• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 4,708 Views, 7 Comments

Pinkie Pile - PangolinPersnickity

In which Luna ensures Pinkie has more than a little pudge she cannot budge

  • ...

Pinkie Pile

Another boring day came and went at Sugarcube Corner, a small number of regular customers having their snacks or picking up deliveries, Applejack or Fluttershy stopping by for a quick chat before leaving again, the usual order of business for the confectionary shop. The Cake couple had closed up about an hour ago and had retired to their bedroom on the second floor of the shop slash house, leaving a bored, lonesome Pinkie Pie to clean up downstairs before bed. Wiping down the countertop and tables she sighed to herself and eventually threw the dish cloth into a bucket nearby and stared longingly at the treats guarded behind glass displays before her. What she wouldn’t do to sample a bite, just one little morsel. But alas she could not, the Cakes had explicitly told her not to snack on anything she didn’t bake herself, and Pinkie had pinkie promised to not do it.

The cotton candy colored earth pony decided to go for a walk before bed, she still had energy to spare and the stars seemed pretty outside the window, so as quietly as she could she left the shop and began to trot along the pathways of Ponyville, illuminated by faint lamps and moonlight. Pinkie’s gait, when she wasn’t hopping around was somewhat of a slow, heavy hoofed pace, as the party lover wasn’t as svelte and thin as she used to be. No, she was quite plump in the middle, the results of too many self indulgences and invitations to snack heavy parties courtesy of her friends.

“So many stars out there, I wonder if any of them have their own Equestrias circling ‘em, with weird space ponies too!” Pinkie giggled to herself, her mind wandering.

She gazed up at the moon, noting its brightness that night and how it made the waters of the stream running through Ponyville shimmer beautifully. While looking up at it though, she began to get lost in her thoughts. How would it feel to get…stuck up there? Princess Luna had been trapped on the moon for a thousand years and it wasn’t any fun, so the pink pony shuddered at the idea of it and sat herself down on a bench, looking out at the night blooming flowers along the stream bank. She looked down at her middle and cocked her head to the side, she’d never really paid much attention to her size before, but now here she was in a reclining position with a pink paunch of a tummy squished into her lap.

Pinkie glided a hoof across the surface of her pudgy stomach and giggled as the sensation tickled her. She rested her other hoof upon it as well and began to rub and squish it about, enjoying how the fat just, jostled around, jiggling like bubblegum colored jelly. She was totally lost in her childish wonders and didn’t notice the heavy thud of somepony landing not too far away from her, an eyebrow raised as cerulean pools regarded the earth pony’s bizarre behavior but at the same time finding it endearing.

“The party pony of Equestria wide renown does find enjoyment in all sorts of things, does she not?” a firm, commanding but playful voice spoke, startling Pinkie enough to make her squeak in surprise.

Now lying on the floor in a crumpled heap, Pinkie looked skyward as a tall shape loomed down over her with an amused smirk. Princess Luna herself, who had probably seen the lone pony while flying overhead and decided to pay a visit, being slightly more social than she used to be and since Pinkie was a good friend…if kooky.

“P-Princess Luna! What a super duper awesome surprise to see you!” Pinkie scrambled to her feet and bowed to her, she *was* royalty after all.

“The pleasure is all mine, pink one. But what are you doing out here alone at my hour? Surely normal ponies are tucked up in bed by now?” Luna asked, sitting down on the bench and causing it to groan under her weight.

“Oh I was just bored and too awake to sleep…what’re *you* doing up, Princess?” Pinkie replied and asked back, making Luna chuckle at the obvious answer.

”Raising the moon and making sure Equestria is safe from nocturnal invaders as usual…but tell me, my little pink friend, what were you doing just now?”

Pinkie giggled and tapped her hooves together nervously, her paunch poking out between her legs as she sat next to Luna. “Uh…I never really noticed how much pudge I had, and it kinda felt all tickly and nice to just play with it like that!” she beamed.

