• Published 28th Aug 2016
  • 34,654 Views, 1,210 Comments

The Boopening - MaxBeezy

I get caught booping Queen Chrysalis.

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Booping Fluffle Puff and "Booping" Queen Chrysalis

Christ, this castle is far. If this is the closest Discord could get me, then Queen Chrysalis’ sphere of magic canceling must be pretty huge. I think I’m about another forty-five minutes away; maybe an hour if I take a break. No, taking breaks are for people who don’t have a mission to fulfill. I feel like the protagonist in those cheesy romantic comedies, going on a mission to proclaim his or her love for the secondary lead, typically the best friend who swooned from the shadows, and thought he or she was too late to have a chance at love with the main character.

Oh, oh crap. My life has become a romantic comedy! I mean, there are certainly a few differences. Queen Chrysalis wasn’t trying to help me be with another mare, for one. This is so weird. I didn’t think anything like this would happen. Then again, I also didn’t think I’d be falling for Queen Chrysalis…or anyone here, for that matter, but I am, and that’s the way it goes.

Huh, I’m really accepting of this “loving Queen Chrysalis” thing. Maybe it’s because there are no human women around. That sounds mean, though. That would imply that I wouldn’t want to be with Queen Chrysalis if there was a human woman around. That one female geologist that was on my team was pretty cute, though. Man, what would have happened if she found out that Queen Chrysalis kissed me? She would flip out. Call me a sick pervert. Not talk to me ever again. Be unpleasant to be around.

You know what, I’m glad she isn’t here. I take all that back. Unless she falls for a stallion, then she wouldn't be saying such…


I tripped over a rock! Now I’m falling down a hill! Stupid rock! You broke my chain of thought! When I stop tumbling, I’m going to kick your ass! Oh, right, rocks don’t have asses. Am I still rolling?


Ow. I landed on my back. I hurt. A lot. Maybe a rest wouldn’t be too bad. After all, I am in pain, now. I hope I didn’t break anything. Nope, I can still move my appendages. How does my back feel. Hmm…it hurts, but nothing too serious. Actually, I’m feeling quite durable. After that day at Ponyville General, and especially after that massage, I’ve been feeling quite strong and spry.

Hey, I’m hearing rustling. Is there someone out there? I sit up to check. No, I don’t…HEY! I just saw a pink think in the corner of my eye. Is it Pinkie Pie? No, it can’t be. It was a lighter shade of pink, and fluffier than Pinkie Pie is. Speaking of which, I wonder what would happen if I booped Pinkie Pie. She’d probably…


A big pink fluffy pony just popped out of nowhere! She’s right in front of me! Wait…why am I scared? It’s a fluffy pony. She doesn’t seem to pose much of a threat. Then again, I’ve seen movies where the cute thing is the deadliest of them all. She’s not doing anything. She’s just…staring at me.

“Um…hi?” I say. “What are you doing out here?”

The pink fluffy pony’s eyes scan me up and down. Suddenly, she gasps, with her open mouth turning into a smile. She trots up to me, and nuzzles against my cheek with a purr. Aw…that’s kind of cute. But…why is she doing this? I put my hands on her shoulders. At least I think they’re shoulders. The fluff is too great to tell.

“What’s up?” I ask her.

“Pflt.” is the sound she makes; sticking her tongue out to make a fart noise. I want to burst out laughing out of reflex, but…

“What are you doing here?”

The pink fluffy pony points at my right hand, then at her muzzle. She does it again. Right hand. Muzzle. Right hand. Muzzle. Wait…is she…

“You want me to boop you?”

She makes another gasp noise, nodding her head rapidly. She does the same pointing motion, but also points to the castle. I think I’m starting to understand her. She knows Queen Chrysalis? Is she a changeling? Or a friend of Queen Chrysalis? I don’t know.

“You’re saying that if I boop you, you’ll take me to Queen Chrysalis?”

She nods again. Every rapid head nod makes a weird squeaky noise when she does it. She seems even stranger than Pinkie Pie. First Discord, now this fluffy pony is my ticket to get to Queen Chrysalis. Well…booping ponies to get ahead in life certainly is better than having to do a menial task. Better do it.


