• Published 12th Aug 2016
  • 910 Views, 10 Comments

Twilight is Banished from Death - Sunsette

When Twilight is resurrected from the dead, she goes on a quest to find her murderer and stop the dark plans in motion within the Northern Kingdoms of Griphonia

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The cold night wind breezes through Twilight's mane, as she sat outside the porch of her room, pondering about the events that has transpired around Ponyville for the past 2 years. It was really odd, really, 2 years ago, she was but a student of the Solar princess herself, and after 2 years of successfully defeating Equestria's tyrannical villains -- most of which are gods and leaders of a far away kingdom -- she, herself, has claim the title of Princess of Friendship.

She gazed down below the sleepy town of Ponyville, the town that has faced oh so many odd things ever since she got here. The Ursa Minor incident and Tirek's rampage across the country has ruined the town time and time again, yet the town and the ponies that resides there never falter, for they know, that hope is always lurking around the corner, always watching them and protecting them from outsiders.

She drank her tea as she continued to gaze down the peaceful town, and pondering new ideas for her next friendship lesson for her student, Starlight Glimmer. An idea sparked in Twilight's brilliant mind; She would send Starlight to the Crystal Empire, to accompany Sunburst. There they could have some quality time together, while she'll be doing more... paperwork.

As she lay down her tea, she levitated a random book from the shelve and opened it.

-There and Back Again-
A Hobbits Tale

Twilight eyed the sentence with curiosity, she didn't remember buying this book from the library. "Well, it's a book so..." She flipped opened the next page and read the following passage:

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole and that means comfort.

It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel; a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats - the hobbit was fond of visitors.

Twilight then smiled at the first paragraph of the book, whoever wrote this book certainly has a unique writing style that she strangely enjoyed. She continued slimming through the pages every 2 seconds, reading every paragraph and every dialogue this book has to offer.

An unknown entity stares down at the Friendship Castle, analysing every little detail the castle has to offer. When the power of the ring showed him even greater power beyond the boundaries of Middle Earth, and the riches this world holds, he didn't hesitate for one second and make fourth another army to invade this world of green.

For 2 years, he has orchestrated numerous attacks on varies towns and corrupting the kingdoms from within. His first target was the Griffons of the north, whom he has been eyeing with interest for some time now. They show certain aspects that can me mistaken as for an Orc or an Uruk-Hai, but don't let their personality seal the deal, oh no. The Northern Kingdoms of Griphonia, were an ideal start for recruitment, as they share no love or interest for the Ponies of Equestria down south.

Now the Northern Kingdoms are gearing up for war, for finally they have a fighting chance against a foe that was far more superior than them in most ways. Sometimes, he envied these Griffons, they get to enjoy life and die peacefully if they will, while he and a handful of races back on Middle Earth have to share the burden of Immortality. It was a rare occasion, before he continued on planning his next move back in Middle Earth.

A Griffon cloaked in black robes slowly crept to the tower, holding an elven dagger he had acquired from the foundries back in Ukrueridge -- the greatest city in all of Griphonia. The Griffon had been trying to locate his target -- Twilight Sparkle -- since the Dark Lord gave him this task, several moons ago.

As he opened the large castle doors slowly, a dark grin formed in his beak. Tonight, the fourth Princess of Equestria will die, and the armies of Griphonia shall march forward against Equestria and her allies. When he first entered the castle, he looked around him and see countless doors the eye could see. He sighed contently and open each door slowly, not wanting to wake or get anyponies attention.

It took him a good half an hour before he managed to find the Royal Bedroom of Twilight Sparkle, whom is sleeping on the bed peacefully, not caring anything about the world around her. She had a book on her face that covers her purple muzzle and elongated eyelashes -- one, that even a Griffon can admire. He lingers in the darkness, slowly creeping up to Twilight's sleeping form. He searched through his right pocket and pulled up a silver ring with Elvish writings carved into it.

Slowly, he let the ring fall on Twilight's ring and smiled wickedly. He slowly put his dagger on Twilight's throat and whispers into her ear. "Wake up Princess, don't let your duties and your subjects falter"

After reading the book for an hour and finishing it, she passed out on her bed and sleeps peacefully, while snoring adorably. She slept for a good 4 hours before waking up from a whisper into her ear.

She jolted forward and felt something sharp on her throat. She looked down and her eyes widened like saucers. There was a dagger pointed at her. She turned to her left to the source of the dagger and gulped loudly when a Griffon was holding it. She panicked and tried to cast a levitation spell to try pushing the attacker to the wall, but when she did try, she felt something heavy on her horn.

Realisation hit her like a wagon; for when she tried to use her magic, all she felt was pain coming from her horn. She looked up and to her surprise, there was a magic inhibitor on her horn -- Is this leading to where she think it is?

Just before Twilight can utter a single word, the Griffon punched her, knocking her out cold.

The Griffon dragged the unconscious pony to the porch and push her down to the floor, waking her. She crept opened her eyes, and gazed up at the ponies hooded face. The Griffon's eyes were unlike she'd seen before; It had a fiery red colour and it was staring at her menacingly.

"Sit down, and I shall spare you" He commanded, which Twilight responded with a nod. She gets to her knee's, as tears were forming up in her eyes.

She looked up at him and whispered softly at him. "Please don't hurt them" The Griffon in returned laughed darkly and walked around in circles around her.

"My Master only want's you dead, your friends and allies will suffer a fate far more worst than the banishment of Nightmare moon herself, and the world shall bow down to our Dark Lord; Sauron" He pulls out an elegant looking sword, covered in -- what Twilight can tell -- Sindarian carvings on it, and various other carvings.

As he walked around Twilight, he whispered words, word's that will haunt Twilight for the rest of her life -- if she even had the time. His sword was long enough to reach the floor, clashing it as he continued to circle her. He lift his sword and place it on Twilight's throat.

"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gibatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi kripatul." He slowly slit through Twilight's throat, causing her to gurgle blood before her lifeless corpse falls to the ground.

The Griffon smiled wickedly and cut Twilight's horn and peck a few feathers from her and put it on his pockets. "Not even the Princess of Harmony can stop the Black Hand of Sauron." And with that, he laughed wickedly and flew off to Urkrueridge to inform the counsel about his mission.