Luna smiled and looked down at Pinkie’s midsection, she really did have a tummy on her and Luna found it…cute. Without asking for permission, she poked it with her regally shoed hoof, eyes widening as it sank in a little and caused Pinkie to burp before laughing from both the escape of gas and being poked with a gold, ornate hoof shoe. Luna chuckled as well and looked the mare right in the eye, before composing herself again and standing up, facing her.

“Pinkie Pie,” she spoke, “How would like to be my guest of honor tomorrow night at a banquet I am attending into Canterlot?”

Pinkie gasped and nearly fell off the bench again. “Really!? But why me? Surely you’d take Twilight or Rarity to it or”

“If I may be so bold to speak of them, Pinkie Pie, then I may point out the fact that both mares are rather…stuffy, around formal affairs.” Luna mused, rubbing her muzzle a bit with a hoof. “I fear Twilight would talk me to death and Rarity would gloat about her dress and dare not touch a single bite to eat for fear of her blowing up immediately like some great white zeppelin.”

Luna made a funny, this made Pinkie giggle at the idea that Luna could now actually crack jokes, and truth be told, and Twilight and Rarity were very stuffy around the Princesses. She felt quite at home next to the alicorn, whose shimmering, swaying mane and tail resembled the twinkling night sky above. Her thoughts drifted to the idea of going to a banquet with a princess of all ponies, should she dress up? Was it fancy? What would the food be like? That last one made her stomach growl loudly, Luna’s eye glancing towards her and a smile ghosting her face.

What Pinkie didn’t know was that the banquet wasn’t just a friendly invite, oh no, Luna wanted to spoil her. She always did have a thing for spoiling smaller critters, she recalled her youth fondly and her older sister Celestia chastised her for causing the royal pets to always end up lazy and overweight. Pinkie was greedy, and loved to eat as much as she loved pranks and parties, and this factor would allow Luna her chance to once again indulge herself in her harmless fetish as it were for making little things (compared to her royal presence) big. The thought of making this mare plus sized almost made her lose her cool and let out a snorting, elated titter, but she held it in.

“So Pinkie,” she said to cut the silence, “I understand that aside from parties, you are a pony of...tastes. I know a little place on the other side of Ponyville which does pizzas, would you care to accompany a lonely princess for a midnight snack?”

The earth pony’s stomach gave a small rumble at the idea of pizza, confectionary loving as she may be, Pinkie was also fond of other forms of unhealthy calorie rich goodness. She didn’t reply with words, she just gave a goofy nod and let her gut’s loud grumbles answer for her.

“I take it that’s a yes then.” Luna smirked, beginning a slow walk over the nearby bridge, Pinkie hopping up to follow her, unaware of how much that belly was jiggling from her movements.

The unlikely duo of royalty and party pone crossed through the deserted, dark streets of Ponyville, sharing little anecdotes and stories as they went, before arriving at a small, still open pizza parlor that seemed very quaint and unobstructive compared to the larger buildings surrounding it, not even really having a sign, but the aroma of fresh pizza wafting from within it caught their noses, Pinkie drooling a little as Luna smiled at her and opened the door, bell tingling above them.

“Ah, Princess Luna!” chimed the owner, an aged looking mare with a dull teal coat and green eyes, mane a woody brown shade. “How honored I am to see you again, and is this a guest?” the mare, a unicorn, bowed to them both. Luna gave a sheepish roll of the eyes as Pinkie just looked puzzled.

“You may stop with the formalities Mozzarella, we are only here for a brief snack.” Luna nodded, setting herself and Pinkie in a window side booth.

“Oh, of course!” the pizza pony smiled and leaned over the counter. “so what can I get ya?”

Luna levitated the oddly extensive menu towards Pinkie, who browsed through the many types of pizzas available. Some sounded delicious, others sounded like the rambled concoctions of a madpony after too many salt licks. There were so many to choose from! The poor pink pony couldn’t decided, and her growling, impatient stomach was hoping she’d pick something soon. Finally, she put her hoof onto the most basic pizza there, the cheese pizza. Luna gave her a look which seemed to be a mixture of amusement and “what” at the random pony’s bland choice.

