• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 454 Views, 2 Comments

The Dark Files: Twilight Sparkle - Vera Veil

What happens when you eat a cursed Zap-Apple? Twilight finds out the hard way

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Chapter 1: Prologue

Author's Note:

Authors Notes:
Hey guys, I'm the Author of The Dark Files: Twilight Sparkle my name is Vera Veil but feel free to call me WubZ, as that is my nickname ... to be honest, this fiction came to me in my sleep between Tuesday 10/5/16 and Wednesday 11/5/16 and the idea was that Twilight was writing a fiction in the park when some of her ink started to fall from the parchment paper she just wrote on, then without warning all the ink from all around her would start to fall off the buildings, paper, shit you name it ... but ofc I'm not going to spoil the fic by continuing it up here. Now I want to give credit on this project to Teq for helping me edit this fiction ... thanks buddy, I hope you’re doing ok today/tonight ... ok, now with the credit given, I hope you all enjoy this 20 chapter series and I want to say sorry in advanced if the spacing is off, I have been having trouble on both my desktop and laptop to get the perfect spacing, as you may or may not see.

oh yeah, sorry for the bad switching between Pinkie and Pinkamena, I wanted the readers to understand she is upset because of what happened and if I used Pinkie over and over it would get confused ... ok, ill be quiet now :P

It was a glorious day in Ponyville. Birds chirped in a sing-song like matter, shops were busy with costumers, and all types of ponies busily trotted around town, eager to either meet another pony or get to a shop before it got too crowded. Everypony, that is except for Twilight Sparkle and Spike, who had just (at last) finished sorting the library all the way from top to bottom, left to right, A to Z and so on... Both unicorn and dragon were exhausted, puffing and panting after their day of exertion. Today they had unshelved and reshelved the entire library; the whole process had taken all night. Being only a baby dragon, Spike groaned loudly, only capable of a murmur, “Ughhh... I'm going to bed Twi...”
Twilight answered with a soft yawn mid-sentence, “You do that, Spike… at least it’s done now. We don’t have to do this now for at least another year... I'm going to go for a walk, catch up with the girls before I call it in. I’ll lock the door behind me so you don’t have to worry about any pony breaking in...” As Twilight had said that, Spike was already halfway up the stairs and slowly falling asleep as he went. Twilight waved goodbye to Spike before shutting the door behind her and locking it.

At this point in time, Twilight had numerous bags under her eye and unfortunately for her, the first pony she happened to run into was a somewhat deflated Pinkie Pie. Pinkie at this time of the morning would usually wake Twilight up with smells of frosting's and flour, and with a kaleidoscope of confetti shot directly into her face, but not today. Today, Pinkie was sitting at a bench staring at an apple, watching the busy market and seemingly deep in thought. This was not usual Pinkie behaviour (although what qualified as ‘usual Pinkie behaviour’ was subject to question), and this worried Twilight. She decided to go and see if Pinkie was alright, but as she got closer Pinkie became visibly agitated by Twilight’s presence; even more so when she called her name to see if she was ok.

“Twilight?” Pinkie asked in a very nervous tone, shaking a little, the purple unicorn raising her ears as she heard Pinkie respond. Cautiously, Twilight sat down next to Pinkie and asked in a rather deadpan tone.
"Pinkie Pie, what's wrong?" The pink mare looked nervously at the apple. Twilight's first impression of the apple was that it looked like no apple she had ever seen before ... While yes it smelt like just another apple from Sweet Apple Acres, it looked almost like one of Applejack's Zap-Apples, but if all the colours were inverted. Odd, Zap-Apples were not due for another 3 months. Experimentally, Twilight levitated the apple a little closer to herself. Just as she did so however, Pinkie shot her a sinister glare, almost as if silently willing her not to proceed with just her gaze.
"Twilight, don't... For the love of Celestia and Luna, don't eat that apple." The pink mare warned, putting more emphasis on the last bit of that sentence. Twilight however was enraptured by the apple to the point where she basically ignored her pink friend. No harm in some experimentation. She took a bite. The texture of the apple was… weird… to Twilight as well. It kind of felt like the apple was made of mush, with slight tastes of mangos, bananas and oddly enough, vanilla. Almost immediately, her vision began to spin, twisting and turning, almost as if she was trapped in a giant sphere and the world was made of rainbows and jelly.
"Pinkie, please take me home..." She added in a panic, trying to reach out to her friend.


It had taken Pinkie a lot longer than she would have liked to get her lavender friend home. This was largely because she was frequently consumed with sobbing, and partly because anytime she had tried to move Twilight safely, the unicorn would involuntarily twist and contort in a multitude of strange ways. Currently, she was stuck with her head under her stomach, her tail somehow wrapped around her throat, severely restricting her breathing. Even though she was only a few paces from Twilight's tree house library, it still took her some time to reach the door itself. Once she finally had her inside the house, she placed Twilight on the couch before collapsing onto her haunches and letting out a series of soft sobs for her friend (whose head was thankfully the right way, or as ‘right way’ as one can be while laying on a couch). As she started to sob, she heard a familiar belch-like sound. Curious, she looked up at the stairs and saw the last remains or a brilliant green flame, followed by a loud shout from upstairs, “Twilight!”

Pinkamena was startled by the loud shout before the baby dragon came bolting down the stairs, heading her way. Before he could reach Twilight, the earth pony placed her hoof in his path, cutting him off from Twilight. She let out a soft sigh and tried to explain, “Spike, don't interrupt Twilight, she’s taken a bite out of a cursed Zap-Apple. Any sudden jerks could sen...”
Before she could even finish her sentence, the baby dragon had pushed her hoof from his path and had continued to attempt to get Twilight's attention. Without much reasoning or thought behind the action, he started to shake the almost paralysed unicorn. Pinkamena noticed this, and quickly threw him away from Twilight, trying to protect her from the damage the little dragon was inadvertently doing, “Stop! Please, Spike, just… just stop.”

Rather unfortunately, it just so happened that Applejack had come to visit Twilight regarding… concerning matters… and saw Pinkie tossing Spike across the room. Applejack briefly saw red, strutting up to Pinkamena and asking her in a passive-aggressive tone, “What in tarnation has gotten into ya'll Pinkie? Ya can't be throwing others around like they’re rag-dolls sugarcube...”
Confused and a little bit startled to see the angry southern workhorse behind her, Pinkamena stammered anxiously, “Oh, A-A-Applejack, I-I... I didn't see you there; there’s more to this than what meets the eye, um… T-T-Twilight ate that cursed Zap-Apple and she just started… twisting and contorting unlike anything I have ever seen before! I only just managed to get her here before Spike got er... Got er...” For a moment, Pinkamena's mind was blank as she felt a hard lump form in her throat, preventing her from speaking. With a few deep breaths, she was able to swallow and continue with a more measured approach. “... Got a letter of some kind, and when he tried to get her attention, I had to stop him! He could have hurt her! But… but while I... I…” It was at this moment she felt her eyes begin to burn as if on fire as, as she tried her best not to cry. Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t long before she couldn’t keep back the tears any longer, and let the water works begin to flow with the accompanying sobs as she tried to finish what she was telling Applejack. “... I was explaining things to him, he... He slipped away from my hoof and got to her and started shaking her and... Well, you saw the rest...”

Comments ( 2 )

7543962 I like :moustache: ... thanks, have one in return :P :moustache:

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