• Published 24th Aug 2016
  • 1,906 Views, 53 Comments

My Little Draenei: Shamanism is Magic - scootalooftw

After setting out on a quest for vengance, our hero finds herself stranded in a strange land. How will she react to the strange inhabitants of this land? And how will they react to her... Unique... Appearance?

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Prologue part 1

Author's Note:

Welcome, everyone, to my World of Warcraft crossover. In case y'all can't tell, this crossover takes place during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, which was by far my favorite that i played during, and it is featuring my shaman, sho is my favorite class. The prologue is only going to talk about what is happening on the Azeroth side of things, but ponies will be making an appearance in the next chapter. Wrath hasn't been relevant content since about 2010, so if I messed up on any of the lore or anything like that, please let me know. Also for anyone wondering what a shoveltusk is/looks like, it looks like this.

Manet sat with a heavy sigh, removing as much of her gear as possible from her seated position. Setting her mace and shield aside, the young adventurer removed her helmet to reveal the face of a beautiful Draenei Shaman. Her soft, feminine features, and her powder blue skin, with nary a scratch nor scar on her face. Her glowing blue eyes, cluing all in to the power that she wielded. And her personal favorite feature, her horns, that curved just right, as to match the curve of her skull, before tapering out and curving up slightly at the ends. But while her looks made her the envy of many a female of every species of the Alliance, and she wasn’t afraid to use them to get what she needed, her looks had nothing to do with why she was here.

Glancing across the camped she locked eyes with Moriza, the Draenei Shaman, turned Death Knight, her sister in all but blood. Like Manet, she had glowing blue eyes, although hers were a few shades lighter. She had bluish purple skin and pure white hair. Her horns, while not quite as nice as Manet’s, followed a similar curve, with the same slight curve up at the end. Growing up, the two had been told they could be mistaken for twins, and although age, and Moriza’s forced change, did alter their looks a bit, they were still very similar in appearance.

The two of them had grown up together, and while Manet specialized in the Restoration arts of shamanism, Moriza had been more than adept at the Enhancement aspects. Shortly after passing the last of their tests, and receiving their final totems, they set off on their journey into the world.

Their names traveled fast through the lands, helping both fellow adventurers, as well as normal citizens of the land in any and all ways they could. It wasn’t long before the leaders of the Alliance took notice of them, and requested their presence in Northrend to deal with the scourge that had been rising.

The trip to Northrend was where everything went wrong. Not long after landing at Valiance Keep in the Borean Tundra, and helping to push back the encroaching cultists and their Scourge allies, Moriza was captured and taken away during a counter-attack lead by a group of cultists that had infiltrated the Alliance's ranks.

Enraged by Moriza’s capture, Manet swore not to rest until she rescued her, or had a corpse to return home with. Using some of the tricks she had picked up from Moriza during her travels, Manet started learning the ways of the Enhancement Shaman, she forced her way through Northrend, letting nothing stand in her way. The Nerubians of Azjol-Nerub, The Drakkari of Gundrak, The Wrath Gate, even D.E.H.T.A. She overcame all of them, but didn’t find even a clue as to what could have happened to Moriza. That is, until she stumbled upon the Argent Tournament grounds while looking to participate in the Trial of the Crusader, there she learned the horrifying truth.

It turns out that the Scourge had been abducting heroes and adventures every chance they got, both Horde and Alliance, and bringing them to the Lich King in the Ebon Hold. There, the Lich King twisted their souls, and raised them as the undead Scourge knights known as the Death Knights. It was there Moriza was taken, and it was there she met her end, or so Manet thought. It turns out that in the year that she had been chasing shadows, trying to find her, Moriza had been freed from the control of Arthas by Darion Mograine and the Knights of Ebon Hold.

After learning of the events of the Plaguelands, and hearing the story of the Scarlet Crusade, Manet was given directions to the Shadow Vault, the Ebon Blades foothold in Icecrown. Upon arrival at the Shadow Vault, Manet was finally reunited with Moriza, or at least what was left of her. Gone was her connection to the spirits, given to her by her training in the shaman ways. Gone also, were the majority of her memories of their time growing up together. What was left almost seemed like a husk of her former friend, but it was still her, and finding her meant that part of her quest was done. She had found her, after all of the blood, sweat and tears, she had finally found her, all that was left now was revenge.

