• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 1,356 Views, 53 Comments

The Knights of Friendship - Joeyjambo122

Young Royal Guard recruit, Shining Armor, is given a small task to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration, but things take a dark turn when Nightmare Moon shows up.

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Chapter 5

Shining had been in a much better mood thanks to the party, as he and the twins made their to town hall for the Celebration. Soarin apparently had to leave the party early to get himself ready for the Wonderbolts show to sound off the Celebration after Celestia raised the sun. Shining was completely decked out in his recruit armor, and he had to be there among the guards for the event.

"Your really hoping to become a full fledged royal guard aren't you?" Flash's voice asked as he and Scootaloo walked up beside him. "Yeah, every since I was a kid. Your certainly curious about the guard, aren't you Flash?" Shining replied with a raised brow. Flash darted his eyes with a nervous look on his face. "Uh... oh, just curious, that's all..." He replied stuttering.

Scootaloo gave her brother a confused look. "Wait... I thought you said you wanted to get him to let you join the-" She was interrupted by her brother covering her mouth. "Heh heh... little sisters... bye!" He quickly dashed off with Scootaloo in tow toward town hall, leaving a bewildered trio in the dust. "What was that about?" Spines asked as the siblings dissappeared into the building.

They shrugged it off for now and entered the building. Shining set the twins down in front of the entrance and proceeded to walk into formation with the other guards that were there for the ceremony. He noticed Soarin in his Wonderbolts uniform standing next to the other Wonderbolts on the other side of the room. Shining stood attention with the same serious expression on his face as the other guards.

Near the entrance, Spike felt like his bladder was about to burst. "It's your fault for drinking so much punch bro." Spines said with a roll of her eyes as her brother squated trying hold it in. "I-is it my fa-fault the pu-punch was my favorite flavor, fr-fruit punch sis?" He countered. He noticed an arrow pointing to the bathrooms in the hallway.

"I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick." He quickly ran off before Spines could respond. Spines let out an exsparated sigh. "Boys..."

Celestia sat behind the curtain on the small balcony she was supposed to perform the ceremony. She sighed sadly as she knew this was the night she was forced to banish her sister to the moon, and she knew this was the year Nightmare Moon would return from the moon to once more to bring eternal night all over Equestria, and a potential canimate to stop her, her former student Sunburst, had run off through a mirror into another world when he didn't get what he wanted.

She walked over to the curtain and opened it slightly and looked over the guards until she spotted her guard captain's student, Shining Armor standing in the same position as the other guards, complete with a serious facial exspression. Sighing to herself, she walked to her dressing room to finish getting herself ready.

She took another look at Shining Armor. "Star Sword... I hope your assumptions about your student are true if he's going to help save Equestria and my sister." She thought to herself as she entered the dressing, leaving the door open a little, letting a spectrel blue mist enter. Celestia reconized the blue mist and scowled.

"Hello... Celestia..." A voice she hadn't heard in ages greeted her. "Hello... sister..." She replied quietly.

"Okay, okay, bathtroom, bathroom..." Spike said to himself as he searched around the hallways of town hall. He began to walk past Celestia's dressing room when he heard voices coming. His curiosity beating his urge to answer the call of nature, he peaked into the room to find Celestia and a... black alicorn standing in front of her?

She was a very frightening sight to behold. She had cat slit eyes, giving her a predatory appearance and wore dark colored armor as well.

"What Celestia? Is there no champion for your 'Elements of Harmony?' You seem to be ill prepared for my return." The alicorn's horrible voice gloated. Celestia merely scowled again. "I know what you intend to do Nightmare Moon, so just do it." The dark alicorn nodded with a wicked grin and her horn glowed a light blue color. A flash later and Celestia vanished.

Nightmare Moon heard the creaking sound of a door opening slowly and turned to find a small purple dragon stood there, completely paralyzed with fear, the door apparently opened by a stong wind. Another wicked smile crossed her face as she stepped closer to the terrified drake. "A dragon huh? You may be of some use to me..."

Spike had barely registered what she said.

He suddenly didn't need to use the bathroom anymore....

The Mayor of Ponyville stepped up to the platform as a chorus of began to sing. Spines gazed around the crowded room looking for her brother. "Where's Spike? He's going to miss the ceremony." She said to herself, wondering if her brother fell in at the bathroom or however the saying goes.

The Mayor cleared her throat to get the crowd's attention. "Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" The crowd cheered loudly.

The Mayor spoke again. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..." The bird chorus got louder.

