• Published 23rd Jun 2012
  • 1,994 Views, 68 Comments

Taken in Stride - Recon

I’ve got a bad habit. And it isn’t something I can control. I will put up a bold front, and verbally abuse people for no reason. My name is Vinyl Scratch. I know not when or why this developed, but this... This is my bad habit.

  • ...

06. Emotion


Tweeting of early mockingbirds floated up from the ground level, echoing through the area that surrounded the hotel. The Advent complex's garden roof was unusually calm today, save the breeze of the autumn wind and the sudden bursts of practice magic and their subsequent grunts coming from the blue-maned colt. He discharged another bolt of electric blue magic, directly at a can he threw up as a target, shattering in pieces and floating to the ground.

"Cobalt..." the suited stallion whispered teasingly. "If you push yourself too hard, you'll hurt yourself," he said in an antagonistic playful tone.

"Shut up," the blue colt grunted. "Once I see that man, I'm going to settle this once and for all. He's going to regret making a fool out of me." He flung a rock up into the air and expelled another blinding beam of magic to destroy it. "I know I'm not good right now, but I-"

"It's so nice out today," the stallion resumed in his un-charming carefree voice.

"Don't interrupt me!" he countered.

"It feels so good..."

"Hey! Are you even listening to me! Shut up! You always do this to me!" the colt continued, frustrated. However, he was only a whisper in the wind to the stallion.

"When the weather is this nice... It makes me want to go out... Do something."

Why did I say those things? Vinyl was laid down in her bedroom, curled up as she began to process the events of the afternoon. She sighed and slowly floated over her teacup through the moonlight and set it down next on her on the bed, reaching over to take a sip. Herbal lavender tea, the same calming effect that Emerald had introduced her to not long ago. Except, this time, it didn't calm her.

I had no idea you were so filthy!


Why would I say that, when it had nothing to do with me? Maybe it was because I saw myself in place of that mare. The me that everyone gave fake smiles to, with no real emotion. The most fleeting consolations for the sole purpose of trying to make their star happy... Gone.


"Sorry I'm late..." the deep, melodious voice whispered. He directed his voice to the intruder. "You dared point a blade at Miss Vinyl..."
"A kiss on the tip of the hoof is a sign of loyalty..." he whispered to her. "The reason I am here... is my loyalty to you. It is irrelevant that you are a famous icon with endless wealth or not. I told you when we first met, that I have known you for a long time. As you are the one that saved me, I owe you my undying respect. You and no one else.
“Is...” Emerald sighed. “Is that how you feel? To think that you’ve been carrying this burden this whole time, alone.” Even Emerald started to tear up more than Vinyl had. His face was stained and flowing with genuine sadness and tears.
You and no one else... You don't know how desperately I've been wanting to meet you. And now I have failed... I shall do everything in my power to make it up to you. So please, please... Will you let me stay by your side?"


He sees the true me, and is kind to me from the bottom of his heart for me. For who I am. And yet... He could do something like that. With no emotion... and that scared me. All I could do was watch as I hit him with all of my distrust for others.

The melancholic song in her head came to a close as she exhaled a final sigh before her eyes fluttered close.


A knock at her door efficiently brought Vinyl up from her deep sleep. Without any thought, she slowly threw her blanket off of her as she walked half-lidded to open the door.

"Good morning, Vinyl." Her heart skipped a beat at the familiar greeting, but settled down after seeing the unfamiliar face. The mint green unicorn bubbled as she smiled greatly, though her excitement was quickly depleted after opening her eyes to see Vinyl.

Her mane was unkempt and frazzled practically everywhere. It had lost its usual electric flare of confidence. Her tail fared no better, limp blue strands hanging down to the floor. Her bloodshot eyes were still barely open, recoiling at even the smallest iota of a light source. She didn't have her red magical contacts on, revealing her magenta eyes that didn't blend in as much as they would have. Her white coat was seemed to be even more devoid of color than it already was . She sighed.

"What do you want..." Vinyl groaned. It wasn't a question.

"Oh my stars - what happened to you? The party is today!" Lyra yelled, echoing through the fourth floor.

"Don't worry about-"

"Come on! We have to get you fixed up!" she bursted, tugging her along through the elevator and to her room with her magic. She opened the door adorned with a minimalistic "II" and brought Vinyl in. It shared the same room design and layout as her own, except for a vanity set up where Vinyl's writing desk was placed. "Now, come on! Let's get you fixed up. Why don't I do your mane?"

"What are you talking about?" Vinyl asked, brushing Lyra's hoof off her shoulder. "I can do it myself."

Lyra recoiled, a display of genuine sadness on her face. Her eyes started to well up. "I was looking so forward to helping you..."

"Always eager to help, aren't you? Fine, if that's what you want."

"I'll be glad to!" she shouted, jumping up and darting over to Vinyl. That was fast.

Lyra showed her to the vanity, seating her as she opened a cupboard to grab some combs and some other grooming tools Vinyl couldn't identify. She looked in the mirror and examined herself, shaking away her sleep. Lyra enveloped a comb in a mint green sheath and floated it through Vinyl's mane, untangling the excess strands.

This is the first time she and I have been alone together. I hope I don't say anything rude to her. It would be a shame since she was kind enough to come down to me and help.

"Oh, stop being so tense," she told her in a comforting voice. "I just want to be friends!"

She's a nice person.

Suddenly, Lyra brought a hoof to Vinyl's left ear and played with it a little before she twitched it back, frowning. "Your ears are so cute... I love that..." she said, her voice drawing to a lust-filled whisper.

And she's a pervert.

She leaned in closer to Vinyl. "Are those bags under your eyes because of Emerald?" she asked, continuing to groom her mane to its usual state.

"Huh?" she scoffed. "He didn't mean anything to me." She was lying through her teeth. Lyra didn't seem to pick up.

"Oh! Would you want to contract with me, then?"

"I didn't plan on hiring an agent in the first place. Thanks for the offer, though." Vinyl turned around when Lyra stopped combing. She appeared to be dazed by thought.

"Still, you did enter into a contract with Emerald. I hope you two can make up soon."

Yeah. I hope so too.

Author's Note:

Well, this story's back - whether you like it or not, and whether or not anyone that has ever followed this is still reading this. I posted a blog update (don't expect anyone to care) about my returning to this website, and I'm looking to finish what I started and hopefully grant some closure to those who followed Serenity to its abrupt, uncalled for cancellation. Strap in for the ride; we've a long ways to go.
