• Published 29th Jun 2012
  • 1,619 Views, 34 Comments

Angel of Darkness - *Squee*

The story of Luna, for better or for worse.

  • ...

A Shadow From the Past

The end of the night was approaching as I made my way home to the castle. The predawn are was crisp and refreshing as I twirled gracefully among the starlit clouds. I loved it up here, far away from the worldly troubles that simply could not exist at this altitude. Ever since I had learned to fly, any spare moment I could find was usually spent in the serenity of the giant masses of fluff. And trust me, you have yet to live if you have not flown through a storm! Which normally angers the weather-pegasi, but it's the most exhilarating thing in the world.

I could almost always rid myself of all the mundane stress and problems that plagued me down below. In the company of the clouds you could just exist. No problems, no worries. Just a blissful sense of peace.

As I neared the castle, I shot high in the air, floating a mile above Equestria as I prepared to lower the moon to make way for the dawn.
This was always one of the most painful things to do for me. I would watch as ponies met the day with enthusiasm, just after ignoring the beauty of my night by sleeping. Few stayed up late, most of them simply watching the sunset. And they would greet the sunrise with open arms. Even fewer cherished my moon and stars.

'Tia was waiting for me above the clouds. A scowl set on her face as she watched me arrive.

"You're late." she barked.

"Only by a few minutes." I said struck by my sister's harshness. I was only a little over 5 minutes late.

"Luna," Celestia spoke condescendingly as she held her hoof to her forehead, kneading it slightly. "How many times do I have to tell you? Everypony expects my sun to be up at a certain time. And I will not let your foalish ways disturb the harmony I work so hard to keep across this land!"

"What are you talking about 'Tia? You act as if I have been repossessed by Nightmare Moon. I'm not refusing to lower the sun, I just didn't fly fast enough and I'm a few minutes late, it's not a big deal." I said confused by my sister's sudden anger.

"Just lower the moon Luna!" she snapped with a dismissing wave of her hoof, as if I were no more than a pest.

I couldn't help but grumble under my breath, which earned me a dangerous scowl from 'Tia.

Somepony's in a bad mood...... Nightmare Moon commented in my head.

You're telling me..... I said resisting the urge to wince. I just agreed with a voice in my head..... The voice of Nightmare Moon no less.

Oh please! she said with a mental eyeroll.

I am supposed to hate you, you know. I said rolling my eyes myself, which most likely got me another scowl from 'Tia, but I wasn't focused on her.

All I could feel from Nightmare was something that would be the equivalent of a scoff, I'm guessing.
I realized then that I was supposed to hate her. But somehow I didn't. I hated what she did. How she got me banished, how she refused to leave my mind, how she tried to persuade me. But somehow I didn't hate her. And that disturbed me a little.

I shook my head and focused on the moon, I could sense 'Tia was getting even more antsy and I didn't want her to blow up on me again.
So I closed my eyes, and focused all of my magic on the moon and the stars.

It was a draining job, but worth every bit of the energy it took. To feel that kind of power rush through you with a tingling warmth was more than a bit satisfying. And the effects of such power are plain for everypony to see.
In my banishment, it was believed that the remaining Princess moved the sun and moon on her own. This is only partly true.
Yes, 'Tia did move the moon along with her sun........ For, maybe a week into my banishment. On the moon, Nightmare Moon had attempted to continue her plans of endless night, regardless of the current situation, by refusing to lower the moon. Thus 'Tia had to find a way to do it herself. And Nightmare would have never helped her, but I did.
I couldn't last any longer! I was being driven completely insane by the lack of fulfilling my cutie mark, a common symptom. But I had become so hysteric, that I was able to break through past Nightmare Moon and move the moon myself. It's impossible to deny ones cutie mark.

But the moon was down, and though the tingling feeling of magic still coursed in my veins, I grew sad at the absence of my moon and stars. A few moments later, my sister's sun rose on the eastern horizon, bringing light to Equestria for the new day.

I yawned, weary from my nights events. Once again I caught an angry scowl from Celestia.

"Home, NOW." She said ever so condescending, as usual.

I rolled my eyes, but flew home at a decent pace. I was in no rush to deal with 'Tia this way, but it would only make it worse if I dragged my hooves. I grumbled endlessly as I approached the castle.

