• Published 22nd Aug 2016
  • 3,190 Views, 268 Comments

DragonFeather - Senyu

With Twilight and Ruby Sparkle settling into their new positions as rulers, they must oversee the transition of the bat ponies to their new home. But the next Shepherd will soon appear, threatening not only Equestria, but the other kingdoms as well.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Five Ponies burned,
With screaming cries.
And from the ashes,
Did five Drakes rise.

And across the nation,
The alarm is heard.
Bringing stamping hooves,
Marching to serve.

In frozen wastes,
Old wyrms roar,
Clawing from fire,
As Beast wages war.

But in southern lands,
Stands the rule of dragons.
A rod to command,
And to all it beckons.

A chilling dawn breeze swept through Ponyville, a reminder of the Running of the Leaves soon due for the town’s inhabitants. At least, for the few that were up at this time. The sun’s rays were but a glow on the horizon, casting a dim golden color on only the tallest roofs. On the outskirts of the town and beside a large clover field which laid in cool shadows before the yonder woods, Twilight and Rainbow Dash quietly waited.

Their gazes were forward across the dew ladened grass and to the distant trees. Not a word had been exchanged between them since last night.

Now and then Twilight would give brief glances, wondering if her friend had managed to get a few hours of rest for the eventual days ahead. But for all her worries for Rainbow Dash, the day ahead for herself seemed long and yet pitifully short at the same time. For by nightfall her airship would arrive, where she and her batpony soldiers would take off for their rendezvouses with Celestia and Luna’s air squadrons.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, wearily faced forward. The numbing pit within her that had plagued her since this had all started felt smaller now, and it seemingly continued to recede as she mentally reaffirmed her new goals. Switching her mind away from herself, she thought over her earlier apprehension towards the arriving guests. To her relief, that apprehension felt dimmer now as well, if not mostly replaced by the ire of staying behind. But she had thought long and hard on Twilight’s words during the night, and the fact other ponies had gone through the same experience made her chest twinge.

Keep it together, Rainbow Dash thought. This… is the start of something new, and new can be… different. Yeah, it’s just a bit different.

Eventually, Twilight’s ears pricked at something unseen, and soon, Rainbow Dash also heard the soft but still distant hum.

You got this. Rainbow Dash told herself again, and she took a deep breath. And together… we got this.

The whirring grew louder, and Rainbow Dash looked up at the distant treetops of the woodland beyond the field.

With a crackling hum of magic and electricity, four airships came soaring above the leafy tops. Each were outfitted with the magitech spheres that gave them their maneuverable flight, and with it they swung themselves over the field so as to line up in a row.

Standing beneath these ships drifting gently to the ground for landing, Rainbow Dash stared up in awe at their armored bellies. Their white and black coloring made them appear as a gathering of storm clouds at the town’s edge.

Twilight gave a small, proud smile at seeing the fruit of her contributions come to life. She was pleased to see her improvements in the field; part of her goal in requiping Equestria’s armed forces.

Pegasi guard glided down from the top decks, carrying rope with them as they landed below and drew them taut. Stakes were driven, orders were barked, and each airship was guided in for full touchdown. One by one, the airships landed beside one another, occupying the bulk of the clover field which swished about like rippling water. The magical humming began to lessen, and soon, each ship fell silent as arcane engines became still.

The ringing of chains could be heard as each ship opened their bay doors. Thick, ironed framed platforms chopped into the dirt, with soldiers soon marching down them.

The crowd of armored ponies filled the field, some sticking to the aircraft for maintenance while others made their way into Ponyville seemingly dismissed from their duties for a time. They chatted about themselves in soft voices. Most were jovial, sharing where they were from and what office they had signed up at, while others kept their manner more conserved but ever alert. All, however, had grumbling stomachs, and all gave a respectable berth to Twilight and Rainbow Dash as they passed.

While Twilight was a familiar face to most of the guard by now, many glanced at Rainbow Dash more closely, curious in seeing not only another drake but also an element bearer. But Rainbow Dash paid them no heed, for her eyes were too busy scanning for the four ponies that would stand out from the sea of uniforms and armor.

From the ship hailing from Northwest Vanhoover, came the yellow coated, orange maned stallion named Tailwind; his nervous demeanour clear even from here.

From the western arrived ship, was the white coated, golden maned mare named Breezy Lace; her stature tall as she looked about with a keen eye.

From the southern ship hailing from Dodge City, was the dark coated and maned stallion named Dust Cloud, who tipped his beaten cowboy hat upward at the sight of the little town.

From the eastern ship came the turquoise mare with a fiery mane named Sea Drop, her eyes wide at the sight of so many ponies and a place that was not the ocean.

And soon, each rampart descending drake caught sight of the purple alicorn patiently standing for them in the distance, and the blue coated and rainbow maned drake who stared at them with yearning eyes, here in Ponyville.

Seeing these ponies bearing the same draconic features as Rainbow Dash brought a tightness within her, and the numbing pit in her stomach returned for a moment. But it soon faded and she took another deep breath. You got this.

“Please, gather here,” Twilight called out over the soft clamour of the crowd. The four of them made their way towards her, finding the crowd more than eager to make way for them. But as they gathered before her, their paces slowed wehen they all caught sight of each other.

“It’s good to finally meet all of you," Twilight announced, drawing their attention. She stepped forward and gave them a welcoming smile. "I’m Princess Sparkle.”

Rainbow Dash found herself snorting at hearing the official shortening of the name, unable to believe how she hadn’t found out about it until now, or why she found it so funny of a name for the two soul-bound eggheads. But she suppressed it quickly enough as she too stepped forward, finding herself more sure now.

“Princess Twilight!” Sea Drop exclaimed as she ran up to her. “This is so exciting! It’s so amazing to be able to meet you.”

Twilight’s ear twitched, but she otherwise kept her smile. “The same could be said for you."

"The honor is ours, Princess," Dust Cloud said. He brought his hat to his chest and gave a small bow. "Thank you for seeing to us after what's happened."