Shortly after reuniting with her once lost friend, she learned of plan to used the combined forces of the Alliance and the Ebon Blade to assault the Icecrown Citadel and end the reign of Arthas once and for all. Upon hearing of the raid on the citadel, and the chance at the revenge it offered her, Manet was quick to offer her skills as a healer to the cause. While hesitant at first to accept her offer, after recommendations from both the Alliance adventurers that were picked for the raid, as while as the Alliance leaders, the Ebon Blade had no choice but to accept her offer, and she soon found herself joining Moriza and the rest of the adventurers for the assault on Icecrown Citadel.

It was a long, arduous trip, climbing to the top of the Icecrown Citadel, but their journey was finally nearing it’s close. The perils they had faced, the traps they had circumnavigated, the opposition from the Horde they had crushed. But after all of these trials, all of these obstacles, they had finally reached their destination. All that was left was a short rest before taking the final steps of their journey, just one short rest and Manet would finally have her revenge.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The break they took gave them time to rest, eat, and restock on some supplies. Shortly after making camps, the cooks of the group got together to prepare a meal for the raiding party, while the alchemists got together to brew and distribute flasks and potions to replace the ones used on the climb up. While they were doing that, jewelcrafters like Manet went to work cutting and distributing gems, whose special properties helped increase the effectiveness of those wearing them. It wasn’t long before the potions were made, the jewels were cut, and the food was distributed, leaving everyone, except for those chosen as sentries, to eat and rest up for the final push.

Deciding to use the short break to get some rest, Manet carefully removed her gear, before laying it out and removing her bed roll from her pack. Spreading out her bedding, she removed her cleaner and tools from her pack before sitting among her scattered armor. Relieved to be off her hooves, she set about cleaning and maintaining it, so as she wouldn’t forget when she awoke. The last thing her or the group needed was for a piece of gear to fail in the middle of a fight. She chuckled to herself as she remembered the hunter of the group, whose bowstring snapped mid fight while they were battling Lady Deathwhisper and her Cultists. The look on his face, as his gaze slowly drifted from his now useless weapon to the group of cultists closing in on him was almost worth the wipe it nearly caused. Almost.

Snapping back from her revery, she picked up her newest piece of gear and looked it over. The Lost Pavise of the Blue Flight, the shield was called, pulled from the frozen remains of Sindragosa after the group managed to finally push through her relentless frozen assault and claim the frost wing for themselves. The shield was of interesting design, fitting very well with the “Frozen” theme everything seemed to have in this place. The top half of the shield almost looked like a dragon’s mouth, with a glowing orb of frost enclosed in its maw, and icicles hanging from its spine. The bottom half continued out from where the dragon’s neck would be, and had the look of a frozen sheet of steel with glowing runic writing on it, before tapering to a frost covered point. She had tried removing the ice shortly after receiving the shield, but it seems that the runes that caused the shield to increase the rate at which it’s wielder regenerated their mana, also caused the layers of frost to come back.

Finishing her inspection of the shield, she set it to the side and picked up another new piece of gear. Her mace, Lockjaw, rescued from the corpse of Rotface, one of the two abominations left to guard the plague wing. The mace, like the shield, was extremely unique in its design. The butt of the mace had a metallic dragon's claw, holding a glowing green gem. The handle was wrapped in what looked like the hide of an abomination, with flesh of multiple shades stitched haphazardly together. The crown of the mace consisted of what looked like four horned dragon whelps, whose skulls had been attached to the end of the handle, their horns making a very cruel looking end. The skulls themselves had the same ominous green glow as the gem in the handle, and radiated an aura of frost.

