• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 2,490 Views, 59 Comments

Speed of a Different Dash - entiegon

The world of Equestria isn't the only world linked to the human world, And Rainbow Dash has found that out the hard way. Now it's up to her friends - both new and old - to get her back to where she belongs before she is stuck there forever.

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Chapter 15


At the sight before them, one couldn’t help but feel sorry for Fluttershy. She was currently sitting at the dining room table, quietly watching the cake argument unfold before her and occasionally cringing at some of the things that were said. Not to mention the look in her eyes was something akin to both fear and concern, though it wasn’t exactly clear on what she was afraid or concerned about.

Directly across from her, with her elbows propped up on the kitchen counter, was Pinkie Pie, casually listening to the banter before her. Just like Fluttershy, she also had a glimmer in her eye. But this time, there was something about that glint that made shivers run down the others’ spines. And it was clear just from that look that she was not going to enlighten anyone on what her plans for the cakes actually were, despite the supposedly reassuring signs she was giving Fluttershy.

As for the two in the middle of the room, they seemed more concerned about figuring out who was going to have the first piece of cake than anything else. Of course, for the split second that Rainbow Dash just so happened to look away towards the cakes, the man she was arguing with turned his head slightly and gave a wink to his daughter. At that point, Sunset Shimmer knew that her father, Moonlight Charge, was doing this just to get on Rainbow Dash’s nerve… again.

“ As the owner of this house, I believe it is within my rights to have the first piece of cake.” He was saying, a playful tone to his voice.

“ As if.” Rainbow Dash scoffed in reply. “ The first piece of cake should go to me.”

“ And why is that?”

“ Because I am the super guest around here. That’s why.”

“ How does that even work?” Applejack asked quietly, turning her eyes from the playful banter going on in the middle of the room.

“ I don’t know,” Sunset admitted, “ but I think Dash is trying to tell my father that she comes from a different world without actually telling him. Well, that and Dad is being his annoying self again and is going after his favourite victim.”

“ What I want to know is how Rainbow Dash can completely forget about what happened in the bedroom and start arguing about cake that quickly.” Twilight put in. “ She was barely out of the room before we were out of there. There couldn’t have been much time at all.”

Fluttershy chose then to make her way over to the group. “ Oh, that’s easy. Mr Moonlight is using the cake to distract Rainbow from whatever it was that caused her to race in here. My guess it that it was Herman. She was going that fast that she almost barrelled right into your father, Sunset.”

“ How’d ya know it was Herman who sent Dash runnin’?” Applejack asked.

“ Aside from the fact that she was shivering slightly, she was mumbling about something slimy and creepy as well. I put two and two together.” That’s when Fluttershy noticed the guitar that Sunset held. “ Are you going to play something, Sunset?”

Sunset merely smiled. “ I’m actually hoping Rainbow Dash would play us something, what with her going on about being in a band and all. Unfortunately, I think it’s going to be a while before anyone can get through to those two. Dad looks like he’s having way too much fun.”

The next thing the others knew was that Applejack had tipped her hat over her eyes and was making her way over to where Pinkie Pie was watching the argument with a smile on her face. Without a word, the farmer took in the situation; eyeing the cooling cakes and the decorating ingredients before turning her attention over to the two arguing before her. Finally, she returned her attention to Pinkie Pie.

“ Hey, Pinkie.” She called, loud enough to gain the attentions of both Rainbow Dash and Moonlight Charge. “ Ah have an idea.”

“ Oh! What kind of idea?” Pinkie replied excitedly.

“ Why don’t you an’ Fluttershy have those first slices of cake? The two of ya did make ‘m after all.”

“ But what about you guys?”

“ Ah’m sure we can handle any slice ya give us afterwards. Ah jus’ think that the two of ya deserve them first two slices.”

Pinkie Pie took in Applejack’s words, thinking for a short time before turning to Fluttershy. “ I don’t know… what do you think Fluttershy?”

“ Oh, um… why don’t we all just have some together?” Fluttershy replied, trying not to be too scared at having been put on the spot like that.

Surprisingly, it was Rainbow Dash who replied… but only after thinking for a few minutes on it. “ Ya know, that’s not a bad idea.”

Applejack could only nod to that. Though, at the same time, she was also giving Sunset the cue to mention her guitar… something which Sunset took up on as quickly as she could.

