• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 1,831 Views, 214 Comments

Guiding Light - Detsella Morningdew

An earth pony filly lives in Canterlot and has a passion for magic.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Firestone

Aurora grinned internally. School was great. She could spend all day studying interesting stuff, like magical theory, while sill having time to learn Old Equestrian grammar and old-fashioned idioms.

While Old Eqqish was moderately difficult to learn, and it didn't really interest her as much as the theory did, it was moderately interesting, and necessary for her "real" education. Her main barrier that kept her from studying the books in the cave was her lack of knowledge of the outdated language they were written in. If she could combine modern magical theory with the old books on earth magic, she might actually get somewhere with it.

Each day, her “school” ended at 3:00. Or at least, that is what her parents thought. While they thought she was out playing, she instead headed straight for the caves for an evening of hard study.

She didn’t mind. This was far more interesting and fun than any of the “play time” she had before. As the odd one out in school, nopony, even the nice ponies, wanted to risk being her friend. So most of the time, she just stayed at home to read, anyway. This just was more productive and fun.

Each day, her reading of these texts got easier and easier, both with practice and with study of the language. And her knowledge of earth pony magic grew.

The magic of earth ponies was significantly different than the magic of unicorns. Most of the magic was directed by the emotion of the caster. That did not mean that it was not difficult to learn, however. The more complex the spell, the more controlled and specific the emotion had to be. It wasn’t enough to say “be angry” or “be happy.”

Emotions were not quite enough, either. Except for simple, passive effects, spells also required a certain amount of focus and concentration as well.

This emotion-driven magic had an interesting corollary: the old, supposedly debunked form of directing magic, incantations, was actually useful for earth ponies. It wasn't so much the words that had power, it was the emotions that they invoked. More frequently, these incantations were in the form of poetry, poetry that guided the caster's emotions in the required direction.

It seems that those unicorn scholars just missed the point.

There was, however, one technique that seemed different from the others. It was long, complicated, and incredibly personalized, but if she could pull it off... well, it would be amazing, to say the least. It was sort of like teleportation, but not quite. It was called Passage, a way of stopping time for a few short seconds, covering a distance instantly.

It would certainly show them that "Earth ponies can't do magic."

But it was also far beyond her current ability. And current comprehension of the old language it was written in.

Aurora placed the book to her side. Oh well, at least it's something to work towards.

The most useful ability by far was magic projection, the ability to effect objects at a distance. Of course, that distance was about one foot from her hoof. Still, it was kind of cool to pick an object up while it was still more than an inch from her hoof. It almost looked like levitation. Pretty cool-looking.

Still, it wasn’t technically Earth pony magic, since it was the standard manipulation field that everypony had on their hooves.

The most impressive part about this, though, was the ability to stand on two hooves, gripping the floorboards, then use the other two to make a ball of magic. Of course, it was just raw magic, but it was really cool-looking.

Ironically, this is how she learned what circle her focus landed in. There seemed to be two known circles, Silver and... well... Earth. Well, she was definitely in Silver.

Yeah, when she slipped and fell face-first on the floor, the ball of magic cushioned her fall. As in, she felt all of the pain involved in such an action, but no permanent damage. Or any damage from a ball of magic hitting her in the face.

Huh. I can do healing magic. Neat.

Aurora picked herself off of the floor and looked at the place where she had landed.

The wood now had a light covering of moss.

As she went home each day along the narrow crystal passage, she took some time to widen it, breaking crystals along the sides with her hooves. It was still a bit of a squeeze, but a lot less painful. She did not feel like healing herself each time she went to go study.

As much as she was excited about this new discovery, she still kept her study a secret. Not only did she see what the cave did to a unicorn's magic, but it also seemed to mess up her directional sense as well. She found herself relying on her compass, even for the relatively short distance that she traveled. And even that was not completely reliable. Three out of the four pointers seemed to often go wild for no apparent reason.

Well, the dangers were really only a part of the reasoning. Deep down, Aurora knew that she could guide somepony to the study if she truly wanted to. She could even bring the books back up with her. The truth was... she knew she shouldn't.

Silver was the magic of life, but also the magic of death. Earth ponies often used this magic, and based on her studies, Aurora knew that most of the public knew about this kind of magic. She had even heard of an earth pony with a vendetta actually sabotaging another’s crops a few years back.