Breezy Lace stepped closer with a relieved smile. "Yes, thank you. If anypony could help us it'd be you."

Twilight kept her smile small as she replied. "I'll do what I can to help. But there is still much ahead of you. After all, the five of you are drakes now.”

Sea Drop grinned. “I know! Isn’t it great?”

GREAT!?” Rainbow Dash shouted.

After the booming noise faded, the field became deathly quiet. Every pony's head with flattened ears turned to the center of the space where Rainbow Dash stood with flared wings. Her eyes were locked with Sea Drop, but the intense stare lasted for but a moment as Rainbow Dash flickered her gaze away.

“I-” Rainbow Dash began as she tucked her wings. “That’s…” Her scowl faded, but she could not rid herself of her tugging brow in her ire of the matter.

“As Princess,” Twilight spoke loudly, catching each ear and eye, “it is my duty to inform everypony about the gravity of the situation.” She looked across the crowd of guards, and then to the four drakes in front of her. “Currently, Gale is considered not only Equestria, but the world’s greatest threat. He seeks to take command of all dragon kind, and raise an army to end all armies. Should he succeed in his mission, there is nothing we could do to stop him short of endangering the entire world.”

Sea Drop’s face fell into confusion as she stepped back, but otherwise kept quiet while casting a nervous gaze about her. Breezy Lace and Dust Cloud narrowed their brows, while Tailwind took a step back into the crowd.

Twilight continued, “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and myself will be departing our lands for the Griffon Kingdoms, where we will put an end to Gale. Ponies of Equestria!” She shouted her last words louder, and all heads lifted.

Twilight looked across the small sea of determined faces around her. "By rule of Princess Cadance, we entrust our home and its lives within your hooves!"

A thunderous cheer erupted across the field, an unexpected alarm clock for town's occupants.

"Dismissed!" Twilight proclaimed, and the ponies swiftly set out to their work with renewed vigor as stockers rushed to resupply and mechanics sprung to their tasks. Meanwhile, the rest of the off duty guard fled into the town’s breakfast establishments.

“And we,” Twilight said to all the drakes, “will go to my library. Where I will answer your questions about your situation. Please, follow me.” Twilight turned to guide them, casting a brief questioning look to Rainbow Dash, who in turn merely turned her head away while she followed.

The other drakes exchanged curious looks amongst one another before following in turn, with Sea Drop falling to last place with her ever growing uncertain steps.

“Hey now,” Dust Cloud said, falling beside her. “Don’t let it get to ya. Sometimes we all have different experiences.”

“...I…” Sea Drop began while staring at the passing ground. “I… almost bit her!” she then said in astonishment. “She challenged me and I…”

“Part of being a drake,” Twilight said loud enough for them to hear, shooting a stare from behind her shoulder at the two of them. While the other drakes gave confused expressions for the sudden statement, surprise passed over Dust Cloud and Sea Drop's faces. “There are things I must tell you. What comes next for all you won’t be easy. It will be manageable, but it won’t be easy.” She looked to other's faces, Rainbow Dash included.

While Rainbow Dash huffed and rolled her eyes, the other drakes stiffened as burgdeoning instincts reacted to Twilight's intense gaze passing their way, finding their limbs flexed and the desire to inhale growing within them.

But Twilight's firm gaze then fell into a soft, compassionate expression, and her crimson eyes shimmered as she took in their faces more closely. "There are many things I want to tell you, but the first thing I must say, is that you're going to be fine."

Exhales escaped their mouths as they all became relieved by her words, with the exception of Rainbow Dash who turned her face away, and Sea Drop who lowered her head more sullenly in thought.

"Different, but fine," Twilight then added, earning confused and worried looks.

The library came into view, and Twilight said, "Please, come inside, and I'll answer all of your questions.


Within the quiet confines of the library, with the curtains pulled and interior lights lit, Twilight and the drakes sat at a long table. Sea Drop, Breezy Lace, Tailwind, and a hatless Dust Cloud couldn’t help but look around at the space that was public library and royal home.

Rainbow Dash sat with crossed hooves beside Twilight, who in turn rose from the head of the table and gave a gentle cough.

“I will be forward with you. All of you have been transformed by a powerful magic, causing you to become what's called a drake. This change is permanent, and it cannot be reversed or undone as far as Equestria knows.”

Each face held a different reaction. Sea Drop looked at wings with renewed curiosity, Breezy Lace furrowed her brow further, Tailwind’s gaze turned upward in uncertainty, while Dust Cloud’s ears fell.

“So it’s true then?” Dust Cloud asked. “What Discord said about us living for more than a thousand years?”

Twilight slowly nodded. “Yes.”

Dust Cloud quietly fell back in his chair, his brief, flickering gaze settling to the table’s edge shortly.

“So…” Breezy Lace cautiously spoke. “Besides the longevity, and scales and fangs, what else can we expect?”

Twilight shuffled in her seat. “Well, there are a number of changes. Firstly is that your instincts have changed, or rather are changing. There will be times where you’ll feel a certain way or perhaps compelled to act in a manner different than what you're accustomed to. While these developing instincts can be influencing at times, if not overwhelming, they are something that you can overcome.”

Twilight turned her head and magically lifted from a high shelf five books; their spines colored purple while their white covers sported the symbol of a dark blue dragon. Hovering down, they settled gently in front of each drake, who all leaned forward in inspection, with the exception of Rainbow Dash who blew at her bangs in irritation.

“I had prepared a slideshow, but I think these will aid you better,” Twilight said. “These books contain all the knowledge I could gather to help you understand what is happening to you, summarized and pieced together from our knowledge of dragons and drakes from the past.”

“Hold on, this has happened before?” Breezy Lace asked as she placed a hoof onto the table.

“Yes,” Twilight answered. “Although, the last recorded case was well over a thousand years ago.”

“So why now?” Breezy Lace pressed, her tone becoming more curt. “Why did he show up now of all times and turn all of us into these ‘drakes’?”

