• Published 28th Sep 2016
  • 3,785 Views, 158 Comments

Achieving Divinity: Dragon's Deception - The Joeker

After finally settling in to his surroundings in Equestria, our hero,Tyrath Kyelinth is sent through time by Erlking, the traitorous Goblin! When the 'reunion' goes horribly wrong can he reclaim his memories and past life? Hell, does he even want to?

  • ...

[SoL] Ch 4: Minor Surgery: The World's Shortest Ironic Statement

Oh, I was pissed...

I woke up and clenched my hands, the entire room shook, the marble walls began to crack and the window to my left cracked as did a few screens of glass with moving things on them that were dotted around the room.

"AHHHH!" I called out in rage, I was tied down by handcuffs, I broke free of them without issue. I then calmed down slightly, just enough to stop the incoming tidal wave of anger. Although I was taking huge breaths to prevent it...

"The hay was that?!" Came a voice from the room next to me. I could hear because of the cracked wall, but it was high so I couldn't see who was talking...

"You shouldn't be awake Mr. Whooves, one of your hearts has stopped. I will put you under again." Came a voice- Hold the communication magic, one of his hearts? How many did these ponies have?!

'Ohh... wanktastic shit blenders... Ow, I need to stop waking up like this...' I thought as I groaned aloud... I was attached to some sort of equipment with a beeping sound coming from it... Judging by the rhythm on the cracked screen before me, it was monitoring my heart rate... Interesting... I also still had my Scorpion Armor still on... I coughed blood and sat up in pain, feeling my ribs crack slightly as I did...

"Ah!" I exclaimed, laying back down with a pained breath, my heart rate picking up, suddenly a unicorn doctor came in. Holding a clipboard...

"Patient... Unknown?" He asked, not looking at me.

"Oh shit... I hate doctors..." I mumbled, wiping the blood from my mouth. I got up, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No! You must not get up! Your condition is severe! You shouldn't even be alive!" He exclaimed, placing a hoof on my armoured chest.

"I'm good... I'm good." I said, he reluctantly let me stand properly. I couldn't even feel the pain in my ribs right now but I knew a few were broken... Maybe all of them.

"Ok... But... What happened to the machines...? And how are you not-" He stopped as he saw the broken handcuffs, the cracked monitors and the broken walls.

"Sorry. I was really annoyed when I woke up." I said with a grin as his expression dropped.

"You were annoyed? Well, at least you're alive." Said the doc.

"Can I get some form of other clothing?" I asked, my armor was just a burden with these ribs, I needed something else.

"Of course!" He exclaimed and ran out. When he shut the door I began the process of removing my armor.

My greaves and boots weren't too bad but my cuirass was another story, I felt the pain as I took that off... I looked at my armor. She wasn't crushing that, she was crushing me, but it had a slit from the stab. My armor was mostly intact apart from some blood and the slit from the sword. When I was done I summoned the mirror.

"Somehow I feel as if I've said this before... But I never thought I'd find that fucking mirror summoning spell useful..." I mumbled. I looked at myself... Still the same bulging muscles, the same well toned body. Scarred, bearded, weathered face. Ugly by some accounts depending on if you like scars or not. Piercing blue eyes. Long, blonde, spiky hair like a fire... I also noticed an absence of all my gear...

Suddenly I saw...

Zandalor in the mirror?

Wait... It was him! The human him!

"My friend..." He started.

"Ahem, I have a gown for you." Said the doctor, I dropped the mirror in surprise and it smashed, I repaired it instantly and searched for Zandalor... Nothing. Must be my imagination.

I sighed and started to put the gown on and I saw him staring with an open mouth at my... Down there.

"What? Problem?" I asked as I slipped the gown on.

"Ahem, no not at all." He shook his head and passed me the clipboard.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"I will need to ask you some questions." He said.

"Sure." I said. Sitting back on the bed.

"Write down your answers on the paper and tell me them. Name?" He asked, I gave them my alias.

"Ego, Ego Draconis." I said.

"Ok... Sex?" He asked.

"Yes, when I fancy." I lied. Yes, I am a virgin.

"No, male or female?" He corrected.

"Females usually." I answered with a shrug.