The curtain opened. "Princess Celestia!" Instead of cheering, gasps filled the room, the curtain had fully opened to reveal nothing sitting back there. Shining Armor's composed stance was immediately dropped when Celestia wasn't found anywhere. He felt jolt on his leg and found Spines clinging to it. "Spines? Where's Spike?" He asked, a little worried by her frightened exspression.

Spines trembled as she answered. "I-I d-don't know... he had t-to use the bathroom and he hasn't cone b-back yet..." Her trembling became faster as she continued. "I-I think s-something bad h-happened to him..." Her words only worried him more. Twins are known to have a strong physic connection shared between each other, meaning if something happened to one twin, the other would feel it.

An evil cackle filled the room as a blue mist materialized into an alicorn of darkness. Something materialized next to her, floating in her cold magical aura, and to Shining and Spine's horror, it was a terrified Spike floating in it.

A wicked smile crossed her face. "Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces." She said with venom in her voice. "What did you do with our princess!?" Rainbow Dash yelled and attempted to attack the alicorn, but was held back by Applejack.

The alicorn chuckled in bemusement. "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am? Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?"

The silence answered her question. "Figures you simpletons would have no idea who I am. I am the Mare in the Moon - Nightmare Moon!" Lighting flashing finished the sentence.

The only thing Shining cared about at that moment was rescuing Spike. "Guards, stop her!" The Mayor shouted. Shining and the other guards didn't need any more prompting and charged at Nightmare Moon. Though she grabbed Shining with her magic she knocked the other guards away. Wrapping her magic around his neck, she levitated him toward her.

She looked him up and down, as if sizing him up. "So your the one this dragon holds so much brotherly affection for. How disgustingly sweet." Shining merely scowled as he struggled. "Don't you dare hurt him!" He threatened only to receive a dark chuckle of amusement. "Oh I don't any intention of harming him, I intend to turn him into my own personal guard dog." Her gaze shifted toward Spines, who was just as petrified with fear as her brother.

"I would take her too, but males tend to be more aggressive." Spike managed to shake off some of his fear when he remembered Nightmare Moon mentioning the something called the Elements of Harmony. "Shining! She mentioned something called the Elements of Harmony being the only things that ca-MHPH!" His mouth was shut tight by the alicorns aura before he could say anything else. "A little blabber mouth aren't you? No matter. There is nopony who can wield them and the night shall last forever! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She cackled as she turned into a blue wisp and went out the window, taking Spike with her.

Shining fell to the floor and Spines rushed to him and hugged him tightly, afraid he would be taken too. "Sh-Shining... what's gonna happen to Spike...?" She asked, her voice trembling. Shining accepted the hug and rubbed her back soothingly to calm her. "I don't know Spines, but I promise I will get him back." He stated firmly.

Remembering what Spike said before Nightmare Moon took off with him, he broke from the hug and levitated her on his back and ran out of town with the fleeing townsponies in the direction, unaware he was being followed by five very familiar stallions.

Comments ( 9 )

So Sunburst is the equivalent of Sunset Shimmer in this universe? So then, is Sunburst replaced by Sunset Shimmer for the "Big Important Wizard" who used to be a student of Celestia's? :trixieshiftright:

So I wonder just how Shining Armor hope to pull off this ad hoc rescue operation? Hopefully Soarin will give this operation some legitimacy.

7624282 Some people have this headcanon that the two of them are siblings.

Hey there. Thanks greatly for getting this next chapter up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. Again, great job on the exchanges, emotional content, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I particularly liked Spike's comment about suddenly not needing to use the bathroom. I just hope the rescue is successful.

I mean, yeah, we can probably guess most of the stuff is going to turn out all right in the end, but we don't know for certain and, if they do, indeed, work out all right in the end, it will be some time before we see HOW.

And, hopefully, some of the future stories in this series (if there ARE future stories) will be focused on characters other than this universe's Element Bearers and in other cities beyond Ponyville and Canterlot.

But, at any rate, that's for much further down the road if it comes and I will still be looking forward to more of this as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

7624282 You'll have to wait and see... :pinkiecrazy:

By the way, what did you think of my decision to have Spike be kidnapped? I went through couple ways I wanted Nightmare Moon to do.

I originally planned to have her kidnapped all the colts and fillies gathered in town hall, except the one's who weren't attending the ceremony, and with Spike pushing Spines out of the main entrance so she wouldn't get captured too, before I eventually settled with just Spike getting captured.

7729533 The thing about the sister looking for a bride for her brother

Whens the next chapter?:pinkiehappy:

interesting, but I feel it follows too much the show's development.

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