• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 2,028 Views, 15 Comments

Heir to a Silenced Blood - Rock Slide

With the birth of their child, Sunset and Adagio find themselves with a whole new problem, one that forces them back to the realm they came from.

  • ...

Face your fears!

Sunset looked over to Twilight as the group made their way over to Canterlot castle.

Twilight still had a twitch in her eye, though, and Sunset thought it was kind of funny to watch.

“Twilight calm down it's not that big of a deal.” She said with a chuckle, though switched to a whisper when she continued, “By the way look at these two little ones; don’t tell Adagio but I think Sunny already adores Splendid, don’t you?”

Twilight chuckled and nodded with a small smile, whispering back, “Agreed I think she adores her like Adagio just adores you, I bet even by the end of this trip they’ll be even closer.”

Sunset snickered but froze when a hoof tapped her shoulder, to which she squeaked. “So what are you two whisperin’ about I heard my name?”

“Nothing dear just saying how much you mean to me.”

“Oh, really Sunset… don't lie to me…”

“I didn’t.”

Sunset batted her eyelids. Adagio tried to keep a straight face but soon broke out in giggles. Throwing her gaze backward, she saw Splendid and Sunny walking so close they almost touched. But they were completely oblivious to one another at the moment, both were enamored with the sights of Canterlot.

The group had caught a train at what Sunny had called ‘a stupid hour’. Twilight had suggested this, mainly because it would arrive well before most of Canterlot’s citizens were up and about. This allowed them to avoid both funny looks and gave them the opportunity to take a leisurely course to the castle, something that Sunny and Splendid seemed to be appreciating.

They made the approach to the castle gates shortly before seven, where the guards on duty saluted her, opening the gates before even being asked. Once through, they grouped up in the middle of the courtyard, before they were suddenly covered by a large shadow.

Looking skyward, the sun was being blocked out by… the sun? Celestia descended in a blur, glomping Twilight from above. Twilight laughed as she rolled across the ground. “I missed you too.”

Celestia blinked, noticing the others for the first time. “Apologizes all, after time apart, sometimes I only have eyes for Twilight. Please, come inside; from the looks of it, you all need breakfast,” she cast her gaze back to Twilight, an eyebrow raised, “and we seem to have much to discuss.” She smiled again, and opened her wing, gesturing to the main doorway.

They all moved through to the dining hall, while Splendid and Sunny were picked up in magic because they kept stopping to gawk at the scenery. Once they arrived, Celestia took the time to greet everypony, those she knew, and those she did not. She specifically pulled Sunset away slightly, which worried the others; until they hugged, Celestia’s wings completely engulfing Sunset. The pair walked back over, each with tears in the corners of their eyes, and they moved towards the tables. They took up seats on opposing sides of a table and were soon seen to be waiters.

“Now is as good a time as any, Twilight - what haven’t I been told?” Celestia looked down at the mare next to her.

“Well… for starters, Sunset married Adagio here.” Twilight pointed at the Siren, “and they have been together for about fourteen years.”

“A belated congratulations then to you both.” She smiled over at them, hiding her surprise well.

Then Twilight pointed over at the foal to Sunsets left, “And this is Splendid, their daughter.”

This time, Celestia wasn’t able to hold it in, and her neck failed her, landing her face on the table. Twilight lifted it back up in her magic, and the remains of her breakfast slid off her face. “Who what where now?”She spluttered.

Adagio took over from Twilight. “Splendid is our daughter, I carried her.”

Celestia finally managed to understand. “Ah, I see. I wasn’t even aware that dimension had mastered same gender conception. I assume Sunset, you were the sire?”

Sunset, Adagio, and Twilight suddenly looked very shocked and uncomfortable, but they never got the chance to answer. The door behind Celestia opened up, and a white coated stallion strolled in.

“Good morning Auntie, Element Bearers.” He moved towards the dining table and spotted ponies he didn’t recognize. “Good morning to you as well, esteemed guests.”

