• Published 18th Aug 2016
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Anchor Foal: A Romantic Cringe Comedy - Estee

Having realized that the duration of Discord's "reform" may exactly equal his only friend's lifespan, the palace sends Fleur to assist Fluttershy with acquiring a social life and guarantee a next generation to adore. (What could possibly go wrong?)

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Lie Back And Think Of Equestria

In the last minutes before her life was shattered, almost up until the exact second when everything she'd worked for was destroyed and she was kicked out into the world in a cloud of fragmented dreams to try and find any way of going on as she had before... Fleur considered herself to have won.

Her tail was lofted high as she trotted through the Solar Wing of the palace on that warm fall morning. She smiled at the Guards who were accompanying her, and did so of her own free will, with only a little thought towards what flowed back. (Although there was still a little thought going on there: after all, one never knew just what, or who, was going to be useful later.) They were having a hard time remaining stoic in her presence. Little twitches of snout and ears indicated partially-suppressed responses to the expert swishes of her perfect tail, the little bits of body language she put into just about every movement, and she internally laughed at every reaction.

She was truly enjoying the gentle breeze carefully being channeled through open windows, the hint in the air of leaves starting to turn and the sort of eventual chill approaching for which fur was just right for countering, leaving her free to have her perfect form exposed for another moon without any need to cover up. Admittedly, clothing had its benefits, at least for certain ponies: to a few, there was something about hinting as to what lay underneath rather than just openly displaying it at all times, and Fleur knew how to work with that mystery -- but she liked to show off. When you were the single most beautiful mare in Canterlot, there was a certain obligation to provide each and every square hoofwidth of your form with its very own art gallery, and Fleur also knew just how much to charge for both admission and refreshments.

She was happy, at a few minutes past dawn on that beautiful autumn day. (She would remember that later, that she had been happy, and laugh about it. Bitterly.) Happiness was a rare state for Fleur, and typically a rather fragile one, as so many things existed which could make one unhappy. And even when everything seemed to be going well, there was always more to do, work which had to be put in if that emotion was ever going to be anything more than fleeting. Time was passing, always passing no matter what anypony could do about it, and that meant seconds used for basking in happiness were generally better off invested in getting back to work.

But on that day, she was happy, and she allowed herself to feel the radiance of it, the warmth spreading through her body which had been growing since the moment the summons had been delivered directly to her door. Because Fleur was in the palace. On her way to the Solar throne room. Seconds away from entrance.

And that meant it had all been worth it. Every last tenth-bit of it had just been justified.

She had won.

They opened the Sunrise Gate for her, and Fleur majestically trotted forward into her future.

The Princess was on the Solar throne, so high above her (if only in altitude), watching Fleur enter, face in what just had to be a forced stance of neutrality. Sun shone into the room, glanced and bounced and reflected off the marble. The Guards followed Fleur in, took their positions near the walls in a way which told her so much about what their favored positions were, joining the others. Eight Guards in total. She briefly wondered if that was a standard complement, then reminded herself that there would be plenty of time for finding out. After the puzzle was solved.

Fleur stopped at what she felt was the proper distance on her cool white stone virtual victory podium, bent her forelegs into the curtsy of her life. And waited.

"Ms. Dis Lee," the Princess formally greeted her. (Well, that formality would fade soon enough.) "Welcome. This is your first time in the palace, correct?"

The first of many to come. Fleur straightened, looked up, pleasantly nodded, expertly smiled, and focused her attention on the shifting of every strand of royal fur. Oh, the mane and tail might give her some trouble because of how unusual they were, but everything else was normal (if distinctly oversized and in a rather rare conjunction, she was actually more concerned with having to later work with that size), and that meant every other piece of the puzzle was present. It was just a matter of seeing how everything fit together, and then working out the best means by which she could take it apart.

The third most terrifying mare in Canterlot looked up at the occupant of the throne.

The countdown had started. The Princess was hers.

"Yes, Princess," Fleur smiled. "And it's every tenth-bit as beautiful as I'd always hoped it would be. The pictures don't come close to capturing the true experience. Only presence reveals the real beauty." That with the most subtle of head inclinations towards the Princess herself, giving the words that hint of extra target. "It's an honor to be here. To have been summoned. But..."

She batted her eyelashes. Just enough, and certainly much better than that bitch had ever done it.

"...I have to wonder..." The giggle, appropriate for any other number of meetings, was probably best off held in reserve here. "...whatever could you possibly need me for?"

