• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 2,006 Views, 21 Comments

A Bitter Sweet Surprise - Ron Jeremy Pony

Dating, Marriage, and it has all lead to this. The birth of your daughter, well yours and Sour Sweet's Daughter. Inspired by Nico-Stone Rupan's Sour Sweet Stories, and of course posted after getting his permission to do so.

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A Bitter Sweet Surprise

Chapter 2: Waiting…

(Inspired by Nico-Stone Rupan’s Sour Sweet Stories)

Waiting is a virtue. That’s something that you’ve heard all of your life. The fact that you’ve got friends there waiting with you, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, Indigo Zapp, and even Gilda… Which you’re still scratching your head over when exactly it was that Gilda became such a good friend of Sour’s, and yours by extension.

Still, at this moment waiting isn’t so much a virtue as it is a job that should be done by a professional. Sour had said that you need confidence, you need to man up. And right now that confidence you’ve been working on is getting its first real workout with your parents. Your Dad has no less than six presents that is completely going to piss Sour off. A Chef Gustave Le Grand’s little Chef’s easy bake oven, Fleur De Lis’ little Miss Runway kit, and Fashions by Coco action fashion doll all sit beside your father along with other stereotypical toys that would normally be fine, if your daughter was old enough to want to play with them.

Instead you know that Sour is going say that your father is attempting to shove his perceived gender role right down your daughter’s throat, and she’s not going to let that happen.

“Son, I just don’t understand why you don’t want these cute little dresses!” your Mother cries, “They’re all straight from the happy homemaker’s catalogue.”

“Mom, it’s not that… look, we’ve been getting clothes ready for her for a while, we could use diapers, formula, that kind of…” you begin before she looks at you in shock.

“She’s not going to breastfeed that baby?!!!”

“Now Dear, perhaps that’s for the best.”

The amount of facepalming that happens is beyond all understanding. You look at your father, and you know that you’ve got to be glaring at him, “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Son, look, she’s a very sweet girl, but I know she has her little personality quirks that tend to make her… Unique. Since she’s taking medication for those… issues, it just might be a better idea if she doesn’t breast feed our granddaughter.”

Oh, he just did not go there. You go from a passive glare straight to Mistress Mare-velous glaring at him.

“We’ve checked and nothing she’s taking is going to hurt Bitter Honey, the formula is for when Sour goes back to work and isn’t able to pump before hand, and I can’t…” your angry response is stopped by a hand on your shoulder.

You turn around to see First Person there. Beside him is his boyfriend, Blueblood. You’ve never exactly seen eye to eye with your brother, but after he came out, well things changed. For one he began treating you like a real human being, and since he moved in with Blueblood the two of you had been talking more.

“Dad, chill, seriously.”

“What are you doing here?” your Mother’s icy voice askes.

“I’m here to support my little bro,” he hands you a card, “We weren’t sure what you needed so we got you a gift card for Babies R’ Us. They’ve got like everything anyway.”

Your Parents take the hint to leave you alone, seemingly upset that their formerly favorite child is here. You can see your mother actively attempting to see if anyone they know might be coming. Of course it makes you feel bad for First, but you hear him chuckle.

“Sorry that it got put on you little bro.”

“Thanks, it’s okay, so how’s everything going?”

Blueblood grins, “Swimmingly! Can I tell him, please?!”

Your brother nods, and Blueblood’s eyes shimmer, “We’re getting married! Auntie Celestia has a friend in Las Pegasus that is going to oversee the entire thing. Oh there’s just so much to do! We’ve got to get a band, and of course the catering, and Oh, I’m just so excited!”

“Wow, good for the both of you!”

“Oh God, First, honey, please!” your Mother shouts.

“Ma’am, you’re going to need to settle down, or you will be asked to leave,” a Security guard says.

“Settle down?! My son, my son is a pillow biting…” She doesn’t even finish before he reaches for a walkie talkie.

“What are are you doing?” your father asks.

“That’s hate speech, and hospital protocol is to remove anyone that seems capable of violence from the property. So Ma’am, you can step off now, or I can taze you and have you hauled off.”

To her credit your mother stands, gives you a hug, looks at your brother and shakes her head before heading out. Your father follows her, looks back at you and gives a sad wave goodbye. You’re not going to cut them from your life, or from Bitter Honey’s life, but you aren’t leaving them alone with her either.