Sunset knew that voice, but no, it couldn’t be. But Adagio was already out of her seat, tears streaming down her cheeks as she fled from the room. The stallion stopped in his tracks, whilst the majority of the group looked on concerned.

“Shit.” Twilight only swore in extreme cases, so everypony knew something big was up. “Go find her, I’ll deal with this.” Sunset gave the briefest of nods before she to fled the room.

“What's wrong with my mother?” Splendid shouted.

“Don’t worry Splendid, it must be something she ate.” Twilight turned to the girls, “Would you please look after the two little ones for a minute, I need to borrow these two.” Twilight hooked her wings around Celestia and Blueblood and dragged them to the adjacent kitchens, before stuffing them into a pantry. It was a tight squeeze, but they need privacy.

Blueblood glared at Twilight. “What the devil is going on?” Celestia’s face made it clear she shared the sentiment.

Twilight put her hoof on her chest and let out a deep breath. “Celestia; you asked who the sire was. It wasn’t Sunset, and this is kind of a sore spot. The ‘father’ is him.” She thrust her foreleg at Blueblood.

“What!” they both cried.

“I worded that badly.” Twilight paused as she tried to think her way around it. “You have to understand, through the portal, there is an almost mirror image version of us.” Celestia nodded, already knowing this. “My mirror is a scientist. Celestia’s mirror is a School Principal. And yours, Blueblood, is an entitled rich kid living off his father’s money.”

“Ah.” Was all Blueblood could say, his face slightly red.

“I’m sorry to dredge up old hurts, but I have heard about how you were fifteen years ago before Celestia shipped you off to the Navy, and they aren't good.”

“I won’t argue with you on that, Twilight. I was a thoroughly disreputable individual and a blight on some of this castle’s very staff. Why do I get the feeling I am not going to like where this is going?”

Twilight looked at the floor. “There is no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it. Fifteen years ago, your mirror drugged Adagio’s already alcoholic drink and then he had his way with her.”

Blueblood started choking, and Celestia broke down in tears. Twilight held onto her wife and waited for the pair to calm down.

Blueblood coughed to clear his throat. “So that is why she ran out, my very presence must be horribly upsetting for her.”

“I think so, yeah,” Twilight added numbly.

“So be it. I shall go to the Naval barracks and spend the duration of her stay in my accommodation there.”

“I don’t think that’s best, actually.” Both of the smaller ponies looked up to Celestia, eyebrows cocked. “In my experience, it is best for ponies to confront that which they fear. Even though you are not him, you will still be able to give her a modicum of closure.”

The room was silent until Blueblood spoke up. “Then I shall defer to your judgment. I shall spend my time in Auntie Luna’s wing, away from her, until you send for me.”

“Thank you Bluey, and thank you Twilight, for telling me. Bluey, I will have your breakfast and paperwork sent to Luna’s study. As for you and I Twilight, we need to get back to the others.”

Life working in the castle often got dull, but gossip could sustain most of the mares. Orange Peel, a light orange mare, was working in the kitchens when all of a sudden, Princesses Celestia and Twilight, and Prince Blueblood stormed their way through and into one of the larger pantries. Spotting a chance to gain some fresh gossip, Peel began sweeping the floor, and tactically moved her way towards the door. As she drew close, she began to hear Princess Twilight's voice. She heard:

"The father is him.”