"Holy cow..." He cursed.

"Depends on what I feel like." I shrugged again.

"Oh dear..." He said, facehoofing.

"No, no! Deer run too fast." I answered with a laugh, it hurt to laugh but I didn't care..

"WELL THEN! Since you're apparently OK now, just sign here. You must stay here for half a day so we can analyse your condition properly. The Princesses will want to see how you're doing." He said as I began to sign... My head shot up when he mentioned them and the room began to shake again...

"What!?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"W-w-w well the Princesses wish to check up on you..." He stammered.

"Princesses? Missus 'Sunny Side Up' can go and suck my hairy toe and her sister, Missus 'Blue Butt Bitch' can go back to prison for all I give a flying bearded fart fondler." I said, calming down so I didn't create a sinkhole and destroy the Castle.

"How dare you speak of the Princess like that!" He exclaimed in complete shock as if they could tell when you cursed them. Like they were goddesses or something...

"You say that, but one of them tried to atomize me and the other tried to turn me into canned tuna. Despite the fact I tried to save them. They can fuck off." I said shoving the clipboard to his chest, he took it back in his magic, looking slightly sheepish.

"I see. Very well. But do not insult them in front of anypony else. They may take it the wrong way as they do not know what happened and will see it disrespect." He said.

"Whatever. I'll do what I want." I shrugged, turning to the window.

"Very well, but they are both coming to see you later. I suggest you change attitude before then. Or I don't know what they'll do." He said and walked out. when he did I got back into bed to rest.

When I closed my eyes another pony walked in and i cracked my eye open slightly, he was blonde and had some kind of suit on.

"So this is the ape? Hmm..." He said, did he think I was asleep? Maybe I should keep it that way. I was quite vulnerable right now... "I thought this place was an infirmary, turns out it's just a petting zoo." He said snobbily. Walking right up to my bed. On the side with the heart monitor. "I wonder what would happen if I deactivate the magic..." He said and went to some kind of socket on the wall, it must store the magic that runs these machines... I was about to grab his throat before he stepped away from it.

"Zzzz..." I snored to add to the charade.

"No I won't, I'll let you suffer with what my Aunt did to you." He chuckled. "They actually believed me when I told them what you did to that mare, they usually just ignore me." He snorted. "After I woke up Aunt Luna and told her what was happening to Twilight Velvet, she rushed up the tower and knocked you out with the biggest blast of magic I've ever seen. You got lucky..." He said and went really close to my ear. I turned on my back with my eyes closed so I could hear him.

"Hmm..." I groaned, pretending to be dreaming.

"But when Aunt Celestia condemns you to death, I'll be there to watch. Long live the Damned One. Long live the Ring." He whispered. I bolted up in bed to kill him but he walked out quicker than Stone in his fortress!

I couldn't touch that bastard now... He was under the Princesses protection... I got back up out of bed and summoned Creature.

"Master! You are OK!" He exclaimed, hugging me, causing me to grunt in pain. "Oh! I am so sorry Master!" He said. He was tall for a pony, that was for sure.

(That is because Sassan followed my orders and retrieved Kali's ponified corpse, using it to further power Creature. Meaning he could also talk normally.)

"It's fine, go outside, shut the door and prevent anyone from entering without my permission." I ordered.

"At once Lord Dragon!" He said and bowed, walking out backwards and shutting the door...

I looked out of the now cracked window and saw a small portion of 'Canterlot'. There looked to be nobles strutting around like they owned the damn place.

"Stuck up prigs." I mumbled, clenching my fists. It reminded me of the month after Aleroth, the nobles didn't think it was their problem to fix the Crow's Nest houses after the undead attack, so I ended up sending the funds to Deodatus to repair the place. Bastards. Suddenly Creature's voice...

"Master! A mare is here! She wants to give you food!" He called.

"Let her in Creature!" I called back.

"Yes My Lord! You may enter, but I'm watching you mare." Warned Creature. The door opened and a mare dressed in a nurse's attire walked in, shaking as if she were freezing cold. Her pupils were pinpricks.

"Y-y-your meal, sir. Another will come in a few hours..." She quivered.

