• Published 16th Sep 2016
  • 4,401 Views, 180 Comments

What Shy Did on Her Summer Vacation - FanOfMostEverything

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Zephyr breezed into Fluttershy's little corner of the park, looking around with an artist's eye. Sure, it was a nice place. Dappled sunlight shining through branches, little critters hopping around, wildflowers blooming, all very cute in a Whinny princess sort of way. But it hadn't changed much over the last month.

Flutters herself wasn't much better. Once Zeph was used to the whole "her being a tree" thing, the situation had quickly and undeniably grown less interesting from there. It had gotten to the point where watching the bark creep up her body was the most interesting thing about her. Shame it hadn't been Rainbows who'd gotten this treatment...

Zeph shook himself and waved. "Heya, big sister." Seemed like he had to get her attention even when he was standing in front of her these days.

Sure enough, her head might have been pointed at him, but the way the lights came on when he said something made it clear that she hadn't been looking at him. She smiled and said, "Hello, Zephyr. Has it been another week already?"

"Sure has. Time flies when you're havin' fun, huh?"

Fluttershy just giggled and nodded.

"But honestly?" Zeph hissed through his teeth, running a finger along the start of what was sure to be a proper artist's beard one day, even if it was only a few hairs now. "I don't think I'll be coming by next week."

"Why's that?" said Shy. She looked more curious than upset, definitely a good sign.

"Well, at first, this was really cool, you know? Not just you going all dryad, but also the lighting, the color, the scenery!" Zeph threw his arms out wide to take in the glade. "Real inspirational. I knew photography was where my muse was at, and this little slice of nature proved it. But, well, you know..." He shrugged.

"I'm afraid I don't."

"You see, I gotta mix it up a little. Can't let myself get pigeonholed as 'the guy who takes pictures of his sister the tree.' First of all, that's kind of creepy. Secondly, you gotta understand, Flutter Butter, I have almost a hundred followers on AberrantArt." Zeph smirked and polished his knuckles on his chest. "Not to brag, but I'm kind of a big deal. And that means I have a commitment to my audience. I can't let my art grow stale hanging around here when there's a whole world just waiting for Zephyr Breeze to capture it, you dig?"

"Dig?" Oh boy. There went the big sisterly eyebrow.

Zeph knew he was navigating a minefield now, but didn't let her see him sweat. "Part of the whole 'Neo-Bohemian' vibe I'm tryin' to cultivate. Beret's in the mail. Trust me, when it catches on, it'll be huge."

Fluttershy smiled. "I'm sure it will, given how your star is rising. I will miss you, but you should follow your inspiration."

"Yeah," Zeph muttered, "and not just because those Team Honor punks keep taking the gym at my favorite café."


He flashed a winning grin. "Nothing to worry about. You'll be fine on your own, right?"

Fluttershy gave a slightly creaky nod. "Of course. Thank you for keeping me company for this long, Zephyr."

"Anything for you, big sis. Be sure to tell me all about what I missed when you're through."

"Hmm." Zeph wasn't sure what to make of the sound. Before he could ask, Fluttershy's gaze took on the same distance it had when he'd first come in.

He shrugged and left. She'd be fine. This was Fluttershy, after all, his incredible older sister, the girl so awesome she got superpowers from playing a tambourine. What could possibly happen to her?