She held her perfect tail a little higher. Inclined her head to let the light dance on polished horn. Smiled. Waited. And listened.

Nothing yet.

Well, the Princess was rather old. There probably were a lot of pieces to go through.

"Straight to business, then," the Princess nodded. "As I'd expect, from all the things I've heard about you. Very well..." Her horn ignited, and a large frame was levitated out from behind the throne. There was a picture within it. A portrait, really. "Do you know this entity?"

The frame hovered in front of pale violet eyes, which could not repress the blink. For two seconds and degrees of lift, the elegant pink-white tail drooped.

Well... that's going to be a challenge... But she was up to it. All that mattered was that it had gotten her into the throne room, and the puzzle was being assembled, if a little more slowly than she would have liked. But... still... all right, she could do something with the antler, there would have to be a certain amount of care taken with the talon, surely there was a purpose to that tail, and as for the face... she'd seen worse. Somewhere. And it would ultimately mean that she'd managed to acquire --

"Discord," Fleur said, and managed not to swallow. She smiled instead. "Well, Princess, despite the rather frequent jokes, it's not all that often when somepony truly calls me in on behalf of another. No matter how many times somepony says it's --" would this be the right term? She decided to risk it: the words could always be claimed as failed humor. "-- for a friend..."

And the Princess nodded. Just once, very slowly.

"Yes, Ms. Dis Lee," she quietly said, and the power in that soft voice vibrated all the fabric hangings. "This is, in fact, about friends. And Discord. But he is not my friend. Nor is he yours. And now -- I would appreciate it if you would just sit back and listen for a while."

Fleur politely sat.

Hopefully it would be a long while. There seemed to be rather more pieces than she'd been anticipating. She hadn't even located a corner yet.

"As many ponies are aware," the Princess said, "including some of those who occupy the social circles you are so often invited within, Discord was deliberately freed some time ago, in the hopes of inducing reform through providing him with an emotional connection to this land, something deeper than plaything. And as very few are willing to believe, the attempt was successful. Discord now has a friend. One friend. Which gives you a summary of the problem."

Fleur, who made what her targets initially (and mistakenly) considered to be some form of friend rather easily, listened. And given that the chaos entity had recognizable-if-scrambled anatomy... "If you want me to provide companionship, Princess, I'm certainly willing." More than willing. Getting the Princess was the ultimate win, but having Discord was the closest-available third place. (Second, of course, would have been getting into the Lunar throne room, and the only thing keeping it from being a tie was seniority.) "After all, that is the duty of my profession..."

The large eyes narrowed.

They'd had no reason to narrow. None at all.

Fleur managed to keep her tail from twitching. It had just been a little narrowing. Sun glare, perhaps. It didn't matter. She'd won.

"Provide companionship," the Princess carefully said. "Yes. In a way. But not the one you're undoubtedly and understandably contemplating, Ms. Dis Lee. Once again: will you do me the favor of simply listening for a time?"

Fleur nodded. It was starting to feel like she needed a lot of time. More than she'd ever required before.

"Discord," the Princess repeated, "has one friend. Just one. A single tie to this world, a lone strand of tail hair keeping him in some sort of line, out of a vague, barely-understood sense that he might not want to disappoint her. Conquering Equestria would let her down. Taking over the world again might make her feel bad. And so he isn't doing any of that, for as long as he has his friend. His one friend. A friend whose lifestyle, through necessity and destiny alike, has more than a hint of danger about it. A very special friend in many ways -- but in others, perfectly ordinary. Including her lifespan, Ms. Dis Lee. She is young -- but that will change." Those large eyes briefly closed. "It always does. Even if she manages to avoid the risks of both necessity and destiny, she will age. She will die. His one friend will be gone. And when there is once again nothing binding him to this realm, keeping him confined within what he still cannot fully comprehend as morality -- then perhaps he will have spent enough time with her to go forward on his own."

A long pause. A deep breath.

"Or he just might revert."

Fleur decided it was an appropriate time to swallow.

"But the Bearers could just put him back --"

"-- she is a Bearer."

Fleur blinked.


The Princess nodded.

"So you're asking me to make friends with him?" Fleur was already beginning to see the possibilities opening up before her. "I could --"

A very large left forehoof came up. Fleur stopped talking.

"Glimmerglow?" the Princess said, and one of the prettier pegasus guards slowly stepped forward. "Ms. Dis Lee is inquiring about the chance of her, or in fact anypony else, becoming friends with Discord, apparently under the impression that nopony had thought of that yet. Would you please update us all on the status of Project Sparkle?"