“That… is a long story, and one we don't have all the answers to,” Twilight replied with a disheartened voice. “Equestria has had its share of ancient evils returning, and Gale is one of them.”

“So it’s just bad timing, then?” Breezy Lace nearly shouted. But when it looked as though she would yell more, her expression softened as the notion of simple misfortune played across her mind. “Just… wrong place, wrong time?”

Twilight solemnly nodded. “Yes, but he didn’t change just any pony. For some reason, he chose all of you.” Twilight casted a quick glance at Rainbow Dash before continuing. “I have reason to believe that Gale chose you all for your aptitude, if not uniqueness in flying. Aspects about you that make you more skilled or different from other pegasi.”

Looking to Dust Cloud, Twilight asked, “You used to be a racing legend. May I ask you what you were doing when Gale visited you?”

Dust Cloud lifted his eyes from the table, blinking away the distant look he had on his face. “I… I was at the track. I decided to... give it another run, even though it's been years.” He swallowed and spoke more clearly. “I figured why not one more? About quarter into the course, just as I was crossing over the mud flats, Gale came barreling up from behind me." His eyes trailed downward in shame. "He was a dam good flier, best I’d seen fly that track.”

Dust Cloud’s voice became quieter as his brow tightened. “And he told me on the finishing line that... I had more races in me yet, and that I'd fly the entire world, under his wing. And then he… he burned me." Dust Cloud swallowed before continuing. "When I woke up, I found myself sitting in a field of glass, changed.” He raised his wings in emphasis.

All the other drakes had lowered their heads at the mention of being burned, with Rainbow Dash letting her bangs hang more freely over her face as she sunk lower in her seat.

“But I’m no racing legend,” Breezy Lace eventually said. She looked to Dust Cloud, then to Twilight. “So why’d he pick me?”

“You're a mailmare, and you usually take on the trans-city routes, right?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, when one of my staff went to your work to inform them about your absence for royal purposes, your boss lamented on losing one of his best employees.” Twilight gently placed her hooves onto the table as she continued. “The records showed that no pony in the company has even come close to hauling the amount of cargo you do, let alone traveling the distances you've accrued during your employment.”

“I’m good at my job, so what?” Breezy Lace replied defensively, pulling her hoof back as she shifted her wings.

“It’s impressive,” Twilight said in a cheerful tone. “Really, it is. You’re a strong flier, stronger than most pegasi I would even say, and you have incredible endurance.” But then Twilight's tone fell softer as she continued, “And those are some of the qualities that Gale values. From what the other princesses have described to me, Gale freely turns other pegasi he encounters if he deems them worthy enough to follow him.”

She let out a snort before sarcastically replying, “Great.” Sighing while leaning back in her chair, her eyes fell on her copy of the draconic guidebook. Lifting a hoof to rest her cheek against, she asked, “So then? When can I get back to work? I get that this is a big deal and all, but to be honest, if there's a manual for this then I'd like to try and get back to what's left of my life.”

“That… might be awhile,” Twilight hesitantly replied. “For your safety, I’d like you to stay in Ponyville while you adjust to your changes.”

“Our safety?” Sea Drop asked, frowning at the statement. “Why? What’s so dangerous?”

“Gale is dangerous,” Twilight bluntly answered. “Until he’s taken care of, all of you are in danger in the event you come across him again."

“But he turned us into drakes,” Sea Drop replied slowly. “Why would he hurt us after doing that?”

“Because…” Twilight said, taking her time to answer as she looked to each one's gaze. “You are good ponies. Ponies who don’t want to harm others needlessly, or use your newfound changes to cause ruin for others. Gale demands loyalty from the drakes he creates, what he asks for isn't pleasant, and he culls those that don’t follow his authority.”

Twilight looked back to Sea Drop with a smile. “But he isn’t the only reason why you're here.”

Twilight propped her front hooves onto the table, and spoke in a delightful tone. “Everypony, I would like to introduce you to someone special." She waved her hoof to the kitchen archway that was across from the head of the table. "Spike, will you please come on out!"

On cue, Spike appeared from the kitchen corner, shooting finger guns at them while giving them a dashing smile. “Hey everyone!”

“Woah,” Sea Drop exclaimed with a grin. “Are you a dragon?”

“Indeed I am,” Spike smugly replied.

“How come you don't have wings?”

Spike’s frills drooped, and he rubbed the back of his head. “Oh, yeah, about that. So I only just found out there's some books about dragons. And uh, since I’m a baby dragon I don't have wings." He quickly raised his pointer finger. "But it turns out at some point I’m going to go through this really itchy scaling phase, and at the end of that I’ll get wings."

Shrugging, he added, "Don’t know when, but someday!” He then shot another pair of finger guns.

“Spike,” Twilight said, “will help you learn some of the aspects of being a dragon."

"So we do what?" Tailwind finally asked as he turned away from Spike. "We just hang around town?"

Twilight turned to him. "While you're in Ponyville, you're adjusting, and taking the time to explore these new changes."

She then opened her mouth and pulled back on her cheeks, revealing her fangs to them before reassuming her posture. "You may or may not have heard that I'm a vampony now. I didn't ask to be one, but here I am. I was changed into something that subsists on blood, and because of that, ponies have died by my hoof. And... their faces still cross my mind to this day."

The forwardness of the statement caught them all off guard, raising even eyebrows from Rainbow Dash who looked to her.

"Ponyville," Twilight said with a smile, "is a place that helped me remember who I am, despite the changes to what I am. And I believe it will help you, while offering you the chance to avoid the mistakes I made."

She shuffled closer in her seat. "Please, I ask that you stay in town while the princesses and I cooperate with the Griffon Kingdoms on our joint mission, and that you take your time to adjust and explore these changes."

Sea Drop spoke up with a neutral voice. "So how do ponies react to drakes here?"

"Some may be curious, but you'll be treated as any other pony would be," Twilight answered before giving them a proud smile. "Ponyville is a diverse town, and you'll be welcomed by it."