“ And while we wait for the cakes to be ready,” She piped up, “ we could play some music. What do you say Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash eyed the guitar that Sunset was holding out towards her before turning back to the undecorated cakes. When she returned her gaze to the guitar, a smile had found its way onto her face; one that clearly said that there was no way she was going to pass up the chance.

Just seeing that look on Rainbow's face brought a small smile to Moonlight Charge. It was true that he was still confused about why the girl was walking and not sitting in her wheelchair like the last time he had seen her, but he was just glad that he had been able to help get her mind off of whatever had scared her... even if she did refuse to acknowledge her fear. Quietly, he turned and started heading for his study room.

" If that's the case, then I'm just going to have to get called for some cake of my own." He said as he passed his daughter. " I have some things to work on in the study. You girls try not to destroy the kitchen."

“ Sure thing, Dad.” Sunset replied with a small nod of her head.

Unfortunately, she was paying more attention to Rainbow Dash and how she was strumming the strings of her guitar than to the fact that her father was leaving the room. She was just mesmerised by the skill that her visitor possessed… and this was just the warm up. There was no proper tune actually being played.

“ It’s been a while since I’ve had to play one of these,” Rainbow Dash admitted, finally finishing her warm up “ I’m more of an electric guitar kind of girl, but we’ll see…”

That’s when Rainbow Dash started playing properly. At first it didn’t even look like she was moving her fingers with the way she was plucking at the strings. The only give away was the movement of her left hand as it created the cords that were being played. But then she started getting into the song more.

She didn’t sing; there was no need to. The guitar was doing all the singing for her. But the fact that the music was already having an effect on her friends – making them move to the rhythm – was enough to make Rainbow Dash smile. Heck, she couldn’t even help her own body from being captured by the music she played. Her own foot was tapping in time to the beat and her body was rocking to the tune as well. And the fact that the guitar didn’t have a shoulder strap made her thankful that she had chosen to sit down after taking the instrument from Sunset Shimmer.

But the magic really happened once Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. By that point, memory had taken over her finger placing so she welcomed the change with an even greater smile as the first chorus rang from the guitar. The first things to show were her pony ears followed quickly by her hair growing into a longer ponytail. Finally, her wings finished the transformation with a flair.

Apparently, though, magic worked differently when it was transferred from one world to another because the usually tingly sensation that ran through Rainbow’s body whenever she ponied up seemed more aggressive than usual. It was usually a nice feeling but this time it almost felt like it was draining her powers, similar to what happened during the Friendship Games. Not to mention, it made her wince a little and forced her to stop playing for a second or two.

But even so, she still continued with the song.

To those watching her, though, the sight of pony ears and wings were not something they expected when hearing a song. They expected good music – which they got – but the bonus… that had gained looks of both shock and horror from the surrounding girls. Poor Rarity actually fainted at the sight and had to be moved over to the table with a glass of water. Even Fluttershy had to sit down with the shock she received from the sight. The only one who didn’t seem to care was Pinkie Pie; she just shrugged her shoulders and continued with her cake decorating like this was an everyday occurrence to her.

Finally, the song came to a close. The notes eventually died out and Rainbow Dash gave a small sigh. When she took the guitar off her knee, however, her magic instantly disappeared; leaving only a tired looking girl behind.

“ I haven’t played that in ages.” Rainbow admitted as she opened her eyes. That’s when she noticed the dumbfounded looks on the faces that surrounded her. “ Uh… why are you all looking at me like that?”

Twilight was the first to snap out of her stupor. “ Okay, now, don’t get any of us wrong. We really did enjoy what you just played. We’ve just… well… never seen anything quite like it.”

Applejack explained further, though rather bluntly. “ How the hay did ya get wings?”

She couldn’t help it, Rainbow laughed. “ This is my magic. When I play music, I pony up. Sometimes when I’m not playing my guitar, too. My friends back home are the same.”

“ Well, I think the Siren Sisters are going to need to know about this. It changes a lot of things, after all.” Sunset said, her expression turning from shock to thought.

Author's Note:

Finally I have chapter 15 up. I am so sorry for the long wait. To make it up to you, I give you a chapter with a song in it. It's a song I personally like (especially played like this) plus I think Rainbow Dash would like it too (I had to look for pop/rock style songs just to try and get her personality right and this just wouldn't get out of my head while I was hunting). Anyway, here is The Script's Hall Of Fame performed by Gabriella Quevedo.