• Published 10th Aug 2016
  • 3,807 Views, 67 Comments

Dewott Just happened? - Jonny Bench

One day I was having a blast at my local comic con the next, I'm in equestria and look like my favorite Pokemon.

  • ...

Wait, there's more of them?!?

I start to rush over to the crater, passing by ponies who have wide eyes, and are slowly backing away from my destination. Silver Spoon and her four friends are hot on my tail, eager to find out what had happened. I see a thick plume of smoke and dust slowly rising out of the newly formed crater, as well as ponies starting to panic, running this way and that. As I get closer to the crater, I notice a silhouette moving around. Prepared for the worst, I ready a water pulse in my right hand, and walk into the crater. As the dust settles though, what I see surprises me.

Lying face down at the edge of the crater, is a little hopip. I reach down and pick it up just as Silver and her friends arrive, after having been slowed down by everypony’s panic.

“False alarm everypony, it's not dangerous. It's just a little hopip. Nothing to be worried about everypony.”

At this all of the ponies immediately stop running around and shouting, although there are three mares, who seem to have fainted, lying next to a flower stall. As they are dragged off to either their homes or the hospital, Silver and her friends approach me and the hopip.
“Jonny, I wanted to introduce you to some of my friends. This is Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo.”

“It’s nice to meet you all.” I reply. Suddenly, the hopip begins to move around in my arms. I look down to see it with a look of pure terror on it’s face. I look at it and speak in a soft voice

“Don’t worry, you’re okay. Everything's going to be alright.” The starly begins to calm down a bit, and seems to be trying to go to sleep, before it passes out due to sheer exhaustion.

“Aww, it’s so cute! Can we hold it?” Silver and her friends almost shout all at once.
“Shhh, it’s trying to sleep.”
“Alright, but take turns, and don’t wake it, it needs to rest and heal up.”
“Girls, what did I just say”
“We’re sorry!”
“It’s okay girls, just be more careful in the future.”
Diamond Tiara is the first one to hold the little hopip, before passing it to Apple Bloom, Sweetie bell, Silver Spoon, and finally Scootaloo. Once they have all had a chance to hold the little hopip, twilight and her friends have shown up and are looking around the crater, apparently trying to find whatever fell from the sky. Rainbow and Applejack are running and flying around the area looking for an escaped creature, while Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie are all trying to use their magic to figure out what happened, to no avail. While the other five are busy running this way and that, Fluttershy notices the girls and I taking turns holding a strange creature that she hasn’t seen before.
“Hey everyone, what do you have there?” She asks
“Fluttershy! Just the mare I was hoping to talk too!” I say to her in reply.
“You wanted to see me?”
“Yes i did. You see, another pokemon has just fallen from the sky , and I was hoping it could live with you until it recovers.”
“You want me to take care of a creature that I know nothing about? I don’t know… what if i mess up?”
“I know you’ll do just fine, now are you up for it?”
“Is fluttershy up for what?” Rainbow buts in after overhearing our conversation.
“I was just asking her if she could take care of the new pokemon that just fell out of the sky.”
“Wait, another one? I thought you were the only Pokeman?”
“Actually, there are almost 900 different species of pokemon. It’s just that i was the only one in Equestria until now. There may be more that appear in the future though. If any more of them do appear, i’m sure you can show them how awesome you are, but for right now let’s try and get this little guy some help. I can go with you to help settle it in and tell you a bit about it if you want.” I say to both Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy nods in agreement, while Rainbow stares at me with an annoyed look on her face. I give her a smirk of amusement, before starting to walk down the long dirt road to Fluttershy’s home.

While we’re walking, Twilight spots us and walks over to Rainbow to find out what happened.
“Hey Rainbow, what’s going on?”
“Not much, Jonny decided to go help Flutters settle a new pokemon into her home. How are you doing Twi?” Rainbow Dash Replies, noticing the purple alicorn developing a twitch under her right eye, while also having a blank stare until somepony catches her eye.
“And where do you five think you’re going?” She says towards a bush she had seen moving along the edge of the road, the sounds of voices that are barely audible are being emitted from it. Then the heads of five young fillies pop up from the bush, each one with a sheepish grin on their face until Silver Spoon speaks up
“We Just wanted to go talk to Jonny, Twilight honest! We just didn’t get much of a chance to when that other Pokemon crashed in the town square.”
“Alright girls, I believe you. However, you could have just told us where you were going, you didn’t need to sneak off like that.”
The five fillies look at her in surprise before nodding their heads in understanding and walking off in the direction of Fluttershy’s house, hoping they could finally get a chance to hang out with their newest friend.

Author's Note:

Let me know if this still seems to be a bit too rushed. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 13 )

Well.... this is interesting..... but these chapters are shorter than mine!

7635230 started with four, but i plan on using most of dewott's moveset

7670652 Wasn't in dec before (if it was I don't recall it there)

im between hating this and L.V ing this

7727342 no, LV is in my other story. In this it's the IV's and EV's that you need to worry bout

7727422 Then im between loving this and l E.V ing it

7727485 great! Glad to hear it! I'll make sure to post an update for this soon. I've been trying to put a few chapters in on my other story


Someone did do a Displaced Charizard. Character's name is Geo and IMO he's kind of a big weenie.

I guess you could say this characters can... Dewott he wants!


7775685 I read it . It's a nice story, however I will not be writing this one in the same way. I might ask permission for a crossover chapter though.

Comment posted by ObserverX deleted Jun 30th, 2022
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