After cleaning up the mace, and making sure it wasn’t damaged in any way, she set it down with her shield before reaching carefully into her bags to remove a set of axes she hadn’t had the chance to use yet. The axes in question, the Bone Warden’s Splitters, were taken from the Bone Warden himself, Lord Marrowgar. The handle of the axes had a slight curve to them, and were wrapped in a high quality, dark leather. The knob of the axes hooked back up and over the handle, acting almost like a guard for the wielder's hands, with vicious looking spikes that looked to be just as sharp as the cutting edge. In the center of this hook was a space filled by a ghostly looking blue sphere, whose pale glow seemed to radiate the same malicious intent as the axe’s previous owner. The eye of the axe ended in a sharp spike, and the heel was sharpened to a razor point. On the cheek of the axe was a small skull with glowing red eyes, and an open mouth that seemed to be spewing frost. The bit of the axe widened out away from the cheek, the bottom coming down and almost seeming to meet the hook from the knob of the axe. The two ends came together to form a sharpened steel guard, guaranteed to both block swords, and rend flesh. The top of the bit tapered out to a similar point, and along the entire cutting edge was a series of razor sharp spikes meant to make any wound received from the weapon as brutal as possible. A quick once-over of the weapons showed them to be in perfect order, so Manet stored them where they would be in easy reach should they be needed in the coming fight.

Her weapons thoroughly inspected, she turned her eye to her armor. The armor in question had been given to her at the start of this campaign by the Ashen Verdict. The Ashen Verdict was the name given to the combined forces of the Knights of the Ebon Blade and Argent Crusade. The armor, made by the best craftsmen either side could offer, was named The Frost Witch’s Garb, and was enchanted to increase the effectiveness of any healing spells cast by the shaman wearing it. The aptly named armor shared the same icy appearance as a majority of the weapons and armor looted from the citadel.

The tunic and leg guards came together to make a sleeveless robe that seemed to be made out of animal hides and chainmail, with the front left open to show off a tasteful bit of cleavage.

The spaulders had the same animal hide and chainmail look, with what looked like rib bones circling glowing blue gems. The gems seemed to have a magical property, as besides the ominous blue glow, the ghostly head of a shoveltusk would appear above them before rearing back with a challenging cry.

The handguards had the look of leather, fingerless gloves, with a large furry sleeve going halfway up the arm, each containing another glowing blue gem.

The last piece of the armor, and certainly the most interesting piece, was the head guard. It had the look of a leather hood, with fur lining the inside, but under the leather was the skull of shoveltusk, the large antlers, one solid piece as wide as the helmet itself, coming out of the back of the hood, and the tusks jutting out the front. The eyes of the shoveltusk had the same blue glow as the gems embedded in the rest of the garb, with the mouth open to allow the wearer to breath easier.

As a whole, it was definitely the most interesting set of armor she had ever worn, but it definitely worked as advertised. While wearing it, Manet noticed that her Riptide spell would increase the casting speed of her other spells, and that her Chain Heal spell seemed to leave a lingering Healing over Time effect on its targets.

After finishing up the maintenance on her gear, Manet was pleased to learn that they still had a few hours before they had to move out, so she crawled into her bedroll and slowly drifted off to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Manet awoke to the sound of screaming and the clash of steel on steel.

“The Val’kyrs, they’re attacking!”

On her feet before her eyes were fully open, Manet started throwing out heals while donning her armor. While the group left in charge of keeping watch has included a tank and a healer, a second group of val’kyr had appeared to flank us as soon as the sentries engaged the first group, and seeing as the third healer of the group was slow to respond, she had to pick up the slack while he pulled his head out of his ass and got moving. Unfortunately for her, however, her swift action drew the aggro of one of the flanking val’kyr, as a tank hadn’t appeared to pick them up.

Now fully armored, Manet left her shield and mace where they lay, instead drawing her twin axes, ready to give them their first taste of battle. With a stomp of her hoof to summon her totems, she crouched low in a battle stance and prepared to meet the incoming enemy. However, as the val’kyr raised its weapon in preparation to strike, a battle cry sounded out from behind Manet, before Moriza jumped over her and met the attack with a swing of her own.

Parrying the attack, Moriza pushed the val’kyr back, holding it off until one of the tanks appeared to pick it up. Free from the clash with her previous foe, Moriza looked over her shoulder and gave Manet a small smile before speaking.

“I’m sure the effort is appreciated,” she started, the ethereal echo resulting from the process of becoming a Death Knight accompanying her voice. “But aren’t you supposed to be keeping our guys up, and not taking their guys down?”