Nevertheless, a choice was a choice, and Mozzarella smiled and disappeared after Luna ordered an olive pizza...huh, Pinkie didn’t figure she’d like those, they were ech.

“So Luna, why do you come here?” the earth pony enquired, looking up at the alicorn opposite her.

“I found it as I did my nightly duties, Mozzarella saw that I was stressed and hungry and offered me free pizza.” the princess replied, shuffling the menu around on the table. “Ever since then I come here when I can for a snack, and socialization practice of course.” she added that last bit with a nervous chuckle and looked away.

“Aw don’t worry Luna, I’m not gonna laugh at that, ya just shy!” Pinkie giggled, smiling. “I guess late night lessons at a pizza store save on giving poor Fluttershy a heart attack every time you pop up to say hi!”

“A good point, Pinkie. Also I am surprised you’re not inquiring into the nature of the banquet as much as I expected you to.” Luna said, looking at Pinkie’s now perplexed expression.

“Ya seem awfully into what I think about it Princess, I’m not Rarity!” she rolled playfully.

“Hah, that is true, oh look, our meals arrive!” Luna grinned as Mozzarella put two sizeable pizzas on table.

Pinkie gingerly took a slice from her pizza and bit into it, expecting it to taste eh due to being the most simple one on the menu. She was wrong. Her tastebuds practically exploded as she bit into the pizza, even the most basic one she could get was delicious, the cheese coating practically melted in her mouth and the bread base was crisp and just right. Her eyes lit up immediately and she began to take large bites out of the pizza slice, devouring it in seconds, and making Luna’s eyes widen a bit, it was true that Pinkie was as gluttonous as they say. She quickly began to cram the other slices into her maw and then eyed up Luna’s pizza, she didn’t even care that she didn’t like olives anymore, if that bland pizza could taste wonderful she was certain even they would too.

“Gimme gimme!” she giggled, trying to reach across the table for the other pizza.

Luna slowly pushed the plate over to her and watched as Pinkie tore it apart ravenously without even caring about the olives...what was making her like this? She excused herself and went over to Mozarella, the blue mare wasn’t paying attention and thus was genuinely shocked when she saw Luna looming over her with a serious expression.

“Mozzarella? What have you done to these pizzas to provoke such a reaction in Pinkie?” she questioned, her snout nearly meeting the unicorn’s.

“...Oh, I think I forgot to not use magic on her one, I kind of add a ‘zest’ of magic to them to make them filling for somepony of your stature, and since Pinkie is a normal pony…” she mumbled, trying to break eye contact.

Luna leaned away from her and went to reprimand her friend for being absent minded, but then it dawned on her; Pinkie’s lust for food could be controlled with a spell that a normal pony could do...Luna was an immensely powerful alicorn. She put two and two together and the most devious of smiles crept over her lips as she looked back at Pinkie, who was licking the plates clean and lost in her own little world. Luna went back to looking at Mozzarella and clopped her hooves against the counter rhythmically.

“So...teach me.” she whispered.

“What?” the mare replied, confused.

“That spell, the one to make food more appealing, more enticing...teach me it, please.”

Mozzarella looked hesitant, but with a small smile nodded and whispered how to do it into Luna’s ear, the alicorn’s face twisting into a very happy looking grin as she hugged the mare in thanks and walked back to Pinkie. She had plans for the pink earth pony, plans indeed.

“Would you like more, Pinkie?” she almost purred, the pink mare’s eyes widened and she just nodded rapidly, stomach growling.

Luna whisked back to the counter and ordered great deal more pizzas for her smaller friend, levitating them over before her for Pinkie to instantly have access too, and she giddily began tearing into them while giggling. The alicorn princess observed her friend’s eating habits and her mind raced; what if she cast the spell on Pinkie Pie herself? What would happen? The thought didn’t leave her head as she watched her eat, in fact she was considering actually giving it a try…

About an hour later, plates clattered onto the table as a full Pinkie belched and leaned back in the chair, both hooves resting on either side of a very rounded belly, gurgling away at the numerous pizzas she had consumed. Her eyes were closed and her tongue hung limply from her mouth, slowly licking from side to side to get the remaining pizza sauce left on her muzzle. Luna almost bit her lip, she’d not expected her to be this greedy.