The pegasus took a deep gulp of air. "Well... of the twenty-nine ponies we've sent out to try and become his friend..."

They all waited.

"...we've located eight of them through their paper trails. A few made the mistake of officially filing their name changes. Others had to cross borders. Another six forgot that they couldn't alter their marks, and they had to get rid of the clothing sometime. There's nine still in psychiatric care, and I was told that two of those are doing much better now. I caught three while they were still packing. And then there were the two who locked themselves in their homes. They're still there. I think... they're going to be there for a while."

Fleur counted.

"And the twenty-ninth?" the Princess asked on her behalf.

"Still living in the cave," Glimmerglow replied. "He says the bears are easier."

The Princess nodded, then returned her attention to Fleur.

"Making friends with Discord," she said, "is not a simple process. I'm not entirely certain it's a repeatable one. Nopony else has been able to reach out to him in a way that he can recognize or accept, and he reaches out towards nopony in return. The lone pony who managed to become his friend is rather -- special. And when she dies, Ms. Dis Lee, and she will pass into the shadowlands, in time... he may have no others. But..."

Those large eyes closed again, opened. It took some time for the pain to visibly depart.

(The pain didn't seem to be part of the puzzle. It was almost as if there was no puzzle. Could the picture have fractured into so many pieces over more than a thousand years of life as to make each so tiny, impossible to truly touch? She had to try harder...)

"...have you ever heard of 'transfer of affection'?"

Fleur shook her head, concentrated harder.

"The short form," the Princess told her, "is that if you truly loved somepony -- then you are very likely to truly love their children. That you will be the one who reaches out to the next generation, out of desire to maintain a version of the original bond. To honor that first love, and honor your friend by cherishing what remains of her. I.... have some experience there. If Discord's lone tie to the world should have children, then there is an excellent chance he will find it within himself to reach out towards them, simply in memory of her. The binding will transfer. The realm will be safe. And, given long enough, perhaps he will learn enough to go forward on his own -- but without that guarantee, Ms. Dis Lee, the existence of a next generation is required. And his pony friend has friends of her own -- but no romantic partners. She has, in fact, never been on a single date in her life. She might have never sought out such a connection of her own accord before he came into her life, and even now, she has... certain problems. A rather large number of them, all of which conspire to keep her from finding companionship. She doesn't know how to put herself forward into a social situation. She has no concept of being deliberately attractive or flirtatious. Her typical response to having somepony declare their own attraction is instant denial followed by hasty retreat. Bring her to a party which has no ready means of escape, and she will insert herself in the most defensible corner available, then spend the evening pretending nopony else exists. Provide a path to safety and she may bowl over a dozen ponies in trying to reach it. She needs help. And this is where you, as a professional escort, come in."

And Fleur, who had already won, smiled.

"You want me to teach her how to get a stallion."

"Or a mare," the Princess casually said. "As the ultimate goal is children, the existence of The Most Special Spell makes the gender of her partner a rather moot point. But I also want her to be happy. To be in love. It's not a question of simply having her become pregnant, Ms. Dis Lee. She already has a... let us say, a rather large number of dependents. The life of a single parent would be additional pressure upon her. But to be in love, to truly find somepony who would stay with her... it would boost her emotionally. It might extend her lifespan. It would make her happy."

Fleur, being a realist with a strong sense of self-control, had managed not to laugh at any of that. "Do you have a picture?" Other than the one she still couldn't assemble, and she was starting to wonder if she was getting sick. Some weird variant of Rhynorn's, perhaps: this had never happened to her, and so there had to be some excuse. "I'm curious about what I'll be working with." Hoping unto Sun there was something at the base, something which wouldn't require two bale-weights of cosmetics just to avoid a panic riot in every moment of public exposure...

The Princess nodded. A second frame was floated up from behind the throne, placed in front of the first.

Fleur looked.

The whistle was instinctive, and more than a little loud.

"You're kidding."

"No," the Princess said.

"That can't get a stallion or mare? That?"

"Her appearance is not the issue."

Fleur was still stuck on that appearance. "That tail is natural? No extensions or fillers?"

"Unless her friends are assisting, she never wears makeup of any kind. I don't think she knows how."

"The whole tail?"

The Princess nodded.

Fleur whistled again, no more consciously aware of the second than the first. "What's her name?"



"And from what you were saying, it's not one of those ironic names."


Fluttershy. Fleur internally groaned. Well, this would take some work. Perhaps as much as this damnable picture was requiring, and she was heading directly for a doctor when she got out of the palace. But for now... for now, she had to keep trying. It might take a long time before she found herself with a second chance, and the clock just kept ticking along...

