• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 1,675 Views, 8 Comments

Sunflower - 621Chopsuey

Timber Spruce and Gloriosa Daisy are not your ordinary brother and sister. They are much more than that.

  • ...

A Little Sun

Occurs during the events of “Legend of Everfree”.

Timber Spruce wiped his brow. It had been a long day for him, helping repair the camp’s dock and hauling a fresh stack of wood from his usual chop spot in the forest.

Today, however, was a vacation compared to the even longer, more strenuous week he suffered here at the camp. Never did Timber expect to witness Camp Everfree as the ground zero of a magical incident involving his own campers. Rowdy teenagers who might vandalize the totem pole again or get too cozy with each other after curfew, sure, but certainly nothing like teenager girls showing off supernatural abilities.

“It's like watching an anime.” Timber remarked to himself as he stored away his axe in the supply shed. He then made his way around to the front of the administrative building, his next order of business at the forefront of his mind. Those emails weren’t going to check themselves, and Filthy Rich only had so much patience to offer.

One foot set itself on the porch when Timber caught sight of a lone silhouette by the lake, standing at the edge of the dock.

His sister, Gloriosa Daisy.

He took note of how she simply stood there with her back towards the camp, gazing out over the lake and beyond with intense focus. He didn’t need to rely on years spent growing up together to figure out what bothered his sister. Gloriosa hadn’t quite been her old self the past couple of days, on the account what happened to her.

Still, he was at the foremost happy, happy his sister was alive and well, and no longer a crazed tree-lady spirit consumed by magic.

Timber approached Gloriosa and pulled her close. She looked up to him in surprise for the briefest of moments before smiling and returning her attention to the picturesque sight before them.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” she commented.

“Sure is. Fresh air, blue skies, thriving forests. And those mountains. Our great-grandparents made the right decision in settling here.”

“Funny, and I thought you prefer a more urban atmosphere.”

Timber shrugged. “Guess the past month offered a different perspective on things.” When she tensed, he gave her a gentle squeeze. “Don’t beat yourself up over this, Gloriosa.”

Gloriosa’s face fell. “It’s not that easy. You’re not the one who ending up risking everything to save the camp,” she rebutted, her voice downtrodden. “I did terrible things, Timber. Things that could’ve hurt everyone. Celestia and Luna, the kids… I could’ve hurt you.”

Timber wrapped Gloriosa in his arms and held her tight. “Hey, take it easy. I’m still here.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. If I had just listened to you, or even didn’t decide to use those geodes in the first place, none of this would’ve happened.”

He hated seeing his sister upset. Much of that hatred was directed at himself, though. Not only had their camp been at stake; a passion and a legacy, both passed down the family line for generations, were in jeopardy as well. Gloriosa’s heart, soul, blood, sweat, and certainly tears had been poured along with those of their family before them into keeping Camp Everfree alive.

“I should be the one apologizing. It was wrong to pressure you into giving up the camp and move to the city. I thought if we let it go, you and I wouldn’t have to worry about Filthy Rich strutting in for our dues every month.” For that, he felt he deserved to suffer the consequences, watching his sister become a monster out of desperation, an event that tore him up inside. If anything, he was responsible for putting everyone in danger.

“Timber, I was being obsessive,” she insisted.

He shook his head. “I was being selfish, Gloriosa.”

Before Gloriosa could attempt to convince him otherwise again, Timber pulled back and pressed his lips against hers. It was tender and chaste, a kiss laden with the reassurance that everything was right in the world.

Gloriosa didn’t make a move to argue. Score one for little brother.

They remained like that for a generous moment before Timber broke contact save for intertwined fingers. His eyes met hers and he said, “Besides, it doesn’t matter who deserves the blame. Everyone is safe, the kids had a great time, and the camp is repaired. Heck, we even got a new dock out of the deal.”

“Too bad we won’t get to use it.”

“Cheer up, sis. Tonight’s fundraiser is going to raise enough money and keep the camp open. Trust me, everything will work out.” When she didn’t perk up, Timber let her in on a little secret he was sure would change her mood. “Word is that some Crystal Prep snobs are even chipping in.”

Gloriosa looked at him with a mixture of surprise and scrutiny. “Really? Anyone associated with that school is… well, a snob. Where’d you hear that?”

“Got it straight from the horse’s mouth.” Timber fished out his phone and handed it to her. “Canterlot High set up a MyStable page called Save Our Camp. And it’s not just Crystal Prep joining in; we’ve got people from all over the tri-state area showing their support to keep Camp Everfree open. Some of them are big names, too.”