“Are you alright, Pinkie?” she asked softly, putting a hoof onto her friend’s swollen belly.

Pinkie belched and nodded slowly, looking incredibly drowsy. Luna helped her up to her feet and nodded her goodbyes to Mozzarella with a coy smile as she put a wing over Pinkie to support her, the earth pony’s gut sloshing from side to side as she slowly waddled like a pink pendulum. It took some struggle to get her home but eventually they managed it, Pinkie was back at Sugarcube Corner and able to waddle herself to bed.

“Remember, 9 o’clock tomorrow, I’ll come for you.” Luna smiled, her friend just nodded sleepily and started to snore, the princess of the night flying off with a slight giggle at what was to come.

The next day, Pinkie bounced around excitedly as she giddily told her friends of the plans she and Luna had made, of the banquet, and how it was going to be so awesome, and while they were happy for her, they couldn’t help but notice a change in Pinkie, or more accurately, in her already squishy physique. The earth pony had gotten significantly larger in size than she had been the previous day, looking less like a pink pony and more like a pink, furry barrel on legs. . Her stomach smushed into the inner portions of her legs enough to leave a near permanent impression in the fat, stifling but not stopping a slight, pendulous wobble as the gut shook from side to side with her slow, clumsy gait. Her flanks had stretched out enough to be visible from the front, cutie marks having stretched out to fit on them too, and her plotcheeks had domed out into a pair of fleshy slabs that jiggling with each tiny jostle, also bouncing and slapping against each other with a quiet, but still audible slosh of packed fat. Even her chest had puffed out and acquired a slope of fat that pressed against her shoulders, a sort of step of loose blubber. Her cheeks had puffed out and taken on the shape of small, pink tennis balls, and below them was nestled a bulging roll of fat that cradled her chin, affecting her ability to look down. Pinkie either did not notice her expansion, or did not care. More likely the latter was the case, knowing Pinkie’s attitude.

The mare wouldn’t stop excitably talking about the coming feast with Princess Luna that night, and when the time eventually came, she practically burst out of the front door of Sugarcube Corner and waddle-jogged out to meet the arriving Alicorn, who smiled as she saw her squishier companion appear. Luna almost murred at the sight, Pinkie looked adorably plump and was bouncing around oblivious to her newfound porkiness...oh would that change. The Princess had with her a small satchel too, almost comical on her large frame.

“Greetings Pinkie, I take it you are ready?” she asked, knowing the answer already.

“Yup yup aaaannnnd yup!” Pinkie giggled, grinning ear to ear.

By my sister, she’s huge! Luna thought to herself, almost drinking the pink pudgy pony in. I do hope this turns out as I plan…

“Very well, we shall leave posthaste then, but first my friend, I have a gift for you.” Luna’s horn shone its dark shade of blue and opened up the satchel, floating something small and gold over to Pinkie, who looked at it curiously. It was a golden necklace inset with a blue jewel that seemed to twinkle like Luna’s glorious mane and tail, comprised of some form of shimmering energy that could be touched like hair. It was beautiful, and Pinkie smiled sweetly at Luna, happy at such a pretty gift!

“Oooooh thankyouthankyouthankyou Princess, its so pretty!” she beamed, hugging Luna, who just smiled back.

While Pinkie slipped it over her thicker than average neck, Luna watched in anticipation. That necklace was enchanted, she had worked the spell Mozzarella had taught her into its jewel, ensuring that anypony who wore it would have the metabolism altered to the point where it more or less fails, and food would instantly convert to squishy, lovely calories. Pinkie suddenly snapped still as a dark blue flash gleamed from the jewel before resonating in the pony’s eyes, it had set in.

“Are you alright my friend?” Luna asked in mock concern.

