• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 713 Views, 17 Comments

Trouble With Dating - TheAnimerican

Trouble Shoes wants to ask out the mare of his dreams, but with his luck he will need all the help he can get.

  • ...

Etiquette, Coolness, and Sister

***Carousel Boutique***

"You can't help!?!" shouted Sweetie Belle.

"I'm sorry Sweetie Belle," Rarity apologized, "but I must head back to Manehattan right away. Apparently, Plaid Stripes had another one of her good ideas. She thought it would be a good idea to create glow in the dark dresses. To make things worst, she chose the worst possible color...GREEN!!!"

Oh green, how she hated the color. Just the thought of it had gave her goosebumps. It gave her a reason to rush with her packing and travel lighter than she usually would.

"But Rarity, I promised my friend you could help him. Your charms could help him win the heart of his special somepony!"

"Oh that is sweet of you to say Sweetie, but I must go. I can't lose my boutique or let those dresses ruin my reputation." Rarity said with a dramatic tone. All she needed was her couch and maybe a violin playing in the background.

"Oh, look at the time, I am going to miss my train. I am sure your friend will do fine Darling. Just remember, he must be well-mannered and treat his special somepony like a princess. Also, be sure that he is cleaned up and well dressed for his date. Ta-ta!" Before Sweetie Belle could say anything, Rarity bolted out of the boutique without even closing the door. Leaving a disappointed Sweetie Belle behind.

"Well, at least Rainbow Dash can help."

***In the Field Near Cloudsdale***

"You can't help!?!" shouted Scootaloo.

"Yeah, sorry squirt. You caught me at a bad time. I have to report to the Wonder Bolts right away. They had an idea to perform a night show in Manehattan. They are short on fliers right now and there aren't enough reserves that studied the formation."

"But you are so awesome! I was hoping you can help my friend to meet their special somepony."

"Yes, it's true, I am awesome." Rainbow exclaims as she flexes her forelegs while flying in the air.

"I'm sorry Scoots, but they are counting on me and this is their first night show ever."

Scootaloo gives off a loud sigh, "Okay..."

"Cheer up little sis. Listen, whoever this friend of yours' is, if he really likes this special somepony, then he needs to approach her with confidence. He just needs to be cool and not place himself beneath her hoof."

"You really think so?"

"I know so kid. Well, I gotta go. Let me know how it turns out when I get back!" Rainbow Dash gives a wave goodbye and flies off.

"Ugh, well, at least Rarity can help us."

***CMC Treehouse***

"She couldn't come!?!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo asked each other in sync.

"What are we going to do? Trouble Shoes thinks we are going to bring his 'teachers' to help him." Sweetie Belle asked in worries.

"I don't know...who else can help us? What about Twilight?"

"Hmm...I think she will just look through her books. The last time we did that, we made a love poison."

"Oh, right. What about Fluttershy?"

"She is having her weekly tea party with her animal friends."

"Pinkie Pie?"

"He wants a date, not a party."

The two then went quiet and began to ponder at the situation. Sweetie Belle began to pace around the treehouse, while Scootaloo remained sitting on her flank. Then Sweetie Belle jumped with excitement as she most likely thought of a solution.

"Hey, why don't we be the teachers?" Sweetie Belle suggested.


"Why not? We both know our sisters and we kind of knew what they would do to help Trouble Shoes. So why can't we do it ourselves?"

"Hmm...I guess we could give it a try." Although Scootaloo didn't sound completely confident, she felt that they had no choice.

***The Apple Family Barn***

Apple Bloom continues to give advice to Trouble Shoes on her sister. He found most of the information very useful, but there was also a couple of things that she could have left out. However, he couldn't stop laughing at the story of Applejack eating all the apple fritter at the Apple Family Reunion. The thought of a little foal having such a large appetite was amusing to him.

"Hehehe. Does she still eat like that?"

"Well, when she eats at home she does. She tries not to eat as much when she is out with her friends. She says she is too embarrassed to eat like that in public."

The barn door slowly opens and Apple Bloom makes a run for the door.

"Hey girls, what took y'all so long? Is Rarity and Rain-" Apple Bloom quickly stopped herself when she noticed it was not Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo, but her sister Applejack.

"Is Rarity comin' over?"

"Sis!?! Uh, what are you doin' here?"

"Well I was takin' a break, but I heard a lot of laughin' comin' from the barn. Why are ya still in here anyway? Don't y'all want to go back to the treehouse?"

"Umm...yeah. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo went on ahead. I stayed with Trouble Shoes to see if uh...his fever went down. Yep, he is all fine now."

Applejack tilts her head as she looks at Trouble Shoes up and down, giving her own quick examination. "He still looks feverish to me. His face is still all red."

Apple Bloom looks at Trouble Shoes and gave a look that obviously asked, "Seriously?" Trouble shoes gave an awkward smile in response.

"Apple Bloom, if he is this sick, then you should've told me in the first place. I don't want y'all getting sick. You go on and play with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle while I take care of him."

"Y-y-you take care of him? But I-"

"No buts sis. Go on now."

Although Apple Bloom tried to resist leaving, Applejack was of course stronger between the two.

"What is with you today? Maybe you should go rest instead. You're lookin' a little pale." Applejack then closed and locked the barn door.

Oh no oh no oh no! This is bad! What's goin' to happen in there!?! Apple Bloom thought loudly to herself. While in her own world, she did not hear Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo approach behind her.

"Apple Bloom? What are you doing outside the barn? Where's Trouble Shoes?" asked Scootaloo.

"Girls! There ya'll are. Applejack is inside the barn and-" Apple Bloom pauses and looks around her two friends. "Where is Rarity and Rainbow Dash?"

Scootalo and Sweetie Belle give one another a quick glance before replying, "Uh..." Sweetie Belle began to say with a uncomforting tone, "They couldn't make it."

"What!?! Why not!?!"

"They both had business in Manehattan." Sweetie Belle answered.

"Umm...did you say Applejack is in the barn? By chance, is Trouble Shoes in there with her?" Scootaloo asked with a look of concern. Seeing as how Trouble Shoes acted when Applejack first walked into the barn, they can't imagine how he is acting with the two of them alone.