• Published 12th Aug 2016
  • 594 Views, 5 Comments

Sweeny Tom - Even Evil Has Standards

When Thomas is exiled for a crime he did not commit, he returns with a goal to dispose of those who did him wrong. Even if it means teaming up with an already serial killer.

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Tragic Past


'Twas a foggy morning on the Island of Sodor as a ship was making her way along the sea to port. A young man, presumably twenty, stood at the starboard side. He had never been to Sodor, but had heard so much about it that he was eager to disembark. Someone else on board was also looking forward to stopping at Sodor, but for different reasons.

I have sailed the world, beheld its wonders,
From the Dardenelles to the mountains of Peru.
But there's no place like Sodor.

But his singing was interrupted by a man in dark blue with baggy blue eyes and long brown hair.

Sweeny Tom:
No, there's no place like Sodor.

"Mr. Tom?" asked Skiff. Sweeny Tom was a lot older than Skiff and had lived in Sodor for years under his real name, Thomas. At first, his life was prosperous. But something happened that caused him to have a bitter score to settle.

Sweeny Tom:
You are young.
Life has been kind to you.
But you will learn.

Sweeny Tom proceeded to the bow, followed by Skiff, and stared at the harbor with disdain.

Sweeny Tom:
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it
And its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit
And it goes by the name of Sodor.
At the top of the morals sit the privileged few
Mocking the vermin of the lonely zoo, turning beauty into filth and greed...

I too have sailed the world and seen its wonders,
For the cruelty of men is as wondrous as Peru
But there's no place like Sodor!

At last, the ship pulled alongside the harbor where the 2 travelers got off. As they did, Skiff noticed that Sweeny Tom had a far off look in his eyes. "Is everything alright, Mr. Tom?"

Sweeny Tom shook his head. "I beg your indulgence, Skiff. My mind isn't at all calm." He surveyed the place with a look that could curdle milk. "In these streets that I used to know, I feel shadows." He stared off into the night, remembering.

Sweeny Tom:
There was an engineer and his wife, and she was beautiful.
A foolish engineer and his wife, she was the reason and his life, and she was beautiful.
And she was virtuous and he was naive.


We go back 15 years to see a younger Thomas and his wife Rosie strolling through the park. He is helping her over to a bench because her pregnancy is making difficult to walk. They talk for a bit (It's inaudible from Tom's singing.), then Rosie lays her head on his shoulder and dozes off.

There was a man who thought he saw that he was naive.
A pompous tyrant of the law, who believed only what he saw
And removed the engineer from his plate, and then there was nothing but to wait
And she would fall! So soft, so young, so lost, and oh so beautiful!


We fast forward to the infamous dynamite incident (It's hard to watch.), except that the drivers are in their namesake engines. Sir Topham Hatt watches from his spot, an angry look on his face. Down below, Thomas' engine had just shunted the cars of lit dynamite into the cavern. He applied the brakes, but the engine had too much momentum. Thomas had to jump clear as his beloved engine went over with the dynamite. There was a loud explosion, followed by lots of smoke. When it cleared, Thomas was holding Rosie, unsure of what to feel. Up above, Gordon lurked up. Sir Topham Hatt whispers something to him. Gordon disappears from sight as Sir Topham Hatt folds his arms. Down below, everyone is consoling Thomas when to policemen named Zak and Zebedee walk up. They each give Thomas a knock on the head with their truncheons and carry him off, much to Rosie's chagrin and horror. Stanley holds her as she feels faint.


Sweeny Tom closed his eyes as he felt the pain he went through. For 15 years, he had to slave away in Maud Pie's Rock Emporium in Austrailia. Maud was a kind warden on the inside and had secretly taken a small shine to him. He also made friends with a guard named Shane. This gave him a release 5 years before the end of his 20 year sentence. Plus, he had a side job of barbering and he gave the smoothest shaves that impressed every stinkin' guard (except for the beardless ones that didn't need shaves). However, he changed his name to Sweeny Tom, bent on getting back at those who did him wrong. "It appears that we must go our seperate ways now," he told Skiff.

"Agreed," said Skiff, "pehraps we shall meet again."


With that, the two men parted ways with Sweeny Tom heading for where he knew his old shop would be, muttering:

Sweeny Tom:
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it
And the moral isn't worth what a pig could spit.