“I’m peachy! But I do feel kinda weird…” Pinkie’s stomach gave a growl and she winced a bit, feeling a sudden, deep hunger start in the pits of her stomach.

“Then we must leave for the banquet at once!”

With that, Luna magically lifted Pinkie up and put her on her back, and after making sure she was safe, took off with great speed and strength, flying towards the capital city of Canterlot, as Pinkie waved goodbye to the others. it wasn’t that long a flight due to Luna’s pace, but Pinkie still felt like it was too long, her pudgy stomach would not cease rumbling for the entire trip, unaware that Luna seemed giddy at the sounds of incoming gluttony.

After a few more minutes of untold torture for Pinkie, they arrived, and Luna landed upon the polished marble flooring of the city with a loud thud. Ponies bowed to her left and right as she proudly walked by, but not before raising their eyebrows or gasping in shock at the overstuffed pinkie mare waddling beside her. Pinkie ooo’d and ahh’d at the sights, the intricate buildings, fancy decor, fancy clothing, it always amazed her even if she’d seen it all before. They were heading towards a massive hall, not unlike the one from the Grand Galloping Gala a few years ago, but much more spacious...and as Pinkie found out, packed with tables upon tables stacked to the brim with food. Food of all kinds too, from exotic dishes from far away lands to regional delicacies to things Celestia and Luna were personally fond off. And to her secretly altered stomach, it *all* looked good.

“Well, here we are Pinkie.” Luna smirked, noting Pinkie’s drooling. “I assume you wish to...mingle?”

Pinkie nodded rapidly, her cheeks and chin-mass jiggling, before bouncing off to go socialise...and eat. She approached the first table, around it stood quietly talking nobles, and it was filled with various bread based dishes, from simple sandwiches to exotic fare, vegetables, spreads, all kinds of fillings!. Pinkie licked her lips, her stomach’s incessant grumbles grating on her, and took a small loaf of garlic bread from the table, nibbling it...and for some reason, it tasted far better than normal, the flavor exploded in her mouth and made her eyes widen. Without a second thought, she popped the entire bread into her gob and gulped it down, feeling it splosh into her stomach and set off a moaning growl of hunger. One of the gentlecolts nudged his companion and pointed to the sight before them; a pink, plump earth pony mare was chowing down on the buttered, toasted, and baked breads of the table, savouring each mouthful as it passed her constantly smacking lips.

“Who knew borin’ old bread could be so yummy~!” she sang, giggling to herself.

As she continued to demolish the hors d’oeuvre table, her stomach gurgled and bubbled, the magics within her necklace beginning to convert digesting food into squishy fat, her already enlarged midsection beginning to fill out more, her whole body was blowing up like bread rising in an oven, fittingly enough. Pinkie noticed her growing bulk and paused her consumption long enough to glance over herself, poking a hoof into the soft expanse of pink padding growing from her frame. A small coo of happiness escaped her as she enjoyed the feeling of it, before going back to her greed without a moment’s notice.

Luna meanwhile, gawked at this sight. She couldn’t help but put her hooves to her face to stop herself from giggling childishly at how Pinkie Pie was now waddling to the next table and terrifying the guests. Truth be told, she’d brought her here to liven up the banquet as much as fatten the pony up, and it seemed like both matters were taking care of themselves quite well. How she’d go about explaining this to Celestia later was another matter, however.

I hope she doesn’t mind when that necklace wears off… she pondered to herself.

Pinkie sloshed her blubbery self over to the next table, which held such things as pasta, spaghetti and pizza from the region known as Neighples, to Equestria’s south. Recalling her experiences at Mozzarella’s parlor, Pinkie didn’t so much as hesitate to grab away huge gloopy hooffuls of pizza slice and stuffed them into her mouth, relishing in the hot, gooey cheese and pizza sauce as they tingled her tongue. Guests scoffed and trotted away in disgust, or watched in awe as with every few mouthfuls, the pink earth pony’s prodigiously large body got even larger, by now her plot was bumping ponies around and belly dragging along the ground all most.