“Plft.” she makes the fart noise again.





Is this how it’s going to be? Making amusing fart sounds when I boop her? What if I do the trick of sliding my finger up her muzzle? “Pllllllffffffftttttt….” she extends the noise until I separate. Huh. I don’t know why I expected anything other than that. What if I slide up her muzzle and pet her? “Pllllllfffffftttttt…purr….” she purrs when I scratch her behind the ears.

Oh, she’s really enjoying that. She’s purrs and nuzzles her cheek against my arm in relaxation. You know, for a giant piece of fluff, she’s quite adorable. Like a big living fluffy pillow that I just want to-ARGH!

She’s grabbed me and pinned me to the ground! So much fluff! She’s purring and rubbing her cheek all over my face! It would be cute if I wasn’t so caught off guard. I don’t want to protest and throw her off, since it doesn't hurt, and honestly, it’s not the most unpleasant sensation. It’s definitely not as life threatening as Princess Celestia sleeping on top of me, though I bet that if she wasn’t sleeping, and if I was attracted to her, I would deal with it with vim and vigor.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. I’m being smothered with love by the fluffy pony.

The fluffy one hops off, shaking herself off like a dog getting rid of water or dirt in it’s coat. She turns, facing Queen Chrysalis’ castle, and starts to hop towards it. Hey, wait up!

I follow her towards the castle. She hops up small hills, passes through crevices. Is this the safest way over? I counted like ten death traps just a few minutes into the walk. Then again, I wasn’t going to let a silly thing like that stop me. I’m getting the feeling that this isn’t the safest way, but is the fastest way, and I’m fine with that.

Within fifteen minutes, we make it to the front of the castle. There isn’t a door, but just a black wall. The fluffy pony raises her hoof up, as if telling me to wait. Suddenly, the wall opens up, revealing a way inside. The fluffy pony throws her hoof down, and we both run through seconds before it closes. Jesus Christ, one wrong move and I’d be crushed by that thing. This has to be some kind of hazard. The fluffy one taps on my arm, motioning me to keep following her.

The inside of this castle is dark, and more than a little spooky. The walls seem slick, slimy maybe, kind of like that scene in this movie called Aliens. That was an awesome movie. I’m getting off track, but really, these walls remind me of that flick. Oh, and there’s also a bunch of bright blue eyes watching me.

Wait, bright blue eyes?

Oh, wow. Up above, in various catwalks and crevices, I see many eyes watching me. I can’t make out their appearances, but from what I can see, they have the shape of ponies. Very, very dark ponies. They don’t seem to be staring at me with aggression, but almost curiosity. I suppose this is a good sign. If they see me as an intruder, I’d probably be good as dead.

“It’s him.” I hear one whisper. “I can’t believe it.”

“The Booping King has arrived.” I hear an—hold on. Booping King?

“The Booping King.” said another. “The Booping King” said yet another.

The title is tossed around the castle. Every step the fluffy pony and I take, I hear the same words. The Booping King. Am…am I somehow known around these parts? Did Queen Chysalis tell them about me and what I did? Did she give me the moniker of The Booping King, and they followed her lead, or were her tales so grand, that I have somehow gained legendary status and they invented the name themselves? Either way, I don’t know how to feel about this. On the one hand, that’s actually pretty awesome, but on the other, I kind of wish it was a better title. I’m partial to “Master of The Universe,” myself, but that was a pipe dream at best.

The fluffy pony brings me to the largest area of the castle; the throne room. It makes sense, since the throne room is supposed to be the biggest and most impressive room in any castle. It certainly lives up to the whole “impressive” part. A massive throne in the middle, jagged rocks all around, holes in the walls for various changelings to appear, and eggs hanging above the throne. I can see little baby changelings sleeping soundly inside. Not quite ready to hatch, but well into their development cycle.

The sight is simultaneously astounding and frightening at the same time. I must be able to study these creatures more at some point in time.

The fluffy pony taps on my arm, getting her attention. She points at the throne, bringing my attention to the lone figure sitting with her head down, looking at the stone floor.

It’s Queen Chrysalis!