Sweeny Tom walked for hours (It would've taken longer than implied in your camera work Burton, though it was extravagent.) When he found it, he didn't even bother worrying about how worn and old it looked as he entered. When he did enter, however, he felt a little shocked to find a strange woman at the counter, slicing and dicing. She had pink hair that went straight down, but what was most disturbing was her dress: it appeared to be made of human flesh with each corner sporting a strange looking symbols that were mostly flowers, fruits, and academic things such as an hourglass with blue sand. His shock turned into fear when she looked up and noticed him with daunted eyes and a seemingly panned face. "A customer!" exclaimed Pinkamena. He started to back away, but she was to quick.

Wait sir! What's your rush? What's your hurry?
You gave me such a fright I thought you was a ghost!
Half a minute, won't you sit, sit you down, sit!

She forced him onto a bench.

All I meant was I haven't had a customer in weeks.
Do you want a cupcake sir?
Pardon if my head seems a little vague-

She returned to the table and noticed a bug. "What was that?" She picked it up, flicked it on the floor, and squashed it, causing other bugs to scurry in fright. She resumed baking a cupcake for the dislussioned Sweeny Tom, stopping only to rid herself of those pesky insects.

But you'd think we'd have the plague,
From the way people keep avoiding!
("No you don't.")
Celestia knows I try, sir!
But no one comes in even to inhale!

She finished an old cupcake that looked more like a muffin and carried it over to him, then returned to the table with her head hung low.

Probably because even the air in here is stale!
Another reason I can hardly blame them
Is that these are the worst cupcakes in Sodor.
I know why nobody takes them!
I should know!
I makes 'em.
But good? No...

Sweeny Tom looked at the cupcake he was given. Pinkamena was right: it didn't look inviting. He gave a sniff and winced; it gave off a strong odor. He glanced at the table where Pinkamena was using an EXTREMELY gooey batter.

Even that's polite!
The worst cupcakes in Sodor!
If you doubt it, take a bite!

He did. The only reason he didn't look queasy was because the emporium took out most of his...outward health. Pinkamena poured some ale into a mug and brought it over to him.

Now isn't that just disgusting?
You have to concede it!
It's nothing, but crusting!
Here drink this, you'll need it!

Sweeny Tom spat out what he had bitten into a spitoon and hesitantly took a few sips. Pinkamena returned to her table, with a more tense air.

The worst cupcakes in Sodor!
And no wonder with the price of meat when you get it.
Meh'd used to think it was a treat, finding poor animals and people.

She slammed some dough down on the table and used a rolling pin on it. Several times, Sweeny Tom attempted to say something, but the crazed baker just kept on singin', rollin', and poundin'.

Authorities had searched my old shop.
Fine business, but they noticed something weird!
All my friends and neighbors had disappeared!
Some looked up to me!
Throw away what's at stake!
Croppin' colleagues into cakes!
But unfortunately, I had to stop.
Because the thought made the regulators sick!

Sweeny Tom was beginning to look worse. That mug of ale was looking friendlier and friendlier.

Unfortunately, for them, I was more than quick!
They closed it down.
I left and came to this land and this town.
I won't deny because I stopped, times is hard.
Even harder than the worst cupcakes in Sodor!
Only lard and nothin more-

She finished and spread the weak dough all over a tin.

Isn't that revolting?
All grease and gritty?
It looks like it's molting!
And tastes like...well, pity.
A woman alone, with limited wind
And the worst cupcakes in Sodor!

Sweeny Tom had finished his ale, but didn't feel better. Pinkamena, meanwhile, had thrown the other cupcakes into the fire. She leaned on the table and looked forlornly at him.

Ah, sir times is hard.
Times is hard.

She noticed a beetle scuttling along. Without a change of expression, she picked up the rolling pin and BAM!

Times is hard.

Then she noticed the empty mug. "It's going to take a lot more than ale to wash that down." She got up and motioned for Sweeny Tom to follow her. "Follow me and I'll give you some gin."

Author's Note:

Yes, Rosie is Lucy Barker. Originally, it was going to be Emily, but that was already taken with this one version I read. (My regards to that writer and also my apoligies in case he/she is discouraged because of this.)

Funny thing about writing this version of "The Worst Pies In London": enery line I wrote, I kpet hearing Helena Bonham Carter. Ironic, isn't it?