"Thank you." I said, taking the tray from her magic. She stood stock still as we were within two feet of each other. "Do you kn-" I started. She squealed for a second before bolting out. "Hmm. They're scared of me..." I said thoughtfully.

"And rightfully so Master! You could destroy them on a whim! You are the Dragon! The last Dragon-Knight! These 'Princesses' should fear your wrath after what they attempted! You should summon some demons or ghosts, or both, to tear them limb from limb! I quite fancy having an Alicorn body..." Said Creature. Licking his lips.

"No, Creature. They were fooled into thinking I did what I did." I said, I was still majorly pissed at them but I was also pissed at the Princesses nephew for joining the Ring. Who was I more pissed with? Tough question.

"Yes Master. I will wait outside again." He said and returned to guarding my room. On my tray there was vegetarian stuff, carrots, lettuce, broccoli and... Hay? Euch. There was also a plastic cup of water. I ate everything but the hay and I drank the water.

The appetite of the Dragon is large, we can eat whole tables of food, but we don't really need it. We can go for days without eating but we do get hunger pains, so it's not a complete perk.

The next few hours could have been boring, but I summoned a Demon to spar with, I used my bare hands against it, winning with no problems and repeating the process for a while. I exercised a little, doing loads of pushups sit ups and squats, which was quite embarrassing with a gown like this...

After a while I decided to stop procrastinating... I went to wash my armor out in the bathroom in the small shower, getting the blood stains out. I also used magic to repair the hole in my armor. As I finished I heard a commotion outside...

;Creature's POV;

I saw three mares approaching me, two of them were the ones who almost killed Master.

I tensed up instantly upon seeing them and stood tall, keeping my magic on my swords in case... The blue one smiled at me a second before trying to step around me, I stepped in front of her. Her expression went blank and she stepped the other side, but I mirrored the steps.

"Excuse me sir, but you appear to be in our way." Said the Blue Princess, cocking her head in question.

"You are very astute Your Highness." I said snarkily. She took a step back at the way I spoke.

"How dare you speak to royalty that way, cur! Who doesth thou think thy are?" She exclaimed.

"I am Creature. My Master is inside and does not wish to be disturbed. Especially by the two whorses who put him in that very room. Unless you'd like a make an issue out of this..." I threatened in a low voice, taking my swords slightly out their sheaths letting the sound of metal on leather ring out to let them know I was not messing around.

"Whorses?! How dare you?!" She growled.

"How dare I?! You almost killed my Master, so how dare you?!" I growled in return, putting my muzzle close to hers.

"Step aside." She threatened. The white one was not speaking, just watching...

"The small Unicorn may enter, but you two... No chance." I said with a smile.

'Whomever it is, they may enter Creature.' Master sent me a telepathic message. I stuttered for a second before I finally sighed and dropped my swords back fully into their sheaths.

"By the grace of My Lord... You may live. And enter." I said and stood aside. Allowing them access...

;Tyrath's POV;

As I finished washing my armor I telepathically communicated with Creature, telling him whoever it was they could enter. I wonder who it is? Creature seems to be making a big fuss out of it... It wouldn't be Black Ring, he just attacks them on sight.

I exited the lavatory with my armor in my hands, I put the set on the bed and turned. The door opened...

"Well, well... Well. Allo' allo'..." I said, but I actually smiled when I saw Twilight Velvet enter, standing between the Princesses as they shut the door... Sunny Side Up had a bruise on her muzzle from where I socked her and Blue Butt Bitch had a lump on her head from her attempting to kiss the side of a jail cell with the side of her head.

"Hi..." Said Velvet. Smiling sadly.

"You OK?" I asked.

"Yes, a bit shaken but..." She started.

"Not stirred?" I asked, causing a few chuckles to reverberate through the entire room. "If you need any medical attention for it, therapy or the like, I will be happy to pay any fees..." I said.

"You... What? You would?" She asked.

"Of course. I'm not stingy." I shrugged.

"I'm so sorry about what happened..." She said.

"No, it's fine." I waved her off.

"No... I-I thought you were one of them, you looked like them, even when you took that cursed mask off you were still wearing the armor. But I should have paid more attention. It's my fault." She sniffed in between words, beginning to cry.