Breezy Lace narrowed her brow. "What about those instinct changes you mentioned?" She placed a hoof onto the table as she asked, "What kind of things should we be expecting here?"

"Well, what I've hypothesized-"


Breezy lace slammed her hoof onto the table, and pointed her closest wing claw towards Twilight. "I thought you knew what happened to us? But you're just guessing!?"

Twilight's face became neutral as she looked to Breezy Lace patiently. The lack of a response caused Breezy Lace to raise her cheeks back in a motion to snarl, but she paused even as her muscles twitched to move.

Breezy Lace pulled herself back in her chair, and after some moments, gave a flustered look downward. "I take it… getting heated up about things is something we might need to watch out for?"

"For now, but I'm confident that in time, it'll lessen and-"

"And how long is that?" Breezy Lace pressed, but she did so with a solemn and soft voice.

Twilight was slow to respond. "I believe It could be months, years even before these flashes will begin to settle. You see," Twilight said as she scooted even further in her seat. She slightly craned her neck forward as she spoke in a calm, gathering voice. "Time as you experience it works a little differently now. Tell me, do any of you recall the last time you slept, or felt the need to sleep?"

Twilight was met with a series of questioning faces as they turned their eyes about to recall the feeling.

"I… I'd say it's been a few days now," Dust Cloud eventually said in astonishment. "I've been so caught up in everything I've hardly noticed."

"Eventually you'll need to sleep, but that's some years away," Twilight said. "Your twenty-four hour day cycle just got extended into a decades-something cycle. We'll measure it as we go to establish a pattern for you all in time."

Twilight motioned to the books. "However, as you age, and you become more draconic than equine, your cycle will change into something along the line of centuries."

Breezy Lace gave a concerned stare beneath her furrowed brow, and after blinking a few times as she digested the information, she slapped a hoof onto her book and dragged it towards her. Opening it and bringing it close to her nose, she flicked through its pages, still keeping the conversation in sight over the book's top.

"So, can we still sleep normally if we want to?" Tailwind asked hopefully.

"Sure," Twilight cheerfully replied. "As long as you don't sleep for more than a day or so, you won't fall into a deeper sleep, prematurely starting a decades long cycle which will only hasten your draconic transformation, and I can't predict what changes may come from doing that. So I recommend getting used to power naps if you do decide to snooze."

Tailwind's eyebrows rose as he nodded. "Okay, good to know."

"So we do become a dragon?" Sea Drop asked, her fangs glinting from her returned smile.

"Well, yes and no, "Twilight replied. "In time, you'll assume something very close to a full dragon form, at which point the transformation will reach its apex, shaping you the farthest it can. Once you've reached this point, you'll be able to master the ability to change back and forth as Gale does."

Everypony's eyes widened, even Rainbow Dash who sat up from her chair.

"But you are not dragons," Twilight continued. "Despite how very close you are to them, drakes are a magical creation. Who or what made them, I've no idea, but I do know that Gale is the progenitor."

"So we just gotta' wait?" Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief. "Just sleep it off and we can change back?

"In a manner of speaking," Twilight replied in a hesitant tone. She gave Rainbow Dash a brief questioning look of concern. "But as I said, I encourage you to stay on a twenty-four cycle if you do decide to sleep."

"Which means having breakfast!" Spike announced from the kitchen archway. As everypony turned their head to him, they saw he had at some point donned a chef apron and mitten gloves. "I'm sure you're all hungry, and I happen to make excellent omelet."

"Great idea, Spike," Twilight proclaimed. "Let's move this to the kitchen."

"Breakfast!" Sea Drop exclaimed, hopping out of her chair to trot into the kitchen.

"Sounds great," Breezy Lace replied with a somewhat more cheerful voice. Without tearing her eyes from her book, she scooted out from her chair and made straight for the kitchen.

Dust Cloud pushed his chair back and stood while cracking his joints. "A hearty breakfast sounds good. Got any oatmeal, though?"

"In three flavors," Spike answered before heading back inside the kitchen. "Come take your pick and I'll whip up a bowl."

"Don't mind if I do," Dust Cloud replied before following.

Tailwind and Rainbow Dash wordlessly left their seats as well, and together, all the drakes were spaced apart on the kitchen island table.

The awaiting plates of steaming omelets brought twitching noses and smiles. Even Dust Cloud's stomach grumbled in yearning as he waited for his oatmeal first as he set his omelet aside for now.

Twilight spoke, "Please, dig in. While you eat, I'll continue answering questions and clarifying things." She pulled up a stool at an empty part of the oblong table, and continued as her guests ate. "As I'm sure you've noticed, your appetite has increased lately. This is perfectly normal, just an uptick in your metabolic rate as you settle into your initial changes. You may find yourself eating larger portions over time, but these early spurts for constant nourishment should eventually pass."

Twilight looked around. "Does anypony have a question so far?"

"Yeah, I do," Breezy Lace said. She unceremoniously closed her book and grabbed her silverware. "I know the Princess, and Spike now. But who are the rest of you?" Holding her knife and fork, she looked around at her newfound companions before declaring, "I'm Breezy Lace."

"Dust Cloud," who followed up after. "Pleasure to meet ya'll."

"I'm Sea Drop," said next, already one third into her plate.

"Tailwind" said who kept a low gaze at the table.

Breezy Lace nodded at them, and then turned to Rainbow Dash who was using a fork to play with the edges of her food.

After noticing that the room's silence fell on her, Rainbow Dash sat more properly in her chair and blew her bangs aside. "Hey, I'm Rainbow Dash."

"I've heard of you," Breezy Lace replied with a smile. "You're the element of loyalty. Yeah, and you can do the sonic whatcha-ma-boom, right?"

"Sonic Rainboom," Rainbow Dash corrected, albeit with a smile now.

Breezy Lace laughed. "Celestia, was that a sight few years ago. That thing rocketed to the outskirts of Cloudsdale just as I was heading out on a haul."

