• Published 28th Aug 2016
  • 7,067 Views, 57 Comments

A Mother's Love - MatCor1337

There's so few stories with Chrysalis as Twilight's mother, so here's mine with bits and pieces from other stuff thrown in.

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A Mother's Choice

Queen Chrysalis looked upon her Hive with pride. The large, underground city that surrounded her palace was busy, loud, and alive. Most would think that the Changelings were mindless insects that attack helpless people and feed on their Love. But that’s not the case; no, not at all.

The Changelings are so much more than that. They are no different to any other race in the ways that they live out their joyous and peaceful day-to-day lives. Changelings do feed on Love, true, but it only gives them the energy to use their shifter-magic; many don’t realize that they can live off of an omnivorous diet of meat and vegetables.

Chrysalis turned away from the balcony and headed out of her throne room, but stopped in the doorway. She looked back to her throne and her mood drastically drooped as she couldn’t help but imagine a smaller throne right next to it. Quickly taking notice of her guards’ growing concern, she shook her head to rid it of those thoughts and continued her trek.

She walked down a few corridors that had held tapestries and paintings depicting many major events in Changeling history; the coronation of a new queen, wars they were unable to avoid, and other historic events. Chrysalis stopped and took a moment to admire her favorite one. It symbolized a large warrior adorning golden armor riding an eight-legged horse, wielding a great warhammer bathed in lightning above his head, his stern expression barely seen through his winged helmet. She smiled at the painting, as he was something no other Changeling Queen truly had; a father. Her father.

Technically all Queens have had a father, as their mothers cannot bear an heir without mating with a male of another race, but they were too often killed by others of their species for the act; though thankfully the number has been dropping. He was different. Despite not being a unicorn, kirin or any magic wielding species from Equis, he wielded such unbelievable power he could turn a mountain to rubble with a single punch, without even touching it! Needless to say, those who hated Changelings stayed well away from him; whether it was because of awe, respect, fear or a combination of the three, Chrysalis could care less; she was happy to have grown up with a father.

She sighed deeply and walked further down the corridor. ‘Father, give me strength.’ She silently prayed. Chrysalis knew very well that her father wasn’t a god despite having the powers of one; he could feel happiness, anger, love and remorse just like any other mortal; he also hated being called a god, and when she discovered what kind of atrocious things the other gods want from their servants… she shuddered at the thought. No wonder her father never wanted to be put in the same category as those monsters.

After another minute walking through the halls, Chrysalis finally came to her destination; two double-doors about three feet taller than her, with silver flower patterns embroiled into the doors. To her, it was the most important room in the entire palace; the nursery. She looked to the four guards that were stationed here; two stood beside the doors whilst the other two were a few meters away with their backs to the adjacent walls. These guards were not ordinary Changelings, they were the mightiest and most elite of warriors; the Stormcast Eternals.

Her father created the Stormcast because he cherished all Changelings as if they were his own people. So, not wanting to have lives needlessly wasted, he used the most advanced arcane-science of his own creation at his disposal to turn every warrior-class Changeling at the time into these incredible super-soldiers. Upon completion, their flesh - already protected by their carapace - would be tougher than Minotaur hides and bones stronger than dragon scales. Unless their class and model deem otherwise (Centaur, Pegasus), only officers will have swords, spears or even a trident, as the most commonly used weapons by the Stormcast are hammers, axes, halberds and maces. Their armor was made of an incredibly rare metal stronger and more durable than the mightiest steel and painted gold with blue pauldrons and shields, each bearing a hammer or comet insignia.

However, when Chrysalis was given her very own regiment to be her personal guard, she changed the color-scheme to obsidian with emerald trim and her own, personal mark. But these ones were slightly different; black with midnight blue trim, no insignia and have a pink and purple stripe going down the middle of their arms, legs and helmets. Chrysalis slowly made her way to the doors, the guards on either side opening them for her, and entered with slight hesitation. What she was about to do would be the hardest thing she’s ever done.


Night-time in Canterlot was always quiet, as the nobles and other residents of the Equestrian capital didn’t have much of a nightlife. This made things easier for the Royal Guards, as it meant that anything that interrupted the silence was a criminal or stray animal. If it were the former, they’d be able to apprehend them without civilian distractions. However, for the queen of stealthy shape-shifters added with the large gaps between patrols, sneaking around the silent city was foal’s play.

Queen Chrysalis stood in a dark alley, waiting for the clouds to block the moon so that she may reach the large house that she sought within the district of the lesser nobility. Her agents have told her that the ponies that own the property are the most loving and down to Equis people in the city, and their son had always wanted a little sister. She pulled the small bundle closer to her chest, hoping beyond hope that this was the right thing.