"No, it isn't. Look at me. In the eyes." I said and raised her head up by her chin. The look in her eyes was full of guilt and sadness... "You were panicked, I should've left you to calm down on your own terms... It's not your fault I almost became a sweeping up job rather than a surgical one." I said. Sunny Side Up flinched when I said that. Suddenly Velvet wrapped her hooves around me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said, she was frickin' strong!

"Ah! For?" I asked in pain because of my ribs.

"You saved me! You even offered to pay for my medical fees! You must be some kind of... Angel!" She said and let go of me.

"Angel? No. I'm just someone who can help and therefore, does help." I said.

"Thank you." She said, she walked out. Shutting the doors.

"Now then... Sunny Side Up and Blue Butt Bitch, her sidekick! Whatever can I do for you? Come to give me flowers? Chocolates? A 'get well soon' card? Would you like a beverage? Some food? Maybe I can offer you a plate of 'fuck off?' Hmm?" I asked. Turning away angrily. They both looked sorry... But oh well. Suddenly they looked around the room and saw the damage.

"Wha... You did this?" Asked Sunny Side Up. With a hint of... Fear?

"Well, when you piss off one of the most powerful beings in existence, bad stuff tends to happen. Usually to the people, or in this instance, ponies, that caused it." I shrugged. "So, are you here to apologise, or do you want another torture session? I'm up for it. Whadda ya say sidekick?" I said with a dark grin to Blue Butt Bitch.

"If you are referring to me, then yes, I have come to apologise. You should know the spell I cast was merely for show and was only meant to render you unconscious, I am sorry I gave you an impression otherwise. Can you forgive me?" She asked. I studied her... I decided to read her mind to see if she was being truthful.

'Surely he will forgive me! I meant no harm! I acted rashly... Sister has always reprimanded me for that particular trait... This is a wake up call that I should work on it.' She thought.

"Hmm. What about you Sunny Side Up? Why are you here? To finish the job of turning me into canned dog food?" I asked with a harsh edge to my voice.

She looked around the room and repaired the hole in the wall, after ensuring no one could hear or see... She burst into tears... I widened my eyes in surprise at that.

"No! Absolutely not! I-I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-" She stopped because she was hyperventilating slightly, I just stood there with my arms crossed, raising an eyebrow. Even her sister was looking in surprise.

"Didn't mean..." I said, rolling my hand for her to continue before crossing my arms again.

"I'm... I... I just... I am so sorry! I just... I jumped to conclusions... I never took pleasure in harming you, I would never take pleasure in harming another being..." She insisted. "Cadance told me that, once she calmed down, Twilight Velvet said it was not you who attempted to violate her... I just... How can I apologise...?" She cried.

"Well... You can start by stopping the crying and whinging. It doesn't suit you." I said.

"O-o-ok. I can do that." She said, wiping away a tear with her hoof.

"And you can continue by telling the truth. Back there you smiled, you enjoyed hurting me." I said sternly.

"What? How could you suggest that?" She asked, genuinely offended.

"It was true Aunty. You were clearly enjoying what you were doing to him..." Came a voice, the two Princesses stepped aside and turned their heads to see Princess Cadance standing there. "You were grinning. Your eyes were wide, your pupils pinpricks... Blood covered your face... Then you said, and I quote: 'We're playing 'Who gets crushed into a thousand bits first?!' Winner gets to die!'" She said, beginning to quiver at the memory.

"Niece... Is this true?" Asked Blue Butt.

"Y-y-yes. I asked what you were doing but you yelled at me not to question you... You scared me..." Said Princess Cadance uneasily.

"I... I don't remember that... It only makes me more sorry about what I did. But I was doing it not out of hate, but to defend my kingdom... Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" She asked. Princess Cadance went back outside after putting in her two gold.

"What heart? The mush once known as my heart?" I said, she looked like she was about to have another crying fit when i said that. "It's fine! i was kidding! Geez... Ok, I do forgive you. But do not jump to conclusions or you can do something you'll regret. I forgive you both." i said. Suddenly they both wrapped me in a hug.

"Ow! Damnit!" I exclaimed in pain.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Said Blue Princess, she's earned me calling her her colour... It totally wasn't cause I didn't know her name...

