff going after Silver...again." Apple Bloom said, speaking the last part dryly.

"Typical plothead, I must say, but I bet he'll soon have a very bad day." Zecora remarked in rhyme.

"And...that's it." Apple Bloom said, frowning. "I'm seeing just the inside the hut."

"The potion obviously doesn't' last long but it works regardless." Zecora remarks with a shrug.

"What kind of potion was it?" Apple Bloom asked curiously.

"Not marked for now." Zecora said, putting the potion away. "So how is your family and friends?"

"Applejack has done recovering from the incident when she was a greedy dishonest pony." Apple Bloom sighs a bit. "She's laying low right now as is the rest of her friends."

"It is a good thing you, your friends, Spike, Nyx and Ben Mare, along with some others, teamed up to put an end to that madness." Zecora remarked with a nod.

"Yeah, I know." Apple Bloom hums a bit in agreement. At least that problem is over, the Demon Lords came close to winning that time!

A knock came at the door. Zecora spoke up, "Who's there?"

"Cantalope"." A familiar voice spoke up, making Zecora roll her eyes.

"Cantalope who?"

The door opens up as a familiar Discord flies in, joking, "Cantalope tonight, dad's got the car! Ha ha ha ha!"

"Discord!" Apple Bloom exclaimed in surprise.

"I heard on the grape vine that a certain filly is being the zebra's apprentice." Discord said, smirking as he holds out on grapes on a vine. He transforms into Commander Keen. "And I'm blasting on over!"

"Well, try not to break anything." Zecora said with a sigh. "How is Fluttershy doing?"

"Oh, she's a little low." Discord comments, crawling low under a bar. "She's saddened about sending her animals after the little foals but she's feeling a bit better now."

"Well, hope she feels better." Apple Bloom said with a nod.

"Found something." Zecora said as she takes out a potion.

"Oh good, I need a drink!" Discord exclaims as he grabs the potion, drinking the stuff down.

"No! Don't, that potion..."

Zecora didn't have time to finish as Discord explodes...turning into a small buck-toothed prehistoric squirrel.

"I feel like I am a squirrel who gets beaten around in a prehistoric movie series." Discord said, blinking at what happened.

"You look cute. Want an acorn?" Apple Bloom giggles as she holds out an acorn.

"Don't taunt me!" Discord groans to Apple Bloom in irritation,

"No worries, that potion is only temporarily." Zecora said with a smile to the squirrel Discord. "It's a potion that turns others into certain neglected animals."

"Yeah, Fluttershy would've love that one." Apple Bloom remarks playfully.


A few minutes after Discord transforms back and left, Apple Bloom is stocking up the shelves quickly. A few times, she helped Zecora in working on her potions, testing them out. Luckily, the zebra made sure not to give her anything that is deadly.

"Now then, sugar from a bee!" Zecora booms as Apple Bloom tosses some sugar into the cauldron, making it explode a bit.

"What are we making?" Apple Bloom ask curiously, wondering what the two are making.

"Air freshener, this place is beginning to stink." Zecora comments as she puts the stuff into jars to air out the hut.

"Got it." Apple Bloom confirmed.

"Now help me put potions into the right places." Zecora said, putting some potions.

As Apple Bloom helps out, she holds out a familiar potion, asking, "Is this the same potion I once used that gave me the Cutie Pox?"

"Indeed, now you know not to use it again, correct?" Zecora ask, reminding Apple Bloom the last time she foolishly tries to get a cutie mark.

"Yeah, especially since Ah finally got a cutie mark." Apple Bloom confirmed, not wanting to take the cutie pox potion ever again.

"Now then, time to test out the tinkering skills." Zecora said, reminding Apple Bloom why she's here. To test for the upcoming tinkering competition.

"Got it. What shall I do?" Apple Bloom ask, ready for anything.

"Make me...the Poison Joke Potion, the same stuff Fluttershy used when she was covering up for Big Mac when he lost his voice." Zecora explains, giving a test to see how well Apple Bloom has done.

"Poison Joke potion?" Apple Bloom asked in shock, "But... But if Ah touch some Poison Joke, Ah could get affected and come down with any negative random effect!"

"Which is why I supply special gloves." Zecora assures, pointing out to some gloves nearby. "They help handle Poison Joke with care."

"Oh! Good idea." Apple Bloom said, and then she put on the gloves, "These will definitely help me collect the main ingredient."

Apple Bloom heads out, grabbing the knife on the way out. She got a task to do!


It took Apple Bloom a few minutes but she manages to get all the Poison Oak that Zecora needed. The filly came back with the stuff which the zebra then use to work on the Poison Oak Potion. Apple Bloom made sure to keep her distance so she doesn't get effective by the stuff by accident.

Zecora hummed, "Oh, my... It appears we're out of items. Apple Bloom dear, would you mind help me get some items? This is essential to my potion."