The cloud cover finally came, cloaking the city in a blanket of darkness, and she ran as fast as she dared with her precious cargo. Chrysalis made it to the front door in no time, but took a moment to catch her breath. After that, she looked down to the blanket wrapped Changeling nymph (their word for foal) in her arms, allowing a sad smile to grace her lips. Changelings had excellent night-vision, so Chrysalis was able to see her daughter with ease.

She wished that she didn’t have to do this, but they were going through the worst Love shortage in seven hundred years, and although they didn’t live off it, it was still vital to survive. And as a Royal Changeling, Chrysalis’ daughter would need to be fed Love at least four times as much of what the collectors get as regular Changelings every day, and there just isn’t enough for her and the Hive.

“Oh, my sweet, sweet Twilight.” Chrysalis said softly, her eye glossing with the threat of tears. Her daughter had black chitin like all Changelings, a straight cut mane with a pink and purple stripe through the middle, the tip of a horn just poking through, her tail exactly the same as the mane, and her wings were translucent lavender; though the last two parts were hidden in the blanket.

Twilight opened her violet, reptilian eyes at the sound of her mother’s voice. She somehow managed to get one of her arms free and booped her mother on the nose, giggling adorably.

Unable to take much more, Chrysalis held Twilight tightly to her chest and let the tears fall down her cheeks. “Everything will be okay. This is the way it has to be.” She said, more to herself than her daughter. “One day we will be reunited. I know we will. But right now, this has to be done; for your sake.” She moved Twilight away from her chest to look straight into her tired, innocent eyes. “These ponies are very kind, they will treat you with great care and keep you well fed.”

Chrysalis almost lost her composure as she continued to sob. “But no matter what, remember that I will always love you, and that you are not alone.” She leaned in and kissed Twilight on the forehead, just beneath her tiny horn. The young royal yawned and fell back into peaceful slumber, her mother loosening the blanket slightly to tuck her arm back in before her horn flared to life, turning her into a lavender unicorn filly.

The Changeling Queen knelt down and gently placed her daughter on the doorstep before standing back up again and pulling out a piece of paper and pen from the cloak she wore. She writ down Twilight’s name and paused. Equestrians usually have a second name and even those that don’t are few and far between. As she tried to come up with something, Chrysalis saw Twilight stir in her sleep, opening her eyes for a split second before closing again. In that split second, the moon escaped the cloud cover and shone down on the city, its light catching the infant’s eyes and making them sparkle.

Sparkle. That would be perfect. Chrysalis jotted it down and put the paper next to Twilight’s head, planted a final kiss on her forehead and stood up. She raised her right hand to the door but hesitated; this would be the hardest part of it all. Taking a deep breath to calm her rapidly beating heart, Chrysalis steeled her nerves and knocked as loud as she could.

She backed up a little and waited. Once a light came on from the upper floor, she rapidly knocked again, a few seconds longer this time. She glanced down at Twilight for the last time in who knows how long, and ran back to the alley she was in earlier with fresh tears falling down her cheeks. Chrysalis pushed her back on a wall and struggled to wipe away her tears. Once the waterworks finally stopped long enough to think clearly, she ignited her again and a ring of green fire surrounded her until they flared and she teleported back to the Hive.

Out of Chrysalis’ sight, the door of the house she was at opened to reveal a dark blue unicorn stallion wearing a lighter blue dressing gown.

“Hello? Anyone there?” he called out. When only silence answered him, he gave an annoyed grunt. “Damn hooligans.” He was about to close the door, but this strange feeling was telling him to look down, and curious, he complied. His eyes widened instantly when he saw the abandoned filly on his doorstep. “Sweet Celestia… Velvet, honey, get down here!” he called out, kneeling down and carefully picking up the foal.

“What is it, dear?” a light grey unicorn mare asked her husband as she came toward the door. His response was to turn around and show her filly in his arms, causing her to gasp. “Oh my goodness! Don’t tell me she was just left on our porch.”

“She was, and I didn’t see anyone else when I found her.” He answered, handing over the foal to his wife. Turning back to the spot he found her, he spotted a piece of paper and picked it up before finally closing the door. “Hey, there’s a note here.”

“What does it say, Night?” Velvet asked.

“Just two words, I think it’s her name.”

Velvet looked at the sleeping filly and then to her husband. “What do we do with her?”

“Well obviously we take her in.” Night said plainly. At his wife’s confused face, he explained. “Look, something’s telling me that we were specifically chosen to take care of her, and neither of us will feel right if we just give her away to someone else. Besides, Shining’s always wanted a little sister.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She giggled, looking down to the foal. After a few seconds of thinking, Velvet turned to her husband and gave him a determined expression. “Alright, let’s do it.”

“I knew you’d come around.” He said with a playful smirk, pulling his wife into a hug. They pulled apart and he gently placed his hand on the small filly’s cheek. “Welcome to the family, Twilight Sparkle.”

Author's Note:

As said before, this story was inspired by Changes but I will ensure that it is very different, so please don't yell at me.