• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 3,233 Views, 73 Comments

Food Wars! The Advent of Sunset Shimmer! - ratedoni

The Life of Sunset was uprooted after her bullying ways were changed due to a mysterious dish. Now Sunset has found an ability inside her that opens the road to the best culinary school in the world. welcome to Shokugeki no Soma!

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Dish 07: Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here

Sunset once more adjusted the tie that came with her new uniform. She was still getting used to the idea of having to wear a daily uniform just to attend a cooking school, but if that was a requirement she would not fight that part… at least not for now. She could slightly reform, at least, compared to how she was before, but that didn’t mean that if she found something stupid she won’t react or destroy the source of said stupidity.

Looking at the beautiful green fields around the enormous campus and the slightly chilly weather they had that morning, Sunset felt strangely serene and at peace. It was not usual for the redhead to feel like that, not after the years she had spent on a worthless road of revenge and glory. Thinking back to the time she had wasted trying to gain power, Sunset found nothing but disappointment, not only because she had wasted so much time in gaining control of the school, but because the amount of power she had gained was pathetic.

Sighing once more Sunset vanished thoughts of the past and instead focused on the beautiful pink petals floating lazily on the wind, once more reminding her herself that the excitement of the present and the promises of a bright future were there, she just had to reach out and make it hers. Unlike the time she dreamed about becoming an alicorn princess. This time she thought of the road that Celestia would never walk on, nor the replacement of Sunset she found out.

No matter how powerful or wise Princess Celestia was, Sunset found through observation that for all the time she spend as ruler of the nation of Equestria, she had never put attention to food. Sunset knew for a fact that the only thing she was able to prepare by herself was cake and a rather mediocre one at that. She was not being critical of it; she knew how mediocre the cake was comparing it with the royal chefs. It probably wasn’t he fault since it was obvious that from a young age she had been attended too, but it was still a point of pride for her to be able to create culinary delight wherever she went. Now, here she was, once more going beyond her boundaries and in the most Japanese way of them all; underneath a shower of sakura flowers as she walked among other students to the opening ceremony of the school year.

She could hear them talking, she had become used to it after the time she spend at Canterlot High. Most students looked at her as if she was the devil incarnate. This time it was different, the other students were looking at her in awe and she understood why very quickly. Besides the color of her eyes and style of her hair -not to mention that she had red highlights on her hair-, she and Erina were spitting images of each other, strong enough to be confused.

Sunset simply shrugged, knowing that she probably won’t have to see Erina in a long while considering her attitude and ‘ranking’ among the other students. On her part, she had had her fun already with the haughty girl. She would love to take her down another peg if she would have that chance but it was obvious by now that their roads would not intersect. Those were her thoughts until the moment a mountain of a man stood in front of her.


Erina was content with life, because she knew that it will only get better from here on out. From the hundreds of students on the school, only a handful will survive the training, classes and challenges inside the school. To whoever graduates there would be a life of stardom and luxuries. Sadly for everyone, they would have to fight for second place because it was a given that Nakiri Erina was the number one since birth. She was a class and bred beyond any student at Totsuki and absolutely no one will steal that prize from her.

Until she heard two particular voices. First it was Soma, with his usual ego and confidence, but it was worst, much worse than just one student that made the whole school angry at his comments. Because who came next was way worse than an insignificant restaurant owner.

“Geez Jiji, why do I have to give a speech?” Erina’s eyes immediately went open and due to how fast she stood up, the chair she had been sitting down flew backwards. Right there, on the scenario was the one she never wanted to meet again. The woman that not only humiliated her in front of her grandfather, but made her shiver in fear at how close and how similar the two were, as if she came from another world “so, all of you have spent years and years of practice. You have studied and left tears, blood and sweat behind you in your road,” Sunset said as her beautiful red and golden hair flew with the soft breeze as the students gawked at her appearance and demeanor, then they all recoiled in fear at the terrifying grin that appeared on her face.

“Sadly for all of you, most of you will be nothing more than stepping stones for the elite, those that will gladly step on you until there is nothing but dust under their heel. For those of you that are already thinking of doing that, well, let me tell you something. Before you can taste heaven, you will be dragged down into HELL!” Sunset’s left eye suddenly turned into a slit as her sclera became completely black “most of you feel already entitled as the best chefs around when you don’t even know how a restaurant work. If you believe I’m wrong then come to my face and become my first stepping stone,” From the way every student looked at her, it was clear that few if none, would take her on her challenge. Only a few, those that Sunset knew had more ego than brains or were talents beyond comparison will match her step by step and with those she was going to have so much fun with.

It was one thing to try to become a nice girl, but it was another thing to be asked by the director to help the competition among the students, to sharpen them to the max, to transform coal into diamonds. Sunset was going to have so much fun on this school.