• Published 19th Aug 2016
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The Infestation of Canterlot High School - Bonster

Chrysalis’s second invasion was an incredible success—Equestria has fallen, and it seems like there isn’t anypony left to save it. But when Chrysalis stumbles across a mirror in Friendship Castle, it might not be ponies she has to worry about.

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Prologue - A Shimmer of Hope

Prologue - A Shimmer of Hope

Three princesses down, one to go. And if the wedding meant anything, the pink one would be a walk in the park, assuming her pet and his pesky shields were dealt with first.

“Chrysalis, please! It doesn’t have to be this way! I’m sure if we really tried, we could find a way for our species to live in peace!”

“Silence!” Chrysalis snapped at Twilight, who struggled futilely against the golden changeling-silk bonds sticking her to the wall of Friendship Castle. “Funny how you didn’t attempt to befriend me until you were already captured, Princess.” The changeling queen stuck her muzzle in Twilight’s face, snarling at her with equal parts hate and disgust. “Maybe if you had tried that the first time we met, things would be different. But instead, what’s the first thing any of you miserable ponies do? You try to kill us! Two hundred years ago, when we were first banished to the badlands, did your species even try for peace? No. At the wedding, did your beloved princess try anything civil before shooting laser beams at my face? No! Just now, did you even stop to think before you and your friends attacked my kin? NO!”

Twilight’s mane blew backwards at the force of Chrysalis’s shout before the queen turned on her hooves and walked out of the throne room. “I know deceit when I see it, pony. There isn’t enough sincerity in what you say to fill a single hole in my leg.” She paused to look back. “And besides, I’ve come too far to just stop.”

“You won’t get away with this!”

Chrysalis snorted. “What are you, an action movie hero? Who do you think can stop me? I bested your mentor, the leader Equestria, and you and your friends, the country’s greatest military power. There’s nopony left.” Chrysalis didn’t even try to hide the arrogance in her voice

Twilight strained against her bonds some more. “Cadance will stop you!”

“Oh, please, Ms. Sparkle. She’s the Princess of love. I eat love.”

“But she beat you before!”

Chrysalis sighed. “Love is powerful. It is what thwarted me in our last encounter. How many threats to Equestria have been defeated by your love for your friends? My mistake those years ago was underestimating love’s strength. Now, I can see that it is the most formidable force in all of Equestria. And changelings are born to wield it.” Chrysalis’s horn ignited, enveloping the doors to the throne room in her telekinetic grip. “I’ve stockpiled so much love, my little pony, that no creature in this world can best me.”

The crystalline doors slammed shut, leaving Twilight alone. Well, not entirely alone. She was still with her friends!

Twilight looked over at the ensemble of golden chrysalises that hung from the ceiling.

Well, at least they’re not dead. Focus on the bright side, Twilight.

But the bright side was looking dimmer every second. Equestria was, Celestia forgive her, utterly bucked. The changelings had taken the royal sisters. The changelings had taken her friends. The changelings had taken her. And, as sudden as the invasion was, and as far out in the North as they were, Shining Armor and Cadance were in the dark. It wouldn’t be long before the changelings took them, too.

In short, Twilight was running out of hope. As far as she knew, Discord was still out there, and not working for Chrysalis. But he wasn’t exactly her most reliable friend.

She supposed there was also—

“This mirror,” proclaimed Chrysalis, flinging open the doors to the throne room. She carried the transdimensional portal behind her in her magic, all of Twilight’s mechanical additions that kept it open still attached and blazing with thaumic energy. “What is it? Tell me, Sparkle.”

“No.” Twilight was well aware she didn’t have the upper hoof in the situation, but she’d be damned if she didn’t at least try to bargain for her freedom. “Release me and my friends first, and then I’ll tell you.”

Chrysalis’s face screwed up. She looked like she was about to burst. Burst with… with anger, probably. Anger against Twilight and her impeccable haggling skills.

“Pffffffff HAAAHAHAHAHA! Oh—Ha! Oh, my, you really—heheh—really think that you have even a cent of influence here? That’s RICH!”

Twilight hung her head as the queen broke into yet another fit of laughter. Well, it was worth a shot.

“Thanks, I needed that. It’s been quite the stressful full-scale take over of the most powerful country on the planet. But that’s beside the point.” Chrysalis charged her horn at aimed at one of the amber cocoons. “If you don’t want your little pet dragon to die, then cooperate.”


Twilight panicked. Spike’s life was being threatened—she had to do something. She felt a pressure, a power, welling up in her forehead, her eyes clouding with raw, emotionally charged arcane energy. The magic slowly traveled up her horn, its wispy white tendrils following the grooves in the bone.

And then her magic collided with the mana dampener around her horn, sending pain streaking through her body and a scream flying from her lips.

Chrysalis sighed and let the magic around her own horn dissipate. “That’s, what, the third time you’ve done that? Honestly, how stupid can you get?”

Twilight ground her jaw. “Fine. What do you want to know?”

Chrysalis smiled, her razor-like fangs glinting in the crystals’ light. “Tell me everything. And don’t lie.”

Please, Sunset, thought Twilight, It’s all up to you now.