“Ha ha,” Manet responded, her melodic voice having a sharp undertone that let everyone know she wasn’t the girly pushover she sometimes looked. “But if those walls of meat we brought with us were doing there jobs properly, it wouldn't have been a problem.”

“Oi!” They heard a slightly offended voice shout from the nearby group of val’kyrs. “I was on the shitter, I was, ‘nd I don’t think you wee lasses would appreciate me runnin’ out o’ there with me pants around me ankles, now would ye?”

Before either of them could respond, the voice of the raid leader chimed in from behind them. “That’s enough you three! If you’ve got time to gripe, then you’ve got time to pick up the third group of valks that just showed up! They came from behind the casters, and if you don’t get them off of them soon, they’re gunna tear us apart!”

“On it, boss!” The first voice shouted, before a portly looking Dwarf Paladin was seen squeezing his way out of the group of val’kyr. Running past the two Draenei, he let out a loud, bellowing battle cry as he threw his shield at the third group of flanking enemies, having it bounce between the three of them before returning to him.

“Look alive, you two, we got incomin’!” He yelled, turning and taking a few steps back, so that the two groups of val’kyrs were now coming at him from the sides. “I’ll group ‘em up, Moriza, you take ‘em out. And Manet? By the All Father’s Beard, don’t let me die again! I don’t care how safe you say it is, that Ressurect spell o’ yours don’t feel too great.”

“One time!” Manet yelled back, stowing her axes and picking up her shield and mace. “It happened one time, and it wasn’t my fault! Healing assignments weren’t exactly clear. I thought I was on raid!”

Her piece said, the three of them took to their rolls, and it wasn’t long before the other group of val’kyrs was slain, and the rest of the raid helped to finish off theirs. Thanks to the quick reaction time of the entire raid team, they only suffered one casualty in the ambush. The unfortunate Hunter of the group ended up being caught with his pants around his ankles. Again. This time quite literally. He was found lying next to his bed roll, pants halfway on and reaching for his bow, a spear through his back. It was nothing a Resurrection spell and a few healing spells couldn’t fix, but it was still quite the comical sight. It was unlikely anyone would let him forget it anytime soon.

After healing the injured and cleaning up camp, the ten man group met up at the base of the ramp leading to the last teleporter. The teleporter in question would lead them to the base of the Lich King’s throne, and would only activate if they cleared all of the wings of the citadel. Once all of us were grouped up, our raid lead turned to us and began speaking.

“All right, listen up everyone,” He started, slowly looking across the group, locking eyes with everyone before continuing. “This is it, the final fight. We’ve conquered the doorman, disbanded a group of cultists and thwarted their mistress. We’ve conquered the halls of blood, plague, and frost.” Turning to the side he removed his two-handed axe from his back and pointed it at the teleporter. “All that’s left to do now, is to step on that portal and bring this fight to the Lich King himself.” Pausing again, he returned his axe to its place on his back and began pacing in front of the group. “It’s been tough getting this far, I know that, but you guys have worked together better than any group I’ve had the pleasure of leading before. When things got rough, you guys adapted and pulled through. When one of you reached your limit and couldn’t keep up, someone stepped in to pick up the slack and help you up.” Pausing a third time, he turned to look at the hunter. “When one of you forgot to check the condition of your gear before a fight, we all stepped in to cover you.” With a final pause to allow the group to laugh at the joke, the raid lead turned to face the figure approaching from behind the raid. “And with Highlord Tirion Fordring backing us up, there’s no way we can fail!”

With a final cheer, the group, plus Tirion Fordring, turned and headed towards the portal, ready to face any challenge the Lich King could come up with.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Manet grunted with effort, raising her shield to block yet another strike from a dredge ghoul. The fight had gone wrong straight from the start. After a short bit of monologuing, Arthas had frozen Tirion solid before rushing our group, summoning ghouls and a shambling horror to take advantage of the confusion caused by his initial attack on the Highlord. As the tanks struggled to grab aggro on all of the additional enemies, the Lich King then spread a plague through the group. While the plague itself hurt, it wasn’t necessarily fatal, and could easily be healed through, however every time it wore off from one target, it would jump to another, increasing the damage of both it and Arthas himself each time it jumped.