"Oh yeah, the young flyer competition. Thanks, I am pretty awesome."

Breezy Lace gave a scoffing laugh. "And you got spunk? Well, we might just have to have a contest later on to test how 'awesome' you are."

Rainbow Dash gave a smug grin back. "I'm always game for a contest." Grabbing her fork, Rainbow Dash chunked off a corner of her omelet and shoved it in her mouth.

"Here's your oatmeal," Spike announced as he slid the bowl onto the table before hopping into his own seat and his awaiting meal.

"Much obliged," Dust Cloud replied while he grabbed his spoon. Dipping it into the bowl, he scooped up a steaming bite and gently cooled it with his breath. He then brought it into his mouth, and halted as his eyes widened.

"Dust Cloud?" Twilight asked, seeing his tension and small jerk. Everyone else turned their gazes to him as they snacked.

He quickly swallowed his bite, pausing before he replied, "I... could tell it was hot, but it didn't burn me in the slightest. Didn't even hurt my throat."

"That's to be expected," Twilight stated, bringing an ease to his demeanour. "Just some thermal resistance. After all, eventually you all will be able to breathe fire."

"Oh! I can!" Sea Drop exclaimed with a raised hoof. Looking at her plate, she took a deep inhale, drawing forth the unusual but growing familiar magic. With a puff of her cheeks, she exhaled with a pursed mouth, spewing a gout of fire, cooking her remaining half of an omelet left as if it was placed within a flaming kiln.

After blackening her yellow meal in moments, she stopped and raised a hoof to the air. "Tadah!"

"Sea Drop!" Breezy Lace exclaimed. "This is the princesses house, and a government library! What about the table?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I-"

"Not a problem," Twilight beamed, still flustered after shying away from the unexpected flame. "The library has already been fireproofed, books included," she said with a grateful tone for her foresight on the matter. "But I would be appreciative if you tried not to cause a fire regardless."

Sea Drop gave a small smile as she dipped her head down to resume eating. "Okay."

"Hey," Dust Cloud said as he looked around. "Where's Rainbow Dash?"

"She went that way," Tailwind said with wide eyes, pointing in the direction of the room they had come from.

"Rainbow?" Twilight asked. "Are you okay?"

A few moments of silence passed before Rainbow Dash came trotting back. "Sorry, bathroom emergency."

Spike raised his claw to correct her on the location of such facilities, but shrugged it off in defeat as the notion of being chewed out crossed his mind. Instead, he dug into his food, noting that next time he should have added a little more salt.

"So what's up? We can breathe fire?" Rainbow Dash quickly said as she sat down and resumed cutting her food. Turning her head to Sea Drop Rainbow Dash asked, "How uh… how did you do that?"

"Oh, well, when I started I had to close my eyes." Sea Drop excitedly shifted in her seat. Placing her hooves out as if to balance herself, she closed her eyes. "The thing that pulled it off the very first time was thinking how cool it was that I was going to become a fire breathing dragon."

Rainbow Dash's fork sharply cut through her meal and onto the plate. "And the other times?"

Sea Drop opened her eyes and gave a wavy look. "It took a couple a tries, but eventually I figured out it was more of this deeper feeling. Like… a heated coal in your chest I was coaxing."

The sound of a fork scraping back and forth grew as Rainbow Dash stoically listened.

"After drawing it out a bit, it's just getting easier to do. And now all it takes is a moment for me to call it out and wa-lah! Fire." She raised a hoof and bounced it against her red mane. "And by Celestia does it make it easier to dry my hair after a swim. It's like a firewash."

"Rainbow!" Twilight hissed. "The plates are fireproof, not scratch proof."

Letting the silverware clattered to the plate, Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves. "You know what, Spike, I'll have a bowl of oatmeal, too."

Spike wiped his mouth and hopped from his seat. "Sure thing. Flavor?"


"Coming right up."

"Speaking off," Twilight announced. "There is a pony that I want to introduce you all to. Once you've all eaten, we'll perform a cursory medical exam on the transformation to your bodies and souls. After I take a look and see what's happened, we'll discuss any questions before heading out to meet-"

Breezy Lace's eyes shot wide as she choked on her food. Slamming a hoof to her chest as she gulped it down, she then gave Twilight an incredulous expression. "Our souls have changed and you can see into them!?"

Twilight gave a flustered look. "Yes, and yes. The latter is sort of a perk for being a vampony."

"So souls are a thing?" Breezy Lace asked with shifting eyes. "Like, a tangible thing and stuff can mess with them!?"

Twilight nodded.

Breezy Lace looked to her fellow drakes, and then to the baby dragon who hopped back in his chair after having delivered Rainbow Dash's oatmeal, and then back to the vampony princess who was consistently reshaking Breecy Lace's world view with every turn of the conversation.

"Okay," Breezy Lace said as she shoved her unfinished plate away from her. "There's clearly a lot more that needs to be talked out here, but I need to know what I'm dealing with. Aside from what I can find in the books or by asking Spike, what is going on with us?" She looked to Twilight with a level headed stare. "What is this? What is going to happen to us?"

Twilight closed her eyes, and one ear twitched involuntarily. Opening her eyes again, she replied, "After the exam, I can better address those questions. I can't answer them, but I will give you my full and honest answer about the matter."

Breezy Lace's chest puffed out at having to wait, but she sighed in acceptance moments after. "Alright," she cooly said, pulling her plate back and resuming her meal with silverware.

"So…" Dust Cloud asked slowly. "Since souls are a thing, where do they go?" He turned to Twilight. "You know… after."

Twilight excitedly shuffled in her seat. "Actually, I just learned about this not too long ago. Coincidentally, there is a place called the After Realm. It's sort of… another part of our lives after we end ours here. Very little is actually known, but I suppose it's a place we'll all explore in the end."

"Ah," Dust Cloud said before nodding to himself, seemingly more sober as he began to dig into his omelet. "Thank you, princess."