You look toward the door, and you see Indigo Zapp sticking her head in and saying something. She motions for you to come over, and you give First a hug before heading that way. Your father-in-law and mother-in-law give you hug before you walk in and see the most beautiful sight in the world. There holding your daughter is Sour, and at this moment, everything is perfect.

Comments ( 19 )


Is it weird that I kind of really want to see more of the insane family dynamic of Uncle First and Aunt Blueblood coming to visit their niece? :derpytongue2:


Wow, thanks! To be completely honest I was writing mainly because I've been such a fan of the Sour Sweet Stories by Nico-Stone Rupan. I just had an idea of what would the birth of their baby be like, and this came out. To me, First was just more into guys, and of course his parents interactions with him lead him to be confused, and led him over compensate when he did date girls. I did have an idea of really dragging the scene out all Jerry Springer Style, but i decided to reel it back a little. Maybe, if this is the direction Nico-Stone wants to take things, we might see some interactions between First, Blueblood, and First's parents.

Or I may write something about them later on. don't know yet


Okay, I can definitely imagine this as a possible ending of Nico's series. Great work!

Well, Second did patch things up with Sour Sweet's folks, guess he could do the same with his...hopefully.

Though I've never heard of people getting tazed by security over hate-speech being a policy before. Is that a real thing or just something you made to get Second's mother out?

You sir/madame (can't really tell with the Internet) are awesome the way you portrayed these characters are in line with the original author "nico" and putting First person and Blueblood in a relationship is absolutely gold and something I was not expecting I really hope Nico will keep this as canon.

7533607 Looks like they'd need more FRIENDSHIP shoved up their heads in order for them to get a clue.

Inspired by Nico-Stone Rupan's Sour Sweet Stories, and of course posted after getting his permission to do so.

Why do you need HIS permission to use a character that he doesn't own?

That sounds crazy to me.

You're crazy.

Stop being crazy.

That's MY gimmick.


Awww, thank you!


One could only hope that he could patch things up, and as for the possible being tazed over hate speech... Unfortunately that's kind of true. It's only supposed to be done if the person delivering the hate speech is considered to be potentially violent, or begins showing violent behaviors. Right now it's just something that's happening at Universities that have adopted the Safe Space, and Trigger Warning policies. Campus Police have been informed that if someone is beginning to act like they could be preparing to commit a hate crime they have permission to detain them up to the use of tazers and pepper spray. Now, right now there's only a few universities that I know of that are doing this, and I've visited a couple of them as a guest to a convention. luckily I've never witnessed it, so I'm guessing the warning that it could happen is more than enough to deter any would be violence.


Again, Awwww... Thanks. As for gender, I'm a dude. Still, I'm glad that you enjoyed it, and yeah, I thought that First and Blueblood would fit well together. The way First was described to in Who wants Seconds seemed to describe repressed homosexual urges and desires. I mean seriously, First has had a slew of girlfriends, is the jock of the family, super competitive, I might be wrong on that, but I doubt it. Besides, I kind of Enjoyed taking the 'Bobby Long' approach on that. (if you're not sure what that means then you've got some Netflix homework. Let me just say, 'Zack and Miri'.)


Well, certainly shoved up somewhere :pinkiehappy:

7533702 More like smacked upside the head using a clue-by-four and then spend some time with this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxF5Jps0Qp0


To Quote my old Psychology professor, "Okay, first thing first. Look to your left, okay, now to your right, and lastly behind you. See everyone? Good, here's a little heads up. All of you suffer from some kind of neurosis, and that means that each and everyone of you are insane to some level. Of course the fact you're going to higher education just means you're insane, and you're a masochist, so have fun with that."


yeah... I think spending time with that guy... Well something would certainly happen to Mr and Mrs Person. Not sure what, but something.

No romance tag?


Fixed! Actually I thought that I had clicked the romance tag earlier. Thanks for pointing that out :pinkiehappy:

... We get married!? And Have A Bloody Kid!?!?
If this was actually happening to me, then I would be the luckiest SOB alive!





7533779 And I would be off to the sides laughing my ass off. Seriously, that clip was just funny to me.

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