"As am I! Are you-" Started Sunny Side Up before Creature burst in with swords drawn.

"If you have hurt him-!!" He cut off when he saw nothing was happening.

"It's OK Creature, they just ambushed me with a hug." I reassured him, he sheathed his blades and mumbled something incoherently before going back outside.

"Thank you." Said Blue Princess.

"It's fine. But I'm afraid I am trapped here with no hope of returning to my own world as of yet... So I think I will need to become a citizen of your kingdom? As will the members of my Battle Tower. That is eleven plus me." I said.

"Hmm... We must discuss this rather... Delicate... Matter in private, please excuse my sister and I for a minute... Or so." Said Blue Princess

"Sure. I'm not exactly going anywhere. Docs orders. Creature, come in! I wanna chat in private." I said as they walked out, Creature entered as they left and he shut the door.

"Well, My Lord?" He asked.

"We are on good terms. I think. We need citizenship in their kingdom if we're staying here. Otherwise we have no rights." I told him.

"But I have no rights anyway, I am a Creature." He shrugged.

"Not exactly, you are a sentient being now. And therefore hold rights." I told him.

"Master is too kind." He bowed.

"That is why I gave you the choice to leave, and why you can do so at anytime." I explained.

"Thank you Lord Dragon." He bowed. Twilight Velvet walked in, opening the door as we talked.

The Princesses were outside, leaning close to each other, whispering. As the door opened, Sunny Side Up glanced at me and smiled, sorrow evident in her features... Blue Princess wrapped her wing around her sister and pulled her away. They started to walk away and the door shut.

"I didn't tell you my name. I'm sorry, I've been a little... distracted." Apologised Velvet.

"No, it's fine, sit." I said and gestured to the bed. She sat between me and Creature. Looks like Jonelath covered up Creatures lacerations with disguise magic so he looked just like a normal pony... That's good. "Sunny Side Up may have mentioned your name when trying to condense me enough to fit into an urn without a cremation." I said.

"Thank you. My name is Twilight Velvet, mother to Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia. Whom you refer to as 'Sunny Side Up'. Funny nickname." Chuckled Velvet, Creature and I laughed as well. "Shining Armor is also my son. Princess Cadance's husband." She explained.

"Ah. I know your Twilight. The Black Ring attacked Ponyville." I said.

"What?!" She asked.

"No, no! Nopony was seriously hurt!" I reassured. "I hope..." I mumbled in addition.

"Oh, phew. Did you save her as well?" Asked Velvet.

"Yep, you could say that. She had no idea about the Black Ring's capabilities." I said.

"Ah, my Twily always was brash when it came to a new challenge." Chuckled Velvet...

;About... A few hours of talking and a meal later;

"And then Shining proposed!" Laughed Velvet, telling me the story of how Armor and Princess Cadance came to be married.

"One hell of a roundabout way of doing it!" I laughed.

"Oh wow!" Laughed Creature.

"Indeed." She laughed.

"Ah!" I grunted as I put my cuirass back on, my body quickly fixed my ribs the minimum they needed to be so I could get back in action. But they weren't fully healed as of yet. "Pass me that..." I said and pointed to my shin knife with one hand, holding my foot with the other and hopping up and down, putting my boot on.

"This? What is it? I know it's a knife but, it's so small..." She said, twirling the knife in her magic before passing it to me.

"My backup knife, I keep it on my shin for emergencies or for being stealthy." I explained, putting it in its sheath. "Pass me the other one." I said, she looked around before finding it buried in the side table by the bed.

"And this one?" She asked, throwing it to me and I just caught it.

"My combat knife, for encounters when a greatsword and powerful magic don't do the trick." I told her, flipping it in my hand before putting it in its sheath on my belt.

"Any other surprises?" She asked. In response I hit the back of my foot on the ground, causing a blade to fly out and i caught it.

"My emergency knife. Each one of my sets of armor has one." I said put it back In my boot.

Suddenly the Princesses marched in with some guards and doctors, I took a defensive stance as I saw the guards.

"It is OK, they are just here as a precaution." Smiled Sunny Side Up.

Oh cock wielding bunghole jockeys... I saw one of them had my sword.