"So what's it like? Seeing a soul and such?" Breezy Lace asked before chewing a piece of egg from her fork.

"It's pretty hard to describe," Twilight said with a smile. "Souls are... intricate, but can be breathtakingly beautiful. They reveal a lot about a pony. Nothing specific like what your exact thoughts are or any knowledge you may know. But they do show how you process emotions and your current frame of mind. The 'parts' of you that are shaped by your experiences in life."

"I assume there's a confidentiality waiver?" Breezy Lace asked as she shied away.

"Complete patient to doctor confidentiality," Twilight replied with a bow.

"Good," Breezy Lace replied, appearing more at eaze. She resumed cutting her food while asking in an impressed tone, "And all vamponies can do this?"

Twilight shook her head. "In theory, but it seems only a few of them have gotten used to the ability so far. It's turning out to be a more difficult skill to learn for most. But I'm sure they'll figure it out in time."

"How long is that?" Tailwind asked. "Vamponies live a long time, too, right? Or are they technically immortal?"

"Well, technically," Twilight said as she leaned back. "I'm a vampony harmonized by the Elements of Harmony. The vamponies I sire have been only bat ponies thus far, and they only turn into vamponies when they drink blood. While ageless in a vampony state, if their blood reserve runs dry, they simply revert back to being a batpony."

Twilight smiled. "Much more pleasant than when a vampony like myself runs dry on blood. Thankfully, I'm the only one around now."

"And here's to that!" Spike said, raising a mug of orange juice before downing it.

"So what's the plan?" Rainbow Dash asked in a neutral voice.

"Pardon?" Twilight replied.

"Since it's so dangerous for any of us to come with you while you hunt down Gale, what exactly is the plan to take him down?" Rainbow Dash gave Twilight a hard stare. "You said you'd answer all of our questions."

"Wait," Breezy Lace said as she too turned to Twilight. "You're chasing him down?"

"You're not staying with us through this?" Sea Drop asked right after.

Tailwind looked out from the corner of his eye but otherwise kept his focus on his food. And Dust Cloud gave a concerned look as he listened.

Twilight looked between the three of them while biting her lip. "I'm sorry, but I only have this single day to spend with you. By nightfall I must leave to join Celestia and Luna."

Twilight scooted out her chair and she stood beside it. "In other circumstances, I would be here with you. But it's been agreed upon by nations that we put an end to Gale."

"You haven't answered my question yet," Rainbow Dash said with a low brow.

"Our plan," Twilight began, "is to ambush Gale as he crosses the mountains when he inevitably heads south. We hope that perhaps he'll be wounded if not outright killed by fighting with the dragons in the northern wastes, but in any event, we are armed and prepared to bring him down with our combined army might. Our positions and fortifications in the terrain have already been drafted for when we arrive."

"That's your plan?" Rainbow Dash asked with raised eyebrows and half-closed eyelids. "Just… hide in some bushes and jump him if he happens to go that way?"

Twilight slightly narrowed her eyes. "This plan has a lot of details I omitted, because I had a feeling no one wanted a lecture on geography, troop movement, command hierarchy, and the employment of a lot of spells."

"Actually," Tailwind said as he wiped his face with a napkin. But the sudden glare from the other drakes caused him to pause. "Uh, maybe another time. But actually, are there books on magic in here?"

Twilight gave a supportive smile. "Yes, quite a few really. Feel free to peruse while I'm gone."

Rainbow Dash gave a poor attempt at a cough before asking, "And when do you think you're going to pull off this plan and come back?"

"Hard to say," Twilight replied. "It all depends on when Gale learns the artifact is south and then leaves the northern wastes to try and claim it."

"Is that in the book? This 'artifact' thing he wants so badly?" Breezy Lace inquired.

Twilight sheepishly shook her head.

"Okay, see, this is the kind of information I need to know," Breezy Lace stated while bringing her hooves together. "You mentioned back in the field about him taking command of all dragons. Please, elaborate."

"Okay, quick run down," Twilight replied as she took a moment to concisly explain all she knew on the matter. "There is an artifact which allows the bearer to magically control all dragons. Normally, a worthy dragon wields this artifact and doesn't use it to raze the planet with an unstoppable army, as we fear Gale wants to do. He thinks it's north, but it's actually south, beyond the Griffon Kingdoms. And technically, this is knowledge privy only to a few ponies as per our nation's agreements with the ruling dragon, Lord Torch. Which is why you won't find it in any text, including my own."

Twilight gave a short exhale, and looked at them all. "As drakes, you're privy to these matters. And if any of you have interest in dragons, then after I return we can discuss receiving Lord Torch's permission to visit the southern isles."

"Permission?" Sea Drop asked. "Can't we just drop in and say hello?"

Twilight brought her hooves together nervously. "I-It seems that drakes are… not very… liked by most dragons."

Sea Drop scowled. "And why the hay not?"

"Well, they, it seems they… find it offensive that something is trying to be one of them, who are usually in their perspective the apex lifeform."

"Offensive!?" Sea Drop barked, and even Rainbow Dash was giving a scowl on the idea.

"So even though we're going to be pretty Celestia close to being a dragon, they're already against us?"

Twilight slowly nodded with apologetic eyes. "I'm afraid the drakes of the past built a poor reputation with dragons."

"Well that's just great," Sea Drop replied sourly as she plopped her cheek onto a raised hoof and began to stuff her face with a nearby bowl of cashews.

While the remark concerned her, Twilight glanced at the clock showing seven thirty, and she politely coughed into her hoof.

"If you all don't mind, I'd like to perform your exams before we head to our next place on today's tour."

"Wait, we're on a tour?" Tailwind asked.

"Just a couple of places and ponies I want to introduce you all to," Twilight cheerfully replied. "They'll be helping you during your stay in Ponyville."

"Alright then," Breezy Lace said before wiping her face and throwing the napkin down on her empty plate. "Let's get this exam over with and meet them."