"All right," Fleur smiled. "I can give her some pointers. A few hours should be enough. But before I get started, what else can you tell me about her? Profession -- other than just being a Bearer, unless that's her only job..." How did that work? And come to think of it, her friends had to be the other Bearers, right? Fleur was being given the opportunity to acquire a Princess, possibly Discord, and a full sextet of Bearers. This was the greatest day of her life, or it would be if she could just --

-- and there it was.

The first piece. She had it. And it was a corner.

Fleur pinned it under virtual hoof, reached out for more --

"-- hours?"

And the Princess smiled.

The Solar throne room was warm. Pleasantly so. Or had been right up until the moment of that smile.

"No," the Princess smiled on. "It's going to take a little longer than that."

"A couple of days, then," Fleur tried to smile back, trying not to think about how shaky the expression seemed upon her own perfect features. "She can't be that bad --"

"-- this is your assignment," the Princess cut her off. "You will go to Ponyville. You will live there for the duration, and the duration ends when the first foal is born."

Fleur's coat was a natural and lovely shade of gentle white, with just a hint of lightest gray. It made going pale rather difficult to pick out on her at a casual glance, and she'd made sure nopony really knew her well enough to recognize the signs. And yet the Princess was looking at her in a certain way, as if she'd just picked up on it. Still smiling.

"I live in Canterlot," was the first protest she came up with.

"Not anymore," the Princess smiled.

"I work in Canterlot," was the next. All her connections were in Canterlot. Everything she'd worked so hard for was in Canterlot. Take her out of the city and everything would start to fall apart, she needed to assemble the puzzle faster -- good, there was another piece, but there were so many to go...

"You don't work anywhere," the Princess stated, "except on this. You are an advisor, teacher, and perhaps even matchmaker. But you are no longer an escort."

Fleur stared up at the Princess, and the words escaped.

"I'm licensed," she said.

And with the largest smile of all, "Not anymore."

A piece of paper was levitated up from behind the throne. The government's master copy of her license.

A burst of sunlight tore it in half. Fourths. Eighths. When it got down to sixty-fourths, the fragments were set on fire.

"You can't --" She was floundering, she could hear it in her own voice, even the Guards could hear it, Fleur never lost control like this and she could get it back, she could get everything back just as soon as the puzzle came together, but she had to hurry... "-- you can't just take --" An edge, she'd just gotten the first full edge, she was going to be okay, she'd won --

-- and the next words shattered her life.

"It took some time to work out what your special talent was."

Fleur stopped breathing. And it felt as if she would never start again.

"It's a rather unique one, isn't it?" the Princess smiled. "Any number of ponies have a gift for empathy. Psychiatrists, salesponies, natural ambassadors. But you... reach into a very specific subsection of that connection, and nopony knows you're doing it. I can barely feel you doing it, and I've been straining to pick up on it ever since you came in. The subtlety of mark magic works in your favor. You learn things -- and nopony knows how. They only know what you've learned, after you tell them. After you suggest that under the right circumtances, you might have to use it."

The smile vanished. The Princess slowly shook her head.

"You're a very skilled escort," she told Fleur. "Your talent helps there. But you're not a very good blackmailer. You've been confining most of your efforts to the nobility, along with the Day and Night Courts, perhaps feeling that's where the power was. And it's been easy for you to get there, at least once your reputation was established. Which was truly easy, wasn't it? A pony of your beauty, Ms. Dis Lee, and you are so very beautiful indeed, at least on the outside, finds doors opening wherever she goes. Being available as a professional paid companion? Ponies kick bits out those doors to summon you and consider it a worthwhile expense. Simply to be seen with you, to have Canterlot know they can afford you. To keep you at their side -- for just long enough. And then your talent does its job, you try to follow up on what it's taught you, and you think they'll be scared into silence."

Another one of those head shakes, and every movement seemed to add ten bale-weights to each of Fleur's sculpted hooves. The Guards were watching her, waiting for movement, any attempt to flee. And she couldn't move. Not a hoofwidth, not a tail strand. Nothing at all.

"You're very scared," the Princess said. "Not just at this moment, I mean: that's rather visible to everypony. But something about you... about what you've done... speaks of fear to me. And I would almost wonder what had happened, to make you so afraid..."

A horribly slow breath, which almost equalled all the ones Fleur couldn't seem to take.