Reaching its third stack, it jumped to Manet, the initial tick of damage almost bringing her to her knees. It was at this point the tanks had finally organized the adds away from the group and the raid lead started getting a rain on the situation.

“Manet, take that plague to the adds, see if we can get it to jump to them instead of one of us!” The raid lead shouted. “The rest of you healers, keep her up!”

With the beginnings of a plan laid out, Manet cast a Riptide on herself before morphing into a ghost wolf and running for the grouped adds as fast as she could. Upon reaching the back end of the group of enemies, she morphed back to her Draenei form and cast Cleanse Spirit on herself, healing some of the damage caused by the necrotic plague and removing it from herself. As she cleansed herself, she watched a ribbon of dark energy leave her chest before hopping on to one of the ghouls in the group.

“It worked!” she yelled, turning around and sprinting back to the group. “Necrotic plague is on the dredge ghouls now!” Making it back to the group, she turned to face the Lich King and stomped a hoof, summoning her totems. For this fight she had chosen the same reliable totems she had been using for most of the raid. A Stoneskin totem as her earth totem, to increase the armor of her and her allies. A Flametongue totem as her fire totem, to increase the spell power of herself and the other casters of the group. A Wrath of Air totem as her air totem, increase the casting speed of her and her allies. And last, but certainly not least, a Healing Stream totem as her water totem, to release a steady stream of healing mists to restore health to herself and her allies. Her totems set, Manet dug in and prepared for a long fight.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It had only been a few minutes, but they felt like they had been at it for hours. With the plague and the adds finally under control, the group directed its focus to the Lich King, allowing his plague to take out his ghouls. While the damage had been fairly steady at the beginning of the fight, the longer they allowed it to continue, the more damage Arthas seemed to deal, and every time they started getting comfortable with the amount of damage going out, the Lich King would cast Infest on the group. The initial hit from this attack wasn’t that strong, but it would quickly ramp out of control if the person's health wasn’t topped off quickly enough. Already once this fight, Manet had had to refresh her water shields and Earthliving Weapon enchant, as well as drop a Mana Tide Totem, as herself and the other healers were beginning to run low on mana. Just as things seemed like they were getting out of control, Arthas stopped his attack and walked back to the center of the platform.

“Enough!” He yelled, raising his sword and pointing it at the group. “I will freeze you from within, until all that remains is an icy husk!” A dark energy seemed to collect around his sword, before black lightning started jumping off the blade, arcing to random raid members. Along with this, the Lich King started releasing an icy aura starting to freeze anything caught inside.

“Fall back to the edges of the platform!” The raid lead shouted. “His icy presence doesn’t reach that far!” As the group ran to the edges of the platform, one of the casters stopped and let out a cry of pain as a shadowy clone of herself seemed to be ripped straight from her body. “One of you tanks pick that thing up, we don’t know what it can do yet!”

“Oi, come ‘ere lassie, leave the pretty li’l mage alone.” The paladin tank taunted. As the the raging spirit turned to face the tank, it released a soul splitting wail into the group of raid members between itself and the tank, damaging anyone caught in between the two.

“Alright, we know what it does now!” Moriza shouted, attempting to clear the ringing from her ears. “Now keep it away from us so it doesn’t do that again, my ears will thank you!”

“You heard her,” The raid lead shouted. “Take that thing to the edge and face it away from the group, don’t want that thing hitting everyone again!”

Reaching the edge of the platform, the raid grouped up again, the tank with the ghouls off to one side, and the tank with the raging spirits to the other. Getting settled, the group noticed orbs of ice heading towards them, the closest heading straight for the ghoul tank.

“We got incoming ice spheres, don’t let them touch you!”

Taking note of the raid leads warning, Manet watched as the first orb hit one of the ghouls by the tank, exploding and sending the ghoul flying off the platform. “They detonate on impact! Take them out before they get any closer!”

“You heard her,” the raid lead responded. “Hunter, take those orbs out before they can get any closer!”