The information here, however, was more direct. More controlled. More powerful. If an earth pony with bad intentions had access to this information... well, every magic has an inverse. Silver magic was called the magic of life and death, but really, it was more like the magic of the wellspring, the magic of the soul. A pony with the power over others' souls... that was something Aurora never wanted to see in the hooves of somepony like that.

Aurora thought back to earlier that evening, when she stood on two hooves, a ball of swirling green magic in between her hooves. Magic of healing. Magic of life. Then it turned black.

No. This cannot become common knowledge. As much as it pains me to hold back something this big... it must remain hidden.

Aurora climbed out of the top of her small passage, hooves clacking on the hard crystal floor. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts.

No, stop that kind of thinking! I should be happy. I can study to my heart's content, and everything here is new and interesting. Secondary school starts at the end of the year, anyway. If I get good enough, maybe I can get into Celestia's school!

She snorted. Like that's going to happen.

Still, there was a chance... right?

Two Years Later


Princess Celestia watched with interest as a young filly walked into her Day Court, her determination clearly shown on her face. She could also detect a significant portion of anger, but it was hidden well enough that Celestia knew that it was not intended for her, personally.

This expression of determination did not stay for long, however. Celestia could see a stark visible change as the grandeur of the Throne Room started to sink in, her determination slowly being replaced with a growing fear.

Or maybe that is just instinct.

The filly gathered up what little courage she had left, and began to speak. "Um... I'm sorry, Princess. I... um... I shouldn't have wasted your time like this..."

Celestia smiled warmly. "My little pony, I am sure your reason was an important one, if you wished to speak with me personally."

"Oh, um... right." The little green filly straightened herself slightly.

"What is your name, little one?"

"Um... Aurora, Your Highness. I... well... ever since... um...”

She looked down at her hooves. “Why is this so difficult to explain all of the sudden?"

Celestia chuckled. "Take all the time you need."

Aurora looked nervously at the throne room’s doors. "But what about the other ponies in line?"

"I said, take all the time you need. Every one of my subjects deserves attention. Even you, no matter if you think you deserve it or not."

"O-okay. All right. Um... as long as I can remember, I have been interested in magic. I mean, I even got my cutie mark for it.”

She looked uncertainly at her flank. "At least, I think so."

Celestia looked with interest at Aurora's cutie mark. A trio of leaves in various colors. One green, one yellow, and one a reddish-brown.


In any other circumstance it would seem wholly uninteresting. It looked so similar to thousands of other marks seen on earth ponies. Certainly nothing to be ashamed of, but not anything particularly unique. But this filly had said she got it for magic, though. If this was truly the case...

"At least, I don't think you can get a cutie mark for falling on your snout, so I think it has to be the magic." The filly shook her head violently, looking back up at the Princess with a bit of panic. "Oh! Sorry, Your Highness, I was just thinking out loud, and I wasn't paying attention who I was talking to, and-"

Celestia cleared her throat.

“Sorry! I did it again! What I was trying to say, um... before... was that I tried to apply for the school of yours, and... um... I just got rejected. They didn't even allow me to apply at all." She flattened her ears.

"I mean, I know it's called Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, but I read about pegasi going there a long time ago to study theory and stuff, and... I mean, I could have gotten into a different school, but I don't want to have to learn tree-growing, or whatever they think my cutie mark is supposed to mean. I thought... if I talked to you..."

Celestia inwardly chastised herself. This is what happens when I let the school do their own thing for too long.

She looked at the filly, interested. Yet she says she read about a time when pegasi went there to study. The last time I remember something like that happening was over two hundred years ago...

"So what is it that you want me to do for you, my little pony?"

"Um... well maybe you could... talk to them or something. Make them allow me to at least take the test or something. Maybe a modified version, if there are parts that are impossible?"

Celestia smiled. Smart filly. She actually wants to earn her admission. "Good answer. I will grant your request. I will see fit that you, as well as any future Earth Pony or Pegasus applicants will be able to take the written test, as well as a modified version of the practical exam. Understand that I cannot guarantee you admission, only that you may be able to fairly apply. It is up to the council of examiners to accept you."

Aurora nodded eagerly. "I understand, Princess. Thank you so much! All I wanted was the chance."

She turned excitedly to go, then froze, turning back again. "Wait, is it fine for me to go now, or...?"

Celestia chuckled again. "Of course, little one. Good luck on your exam!"

She smiled as the filly trotted out the large double doors that served as the Throne Room's entrance. What a refreshing conversation that was. It isn't frequent that foals have the courage to talk to a Princess. She really is quite determined. And after a while, she seemed almost comfortable in my presence.