"...except that you targeted Fancypants. You went after my friend, Ms. Dis Lee. A friend who is so close to me that we can tell each other anything, anything at all, even things that personal. He told me about your blackmail -- eventually. Too long, really. But in time, he told me everything. And after that, I started sending out feelers, poking a hoof here and there. Oh, I couldn't get that many ponies to talk, even when I gave them a chance to compare notes. But enough did. And this is what I know of your actions."

A very large scroll came up from behind the throne. The Princess' field receded somewhat, held it by the top edge. The paper unrolled, scooting forward and draping the floor until it stopped just short of Fleur's frozen forehooves, with the frames helpfully shifting out of the way.

"And this? Is what I suspect."

This scroll was the diameter of Fleur's barrel. Two Guards opened the Sunrise Gate, and the paper trail rushed out towards the Solar Courtyard.

"I have more than enough to go to court with," the Princess told her. "To put you on trial. Some will testify. Not many -- but enough. However, I'd like to spare Fancypants from that: he can tell me and know he's safe, but to put it on the public record... well, ultimately, one could argue that it's worth it to get rid of you. And yet, he's my friend... and as it happens, there is a need for your talents. All of them, Ms. Dis Lee. Fluttershy needs to find somepony to be with for the rest of her life. And not only might you be able to teach her something about putting a hoof forward, but you seem rather interestingly qualified to screen those who approach her for their motives. As such, I am giving you a choice. Exile to Ponyville, until the day Fluttershy brings a next generation into the world -- or you can take a chance on prison. Choose one and only one. In the next ten seconds."

And Fleur, lost among the fragments of what had once been her life, had no choice at all. No choice but to get away, get out of the palace and get away from Canterlot, perhaps a desperate gallop to Prance, she had more than enough makeup to make somepony else appear to be the pony getting on that train...

"I'll... I'll go." And then she would plot revenge --

-- the cold metal snapped closed around her right foreleg.

Fleur yelped at the chill contact. Looked down, just in time to see the last vestige of the Princess' field winking out.

"Fashionable, isn't it?" the Princess smiled. "We have so few practical uses for titanium that it was pleasant to learn about this new working, and how it operated best with this particular metal. That circlet will look lovely as jewelry, or go with just about any dress you might don. And as an incidental extra, it also tells the palace where you are, at all times. Did I mention it doesn't come off?"

The words made Fleur stop desperately scraping her left forehoof against her leg, possibly just in time to keep from ruining her coat.

"I'm a reasonable pony," the Princess said. "I'm not going to freeze all of your assets. You'll still be able to access what you would have fairly earned as an escort, although I think I'm justified in locking you out of the tips. And you'll need a continuing source of money while in Ponyville, so you will collect what would have been your standard salary while on your new assignment. I'll also understand if you need to come back to Canterlot briefly or travel a bit, perhaps to scout out a suitor or find something nice for Fluttershy to wear on a date, although you'd be best off doing that one in your new home. But at each and every moment, Ms. Dis Lee, the palace will know where you are. If you approach any Canterlot nobles to try and blackmail them into getting you out of this, which won't work in the first place. And if you tried that in Ponyville... well, there are nine nobles in the entire settled zone. One runs the library, four are nobles by right of first settlement and frankly don't even acknowledge or care about it, trying to tamper with your circlet is the best way to get the sixth very angry with you, and I think I'll leave the last three as a potentially rather nasty surprise. Succeed in your new assignment, Ms. Dis Lee, make me truly believe you've learned your lesson, perhaps go on an extended apology tour -- and I might consider dropping all charges and restoring your license on a probationary, frequently inspected basis. But that's going to take some time." She learned forward on the throne, just a little. "Are you aware that your snout twitched a little just then? When I said time?"

Fleur didn't answer.

"Love is seldom instant," the Princess concluded. "Pregnancy never so. Get started, Ms. Dis Lee. Fluttershy knows you're coming. She's waiting for you at the cottage on the very edge of the fringe. And the clock is ticking."

The former escort sat in the Solar throne room, tail splayed across the debris of her shattered existence, staring down at the rather fashionable circlet, and finally found the remnants of her voice.

"...what did I do to deserve this...?"

The Princess blinked.

"Congratulations, Ms. Dis Lee. You've just changed my mind."

For a single horrible moment, hope reared its hideous head, and Fleur's eyes came up to greet it. "Really?"

A very large forehoof came up, tilted left and right.

"Yes," the single most terrifying mare in Canterlot smiled as the signaled Guards began to close in. "Up until the moment you said that, I was going to let you pack first."

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