"Sure, no problem. What do you need?" Apple Bloom ask her mentor and friend curiously who gave her a list and a bag of bits.

"Here is the list you must find and get. Here is the bits for your payment. Good luck, my little friend.

Apple Bloom made her all the way back to Ponyville Town in search for some items. The list involves soap, weird flowers, flour, cereal, and whatever stuff one don't normally find to eat or found in other potions. Still, Apple Bloom isn't to question, rather to get what is needed.

"That's tons of them. Some I recognized especially it's from Twilight's castle." Apple Bloom said, glancing at the list. Maybe she could stop by the castle, checking up on Applejack and her friends, seeing if they recover from the dark water incident. "But others, not really much of it. How on earth can I find these things? If only Jade or Scruffy were here, I'd find it in no time."

"Hey, Apple Bloom? What'cha you doing?" A familiar voice ask anxiously. Apple Bloom looks up to see Snips and Snails, coming over with eager smiles on their faces.

"Scavenger Hunt? I wanna play!" Snails exclaims, jumping up and down eagerly.

"No! I'm doing a job for Zecora!" Apple Bloom exclaims to the two with a frown. "Besides, don't you have a play to work on with Miss Cheerilee?"

"How did you know???" The two dimwitted ponies ask Apple Bloom confused, wondering how she even know what they're doing.

"Lucky guess?"

"Oh, we're practicing but taking a break, but anyway, wWhy do you need a job? It's summer!" Snips exclaims, bewildered that Apple Bloom would want a job in the summer of all times.

Snails nodded in agreement, speaking, "Yeah. What's so fun about it? It doesn't do much."

"Maybe. But I do need some bits for myself and my family. I'd be rich for the next day." Apple Bloom said. Okay, she isn't a good liar as the filly is doing for the experience but the filly is hoping these two would leave her alone.

"Sweet..." Snips and Snails said with stupid smiles on their faces.

"Excuse me I've got some might work to do."

"Can we join?" Snips ask Apple Bloom much to her dismay.

"Yeah! We wanna earn some money too!" Snails exclaims eagerly.

"Zecora's job is a bit complicated and hard when it comes to potion." Apple Bloom protest in annoyance. Can't these two ever get the hint?

Snips looks at one of the items on the list. He spoke, "Well, I know where the ice iceberg is."

Snails gasped, "Hey, isn't that from Twilight Sparkle's Castle? I saw it when we both went for autograph."

"Aren't you two afraid after the dark water incident?" Apple Bloom ask Snails in concern. She wonders if these two are wary of Twilight after the incident with the dark water.

"What dark water?" The two colts ask confused, making Apple Bloom sigh. Of course, these two eventually has forgotten that.

"Yeah, I didn't thunk so. Well... I'm no boss or something. But you can help me. Just don't get me lost like the last time you did."

"What last time?" Snails ask confused, scratching his mane.

Snips sighed, "It's obviously that she was referring to our camping trip from last year. And wow, so hard to believe that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon change and turn nice to us."

"Well, they did good work like Nyx's Birthday Party."

"Good point. Shall we?"

"Lead the way."" The filly said as Snips and Snails lead Apple Bloom to find and get the items. She can only hope these two can actually do something right this time!


Surprisingly, it didn't take too long and the trio was able to get the stuffed need. Apple Bloom, Snips and Snails returned to Zecora's home. The shaman zebra was preparing the cauldron of her latest magic potion when they came in.

"Ah, Apple Bloom, welcome back. I assume these ponies help you?" Zecora ask, giving a glance at two familiar colts.

"Eeyup. So, what'cha making?" Apple Bloom ask curiously, wondering what Zecora is making now.

"Preparing the Cutie Pox antidote. While that event maybe a history, but that doesn't mean it won't repeat again."

"Good point. By the way, you'd think that they can join us for the job?"

"Really? I'm surprise. While I appreciate some help, but I'm mostly concern of their... precaution." Zecora said, glancing at the two randomly peeking around, looking at stuff.

"I'm worry of that too. But which is why I'm here, to keep an eye on them." Apple Bloom assures Zecora. Hopefully Snips and Snails will stay out of trouble long enough to be ready for their performance in the play.

Zecora hummed but sighed, "Very well, I trust you do well-!" The zebra gasped as she saw Snips and Snails handling a poison with a certain leaf label on it. "Not my Poison Ivy potion! Be careful with it! It will...!"

PUFF! Snips and Snails got covered by purple mists. They all got rashes. Hoo boy.

Apple Bloom sighed as she slaps her forehead, "This could take a while."

"Be sure that they touch nothing unless they ask my permission." Zecora said sternly to Apple Bloom as she goes to look for an antidote to cure Snips and Snails of their rashes.

"Got it."