Before I can go to her, the fluffy pony stops me, hopping ahead and up the throne to the Queen. Queen Chrysalis looks sad, like something is depressing her. After what Princess Luna told me, I can get a good idea as to what is bothering her. I want to go up there to let her know that everything is okay, maybe get a good hug in there, too. She’s a great hugger.

The pink fluffball taps Queen Chrysalis on the foreleg, making her signature fart like noise.

“Go away, Fluffle. I’m not in the mood.” Queen Chrysalis says sadly. The fluffball is named Fluffle, eh? It fits. Fluffle continues to tap on Queen Chrysalis. She looks agitated now, giving Fluffle a sharp and angry look. “I told you! I’m not…”

Queen Chrysalis stops, noticing that Fluffle is pointing down the throne, right at me. Her vision slowly scans downward, finally noticing me staring up at her. I can see the look on her face. Her eyes show a sense of shock, but also elation at my appearance.

I’m here for you, Queen Chrysalis.

“You…” she says silently. I want to take a step, but that look of elation turns into anger. She stares daggers into Fluffle, who bends down in fright. “Why is he here? Why did you bring him here?! Answer me!” Fluffle is scared. She trembles in fear.

“Don’t yell at her!” I say, placing a foot on the first step up her throne. Queen Chrysalis turns away from her to face me. “I told her to take me.” I lie. Fluffle gave me a way in, and I took it. But, I don’t want to see her be yelled at. “Don’t be mad at her. Be mad at me.”

Queen Chrysalis’ anger looks to subside. That flash of a vicious Queen was one I had seen before, when we first met. It was frightening then, it’s frightening now. Slowly, it’s replaced by a look of empathy. She looks down at the cowering Fluffle, leaning to face her.

“Forgive me, Fluffle.” she says softly. Fluffle looks up at her, wiping tears away. “I broke my promise. I won’t ever do it again, I swear to you.”

Fluffle and Queen Chrysalis share a small, silent beat together. Then, Fluffle smiles, nuzzling her cheek against the Queen’s, purring as she does it. Fluffle bounces down the stairs with a smile, and stops at my side. She nods to me, thanking me for coming to her aid, and I nod to her for…blech, she just licked my hand. Oh well, you brought me to Queen Chrysalis, so it’s fine. She bounces away as I wipe my hand against my pant leg. I look up at Queen Chrysalis, and she motions me to meet her up to the throne.

I walk up to her. I see a small smirk on her face when she looks at me, but it disappears when I get closer to her. I wish she wouldn’t look so sullen; she has a beautiful smile.

“Fluffle?” I ask her.

“Fluffle Puff. She’s a changeling. She likes that form because it brings the most love from other ponies.”

“I can see why.” I smile and nod. “Does she talk?”

“Every once in a while. Don’t be fooled. She plays up the whole cute silent treatment, with the occasional gasp and tongue noise.”

“You mean ‘pllfftt?’” I recreate the noise. Queen Chrysalis chuckles slightly, but not as much as she normally would at childish humor. “I missed you.”

Queen Chrysalis’ eyes widen slightly at my words, as does a noticeable blush brighten up her black cheeks. She looks away from me, covering her cheeks as if embarrassed by me saying that.

“We hadn’t seen one another for less than a day. You can’t be missing me.”

“I can and I will. Why did you fly away from me after…”

“After I forced myself on you?” she interrupts.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“You don’t need to lie to me. I know what I did. I was weak. Helpless, and you saved me from that brute of a monster. When you offered your aid…I couldn’t help myself. I could sense something emanating from you, and I got greedy. I took your love without asking. I did a monstrous thing to my wonderful friend.” Her eyes well with tears. “You shouldn’t have come.”

“I wanted to be here, Queen Chrysalis. I wanted to see you.” I try to get her to look at me, but she moves her head every time I try to align myself to her field of view. “Queen Chrysalis, please look at me.”

“No. I can’t look at you without thinking of what I’ve done.”

“Please. I need to look into your eyes.” I gulp as I think of my next words, “Your emerald eyes are what makes my days better.” Cheesy, but I’m going for it. I hear a small gasp leave her lips. I think it might be working. Slowly, she turns her head to me. Green hair that had been covering her eyes part as she moves, as if a curtain is opening up to reveal her glorious eyes.