Then it was accompanied by gasps. Hiding a gasp of her own, Peel put the broom down and trotted quickly out of the kitchen. She had fresh gossip to spread.

~~~~~Half an hour later~~~~~

“Once again, please accept my deepest apologies. I jumped to conclusions, and spoke before considering your situation.” Celestia sat with her hooves fumbling together.

Sitting opposite, Sunset and Adagio held each other's hooves. “We know you didn't mean any harm, and we accept your apologies, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia smiled, relieved. “Please, we are all just mares here, I am simply Celestia.”

Sunset looked over to Twilight, who was sitting next to her wife. “I assume this world’s Blueblood has been informed of the situation?”

“Yes, he even offered to spend the duration of your stay sequestered away. But Tia here had a better idea if you're willing.” Twilight elbowed the white alicorn, “Don’t you, dear?” Adagio and Sunset looked up her, eyebrows raised.

“Well,” Celestia coughed, caught on the spot all of a sudden. “The first thing I want to stress it that this isn’t the Blueblood from your world. But, fifteen years ago, he wasn't that too different from the stories you have told me about.” The pair were mortified. “I pulled the same face when the details got back to me, and I knew something needed to be done.”

“What did you do?” Adagio asked, emotions fighting behind her eyes.

“I shipped him off to the Navy, hoping that they could straighten him out.” Adagio's face became skeptical. “Don't think that was an easy way out for him. I hoof selected the toughest units and hardest instructors; I wasn't going to let him off easy. From the reports I got back in the first few months, it seemed his reputation preceded him, and his new colleagues made his life Tartarus.” Adagio's face held a look that mixed satisfaction and sympathy.

“Oh, it hurt at first. But after ten years, Blueblood came home, his service complete. He came back the upstanding stallion I had always hoped he would grow to become, and he has done me proud the last few years, really taking up the mantle of his title.”

Sunset chewed on her lip until she decided it was best to speak up. “That is great, really, that he could turn himself around... But what has that got to do with us?”

If Celestia was offended, she didn’t show it. “Well, apart from demonstrating that points can change for the better, I thought this might be an opportunity to help you.”

“How so?” Adagio asked, her voice skeptical.

“In my experience, it was immeasurably helpful for those who suffered to have a chance to face their tormentor and let their feelings out. Our Blueblood isn't the one who hurt you, but I still feel facing him will help you. Are you willing to give it a try?”

Sunset held Adagio tight, stroking her mane lightly. Adagio looked at the floor, saying nothing. The silence almost grew awkward, but Adagio lifted her head. “Ok, I’ll try; it's better than living in fear.”

Celestia smiled at her warmly. “You are being very brave. Thank you, I'll go and see the details.”


Pinkie had left the group pretty soon after breakfast, leaving the rest of the girls to look after the foals, with instructions to bring them to the east ballroom in an hour - that was five minutes away.

Pinkie made one last sweep of the room, checking to make sure everything was perfect. She would normally have everything in hoof, but the guests of honor were from an alternate dimension, so the usual games wouldn’t do. Happy everything was set up, she turned to the only other pony in the room, who had tried to hide in the corner.

“Come on Sparky, don’t you want to meet your cousin and her friend?”

Prince Solar Spark, the child of Princesses Celestia and Twilight, snorted. “She isn't my cousin.”

“Your momma Twi considers her mother to be her sister; that’s close enough isn't it?”

The white unicorn walked away from the edge of the room and shook his multi-coloured mane out of his eyes, the white, purple and gold strands refusing to behave.

“Maybe so, but you know I’m not comfortable around foals my own age. A side effect of my mother's, but I am somewhat advanced, and any conversations I can have seem dull.”

Pinkie rolled her eyes at the colt. Another side effect of his parentage was that he was tall for his age, almost as tall as Pinkie. Taking advantage of this, Pinkie could be rather rougher with him than most colts, and she drew him into a tight hug “I guarantee that these too are more your level than you think.” Solar Spark just huffed.

With the same sixth sense as ever, Pinkie lets go of him and moved to the doors, pulling them open even as Applejack lifted her hoof to open them from the over side.

Right behind her, the two fillies stopped in wonderment. Never before had they seen that many balloons, let alone a party on this scale built for them. Before they knew it, Rarity and Rainbow Dash had pushed them into the room, sliding them across the polished stone floor.

“Splendid, I would like you to meet your cousin, Solar Spark. Sparky, this is Splendid, and her friend Sunny.”

“Hi.” Splendid waved at him.

“Hello.” They looked at each other, not entirely sure what to say.

Pinkie started bouncing around next to them. “Ohhhhhhhhh you guys are gonna be the better of friends I can tell.”