Breezy Lace

"So how does this work?"

After stacking and placing away the recently filled out medical forms, Twilight gave a gentle smile while she answered, "It's quite simple. We'll sit here and I'll look at you. My eyes will be glowing white, the magical effects of allowing me to see your soul. While I perform my exam, feel free to read." Twilight motioned to the rack of magazines. However, she noted that her patient's eyes darted about the secluded space, a sectioned off room that served as a study but also affixed with a hospital curtains over the front.

Twilight spoke, "This area has been prepared by a number of spells. We're safe here."

After receiving a nod to continue, Twilight closed and opened her eyes, transitioning to Soul Sight in a seamless blink.

A few minutes passed, and the soft sound of a magazine being flipped broke the silence here and there.

Hmmm, seems to be familiar for the most part.

What do you think?

I'd say the magical impression is a mirror copy, same origin marks and effects of scarring. However, tracking the difference of growth is going to be harder.

Ruby looked more closely at the soul, raising her eyebrows as she scanned the glowing white fibers. The twisted knots of deep orange burrowed within various points of the sphere's insides. The scorching orbs each sat within the larger hubs of bundled fibers that formed the one of many complex components of the soul, stoking them like a fire from the ember-like magic. More concerning was the softer, transparent orange coating that seemed glazed on various fibers, even strands not connected to the burning points.

At a glance it seems the rate of change is different than Rainbow Dash's, but we'd need to run more exams to determine anything further. Ruby turned to other sections, ascertaining personality without prying deeply. It's been traumatic for her, but I feel that she has a strong chance for finding stability in her new life.

Twilight gave a slow blink, maintaining her professional smile as she thought forlornly, Those scars are still rooted in her ability to trust. She's grown remarkably well, but…

It's just going to flare right back up, Ruby replied, letting out a 'tsk afterward. If stressed, it could grow even larger. And by the looks of things... Turning her attention to a nearby passing strand, she noted the wispy stray lines of the transparent orange glaze, loosely stretching out from the sections it coated as it reached for something beyond its grasp. And if these forming bridges ever connect, then this part will only get triggered more.

Still, she is a remarkable mare I'd say. She's overcome a lot. By the signs of these overlapping stress points, she can find a balance before it gets out of hand. We'll just have to see on our next checkup for any signs of changes around these.

Twilight nodded, blinked her soul sight away. "Okay, thank you. Could you send in the next one, please?"



"Actually, before we start, can I get a book from the library?"

Twilight held back the soul sight and smiled. "Any specific title?"

"Have anything on magic, or magical weather?"

"Spike can fetch you a related book to read, but this won't take much longer. However, feel free to peruse the magazine rack for a few minutes. I'll begin here in a moment now."

Her patient selected a weather magazine and flipped through its contents, peeking up now and then at the magic phenomenon that was soul sight.

Mirror copy again. The rest will probably be, too. However…

He's like Fluttershy, Twilight thought remoresly. The budding shapes that were his courage and bravery were strained by the pull of so many other portions of him, most of the strands being thick and renforced over time.

However, the ember-like magic had nestled within this small bundle of willpower, and it began to glow a dim orange color that had frayed away the edges of some of the connecting fibers. And more transparent coating of orange could be seen form and wisping to the growing courage, reaching for a path yet to form.

He's strangely calm about all this, Ruby remarked. And only recently. There's evidence of recent anxiety some time after the imprinting, but having only cleared today.

Any idea what it might have been?

Without having observed it in the moment, or spending all day tracing back changes, I can't say. But, I'd guess it happened during breakfast.

Well, we'll explore that when we return if he's feeling open to talk about it. Anything else of note?

Between fight or flight, I'd say he's always chosen flight. However… these orange roots are going to be straining for him. Whenever we do begin to train them in self defense to exercise their strength, he's the one I'm going to be worried the most for so far.


Dust Cloud

"So, what do I got to do?"

"Nothing much," Twilight replied, jotting down the last note her patient detailed for her. "Feel free to read. I'll look at you for a time, and my eyes will be white and glowing."

Twilight received a simple nod as her patient immediately sat back and flipped out the local Ponyville paper.

With soul sight activated, Ruby let out a surprised scoff. His change rate is actually noticeably slower. At least, the portions he's managed to refine. He has a stable build to him accumulated by a lifetime of experiences and impressionable moments. Still... his foundation has seen better times.

Ruby looked past the orange kilns and to the flickering strands of light pulsing for an object that sent no light in return. It was connected by a vast number of fibers that wove themselves into his deepest portions of his soul. Ruby guessed it would be able to send a light if it was purposefully triggered such as a strong imagination, but it showed no more signs of development or activity otherwise.

She sorrowfully turned her head away at the suppressed flares, seeing how withered they had become and the scars that held for the distant shape. To lose something so close to your heart… I can only imagine it was some pony very special. Still, it seems your explanation seemed to have staved off some of the damage.

His records did show his wife passing a year back. Knowing she's still somewhere however she exists now might have comforted him.

Still, it risks being damaged. Ruby noted how some of the strands that were withered now had a transparent orange coating around them.

Hmmmm, Ruby thought.

What is it?

I can't be sure, but I think this magic isn't as firm as we thought.


The other's we've looked at so far have similar growth tendencies but begin to widely diverge as time passes. Despite the thickening of the orange roots, they've changed where their developing branches extend to next. What that will lead to, I can't say. But each section of orange seems to be pulling every drake into one shape, despite how weak its pull is now.

I can't believe this kind of magic exists. Even the books in that vault Celestia showed us never mention anything that could do this.

Even though Alicorn magic is cleaner like this, it's more concentrated in power and its powering itself continually as part of the soul now. It's integrated too deeply for us to do anything about it. Ruby let out a frustrated harumph at the matter. What bothers me is how well the rest of their souls will hold up while this energy continues to build. Eventually it's going to charge every strand inside of them with magic. Anyways, I'm ready for the next one.


Sea Drop

"You sure will I won't feel anything?"