Our eyes lock. I can feel a sense of electricity in our gaze that I had not felt before. It’s so weird to be feeling this way. Whenever we would make eye contact, I felt that I was looking into the eyes of a good friend. Now that I feel more than that, staring into her makes my heart flutter.

“Why do you call me Queen Chrysalis?” she asks, breaking the silence.

“What do you mean? It’s your name.”

“Chrysalis is my name. Queen is my title. Why do you always refer to me as Queen Chrysalis?”

“Because…” I say, attempting to answer. Huh, that’s a pretty good question. Throughout my time here, I always referred to her as Queen Chrysalis. Despite being best friends, I never simply called her Chrysalis. “I thought you liked that.” I said. “I felt that, being in the presence of royalty, that referring to you, or anyone else with a title, should be referred to as such.”

“But…we were friends. Did you feel that I thought myself as superior?”

“I…never really thought about it like that. I never thought you looked down on me, for the past two months. The first couple of months could have gone either way. It wasn’t until you started thanking me for those booping sessions, that I realized that you thought of me as a friend.”

“I wouldn’t have minded if you called me Chrysalis. Whenever you referred to me as Queen, it felt like you thought that…” Chrysalis pauses, chuckling “…I thought…that you were beneath me. I haven’t thought of you as such for a while now. Referring to me by my title reminds me that I once did.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I made you feel bad.”

“Don’t be. It’s my fault that I never brought it up. Please, you should be angry with me. I don’t mind if you are.”

“Why would I be angry with you?”

“Haven’t you heard a word I said? What I did to you? I betrayed our friendship by taking your love! I didn’t want to do that! I wanted…I wanted…” her voice becomes soft, less harsh than before “…I wanted to EARN it.”

Seeing Chrysalis like this; sad, vulnerable, in pain, is shocking me. She always struck me as a powerful and confident Queen; one who was bothered by nothing, and had no time for sympathy. In truth, I should have noticed her softer side. She was always so nice to me, and treated me warmly during the last two months. I had no idea that the days where I didn’t know of her true feelings were eating her up inside. Perhaps…if I noticed sooner…things would have been different.

“So, you’ve felt this way about me for the past two months?” I ask.

“A…bit longer than that.” she winces. “I was unkind to you…because…” she turns away again, embarrassed “…I didn’t know how to deal with these feelings. It’s un-Queenly of me; to resort to schoolfilly behavior. I am known for taking love, but with you…I didn’t want to do that. I wanted you to fall for me the standard way, despite…you know…being human and all.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“And how would you respond?” Chrysalis turns to me with a slight anger in her eyes. “If I told you that I was having feelings for you three months ago, how would you respond? Don’t try to sweet talk me, don’t try to sugarcoat your words! How would you have felt if I told you then?”

“I…” she makes a good point. I may be more accepting of such a relationship, now, but if she was having feelings for me three months ago… “…I wouldn’t have believed it.” I’m honest with her. “I would have thought you were kidding, and probably point out my humanity. I’d probably make a dumb joke, too.”

“And that’s why I didn’t tell you. I hid my feelings away, and tried to move on. But, I couldn’t move on. I kept seeing you. Every time I came to your house, I was only making it worse. But, you were so kind. You ARE so kind. After the night we met, you never showed fear. Every day you would see me, it was always with a smile. I loved your smile, but I kept hating myself for seeing you.”

“So, were you really training your army during the days we were apart?”

“Actually, that is true. I did follow your advice. It was the only thing I could do to be away from you. Even so, I couldn’t escape from how I felt.”

“I got that from Princess Luna.”

“What do you mean?” Chrysalis tilts her head in confusion “What did she say?”

“She told me that you’ve been…” I can’t help but blush at the remembrance “…having rather intense dreams about me.”

“Sh-She told you?!” Chrysalis blushes a bright red. “Oh, that nosy Princess! I should have sensed her in my dreams! Of course, I was preoccupied with…” her eyes widen. I think she knows she has said too much. “You must think of me as disgusting.”

