• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 4,088 Views, 24 Comments

Best Laid Plans - Darth Atrox

Discord, in an attempt at revenge, summons the most chaotic creature known to him---a Human!

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Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

"The best laid plans of mice and ponies often go awry."

That was easily Discords favorite line of all time. Thousands of novels and poems, and that one line brought him the most pleasure. If there was one thing he loved, was ruining those "best laid plans." He was the God of Chaos after all. It was in his nature. He was like...the ultimate prankster. Nopony was safe from him! At least, that's how it was.

Fuckin' Princesses.

They just couldn't take a joke. Spread a little chaos, then he was hunted down. The Princesses, for all their supposed Wisdom, were quite xenophobic. Everything just had to be perfect and in control! If one little thing went wrong, all hell would break loose with them. Frankly, what was unnatural was their control. They even managed to bring the natural order to a screeching halt! From the weather to the planet's orbit!

Of course, as the God of Chaos, he was deemed an enemy of the state. He didn't actually think they would find a way to incapacitate him. No one was more surprised than him when he was imprisoned in stone.

Fuckin' Elements of Harmony.

Honestly he had no problem with friendship and harmony, or the Princesses for that matter. Everything was just too...rigid. There was absolutely no room for error. There should always be some chaos in the world!

Too bad nopony but him felt that way.

After he broke free for the first time, he thought he would have a second chance. Maybe he could even persuade the Princesses themselves to his point of view. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. The instant he broke free, Celestia immediately jumped into action, putting the current Elements of Harmony against him.

It seemed simple enough. Divide and Conquer. The Elements only functioned when their bearers were in perfect synchronization. A little white lie here and there and BOOM! No more Elements. They were smarter than they looked though. And, once again, the Elements imprisoned him.

He still had an ace in the hole, though.

Regardless of the fact that his body was imprisoned, his spirit was not. He was still very much able to venture through the world and will. He simply could not interact with anything at all. It was because of this, that he had an escape. Just like he was not limited to a single plane of existence, neither was spirit.

He had seen so much. Millions of Universes. Millions of Planets. Billions of Civilizations.

And so much Chaos!

And none more so than the Humans.

It was rather amusing. The humans called themselves Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Man Wise Wise. How far from the truth that really was. They were intelligent. That much was true. The things they were able to do with Science and technology, the Ponies in Equestria still were not able replicate with magic. They had knowledge in spades, but wisdom eluded them.

They were greedy, selfish, corrupt, lustful...chaotic!

Honestly, it was just too perfect.


It was a beautiful summer day in Ponyville. Logically, most ponies were having the time of their lives at Ponyville Park. Couples and families all sat together, playing or sitting down on a picnic blanket eating. In the center of the large park, sitting under a large Oak tree were 6 rather well known friends. Popular amongst the local ponies, as well as the unattached stallions, were the Elements of Harmony.

"Ah, this is the life, isn't it girls?" Asked Rainbow Dash, who was resting on her side, wings extended and feeling the breeze.

"It sure is, Rainbow. Days like this need to come more often." Responded Applejack.

"A perfect day to relax. Away from the stress of the Boutique, simply relaxing as nature intended." Commented Rarity. The off-white unicorn had a foil sheet open, trying to cath as much sunlight as possible. As to why was anyponies guess...ponies can't tan.

"It is nice to take a break every once in a while. Sometimes, taking care of so many animals can get very overwhelming. I-it's not that I don't enjoy it! I-t's...um..." Fluttershy trailed off, not sure how exactly she was to convince her friends she wasn't a lazy pony.

"Fluttershy, relax! We know you love taking care of animals. Believe me, I know that even something you love can get a little overwhelming." Said Twilight. The resident genius/librarian/obsessive-compulsive pony had fallen victim to her own desires and pursuit of knowledge many times.

"You guys sure are stressed out! I've never seen anypony so happy just to lay down in the park!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie. She then dove into the picnic basket containing many sugary confections. "I looove my job!" She exclaimed, mouth full.

Before anyone could comment, a familiar baby Dragon came running at full speed towards them.


All six Element bearers looked up at once at the dragon.

'This seems oddly familiar.' They all thought simultaneously.

Spike just made it. He collapsed unceremoniously on their checkered, red-and-white picnic blanket. He had a scroll rolled up in his tiny, purple claws.

'Yup, this has definitely happened before.' They thought.

"Emergency...*Pant*...Princess...*Huff*...Discord...!" He panted out.

"DISCORD!" Twilight immediately used her magic to levitate the scroll before her. She cleared her throat and read aloud:

My Dearest Student Twilight Sparkle,

We have an emergency on our hooves. Discord has somehow escaped his stone imprisonment. At this time we have no answers on how this is possible, but we need a response team that is capable of handling him.

That team is you. The Elements of Harmony are needed once again.

I have sent a chariot to collect you and the rest of the Elements from the Ponyville Library. I hope to see you very soon.

Princess Celestia