He watched as Gloriosa’s eyes widen with every name she scrolled over. “That’s… that’s great news.” Her voice trembled with barely-contained excitement. “We can finally get Filthy Rich off our backs and get back to running this place just like old times.”

“Yep. Just like old times.” Timber echoed.

She leaned against his shoulder and contently looked over the lake. Timber followed suit and an amiable silence between the duo followed as they resumed admiring the landscape. A gentle breeze sent ripples across the lake’s surface. After tonight the camp would officially be theirs again. No more threatening visits from Filthy Rich, no more desperate gambles to preserve its existence.

All thanks to band of exceptional campers.

After a while, Timber spoke up. “Y’know, I can take over admin duties for a while. With all the stress you’ve been through, you could use a break.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve got this.”

“Last time you said that, you almost buried us in blackberry brambles.” Timber mentally slapped himself. All that effort put into cheering her up down the drain. “Sorry about that.”

“No... you're right.”

“I am?”

Gloriosa nodded. “We both could probably use a vacation.”

“Didn’t think you’d be up to leaving Everfree after just claiming it back.”

“As happy as I am about getting it back, I could use a change of scenery, just to get away from it all for a bit and relax.”

Timber pondered over potential destinations. “Y’know, I hear Alaska is nice this time of year.”

“Not a chance. I can tolerate cold for only so long.”

“Not a problem.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Plenty of ways to keep warm, and all involve a little timber.”

That earned him a playful punch to the shoulder.

Gloriosa couldn’t help but shake her head in amusement. Her brother always had a one-track mind. “You are such a horndog. Besides, aren’t you going to miss your new friend while we’re away?” When he failed to form a coherent sentence, she tsked. “Don’t play naive, I know there’s something going on between you two.”

Timber regained his composure and held up his hands in mock surrender. “Fine, fine. Guilty as charged.”

“So…?” she prompted.

“Twilight and I get along fine and everything, but honestly I don’t know if it’ll become anything serious. We are kinda toeing the line of moral ethics here, even if we are of age.”

“Not like that’s stopped us.” Gloriosa rebutted. “So that shouldn’t stop you from pursuing this either. Life finds a way.”

Timber had to agree. His and Gloriosa’s relationship was equally as shameful as a relationship between a counselor and a camper. At least by society’s standards, but forget them; what did society know about Timber and Gloriosa personally? Nothing.

Regardless, Timber was still confused about his feelings for Twilight. They shared the same interests and were quite amiable, but was that enough to instigate something more? Or was what they had nothing more than a silly crush?

And what about Gloriosa? She sounded almost approving, but then again sometimes even Timber couldn’t tell if it was genuine or if Gloriosa was hiding her true stance on the matter.

“I mean, I want to see where this goes, but… you won’t be jealous, right?”

She was quick to answer. “Of course not.”

“Are you sure?”

This time, Gloriosa took her time before giving him an honest answer. “Maybe a little.”

“Twilight is someone I get along with, but like I said I don’t know if this’ll become serious. If it does, then it does.” He clasped their hands together, smiling softly. “But remember you'll always be foremost in my heart. Nothing between us ever gonna change.”
Gloriosa again took her time. After a moment, she smiled as well and gave him an approving nod. “Then you have my blessing to pursue this.”

Timber let out a relieved sigh. “Thanks, sis.”

“Actually, there is one thing that will change.” Gloriosa corrected with a coy grin.

Timber raised a brow. “What do you mean by that?” His eyes bugged out when something brushed against the rear of his pants. He looked down to see it was a vine that had risen up from the water. “Bwuh?”

“It looks like I still have a little magic in me.” Gloriosa’s grin held as she continued to manipulate the vine and tease her brother. “I've always wondered why some people found this fetish erotic. Guess we have a way of finding out now, don’t we?”
With a quick peck, she sauntered off to the administrative building.

Timber stood stiff as his brain processed what just happened. Gloriosa still had magic? And she wanted to try… that stuff?

And she said he was the horndog.

“I’ve seen enough to know where this is going.”

Author's Note:

Comments, criticisms, and queries always appreciated.

Comments ( 5 )

...but why?
I thinK Im not here long enough to be not confused by something like this

You sure this is going to stay as a T rating? 'cause it could go real deep into M territory.

But hey. It's a pretty weird story. I like weird stories. Therefore, I like this story.

7620339 I may or may not bump it to an M rating in the near future :raritywink:

Y'all ain't from'round these parts are ye? *Sits in ye old rocker on the incest group house porch*

7820230 Yeah, I found it best to end it there and (eventually) post the steamy content in a separate story.

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