“Disgusting? Not really. Surprised? Very. It’s…quite a big shock. As far as I know, I don’t think anyone has ever had dreams like that about me. Truth be told…” I chuckle slightly “…it’s weird…but a little flattering, too.”

“Flattering? Me having such dreams about you…is flattering?”

“Well…if it was anyone else around here, I’d be creeped out. Especially Ms. Harshwhinny. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if she WAS having dreams about me.” I laugh. I can see a small smirk on Chrysalis. “But…since it’s you…I don’t know…I…I’m kind of okay with it.”

“How can you be okay with it?”

“I can’t think of a better mare to be admitting this. The kind and beautiful changeling queen falling in love with me?”

“You…” Chrysalis steps back a little “You think I am beautiful?”

“I wasn’t lying when I called you pretty, Chrysalis. I’m telling the truth. When you kissed me, I felt something. I thought of all the time we had spent together, and how much I missed you when we were apart. In fact, I can barely think about what my life here would be like without you. Being with you gave me something to look forward to, and…” now I’m blushing “…if I was always with you…well…I’d be the luckiest guy in Equestria.”

“Oh…you….you…” Chrysalis shakes her head, but I see her eyes well up with emotion. “…you are truly the strangest man I have ever met.”

“I’m the only man you’ve ever met.”

Chrysalis laughs out loud. It’s such a great laugh. Her voice reverberates through the throne room, and I can see her changelings watching from above and around corners. They must have been listening to our conversation this entire time. Seeing Chrysalis finally smile…it’s such a wonderful sight to see. She approaches me slowly.

“So…this is the life that you want, then?” Chrysalis says softly “To be together with the once fearsome and villainous changeling queen? Who tried to rule over Equestria and enslave all who defied her?”

“You’re not planning on that now, are you?”

“Not in the immediate or far future. If I was, would that be a problem?” she says in an almost teasing manner. That’s the Chrysalis I know.

“I may have pause for a few minutes. I think if I booped you, you’d be calmed down.”

“You’re right. A few boops from you would do the trick. So, what you’re saying is…yes?”

“I’m saying hell yes.”

“Then…” she gets very close to me “…there’s something else you should know.”

“What is it?”

“During my time with the changelings, I have been teaching them a few things. One of which is…kind of a performance piece.”

“Oh, you put on a play?”

“Not exactly. It’s…it’s how I really feel when you boop me.”

“Wait…all that giggling and tongue sticking outing wasn’t how you felt?”

“It is…but it’s not everything.”

“So, how do you really feel when I boop you?”

“Why don’t you boop me, and find out?” She whispers softly in my ear. Suddenly, she SLAMS her hoof on the ground, and changelings from all over the throne room come out from their hiding spots. They stand, as if getting in positions for something. I look around, seeing them preparing themselves, and then back at Chrysalis, who looks at me with a smile. “My liege.” she bows to me.

“So, you were the one who named me The Booping King.” I smile. Chrysalis responds to me with a smile of her own.

I approach her, holding my hand out for booping. I don’t know how many boops she wants for this, but I’ll go with five. That seems to be a fine number.


Chrysalis steps away from me. That’s all its going to take to start up this performance? Okay, I’m fine with…where’s that music coming from? It sounds like someone is playing a guitar riff. It sounds….familiar. Like…the opening to a song I’ve heard so many times.

Then, Chrysalis’ hoof HITS the floor with a powerful boom. The changelings around us start to hum a heavenly choir. Now, I KNOW I’ve heard this song before. Could it be? Could this song have had a version of it in Equestria?

Chrysalis sings. It’s utterly disarming and gorgeous.

“Life is a mystery. Everyone must stand alone. I hear you call my name And it feels like home.”

Holy crap. I was right. I’ve heard this song before! It’s a song from Madonna, before she got weird! It’s called "Like A Prayer!" Christ, I love this song! Sing, Chrysalis! Sing!

The changeling’s wings sparkle and make chiming noises, much like the notes of the song. Then, I see other go to town on drums and guitars. Chrysalis goes into a wild and well choreographed dance routine.

