• Published 9th Aug 2016
  • 454 Views, 3 Comments

Genius - ConsciousHaze196

It's a disaster in Equestria when Genie is bored

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It happened to the palace just recently built

When Celestia flew away from the castle on her broom, because she was on vacation with a squad of henchmares, led by Sunset, Spitfire was left in charge of Canterlot castle. She was given the task to expel some strange shady cult from its basement, actually, but that could wait. She'd rather sit on the throne while no one's seeing, and they weren't because she ordered them not to look.

Discord liked the hall of stained glass. There was no parts featuring him in there anymore, because they long since ran out of space for them, but he had them all in his memory. And then, when Celestia was to do a witch ritual somewhere near the great sea, to banish some kind of yoghurt supply cart from Equestria, whatever, he could finally go there without boring formalities.

Applejack was also wandering the halls, wearing an eyepatch that made her look stronger. When Winona took her Element, she lost her job, and Celestia let her stay in spare room of the spacious building.

In the other world, one happy genie was riding a camel through narrow streets of the city. He was happy because he was finally free from the lamp, although his expression was rather sad. No, he wasn't happy at that moment, actually even though some loudspeakers in the guardhouse nearby were spewing music like a sandstorm. He felt he wasn't quite as powerful as to bring entertainment to that hot and repetitive landscape. Sure, he had the lamp. But there was no one inside. Maybe there should have been? No, not really.

Going around the corner together with the old cybernetics camel creeping sideways in slow rhythm, he suddenly understood what he saw seconds ago. There was a blue crate by the wall, and it had a distinct pattern of ornament and text-

Air pressure changed with a loud bang when he realized it was a crate of vodka.

He wanted to take a closer look.

Applejack was sure she felt something, a disturbance in magical vector fields around her. She could only briefly stroke her beard. Then, in turn, Spitfire heard something, but she was busy imagining her playing volcanic valley board game with Philomena, so she didn't care about some extra flashes of fire in the air.

When the palace suddenly began shaking erratically, Discord knew he needed to evacuate everypony, he was not just called Discord for arguing with city government. On reflex, he made a random portal, that began growing. Minutes later, angry spirits were released from the Underworld. And so were some princesses. Underworld was cold, and with temperature rising from magical storm, Sleeping Beauty awoke, raised the cover of her sleep coffin and smiled, revealing multiple pairs of sharp teeth, because she was ready for breakfast.

Orange apple mare thought that there was significant chance of Canterlot being attacked, and she forgot her cellphone, so she just pulled the nearest fire alarm, as an excuse for doing nothing. The concrete floor began to melt, revealing grates, fish, and then a fishing ship. Applejack grasped some thin air, before falling right onto crow's nest. It was painful, and so was banshee lost souls screaming from all sides in the mist, just like those dreaded wendigos. Wet sound of fire fighting vehicle was heard from ship's hold, overpowered by siren's call from the sea that the castle debris fell under. Applejack was struggling holding onto the mast, among the clounds, on top of abruptly oscillating ship that obviously wasn't built to carry sense cargo.

Genie's magical hallucinations that it all was, were a serious condition, and panicking people seeking shelter from cartoon-looking flying stars and jetpack wearing penguin wanderers, couldn't find a doctor by themselves. They prayed that someone would stop the senseless destruction.

And so a green flying unicorn doctor came, and punched Genie. But he was strong and mad, he overpowered and possessed her, screaming like a space amoeba from Cardassia. That's where Jasmine came and knocked him out with a flying kick. Genie was defeated. It was over. Fires and floating balls of liquid motor oil casting rainbows when they reflected intense sunlight, all morbid magical presence that made the city look like a burning forge, were disappearing now. Jasmine was hauling the unconscious alicorn back to the palace, shouting about the palace guards that should have been fired. From a party cannon, just to punish them a bit.

Six animals wearing the Elements, sat in Gummy's mobile house walking on spider legs away from Ponyville to Canterlot, trying to guess what kind of emergency was happening there. And playing cards while at it.

Applejack was a pirate in a middle of the vast sea, fighting ghosts. She didn't think about waiting for help from Equestria, because it was overrun by smart animals that didn't care about saving ponies. Where were the others, anyway? Where was that blue... winged pony who often brought her apples, when she was sitting under a dead tree in a dark desert, exhausted after fighting hordes of insane monster dogs? Was she real? Probably not.

The storm was slowly calming down. The ghosts also became relatively quiet and tame, after they discovered a box of cookies in the hold and ate all of them. And in Equestria, a battle squad of sirens led by angry Ariel on an armored winged bicycle made Sleeping Beauty flee through the portal, just like that. Animals of Harmony were late to their job again, but they were still successful, so who cared?

When Celestia came back for refueling the broom, she asked Philomena to banish Discord from Canterlot for a month. Discord thought it was a fair judgement, packed his baggage and left. Spitfire was found sleeping on Philomena's throne, and was also fired, and sent to work on a farm.

On a positive side, that was Pinkie's farm.

In Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash was eating hay, it was awesome. But she didn't know about the ship.

Comments ( 2 )

Was this written by computer algorithm?

7465708 no, but I enjoy computer-generated stories and non-sequitur a lot. There is not much enough of that - even Discord-related random stories don't usually contain much types of chaos. And there are a lot of types of chaos to consider.

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