The castle doors blasted open. If any guards were drifting off to sleep, they were wide awake now. Some even held attack positions, almost believing an intruder was storming the castle. My sister stormed through the grand hallways, paying little attention to the panic and curiosity she was inciting in the masses.

I followed her in a brisk walk, trailing just enough to not agitate her, but keeping a good distance and steady pace.
As I passed bewildered guards, I would mutter, "At ease." Nodding my head, and even smiling to greet some of the guards and servants. I was growing irritated with Celestia's foalish behavior, but I remained to appear indifferent.

We burst into the throne room in the same fashion we had entered the castle, and my sister quickly whipped around to me. her breathing was ragged and her nostrils flared.

"Princess Luna I cannot believe you!" she shouted with a stomp of her foreleg. The sound of the gold slipper cracking against the marble echoed like thunder in the grand room.

"My dear sister, you are creating a scene causing discourse amongst the castle dwellers." I said calm and indifferent.

"I cannot believe how much you have embarrassed me! Did you not learn of your misbehavior on the moon? Must I banish you for another thousand years?!" she her voice resounding off the walls and growing shrill.

"You are making too much of this Celestia..... What is that saying? Making a mountain out of a molehill? You're overreacting. I was a mere few moments late." I said rolling my eyes.

"You have shamed this entire castle once again Luna! I cannot continue to bear your constant insubordination!"

I was becoming too aggravated to remain indifferent. "Oh for ponies sake, Celestia! I was five MINUTES late! I remember you being four hours late, and you covered it up by saying it was the way of summer to have longer days!"

"I am the eldest Princess of Equestria! You will not make a fool of me like that ever again, or so help me you will be banished to the moon PERMENANTLY!" she shrieked stomping once again.

I threw up my hooves in exasperated surrender. Nothing was getting through to her! She kept acting like a sunrise being a mere few minutes late was going to unravel the fragile peace and harmony throughout Equestria!

"I give up! I'm retiring to my chamber."

And I stormed out and headed for my room.

I walked so quickly my gait could almost be counted as a trot. In the echoes of my angry hooves against the flawless marble floors, I could hear Celestia shouting for me. Wanting to continue our argument, as one sided as it was I couldn't tell if argument would be the correct word to use. I huffed angrily and continued towards my room. I began to slow down, nearing the staircase leading to my private chambers. When I heard another set of hooves behind me. I stopped dead, almost shaking with anger.

"Celestia, I'm retiring to my chambers. Leave. Me. Alo-...." but the words caught in my throat, as I whipped around to shriek at my sister, I found a completely different pony in her place.

My words died and my heart dropped to my hooves, as I inspected my company.

Standing before me was a figure I had only seen in dreams and memories.

An ash grey and sandy grey painted alicorn stallion, at least one hand taller than me. A dark purple braided mane, and long wispy tail. A curved horn, with a small crown of some smaller spikes of horns, as well as an actual steel crown protruding from his groomed yet somehow seemingly unkempt braids. Eyes the color of a mist over the sea with hazed pupils that made him appear blind, though I knew he could probably see better than I could. A familiar smirk set on his lips.

I froze, unable to believe the apparition before me. Surely this was some sort of hallucination? Some trick of the brain? He couldn't possibly be standing right here in front of me, only a few steps away.

I could have sworn my heart had stopped at the sound of his deep voice.

"Hey Lunie. You miss me?"

"Shadow Haze? Is that really you?" my voice was quiet and quivering, but I was amazed I had found my voice at all.

"The one and only." he said with a grin.

I laughed, but I swore it sounded closer to choking and that's what it felt like. "Shadow! I can't believe it's you!"

"Was I disturbing you? I can let you retire and speak to you later if you'd like." He said, his ears folding back sheepishly.

"Oh, uh... No, I was just..... No, you weren't disturbing me." I said with a smile slowly spreading across my face. "Wha- What are you doing here?" I asked.

"How rude, after all this time I come to say hi and all you say is what are you doing here?" he teased with his usual smirk.

With a sly smirk of my own I stated, "Well, first of all, it has been years since I have seen you last and you are in my kingdom, therefor I have the right to know of what business you have here."