“What’s everyone starin’ at? Can’t ya see I’m eating here!?” she comically barked, shaking the upper class onlookers from their trance before beginning to slurp up a bowl of spaghetti, the dish slowly depleting as she didn’t pause for breath until it was just an empty plate, burping contently before eying up the meatballs nearby. Now, ponies were indeed omnivorous, and could eat meat, but standard social norms dictated that fruit and vegetables were prefered and meat was a ‘lower class’ thing to eat. Ironic that such a dish would be at an upper class soiree, Pinkie smirked and tilted the plate back, allowing the delicate little spheres of sauce drizzled goodness to roll down into her awaiting mouth, gulping them down in quick succession. The pasta didn’t fare long either, practically inhaled by her as she got close to it.

“Urrrrp, heehee, those Neighplese ponies sure do know how to cook!” she giggled, swishing her cotton candy looking tail around.

Another intense round of churning, bubbling gurgles emanated from her stomach and Pinkie blew up even larger, by now her legs had acquired rolls of fat themselves, the excess adipose was piling into hefty looking rolls that further made her lose her pony shape, everything touched the floor to the point where she was becoming almost literally sluggish. But she wanted more, and she needed more. A look of determination spread over her squishy face, Pinkie would eat every single bite she could, or so help her. And with as much strength as her rapidly bloating legs could muster, she sped...slowly, towards the next table, and after polishing that off, she moved on, each time slower and slower as she got fatter and fatter.

About an hour or so later, Luna was looking up in total shock and almost euphoric awe at the pink flabby mountain dominating the banquet hall. Pinkie had, indeed, eaten as much as she possibly could, which turned out to be practically everything. The sessile, blob of a pony looked like an enormous bubblegum colored dome, her belly smushed against the floor enough that her fat was mostly bulging out her back, and coupled with how her limbs had retreated into sleeves of flab that poked from her sides, as had her head equally receded into the confines of a thick depression of fat, she looked like some ridiculous doughy hybrid of pony and turtle.

The necklace had finally removed itself from her neck, as the sheer amount of rolls and chins strained it so greatly that it shattered, finally lifting the spell from the mare, whose eyes flash that dark blue again before returning to normal, no longer having a look of wild hunger in them. Guests circled her, trying to make sense of this, mass spread out all over the place. At least one well to do mare was giving Pinkie’s plot, now taller and wider than the enormous oaken doors leading into and out of the hall, a poke out of sheer dumbfoundedness.

“Urrrrgh...wha….” Pinkie groaned, finally coming back to her senses. “Why am I...sho…” she paused to unleash a belch that shattered some of the stained glass windows, and one gentlecolt’s monocle. “Big?”

Luna just gave the most uncharacteristically big grin Pinkie had ever seen and hugged into her, sending a sloshing wave of rippling all across her body from the impact point on her side to her butt, eliciting a muffled giggle from the pony blob.

“It is a long story Pinkie, one that I am afraid must wait for now, as I believe I should...somehow, return you home before you incur the wrath of offended snobbery!” she said, attempting to move Pinkie.

“Luna, I believe you owe Pinkie the truth.” called a new voice, a rather familiar one. Celestia had turned up and was looking Luna right in the eye with a serious expression.

Oh *horse apples* Luna moaned in her head.

“Sister! What a surprise!” she laughed nervously. “I was just about to-”

“You were ‘just about’ to tell that poor little pony why you’ve turned her into Equestria’s largest gumdrop, Luna.” the solar princess warned, ruffling her wings authoritatively.

“Yeah, could ya exshplain pleashe, Prinshesh?” Pinkie slurred, the fact her face was smushed by beachball sized cheeks and propped up against the inner confines of her ‘flub hood’ by her multiple chins gave her voice a deep, bass, lisping sluggishness.

“Very well…” Luna sighed. “For reasons that escape me, I have always been drawn to the allure of plumped up ponies even as a young foal. Why, sometimes whenever dear sister here raided the royal kitchens for snacks it resulted in me using her softer form as a pillow.” Luna smirked at that last line, Celestia gave a look that was a mix of fond remembrance and ‘I will sit on you later’, to her sister. “It persisted to adulthood, and there is no greater reason for it than that I find it appealing and, as is said nowadays, ‘cute’, to witness. Or, well...cause.”