"What is this weapon, pray tell?" Asked Blue Princess.

"A... Sword..." I answered, confused.

"Yes but, it is an overly large sword... It must take some strength to wield!" Exclaimed Sunny Side Up.

"Right you are." I said.

"Wow, amazing..." Said Blue Princess.

"It is. Now then... Relinquish the weapon... Carefully..." I said, reaching my arms out and shuffling toward it.

"How come? It's just a blade... Why so eager?" Asked the guard holding it in his magic. Pulling it close as I tried for it.

"It's more than a blade..." I said. "Come on." I said, as if talking to a scared child.

"How so?" Asked Sunny Side Up. I sighed and stopped reaching for it... My face serious as I spoke...

"It's known as... The Claw of Abraxas." I said. As I said it's name, the blade's purple markings and the amythest in its crossguard began to glow and pulsate... The guard dropped it and backed away. His eyes becoming black for a second.

"What the... I just saw..." He said, blinking rapidly and shaking his head, taking his helmet off and inspecting it as if it were to blame for his vision.

"The end of days? Yep. The Cult of Abraxas was founded by the necromancer Lixes who was the first human to ever come into contact with Abraxas, the Viridian Horror, a mystical Demon of unlimited power." I explained, moving slowly toward the sword.

"What? A Demon?" Asked Sunny Side Up.

"Correct. Only this blade can defeat him. It is the most powerful blade in Rivellon, and now here, I suppose. Killing Abraxas with this would increase it's power tenfold." I explained, picking up the sword and holding it lengthways in my palms. Balancing it by it's hilt and the center of its blade in my hands.

"It's amazing..." Said a guard.

"Only those with incredible Indomitable Will can resist its temptations. You feel as though the more innocents you kill with it, the more beings you kill with malice in your heart... The more powerful you and the blade will become. It is true, but it is at the cost of your soul, which is slowly consumed by the blade and given to Abraxas for more power to feed him. Eventually you become one of his thralls and you pass the blade to the next person, telling them it's the most powerful blade ever acquired. The cycle continues." I said balancing it on one finger.

"Wow..." Said Velvet, staring at the blade with an unsettling fixation.

"I actually bought this on the Black Market. But a disciple of Abraxas, masquerading as a General from a holy order called Halliwell, came to Aleroth hunting for the blade during Damien's invasion, lest it become lost. He found out I bought it and attacked me once I found out his true intentions in the city." I explained.

The two sisters put their forehooves on their heads, clenching their eyes. The guards looked concerned...

"What is..." Started blue Princess blinking a few times, shaking her head. I started to approach them slowly with the sword still held lengthways in my hands.

"You feel it, yes? That dull throbbing in your head?" I asked, still approaching the sisters. They both backed off and Creature looked amused. Suddenly they seemed to become fine, staring at the blade. "The blade cries out for you. It longs for you. It longs for a new owner. One is who powerful enough to use it but who is weak enough to give in to it." I said, backing away a few steps.

Suddenly they started to advance on me. Their eyes going purple with the design of the blade, hunger within their eyes. Hunger for power. For the blade. I tossed it in the air and walked forward a step, it landed in its sheath on my back.

"Wha..." Said Sunny Side Up, putting her hoof on her head and shaking her head, her eyes went normal after blinking once or twice and Blue Princess did the same.

"What just...?" Asked Blue Princess.

"The sheath I created protects those around me from the blade's influence. It's one of the reasons I made Creature sentient. If he was still a necromantic bag of flesh, the blade could very simply corrupt his mind." I said.

"What about you?" Asked Sunny Side Up, looking concerned.

"The blade gave up on me long ago." I waved her off. It was true, in my case the blade realised it couldn't corrupt the one using it and so devoted its energy to corrupting those around me, which is why I made the sheath.

"Really?" Asked Blue Princess.

"Yep. If I strike down Abraxas with this, there is no demon to power the blade and user because there is no Abraxas for the souls to go to. Only the blade itself will be powered indefinitely, not the one using it, meaning the blade is just as dangerous with him dead if the wrong person wields it. Maybe even more so. By killing Abraxas with this, you sacrifice becoming more powerful yourself for a short time on Abraxas' power, to keep your moral standing." I explained.