“When you call my name, it's like a little prayer. I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there! In the midnight hour I can feel your power! Just like a prayer you know I'll take you there!” Chrysalis’ dance is hypnotic. She dances well for a being on four legs. She gets close to me. Very close. Like kissing distance close.

“I hear your voice…It’s like an angel sighing. I have no choice, I hear your voice…feels like flying.” That last part is punctuated by changelings singing the lyric with her. Chrysalis flies up into the air, closing her eyes. “I close my eyes.” She descends downwards. “Oh God I think I'm falling. Out of the sky, I close my eyes.” As she makes it to the ground, her eyes snap open. “Heaven help me!”

Chrysalis goes back into the dance routine. This time, a few changelings join her. They’re just as enthusiastic as she is. They really put their all into this. That she was able to coerce them into creating this elaborate number makes me want to see her command her army in a day-in-the-life.

“When you call my name, it's like a little prayer. I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there! In the midnight hour I can feel your power! Just like a prayer you know I'll take you there!”

Wow, this is all so wonderfully choreographed. If I was some kind of play critic, I’d be giving this performance a ten out of ten. Or five out of five…whatever star rating critics give out these days. Woah, Chrysalis is really close to me again. This time, she’s whispering the lyrics. I’m turning into melted butter at her voice.

“Like a foal…you whisper softly to me.You're in control just like a foal…” she sways her hips side to side. “Now I'm dancing. It’s like a dream. No end and no beginning. You’re here with me, it's like a dream…” She jumps away from me, shouting “Let the choir sing!” and her voice echoes once again.

This time, the choir of changelings prop themselves up, and dance along with Chrysalis. Even Fluffle Puff is dancing. They sing along with their Queen. “When you call my name it's like a little prayer. I’m down on my knees, I wanna take you there. In the midnight hour I can feel your power. Just like a prayer you know I'll take you there.”

Chrysalis begins to approach me very slowly, singing along with her army. “When you call my name, it's like a little prayer. I’m down on my knees, I wanna take you there.In the midnight hour, I can feel your power. Just like a prayer you know I'll take you there!”

She is again close to me. She leans down to me, grazing her cheek against mine. Her warmth is incomparable. She moves to my left ear and sings ever so gently. “Life is a mystery. Everyone must stand alone. I hear you call my name. And it feels like home.” She steps back before I can do anything about her closeness. She dances even more vigorously than before. As she sings “Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there. Just like a muse to me, you are a mystery. Just like a dream, you are not what you seem. Just like a prayer, no choice your voice can take me there.”

Chrysalis starts to repeat the lyrics. Her voice. The dancing. The way she’s looking at me. I can’t take it any more. I’m sorry, Chrysalis. I know how hard you worked on this, but I can’t help myself from doing what I’m going to do next.

I run up to her, grab her by the cheeks, and plant a big kiss on her lips. The other changelings don’t notice, continuing their song and dance like they are extremely into it. Even Fluffle Puff is singing her heart out from the choir, much like that one singer in the song in my world who stands out from the other vocalists in the choir.

That doesn’t matter anymore, right now. I’m kissing Chrysalis, and it’s just a great as it was the first time we kissed. I hope she doesn’t get too mad that I surprised her with this, then again, this could constitute as payback for kissing me so suddenly.

Oh, I think she likes it, because her tongue is crawling into my mouth, again…full on French. Is there a France in Equestria? Aw, who the heck cares? This is wonderful.

The other changelings finally notice our long kiss, and start to fade out from their song. Chrysalis and I separate as the song comes to a close. Her eyes open up, no doubt closing from relaxation, and she stares at me with such an elated expression that I can only hope that she enjoyed that as much as I did.

“I…” her hoof caresses my chest “…I feel so much love from you. Can I…have some?” Her polite yet seductive tone almost makes me die from a heart attack and possible blood loss if I was like those guys in Japanese anime who suffer from explosive nosebleed syndrome. Okay, I must be cool about this.

“You can have as much as you want.” I say in my best seductive voice. I think I did okay.

“I’ll be gentle.” she says. Damn. I mean…damn. That sounded amazing.

