• Published 16th Aug 2016
  • 17,957 Views, 389 Comments

Fall Apart - Shimmer Shy

The Crusaders don't admit to being Anon-a-miss, and, feeling as though she's no longer wanted in the human world, Sunset goes back to Equestria. Little does she know, Canterlot High falls apart without her and its connection to Equestria.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Dang, that was a long hiatus! This time I don't have an excuse, I've just been downright lazy. :derpytongue2: It's cool if you wanna unlike because of the long waits, though. Really sorry about that. Writer's block comes and goes.

This chapter was actually really fun to write. It might be my favorite so far. :rainbowkiss:

Anyway, I know what you've all been waiting for, and it comes next chapter. I hope I don't disappoint!

Constructive criticism is always appreciated! :twilightsmile:

Enjoy, I guess?

Sunset Shimmer sighed, lifting her face out of the pearl-white pillow on her bed. Skinny bands of light stretched into the room, which Twilight had so graciously let her stay in, through a tall window to her left, just barely illuminating her face with the early-morning sun. The rest of Ponyville's population had yet to awaken, leaving her alone with her thoughts in the still castle.

The pounding of Sunset's rapidly-beating heart was so loud that she could almost hear its constant rhythm in the eerie silence. Or maybe her imagination was acting up. Her exhastion made it hard to tell. She'd spent most of the night jolting awake from painful nightmares, many of which she'd seen before. Like a broken record, they played over and over again in her mind, receiving the feeling of anger, fear, loneliness, and dread every time she closed her eyes.

She wasn't ready to see her mentor again, that was one thing she knew for sure. Even thinking about the princess of the sun brought about old memories, some warm and some bittersweet. What they all shared in common, though, was that they all lead to the same outcome.

Maybe Princess Celestia didn't even care to see her after everything she'd done. Maybe she was just a huge mistake in her eyes, doomed to live with the guilt for the rest of her life. She never should have left in the first place. She wished everything she'd caused was over and in the past, but that wasn't true. It still haunted her, and she knew without a doubt that the friends she'd left behind at Canterlot High still saw her the way she used to be.

Sunset's eyes burned as they began to brim with tears, but she blinked them away. Her face had grown warm even in the chilled room, and she took in a few deep breaths before slinking out of the bed and through the bedroom door. She needed a glass of water. It always cheered her up in world, why shouldn't it here?

Hoofsteps reverberated off the shining castle walls, which were seemingly misplaced in the lonely, empty hallway. It was funny, Sunset thought, how only a few moons away could make a place feel so surreal. After spending so much time on the other side of the portal, she'd forgotten many of the advantages of life in Equestria. She'd also forgotten the disadvantages.

Where was the kitchen in this place, anyway? It was like going through a huge maze filled with twists and turns and dozens of rooms Sunset was sure didn't have any significance being there.

She nudged open what seemed like the thousandth door and was relieved to see she had reached her destination. "Twilight would really benefit from labeling her rooms," she muttered to herself, walking into the lit space.


"Twilight?" Sunset Shimmer turned her head to see the lavender alicorn behind a kitchen counter. "What are you doing in here?"

"Making breakfast," Twilight replied, using her magic to levitate the pan into the air and flip the pancake inside it. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep," Sunset said through a sigh. She slumped into one of the ten chairs around an oval-shaped table and face-planted into the latter. "I am exhausted."

"What's keeping you up?"

"It's...nothing. Just some insomnia, that's all."

"Sunset, I know you're worried, but you don't have to be." Twilight was suddenly behind Sunset, a wing draped around her shoulders in an attempt to reassure her friend. "Trust me, Princess Celestia is one of the most understanding ponies I know. She'll forgive you, and I'm sure she misses you just as much as you miss her."

Sunset opened her mouth to object, but closed it soon after. Twilight had a point. Conflict would usually be the last thing the princess would resort to. But unlike her, Twilight had never seen her upset-truly upset. She had never been thrown out of Celestia's school. She didn't know how it felt to have worked for something her whole life, just to have it all washed away.

"Sunset? Are you alright?" Sunset's blood was boiling again, this time with an unexpected anger.

"I'm fine," she said, rougher than she meant it to be. "Look, Twilight, I know you think everything will be OK, but you just...don't understand! This whole thing has been stressing me out since I got here, and I just wish everything was back to the way it was. Before the whole 'Anon-a-miss' incident, before I stole the crown, before I even found out about that mirror. Because right now, it feels like everyone hates me all over again." Tears streamed down Sunset's cheeks, and she lowered her voice to a whisper. "Not that I can blame them..."

Seconds of silence ticked by, feeling so long that they might as well be minutes. After a while, she took a deep breath to pull herself back together. "I'm sorry."

"I-" Twilight began, but was cut off when the door swung open and five ponies piled in.