"You are very fascinating." Smiled Princess... Luna! I remember her name! Somehow...

"Thank you. I try." I chuckled.

"What about the rest of your items? We had some of our brightest minds looking at them. To no avail." Informed Princess Luna. Levitating a few of my things inside. One being my mask, my Dragon Stone and my Crystal Skull.

"I hope nopony died..." I mumbled.

"What?!" Asked both sisters.

"This... Is my Scorpion Mask." I explained, dangling it from my finger by the strap. "This is what makes me look like one of them. Using a very simple disguise spell." I explained, teleporting it to my teleportation chest.

"And this?" Asked Sunny Side Up, picking up the Crystal Skull in her magic. Suddenly Creature leapt at her.

"DO NOT TOUCH IT!" He snarled, grabbing the Crystal Skull from her magic, causing her to jump in fright. Growling at her. "Only Master may touch it." He growled angrily, handing it to me and returning to my side.

"This is my Crystal Skull. I use it to summon Creature. It is his lifeforce and why he used to be loyal to me without question. It holds sentimental value to him and is extremely important to him practically." I explained.

"Amazing..." Said Sunny Side Up.

"And... This?" Asked Princess Luna. Holding up my Dragon Stone away from her in case any other surprises were imminent.

"My Dragon Stone. It connects me to my Battle Tower, my base of operations." I explained, not telling them about the Dragon/Human thing as I retrieved it and replaced it on my belt.

"What other weapons do you have?" Asked Sunny Side Up.

"Do not tell them Master, or only tell them the minimum... They are trying to sniff out your almost non-existent weaknesses! They are trying to get a feel of your capabilities!" Whispered Creature harshly.

"A bow. Some knives. Nothing special." I took Creature's advice.

"Well, my sister and I came to a decision. You will be treated like any foreigner. You cannot become a full citizen as of yet as you require some criteria to be met. You need a job, to be good at it. To get along well with our little ponies and to have earned at least 2000 bits in your job. A house, and to have lived there for 3 years or in the stead of that, you must marry." Explained Princess Luna.

"Some of these things you already have. You have saved my life and that can negate one of the criteria. As stated in rule 305, section 4, verse 6: Saving a member of Equestria negates one criteria of the saviour's choosing." Continued Sunny Side Up.

"Ok... the lived here for years thing." I said.

"Very well, you must marry then." Shrugged Sunny Si- Wait, huh? "Haha! I'm merely joking." She smiled. Thank fuck.

"Don't do that!" I exclaimed, holding my hand over my beating heart.

"Ok, now-" She started.

"Wait, I also saved Princess Luna, there were two guys in her room, standing over her bed. I tossed them from the balcony." I interjected.

OK, she's earned my trust... Princess Celestia looked at her guards.

"We... Did find two bodies at the bottom of Princess Luna's window, but they had not died from falling. They were killed beforehoof, meaning it wasn't an accident." Said a guard.

"Very well. One more." Nodded Princess Celestia.

"The job." I nodded.

"Very well, you no longer need to find a job. You now need a house and to prove you get along with my little ponies, it means at least 7 will have to vouch for you." She warned.

"I can be one." Nodded Velvet. Entering the room again.

"6." Said Princess Luna in response to Velvet vouching for me.

"5." Smiled Princess Celestia... Did she just vouch for me?

"4." Also smiled Princess Luna. Wow, I'm on a roll here.

"3." Came the voice of Princess Cadance.

"Cadance? Why?" Asked Princess Celestia.

"He saved you both. And by extension, the entire kingdom. That is good enough for me." She smiled. Suddenly a letter arrived in front of Princess Celestia, she gripped it in her magic.

"Twilight is on the way, Spike says she is almost here, about 5 minutes away on the train. He says a letter came through from Shining Armor saying something unspeakable had happened to her mother, to you Velvet..." Said Princess Celestia.

"He always did overreact... But maybe Twilight and her friends can vouch for him?" Asked Velvet, everyone aside from me turned to her in question. "He saved her life in Ponyville when it was under attack." Explained Velvet.

"Very well, we should get down to the Station post haste." Said Princess Luna. Suddenly we were teleported there...