After minutes of fighting, Arthas finally ceased casting the dark lightning and his icy aura faded. Lifting Frostmourne over his head, he shouted “Watch as the world around you collapses!” Before plunging his sword into the ground. As he did so the outer ring of the platform began to crack and glow, cluing the group as to what was about to happen.

“The platform is collapsing, everyone move in!”

As a group they returned to the center of the platform, Arthas pulling his sword from the ground and meeting them in the middle. From there the battle seemed to continue in the same pattern as the first phase, with a series of fast attack thrown in every now and then, until he turned and pointed his sword at the group behind the tank. Upon doing so, a ribbon of black energy jumped from his blade and made a pool or darkness at the group's feet. As soon as it landed it started damaging everyone caught in it and slowly expanding.

“Everyone out!” The raid leader was quick to shout. “This stuff damages everyone who stands in it!” As everyone left the puddle, he noticed its spreading slowed, stopping once the last group member left the puddle.

“Everyone spread out! It seems to spread faster the more people there are standing in it!” Once again, the group was quick to comply, spreading out evenly around the Lich King.

Once again, the battle continued rather smoothly, with only a single group member having to move when the Lich King chose to defile the ground under one of them. That is, until Arthas pulled another trick out of his sleeves.

With a shout of “Val’kyr, your master calls!” A single val’kyr swooped down, grabbing Manet and heading towards the edge of the platform.

“Everyone on the valk, it’s trying to throw one of the healers off the ledge!”

A little slow to respond to the call, the val’kyr made it well over halfway to the ledge before the damage dealers of the group could pick it up.

“Come on guys a little hussle would be nice,” Manet pleaded. “I know I use that ‘do what I say, or I might just forget to heal you’ line a lot, but you know I don’t really mean it, right?”

As the val’kyr was about to cross over the edge of the platform, chains of ice erupted from the ground, wrapping around the val’kyr and stopping it in place just long enough for Moriza to deliver the final blow. As the val’kyr dropped Manet, she very nearly fell off the ledge, before being caught by Moriza and pulled back onto the platform.

“Don’t worry,” Moriza said, giving her a smile. “We’ve got each others backs, always, right?”

“Always.” Manet replied, returning the smile, before they both sprinted back into the fray.

From there the fight continued to drag on, with the occasional defile going out, or a val’kyr being called in to try and throw a raider from the platform, but after a while the Lich King once again paused in his assault, before running back to the center of the platform and raising Frostmourne to the group again.

With a shout of “I will freeze you from within, until all that remains is an icy husk!” The Lich King once again started channeling the dark lightning and freezing aura. As the aura returned, so did the previously destroyed edges of the platform, and the group returned to the edges, picking up the raging spirits as they spawned.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the group, however, the hunter had forgotten about the incoming ice spheres. As he busied himself damaging the raging spirits, Manet turned just in time to see a frozen orb about to connect with Moriza.

“NO!!” With a shout, time seemed to slow down as Manet morphed into her ghost wolf form and ran at Moriza, determined to save her somehow. ‘Not again!’ She thought ‘I will not lose her again!!’

Upon hearing the shout, Moriza turned to see a frost orb inches away from her. Noticing movement out of the corner of her eye, she continued turning, till she locked eyes with Manet. Seeing Manet sprinting at her in her ghost wolf form, she knew exactly what she was planning. However, before she had a chance to try and stop her, Manet dove at her, pushing her out of the and taking the frost orb for her. The moment it made contact with her skin, all she could feel was a biting cold that seemed to freeze her, right to the core. Next was the concussive wave sent through her by the detonation of the orb.

Locking eyes with Moriza, Manet only had time to mouth a silent ‘I’m sorry’ before the concussive blast launched her up and off of the citadel, to start her long drop all the way to Icecrown.

‘This isn’t the end,’ She thought. ‘As long as they finish the fight fast enough and find my body before my spirit leaves it, they’ll be able to revive me.’

As she was falling, she noticed a darkness slowly closing in on the edges of her vision, along with what felt like a sucking sensation. Her last thought, before everything faded to black, was ‘I just have to have faith. Moriza won’t rest until she has me back…’