She relaxed, leaning farther back into her throne.


Aurora happily trotted down the short, circling path that led from the castle entrance to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, clutching a small scroll in her mouth. Once upon a time, CSGU was a school for the rich, a school for the nobles, or a school for those willing to go into debt in order to get their fillies and colts a good education.

Within the last couple hundred years, that had mostly changed. Now, with funding from the Crown, it had become quite a lot more accessible, and while its academic standards remained just as high, it was no longer a school for the rich.

And now, with this very important scroll, it would be open to more than just unicorns.

Sure, it wasn't as cool as if Celestia had come to talk with them herself, but carrying a Royal Decree was special enough. Anyway, Aurora knew how busy Celestia must be. It would be a grave misuse of her time to request something as big as a personal visit.

Aurora trotted up the stone steps, then pushed open the front glass doors and walked in.

The pony at the receptionist's desk immediately recognized her. "Back again, Aurora?" she said with some humor.

"It's nice to see you, but I'm sorry I can't do more. As much as I'd like to do something for you, I've got my hooves tied."

Suddenly, her brain recognized the seal on the scroll in the filly's mouth. "Wait, what is that you’re carrying.?"

Aurora smile was a bit more smug than usual as she looked up at the friendly beige unicorn that worked behind the counter. At least, her expression vaguely resembled a smug smile. It was kind of hard to pull off with a scroll in your mouth. She tossed it up onto the desk, and Meadowlark continued to stare at the seal.

"That can't be what I think it is."

"Well, you did say to go up the chain of command."

"But... but..."

"She was actually really nice about it."

"You talked with Princess Celestia?"

"She was the only one that even paid attention to me." Aurora sighed. "Some ponies are so inflexible."

"Or just too afraid of the politics." Meadowlark grumbled.

Aurora blinked. "Oh. I didn't think of it that way."

She chuckled into her hoof. "Nopony expects you to, Aurora. You're still a filly."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"And you just talked with Princess Celestia. Alone. Most adult ponies can't even get themselves to do that."

"Really? But she was really nice. I mean, at first she looks a bit scary, but once you start talking with her, it's… it’s almost like she's a normal pony."

Meadowlark looked at her strangely. "You really are one interesting filly, Aurora… Just give me a second while I read this."

She picked up the decree in her magic aura, unfurling it. She quickly scanned it, occasionally muttering to herself or writing something down. Aurora waited nervously, shifting her weight from hoof to hoof, trying not to interrupt the nice unicorn who was trying to help.

Finally, Meadowlark finished, and she was grinning broadly. Quickly, she extended the scroll to its full length, feeding it through the copy machine, then hiding the copy under the floorboards.

She grinned at Aurora. "You didn't see that."

Aurora smiled back. "Everything's good?"

"Better than good. Everything seems to be in order for you to be able to take your test, and I can't find any loopholes anywhere. But this isn't just for you. This guarantees fair admission to everypony in the future, from earth ponies and pegasi to even a unicorn with a magical disorder. The Princess didn't leave anything out. But this is explosive stuff. I just made sure -"

"- that nopony can destroy the scroll, then deny it existed?"

"Exactly. Now since it's a Royal Decree, that should discourage most anypony, but... it's just best to make sure."

Aurora smiled. "Thank you, Meadow. So... I know the written examination is supposed to be today, but... what time today? They weren't exactly inclined to give me an information packet."

Meadowlark chuckled. "Right. Let's see... the written test should be at 2:00 this afternoon, which should be... oh. Five minutes from now. You'd better hurry. Well, there’s no time to see when your practical should be, but based on your registration time, it will most definitely be the last slot, which is always at 8:00 PM, tonight. We don't have a test set up for earth ponies, so I'd almost guarantee that they'll just ask you to show your most impressive magic, so if I were you, I'd start thinking about that now.

"All right."

She glanced at the clock again. "And now you only have three minutes. You'd better run. And take this!" she said, tossing another copy of the scroll at her, which she caught in her mouth.

"Okay," Aurora said around the scroll, turning away. "Thank you!"

“No problem!”

She ran along the halls, supremely glad that the testing signs were so obviously marked and easy to follow. She was quite relieved to find that she was not quite the last one in the testing room.

"Who are you?" asked a sharp voice.

Aurora looked up, and saw the test facilitator.

She inwardly smirked. Hmph. A politician, not a teacher. I think I can tell the difference now.

