• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Starlight tried her hardest not to get too upset with the twins, as they pointed to her and laughed. After all, the only reason they had outsmarted her, was because she had forgotten to keep an eye on them. "Okay you two, you've had your fun," Starlight said serious. "If you don't have to go, that's fine. But please don't pull another trick like that on me, you scared me half to death!"

Pound and Pumpkin's giggling faces, were replaced with frowns of sadness. "We sowwy, Starwight." they apologized.

Starlight couldn't help but melt a little when she saw the twins sad faces. "It's alright, little ones." And with that, she picked the twins up with her magic, pulled their diapers back up, placed the books back in her saddle bag, and trotted out of the bathroom. She'd have to make sure not to repeat her amateur mistake the next time she brought the twins to the bathroom, least they pull another trick on her or worse!

"You tink we went too faw with our pwank, bwother?" Pumpkin whispered to Pound, as they were carried out of the bathroom.

"Maybe a wittwe, I guess," Pound shrugged. "But it dun mattew, I not using my potty. I fowgot how bowing sitting on it is, especiawwy if Starwight weads that book."

"Too bad is too big to fwush ow stuff in our diapees," Pumpkin replied. "And I thought you said you wewe gonna twy using youw potty fwom now on?"

"I did twy, is stiww bowing to sit on it and wait," Pound complained. "Pwus, it seems wike the gwown-ups keep expecting me to sit on it evewy hawf hour, even if I dun have to go. Why dun they twust me to teww them when I have to go?"

"Because sometimes you dun wealise you have to go untiw is too wate," Pumpkin explained. "Twust me, it happens."

"Whatevew," Pound remarked, brushing off his sister's statement. "Wet's just say tat the next time Starwight ties to make me use the potty, she gonna be in fow a big suwprise!"

Starlight set the twins down in a playpen near the kitchen, and surrounded them with a couple of their favorite toys and stuffed animals. "Just call if you need anything, I'll be right here." she said to them, flashing a bright smile their way.

"Otay." the twins nodded in reply, then quickly occupied themselves with the various objects in their playpen. Pound alternated between his rattle, and a stuffed monkey, while Pumpkin happily played with her rubber chicken. "Wonder whatever happened to that rubber chicken Pinkie got from that Cheese Sandwich pony?" Pumpkin wondered to herself. "I haven't seen it in forever, even if Pinkie never let me play with it."

Pound played with his toys for quite a while, but soon he could feel a familiar urge building up inside him. He knew what that meant, and what was likely to happen. But Pound had already decided he was done trying to use his potty, it just wasn't any fun. Messing with Starlight though, that would be loads of fun. Putting down his toys and trying not to giggle, Pound called out. "Starwight!"

Starlight came trotting over to the playpen and looked Pound in the eyes. "What is it, Pound?" she asked the little pegasus.

"Potty!" Pound replied, standing up and doing a little dance to emphasize his point.

It didn't take more than a few seconds for Starlight to put two and two together. "Oh, you have to go?" Pound nodded in response. "Alright. What about you, Pumpkin?" Starlight asked, to which Pumpkin shook her head. "Okay then, can I trust you to be a good little filly and stay here until I get back?" she asked the unicorn.

"Uh-huh." Pumpkin nodded, then went back to playing with her toys. She completely failed to notice the cheeky smirk on her brother's face.

"Good," Starlight happily replied, and scooped Pound up with her magic. "Let's get you to your potty," she told him. "And no funny business this time, okay?"

"Otay." Pound said with a chuckle, his toddler brain starting to scheme. He remembered that neither his parents or either of his sisters had found his secret diaper stash and changing supplies. Now the only thing he had to do, was find a way to get Starlight to leave him alone. And that should be easy enough.

Starlight and Pound soon reached the bathroom, and Starlight quickly pulled down Pound's diaper and sat him on his potty. "Alright, what should we read this time?" she asked him.

"Now for my plan." Pound thought, knowing that he had to act fast if he didn't want to actually use his potty and give his parents further encouragement. "Wanna potty on my own." he sweetly pleaded with Starlight, giving her his best pair of puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know, the last time I didn't watch you you and your sister almost gave me a heart attack," Starlight said skeptically. "Besides, we never got to finish Everypony Poops."

Pound pleaded harder. "Starwight, pwease. Wanna potty on my own!" He felt tempted to get up from his potty and hug Starlight, but decided not to. He was currently concentrating on holding it in, and couldn't afford distractions.

Starlight tried her hardest, but she just couldn't bring herself to resit the adorable puppy dog eyes Pound was shooting at her. If he really wanted to go potty all by himself, it wouldn't hurt to let him try just this once. "Oh, alright. But I'll be right outside the bathroom if you need anything." the unicorn foalsitter told him, and after using her magic to put the lid of the toilet down (just in case Pound had any ideas of playing with the toilet) she stepped outside and closed the bathroom door behind her.

Pound mentally high hoofed himself, the first step of his plan had succeeded and the rest would be easy! Getting up from his potty, he started to trot over to where his diaper stash was hidden away. But as he made his way across the tiled floor, his body decided his need to go number one could be held back no longer. "Well, this wasn't part of my plan, but it'll have to do. I just gotta hold off on doing number two until I can get a new diaper." he thought to himself, as his bladder began to release.

Starlight waited patiently outside the bathroom door for several minutes, it sure was taking Pound a long time to go potty. Which reminded the unicorn, there was something she needed to do. Knocking on the door, she asked. "Pound, are you done in there? I need to use the bathroom as well."

Pound didn't answer, but Starlight could've sworn she heard a crinkling sound as well as the sound of something rustling. Something was up.

"I hope I got Pound to his potty in time." Starlight nervously thought to herself, as she pushed the door to the bathroom open. What she saw caused her mouth to drop open in shock!

Pound had completely missed his potty, an area of the tiled floor near the toilet and the cabinet beneath the sink was stained yellow! Sitting inside Pound's potty, was a dirty diaper! And Pound currently held a new diaper in his hooves, which he had gotten from a nearby package of diapers that sat on the floor outside the cabinet beneath the sink! Said package resting next to a pack of wet wipes and a canister of foal powder!

"Pound Cake!" Starlight angrily exclaimed, marching up to the little troublemaker. "What is the meaning of this?!"

Pound gulped, he hadn't anticipated getting caught! "I'm in big trouble now." he realized.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Diokno44 for the idea, though I didn't follow it all the way through (for obvious reasons).

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