• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 410 Views, 12 Comments

Sleeping Sparkles - playfulpippapony

My name is Twilight Sparkle. That much I know, the rest is anypony's guess. One minute I'm fighting off a changeling attack and the next I'm in 1973!

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I Can't Change it but I'm Waiting Patiently

By the time we left the pub it was nearly midnight. How can anypony drink for that long? By the end of the night most of the girls were a little bit tipsy, only me and Fluttershy were completely sober. I learnt a little about them but nothing that could get me home. Like in my world Rarity has a little sister called Sweetie Belle, however this Sweetie Belle is a little bit older that the one I know. Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom are in their late teens, Sweetie is seventeen and Applebloom is sixteen next week. I didn't hear anything about Scootaloo, I didn't ask about her in case they started asking me questions that were best left unanswered.

Rainbow was brash and overly confident, Pinkie was full of laughs, Rarity was quite crude at times and Fluttershy was the same as usual. Applejack didn't say much to me at all, the only time we talked was when I was dragged into the conversation about Applebloom...

"Oh relax AJ, it's not like she's running off to marry the guy right?" Rainbow was still on the subject of Applebloom's love life and it was starting to get annoying.

"Yea, the Gov's right. Hey Sparkles, you got any siblings?" I was surprised by Pinkie's question, especially since I had been left out of the conversation for most of the night. I didn't really want to answer it either, partly because I want no part in teasing Applejack and partly because I don't know if my BBBFF exists in this world. Sure, the girls and Spike are here, but does that mean every pony else is too? I mean these aren't even my friends, they just look like them. In the end I decide to answer honestly and hope they don't know Shining in 'real life'.

"An older brother". No need to mention names. Sadly my short answer wasn't enough for Pinkie.

"And how did he feel when you started dating?" I coughed into the drink I'd been sipping sending 'cider' everywhere. Dating!? I've...that is to say I've... Oh how do I answer this?

"Well, um, I've, um. You see he, um, he would have been supportive?" It comes out more like a question rather than a statement. I can only hope they didn't pick up on my choice of words. To my surprise it was Rainbow who spoke first.

She put up a hoof as if to stop me talking or interrupting her. "Hold on a minute Sparkles. Have you ever had a date?" I could feel myself blushing. My face must have gave the answer way because Rainbow started laughing. "Oh, oh my! You've never had a date!?" I shook my head, I was getting annoyed now. "I wonder why". The way she said it made me think she wasn't trying to be supportive but rather pointing out an obvious point.

Applejack was smirking into her glass, obviously glad they were no longer talking about her. I was starting to wish I'd lied and told them he was overly protective too. I looked over to Fluttershy who was cringing, she looked at me sympathetically as if apologizing for Rainbow's behavior. Pinkie was chuckling, at least she was trying to hide it behind her hoof. Rarity looked angry, but at the same time confused. She probably doesn't understand how somepony could never have had a date.

"Rainbow please! It isn't nice to laugh. I'm sure Twilight has a very good reason why she's never had a date, haven't you dear?" She looked over to me, they all did. I gulped and started to tell them what I hope was a good enough answer.

"I was always so busy studying. Also there weren't many boys at my school and I had no desire to go out and look for any". Rainbow rolled her eyes, the others just seemed to let it go. Except Applejack who muttered something under her breath.

"Poof". Rainbow snickered and Pinkie smirked. I don't know what 'poof' meant, but it couldn't have been nice. Thankfully they left it at that, both Applebloom's new boyfriend and my lack of them.

Fluttershy offered to take me home but I declined. I knew my way home and I was completely sober so I felt like there was no need. I opened the door to my sad looking flat and walked inside. I'm so tired, please tell me I don't have to do that every night? If I do I might not make out of this coma alive.

Before I'd left the pub Rainbow said something to me.

"Hey Sparkles! You'd better be in work tomorrow, you sick days are up". I felt a bit scared at the idea of having to spend the whole day with them, especially Rainbow. I guess I have no say in what my subconscious has in store for me, so I'd better just get on with it.

"I'll see you tomorrow, D.C.I Dash". I can't help but say her name with venom, she doesn't deserve the title.

Now as I lie in bed I realize what I'm actually going to have to do. I'm going to be a D.I for Rainbow Dash. I have no idea what to do, I really don't think this is going to wake me up and the longer I'm here the longer Equstria is in danger. Oh, what I wouldn't give for the Princess' advice right now.

Wait! The Princess, of course! She set up this 'team' didn't she!? Without getting out of bed I grab the folder Fluttershy gave me on my first day with my magic and open it. Inside were a bunch of photos of ponies in uniform and magical creatures in a multitude of restraining devices. There was a page of writing in Celestia's hoof writing.

'The Elements of Justice are the protectors of Equestria. Since the dreadful day I had to banish my dear sister to the moon Equestria has been under threat. Magical creatures big and small have had a go at taking over my Kingdom, and I am sad to say I can no longer protect my subjects like I used to. This is why I set up this team, so that my subjects can rest easy and be safe. These ponies are here to fight off threats to Equestria and make it a peaceful place. It is now your duty to make this place safe, and maybe one day a place we are all proud to call home'.

Home? Is that a clue? If I protect these ponies, will I wake up? Arrrggg! Why is this all so cryptic!? Despite my anger I still can't help but feel sad for Celestia, she had to send her only sister away. It must have hurt, especially if it meant her kingdom was under more threat because of it. When I wake up I promise I will talk to her about all of this. But first I'm going to give the girls the biggest hug of their life.

Then I see a line of writing at the bottom of the page that I swear wasn't there before. I read it in hopes of finding another clue.

'Twilight? I don't know if you can hear me, but you're going to be alright. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise'.

A tear rolled down my cheek and splashed on the page. Using a hoof I rubbed my eyes, when I looked back the words were gone. I don't know who said them, perhaps one of the girls? Spike? Maybe even a doctor. Either way, I trust them. I know they'll wake me up, and when they do I'm going to need some serious therapy.

With a sad smile I returned the file to its spot on top of a bookshelf. I know they'll wake me up, I know they will... I know they will...

Ironically, that was my last thought before I fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Ok, so Twilight doesn't drink, doesn't go clubbing, and now she's never been on a date. I have my reasons for making her so studious, you'll have to keep reading to find out why. Also even I don't know if Shining Armour exists in this world, Cadence does for timey wimey reasons though.