He chuckled, and I continued.

"Futhermore, you are mere steps away from my private chambers, thus I must know why you are stalking me and have you arrested immediately if your intentions prove harmful to my well-being." I said with a big grin. "Shall I save us all the trouble and simply call for the guards now?"

"Princess! You insult my honor?" He feinted hurt with a dramatic flair.

"A swine like you has no honor! Especially when attempting to thieve the honor of the Princess!" she said with a taunting smile. "Alas, you bring no means of force. No guards of your own to enforce your plan and remain watchful. Tell me, what are your means of force?"

"Force? You insult me once again Princess! I intend not to force anything upon you but my dashing good looks and charm!" He said stepping forward, leaning into my face his voice dripping with sarcasm as he appeared as narcissistic as Prince Blue Blood. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Even as distantly related as he was (far removed) I still couldn't believe my blood contained any relation to that pompous twit. I giggled as Shadow bat his eyelashes theatrically, as if this would somehow make me swoon.

"Oh, my head!" I said flinging my foreleg across my face in dramatics, "I feel so light-headed.... As if I am under a spell! It must be that horrid smell wafting from in front of me."

And with that, we both burst into a fit of laughter.

I couldn't believe it was him. It was really him! My childhood friend. My bestfriend.

Oh, will you two get a room already?

I was sent staggering slightly at the reminder of the voice that haunted my mind.

Yes, I am here. And sick of you two and all your mushy flirting.

"You okay Lunie?" He said, calling me by my old nickname from when we were much younger.

"Fine," I smiled. Keep quiet. "I just can't believe you're here, after all this time!"

"Yeah I haven't been here since... Well you remember." He said ducking his head.

I nodded. I did remember. It was one of the worst days of my life. The day I found my best-friend, the only person I truly cared for outside of my family, was to wed my sister just before the final departure of my parents. I hadn't seen Shadow or my parents since. And not long after, I was banished to the moon.

"Look, I am truly sorry for.... Everything that happened that day. I just... I didn't know what to do and I knew the betrothal had hurt you in ways I may never completely understand. And then your parents disappeared..... " he said looking of in the distance, as I myself had taken to staring at the floor. "And I just left you. And I am so truly and completely sorry for that."

"I should be the one apologizing." I said weakly. I cleared my throat hoping to gain volume. "I was selfish, and I let you break a treaty that could have meant a lasting peace between our kingdoms."

He shook his head, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. "Luna, there has never been any real tension between our kingdoms. And even without the marriage we have maintained peace and a healthy alliance with Equestria."

I nodded, "But it still was not my place to interfere with matters of state."

"It wasn't just you." he said looking away again. He shrugged, "Well a lot of it was, but I could never have married Celestia."

Just then the two heard a set of hooves donned with some sort of metal shoes. I rolled my eyes, "Speak of the alabaster devil."

"Prince Shadow Haze, I did not expect you to be here." Celestia remarked with a descending raised eyebrow in my direction.

"I simply came to greet Princess Luna." Shadow said with a curt smile.

"So I see." she muttered glaring at me, then smiling at Shadow. "I trust your room was found suitable?"

"Quite, I appreciate the hospitality extended from Your Royal Majesties."

A scowl tinged the corners of 'Tia's lips before being replaced with a sickly sweet smile. "The pleasure is ours. And I will see you at breakfast?"

"Yes." Shadow Haze said politely, "Princess Luna, will you be joining us for breakfast?"

I was shocked. I could read by my sister's current frown that I was expressly not invited, but Shadow Haze had invited me......

"Yes, I would enjoy such a pleasure. " I said shooting a not very discreet glare back to 'Tia. Shadow Haze smiled widely, pretending to be oblivious to the tension between us.

"Wonderful, this will be a delight. But I must rest a little before the meal, as I am very tired from the long trip here and I could use some relaxation. Excuse me Your Majesties. Princess Celestia," he said with a nod. "Princess Luna." He bowed slightly with a wink.

I nodded, "Prince Shadow Haze." I resisted the urge to grin. If there was anyone good at irritating 'Tia more than myself it was Shadow Haze. He knew without being told exactly what would pick at her nerves, and it was a practice he found comical.

And with that we parted to our beds.