Twilight repeated, "I assure you, you won't feel a thing."

Her patient shrugged before continuing to read her magazine. "Still gonna try and feel it."

Twilight gave a light chuckle at the enthusiasm, and blinked her soul sight active.

Wow, okay. Ruby said in disbelief. It seems one pony's curse is another's miracle.

Look at it, Twilight said in awe. While the early signs of trauma were apparent on the smoldering sections, the orange kilns that were the origin points were aflamed and pulsating deep coloring glows to other portions of the soul, causing various illuminations to appear all around and further coat other strands. How did it get so inflamed?

It barely even impedes her pathways, Ruby replied in surprise. She's not only yearning for this, she's actively building the coating in jointed sections.

Ruby brought Twilight's awareness to inspect more closely. Looking to one strand of fiber that bridged to various points of the soul, she saw within the transparent coating that hung thick around the white fibers. Within it were a series of pronounced orange rings, their colorful influence marked by how they turned the otherwise transparent coating opaque. The white fibers beneath these thickening orange hues flickered more in tune with the rythmic but inflamed kilns.

I'm more sure of it now, this magic periodically creates imprints during the transformation. While the others show more signs of divergence on the few growth rings that have appeared so far, this mare is pushing through multiple rings before they settle. They're still too weak to have any hard change, but she's building them up and integrating them into herself. She's risking a stronger pull, but she's consolidating a lot of the changes.

Ruby directed their attention to the rest of her soul. This mare is changing faster than the transformation magic is built for. Somehow her, perhaps we could say her 'positive' view on the matter is drawing out more power than normal on each imprint growth. Those ember points are kicking up their power in response to keep up.


Until we can check on her again, she should exert as little draconic magic as possible. There's no telling what will happen if it continues to flare up at this rate.

Twilight nodded her head, and sadly smiled knowing what kind of reaction the mare aspiring to be a dragon would have.


Rainbow Dash

"Do we have to do this?"

Twilight gave a pleading smile. "I need to check on the progress. You're free to read one of-"

"Fine, just get it over with, but I'm not reading those," she replied as she leaned back in the chair. Crossing her arms, she closed her eyes and hung her head forward.

"I'll begin now."

Now that we've sampled the others, let's see how she's doing.

Twilight pensively stared at the appearing soul, letting her awareness be drawn towards it until she was at a level Ruby naturally operated in. Though, they did not conjure the mirrorscape.

How's it so far? Twilight asked. She turned her perspective around them, taking in the dear but unfamiliar soul. The pulsating embers of orange that were nestled about seemed larger than last she'd remembered. And buddening appearing roots and transparent orange coated strands were thickening on the dense webwork of fibers that stretched about the soul; the complex arrangement of self allowing the bearing of Loyalty. It's interconnected network showed signs of coating, but no wisping strands that Twilight could see here in this core section.

She's holding it together so far, Ruby eventually said while she glanced about. But I think I have a better understanding now. Ruby directed their attention to the dense fiber network. I don't know how Discord's magic works and we weren't observing when it happened, but I think I found evidence of its effects.Here, look at the base of one of the edges of the network, look at the density of orange in this section.

It's less.

Yes, and none of the other drakes have these.

So Discord's magic shows a reduction in the orange by a small amount.

It's already regenerating, and by the flash of resurgence after Discord's magic, it caused further stretching.

Twilight quickly turned her awareness to the nearby strands of coating, seeing how more elongated they stretch in their spurts of growth here at this strangely touched section. She also noted that the nearest ember within an oblong shape churned ever so faster than the others.

She then looked back at the anomalous rings, curiously inspecting the transparent coating. But the coating is still the same thickness. If there's less of the draconic essence, then why wouldn't the coating have been diminished as well?

Ruby brought the two of them closer to this odd section. I don't know what this stuff is but… whatever it's doing, it's not done.

What do you mean?

I think that it's acting like… a scaffold of sorts, and that eventually it's going to become filled. Until then, it's still mutable as it eventually reinforces the coated pathways. Ruby let out a sigh as she turned away from this anomalous section and looked to the overall soul; a spherical boundary of embering kilns that glazed and stretched the white material around them.

After the analysis, we've hardly learned more about the origin and nature of this magic. But we've confirmed that it grafts onto existing portions of souls, especially to designs it seems naturally structured to.

Ruby sighed, and began to slowly pull them out. This magic is… powerful. I really don't know how to describe it, but I think I'm starting to get what Discord was saying. Despite its goals on its first casting, whatever its origins, I feel like it could become loose at any time. And if soul changing magic like this went wild, there's no telling what changes could happen to them.

Twilight shut her eyes at the thought, and of knowing she had ensured no detail of those gruesome historical accounts hadn't been scribed over.

"Everything okay?" Rainbow Dash asked, peeking from beneath one eyelid.

Twilight opened her crimson eyes as her smile diminished. "Thanks for your patience. Let's go talk about the results with the others."

Rainbow Dash blew a raspberry. "Fine." She unceremoniously rolled out of the chair and opened the pulled curtains.

Twilight scooted out of her chair and began to push it back into its place. Do you think I'm acting like Celestia by not telling them certain things?

Like we last agreed, Ruby replied. The books are transitional only, so it doesn't need things that have a high risk of worsening their situation. And we aren't keeping this knowledge from them. We're going to tell them in time, after they've steadied themselves a bit, and after Gale has been dealt with.

Twilight took a deep breath, and turned to the entrance of the small alcove, where five ponies demanded to know their fates.

One step at a time, Twilight said.

And a step we time, Ruby replied.

Feeling more assured, Twilight walked away from the desk with steady hoofsteps as they faced the next challenge of their lives together.

Author's Note:

Cover art change from https://www.deviantart.com/blackmorphin/art/Fire-Feather-205357287 to what is now current. This is the same artist who did Second Princess of the Night as well.

(Contains some NSFW)
Artist : https://www.deviantart.com/fruitbloodmilkshake