Chrysalis opens her mouth, and a purr escapes from it, as my mouth instinctively opens. That familiar mist floats out of me, and goes into her. Now that I expected it, it’s not as jarring as it was when it first happens. It’s a nice, almost warm feeling, giving my love to her. Maybe if I was unwilling, it would be discomforting, but being a willing subject, it’s not bad in the slightest.

Once she has her fill, she closes her mouth. That dizziness effect is still there, and I nearly fall forward. Luckily, Chrysalis catches me. I can feel her arm skin, and I can’t help but nuzzle her shoulder. I feel her foreleg caress my back lovingly.

“Can I come home with you?” she asks.

“Of course you can.” I answer with no hesitation.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow.” I hear Chrysalis tell her army. “Be on your best behavior, until I return.”

I try to turn around to give the changelings a wave, but with a quick FLASH of light, I am suddenly in my house. Well, that takes away any walking or flying time away. That’s a pretty nifty spell, if I do say so myself.

“So…” I separate myself from Chrysalis. “Would you like me to make you dinner?”

“As lovely as that would be, I’m wondering more about Ms. Harshwhinny on your couch.”

“Huh?” I turn to see Ms. Harshwhinny on my couch, wearing black lingerie, and posed in a position that she probably thought was seductive. Maybe for other ponies, I kind of sort of appreciate the effort, but the fact of the matter is, this is not the time or the place for this. “Hey!” I yell.

“Oh!” Ms. Harshwhinny jumps off the couch, trying to brush her hair back to be more professional, but the outfit is killing that mood. “Mr. The Human. You brought…” her eyes widen “…Q-Queen Chrysalis! My apologies!” she bows before her, more out of intimidation than anything. “Please, don’t kill me! Anything but that!”

“Anything?” Chrysalis slyly turns to me, moving her eyebrows up and down, wanting some saucy time.

“No.” I say with drollness.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Harshwhinny. Maybe another time.” Chrysalis says with a small chuckle from my reaction.

“Another time for what?” Ms. Harshwhinny is confused, but she shrugs, gathering her things, and heads for the door. “H-Have a good night.” she makes a quick exit, finally leaving the two of us alone.

“Really?” I ask Chrysalis.

“Relax, honey. I'm only joking.” Chrysalis giggles. “We'll see what happens after a few weeks.” I open my mouth to ask what she meant by that, but soon, I am surrounded by a green aura, and I float off the floor. Woah! This is weird. “Now then, on to important business. Where is your bed?”

“Up the stairs, and the first door you see.”


Chrysalis trots through the living room, and up the stairs, all the while looking directly into my eyes. It’s pretty intimate and nice, though the obvious question remains.

“What are we going to do on the bed, Chrysalis?” I ask. I chuckle to myself, remembering that I asked Ember that question, too. “Wah!” I yelp, as Chrysalis tosses me back, and I land on the soft and comfy mattress below. As soon as I get my bearings, Chrysalis crawls onto the bed, looking at me with a seductive growl. She kisses my neck and gives it a small lick. “Oh, oh wow. Chrysalis. This is great.” Chrysalis lays down next to me. Her neck is too long for direct eye contact, and I face her chest.

Small doubt takes in. Not the relationship, heck no; I’m all for it. But…this part of it? So soon? I don’t know if I’m fully prepared.

“Wait. Hold on.” I say, as Chrysalis wraps her forelegs around me. “I’m not sure if…” Chrysalis pulls me towards her chest, holding me tight, as my left ear is pressed against her chest, and I hear her heartbeat. “What…what’s happening?”

“I’ve always wanted to do this, with you.” she coos.

“Wait…” I think about this. Saucy stuff isn’t happening, but this is a nice and intimate setting. Are we… “Cuddling?” I ask for clarification.

“Yes. I always figured you’d make a good cuddling partner. You’re so warm.”

“I think that might be you.” I chuckle. She is quite warm. And comfortable. Getting a tad sleepy.

“No. It’s definitely you.” she whispers. I think we’re both getting a bit sleepy. I hear her yawn. The noise makes me yawn, too, and I start to close my eyes. “And don’t worry. We’ll work our way up to sex, eventually.”

My eyes spring open.

Author's Note:

Happy Holidays from Queen Chrysalis and Mr. The Human.