“Sho...you made me into thish...huge blob...becaushe you think itsh cute?” Pinkie rumbled, speaking in short sentences to conserve her breath.

“Yes.” Luna nodded bluntly.

Pinkie sat there in thought, not that she could do anything else with her shape. The princess found her adorable when fat, she was a big eater anyway, and found Luna to be a good, non judgmental friend...she had an idea.

“Prinshesh Luna?” she asked.

“Yes, Pinkie?”

“I wash thinking jusht now...how ‘bout, if you promishe to make me shmaller later of courshe, I shaid that I didn’t mind thish?”

“W-what?” Luna was puzzled, she was certain Pinkie would not be a happy pony about waking from her stupor so fat that she could probably crush a hydra if dropped from a great height.

“Itsh...shnuggly!” Pinkie giggled, which was a deep, slow sound that sent wobbles all across her body. “And I’d not mind shtaying like thish for the resht of the night with you...jusht promishe me you’ll shrink me later?”

“Y-yes yes, of course!” Luna giggled back. “As soon as you wish to return to normal I will get the strongest practitioners of lipo spell magic to return you to normal!”

“Then yay, shnuggle buddiesh!” Pinkie yelled, wiggling her useless hooves.

“Indeed!” Luna laughed, cuddling the immense blob.

The guests still around just watched this scene play out with a mix of heartwarming and confusion, but quickly shrugged it off, they were used to Luna being weird but still. Celestia smiled but knew explaining this to the other Mane ponies would be hard, and left to go do just that...then Pinkie gave Luna a devious little smile.

“Luna? What did ya ushe to make me fat, exshactly?” she asked.

“Oh, that necklace I gave you was enchanted with magics of gastromancy, the control over appetite and weight!” she answered the pink pony. “Why do you ask?”

“Well...shinshe Prinshesh Sheleshtia wearsh that gold thing with the jewel in it…” she mumbled slowly.

“Yes but...oh. Oh!” Luna grinned back evilly, knowing what Pinkie was implying. “That sounds like something Discord would do~” she purred.

“Yup...pranking the Prinshesh ish gonna be sho funny!” “I’ll teach you how to be a proper pranky pony tomorrow Luna, buuuut for nooooow...feeeeed meeee!” she mock whined, her dome of a body quivering from a natural growl of hunger this time.

Luna smiled and magiced leftovers into Pinkie’s hungry maw, the pair of them plotting how to prank Celestia like this for their mutual amusement...such a combination was a dangerous thing.

Author's Note:

Another big ol' pony story, also pretty fond of this one! =p

Comments ( 7 )

Heh. Celestia's in for a big surprise now that Luna and Pinkie are partners in crime. :p

The story was a pretty great read. Only noticed some minor grammatical and punctuation errors throughout the entire thing, like:

There were so many to choose from! The poor pink pony couldn’t decided, and her growling, impatient stomach was hoping she’d pick something soon.

Wonderful descriptions, though. I especially like the part about Rarity blowing up "like some great white zeppelin." Interesting way to say 'blimp', haha. :)

Glad ya liked it! ^.^ Any fave bits? :3

Oops, I'll fix that when I can xD

Heh, I love comparing ponies to balloons and the like when they get big, ao ;3

My favourite bits would have to be the dinner and the aftermath, haha. Pinkie just seems so snug at that size, from the way you described her, and it's great how shocked the posh ponies are at Pinkie turning herself into a circus attraction. Kinda seems like there's a pattern going on in your stories with other ponies poking at the main character's gigantic form in awe, heh. :p

Heh, yeah I like doing that, having characters just fascinated by the sheer size their fellow ponies have bloated up to X3

Say, if you have any ideas for stories, could maybe try some if I can :3


We need another chapter with Celestia being pranked!

I did do a story of Celestia getting huge, should be in gallery =p

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