"Hiya, Sunny-Sun!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing over to the table. "Ohhh! Twily made pancakes!"

"Are you alright, dear? It looks like you've been crying," Rarity asked Sunset with concern.

"Yeah," Sunset replied, wiping at her eyes. "Don't worry about it."

Twilight shot her a quick glance, and Sunset returned it with a small grin. She still wasn't completely confident, but letting out all of her thoughts certainly made her feel better. Whatever the day had in store, she was ready. She'd take what she deserved, then...figure it out from there. Not the best plan in the world, but it worked. For now, though, she wanted to try to have a good time with her friends. It was Hearth's Warming Eve, after all.

Sunset didn't know what to think. She was on her way to Canterlot Castle, the one place she never expected to see again. Both giddy and petrified, she glanced out the frosted train window.

A thick layer of snow covered everything they passed, every rooftop and every hill. Despite the frozen winter air, joy was abuzz throughout Equestria. Ponies wandered the streets decorated in lights, wreaths, and candy canes, preparing for the quickly-approaching holiday. Sunset couldn't help but wish she was out there with them, joining in on the cheerful festivities. It'd been a while since she'd celebrated Hearth's Warming, she realized.

Her attention was brought back as soon as they'd entered Canterlot. Sure enough, the castle glittered in the sunlight, standing magnificently in the middle of the city. Sunset tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but it was apparently there to stay. She was so close to the one place she'd ever felt truly at home.

Twilight sat quietly beside her, a book open and floating before her. Sunset was almost grateful that she wasn't paying attention to her. She still felt bad about exploding the way she did, no matter how many times Twilight said she didn't mind.

The train pulled to a stop as the station came into view, and Twilight finally shut her book. They both made their way to the front of the train, stepping onto the platform.

Twilight took a deep breath of the pure air. "Canterlot is so beautiful this time of year! Wouldn't you agree, Sunset?"

"Yeah, I guess I never realized until now," answered Sunset, watching a couple of fillies building a snowpony.

"We might have some time to decorate the castle when we get back," Twilight continued. "If you want to, that is."

"Sure." Her gaze shifted to the floor. They walked for what seemed like forever before stopping at the tall double-doors.

"Ready?" Twilight asked.

"Probably not," Sunset tried to joke, but it came out more of a squeak.

"Don't worry; I'll be right behind you the whole way." The two exchanged a smile and Twilight pushed the doors open.

"Twi, I really can't thank you enough," commented Sunset as they made their way down the warm, clean hallway. "You've helped me so much ever since the Fall Formal. I really appreciate it."

"It's what friends do," Twilight replied simply.

Sunset glanced out a colored window to her left as they walked. Looking down on Canterlot, she vaguely remembered it as her 'favorite window' from when she first became Celestia's student. It was almost right in the middle of the castle, meaning it had a perfect view of the whole city.

Other objects triggered her memories, as well. Like the vase she'd tried to repair with glue after accidentally knocking it to the ground. Or the burnt spot on the ceiling from a spell-gone-wrong.

Or the door leading to Princess Celestia's throne room.

Twilight reached out to open it, but Sunset interjected. "I-I'd rather go alone."

"You sure?"


Twilight nodded and took a step back. After taking a deep breath, Sunset was ready. She creaked open the door and walked in, listening to it shut behind her.

And there was Princess Celestia, just as regal as ever. She was conversing with one of her royal guards, but as soon as she saw her former student, she dismissed him with a single gesture. Saluting, he left the room to return to his post.

"Sunset Shimmer. I've been expecting you." The princess's soft voice stung Sunset ever so slightly, as she hadn't heard it in so long.

She had stopped a few feet from Celestia's throne, unsure on what to say. No, it wasn't that. There were about a million things she wanted to say, but none of them wanted to pass her lips.

Princess Celestia was quite obviously waiting for her to speak, but words still failed the frightened unicorn. The pressure weighing her down gave her a choking sensation, and she could feel her eyes well up with tears for the third time that day. By now, though, she was tired of trying to hold them in. "I'm so sorry," she finally managed to say, lowering her head. "I never meant to do the things I did. I messed up and I failed you. I-I just wish I could fix everything. I know you'll never be able to forgive me, but-"

She felt a wing wrap around her and pull her closer in a warm embrace. "Sunset, I never blamed you for your actions. I've been so worried about you ever since I found out you'd gone through the portal. I'm so glad you're safe," Celestia told her.

"B-but everything I did..."

"That doesn't matter. You were able to right your wrongs in the end, and that's what counts. You're an exceptional student, and there's nothing that will ever make me think otherwise."

The reaction Sunset had gotten was not one she'd expected. After every mistake she'd made, someone still cared about her. All of her worries and doubts were washed from her mind, and she finally gave in to Celestia's kindness and hugged her back. "Thank you," she whispered, and for the first time in years, she was at home again.