"You are not on my list. What are you doing here?" It was a tone that said quite clearly, You are beneath me. Aurora had heard this voice quite often in her efforts. As such, she ignored it completely.

"I'm just a last-minute addition, ma-am," she said, giving her the scroll. "This should explain everything." Just because she doesn't give me any respect doesn't mean I should do the same.

The mare skimmed the scroll, then flipped it over, examining the backside. "This is a copy. Where is the original?"

Aurora sighed. "I'm sorry, ma-am, but if you doubt its authenticity, then you should contact Mrs. Meadowlark. She has the original." She glared, making sure that she made eye contact. "Or Princess Celestia. But unless you can manage either within the next -"

She looked at the wall clock.

"- two minutes, I'm afraid I still have the right to take this examination."

Well, maybe not too much respect.

The aggressively drab unicorn mare opened her mouth for a retort, then closed it. "Hmph. You may proceed. Now go! There are others that are being held up. Your desk is number 49. Do not open up the test packet until I say so."

Aurora walked to the back of the classroom, where she could see her desk assignment. As she walked, she could feel the eyes of everypony on her back.

I really hope this is worth it.

Once the last foal was seated in the desk next to her, the signal was given to open their test packets, and the giant hourglass at the front was flipped over.

"You have one hour. Begin."

Aurora was already reading the first question.

1. Name the fourteen main branches of magic.

She grinned. This might actually be easier than she thought.

Aurora dipped her quill in the inkwell, reading the next question as she did so.

25a. Name the 24 subcategories of the Astral branch.

Well, maybe not that easy.

Well, at least nopony could tell her that studying was a waste of time anymore.

Aurora let the quill drop from her hoof, the local telekinetic field fading into background radiation. She closed the final page.


She picked up the packet in her mouth, following the other foals to the front, where they were placing the completed tests in a basket. Her legs felt like rubber. Her heart felt like she had left it back in her seat. Or maybe back at home.

She was sure that she had gotten at least a few wrong. At least 48c. How was she supposed to know about that seventh subcategory when every single other category in the discipline had six? Not to mention that she wasn't even aware that there was a spell specifically made to turn frogs into oranges. That wasn't in any of the books back home!

And how am I supposed to list every rune in the runic alphabet? Powerful mages are constantly making up new ones! By definition, the number is unbounded!

She let the packet drop neatly on top of the others.

The severe voice of the facilitator rose over the sound of the foals packing up. "Test results will only be utilized for admission, and as such, will not be disclosed individually. Do not discuss test questions or answers with anypony. Doing so will hinder your chance for acceptance. Discussion of questions among students is also forbidden. If you have not yet taken your practical examination, it should be sometime later today. Do not be late. You are dismissed."

Everypony moved at once, Aurora included. She really did not want to stay in a room with the examiner for longer than absolutely necessary.

In addition, she wanted to get back to her cave. She only had about five hours to prepare something to impress the examiners, and if the mare in charge of the written exam was any indication, it would have to be good. She had a feeling that the magic ball of heal-energy wouldn't be nearly enough.

She slid down the now-smooth slope that led into her cave. Opening the door, she slipped inside and lit the lamps.

Oh, I'm a bit low on oil. I hope I can afford to get some more with my allowance.

But that's not what I'm here for. Now... where did I put that book...


Aurora let her head fall to the desk. Nothing seemed to be a skill that could be considered inherently "impressive." Especially for unicorns, who did flashy magic every day. There was no single skill that would do. The only thing remotely close was way past her current level.

Wait. No single skill. But maybe a combination of several...

Aurora pushed one of her front hooves onto her chest, pulling until a shimmering, white orb with rainbow highlights came out into her hoof.

And with this little "souvenir", it might be even better.

It wasn't technically cheating. Nothing in the rules forbid an applicant from gathering magic during, or even before the test. They only tested what you did with it. And it wasn't her fault that Celestia radiated so much of it.

She pushed it back in.

Well, I'll only use it in an emergency, anyway. Now, what was it that I needed to prepare...

Aurora pulled a small, dark blue hair out of one of her numerous books.

Yes... this will do nicely.

Author's Note:

Again, some large edits.

Nothing plot-related will change, but some things will be made a bit cleaner and clearer.

(By the way, if anyone is wondering, the title for this chapter, Firestone, is not referencing the company be the same name. It is a kind of quartz.)

Oh, and chapter titles aren't going to be as obvious as they were in the original early chapters.