• Published 11th Oct 2016
  • 1,346 Views, 54 Comments

Militis Corde - Sanguine Eyes

An odd griffon seeks help in Equestria for a condition nopony has ever seen. One that haunts him and replaces his memories with pain and despair.

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Chapter 3: Convaluisset


"And this is your room" The happy Dragon waved a hand as if to show off the majesty of the near featureless crystal room with no furniture and nearly no light sources. The only seemingly good thing in the room was a window at the end of the room. Though he did not mind it, it did not even really need to be brightened up. He just needed a spot to lay down and a little fresh air.

"Well," Tyrin limped into the room looking around. "It's not terrible. Do all strange Griffons that fall out of the sky get to spend their time in a luxury castle?"

"Just the magical ones." Spike laughed, bringing a smile to Tyrin's face. "But it's just until we find a spot for you, princess Luna's orders. You are to get a lot of sleep and rest."

"That's right, Spike." Twilight sounded off as she trotted into the room. "I know more about magic than anypony for hundreds of miles, well, maybe, but still it was decided that I was to watch over you and study your magic. Hopefully I can figure out what it is and how it works. Then we can help unlock who and what you are. No offense."

Tyrin nodded firmly as he looked about. He began planning out what he would put where until he moved out. He didn't want to overstay his welcome. Even if this Princess did not mind it, in all honesty, he would. He felt the urge to make his own home upon his own power, to have his own privacy. "Anypony else live here?"

Twilight shook her head with a smile. "Every now and again somepony or another will show up for various things, my friends come over all the time but that is all."

He tilted his head curiously. "No special somepony I have to worry about bumping into or interrupting?"

A bright blush spread over her face. "N-no, no no no no I'm not.. um.. no. Nopony like that!" She cleared her throat and looked back at him. She was almost startled to see that he was staring at her with wide eyes of what almost looked like shock.

"How...?" His talons raised as if he were handing her the question like it was a physical object.

"Um, how what?" Twilight questioned taking a step back, this really caught her off guard.

"How are you single? I mean, I understand it being your own choice or being cautious about those who would desire you for your position, but seriously here. You are young, beautiful for a pony, exceedingly intelligent, responsible, and wise. More than anything, you have heart like I have never seen. It’s like you legitimately care about everypony! Heck, if I was 20 years younger I would probably try and pick you up for a date..." He paused, feeling an odd grinding in his belly, like he had eaten something deadly poisonous. Something about the last thing he said hurt him badly. Like with all the old creaks and pains in him he quickly shouldered it and pretended he was fine. He remembered looking into the mirror for the first time. He was very well preserved. Handsome for a griffon. But clearly he was at least 40 years old, at the very least. He could tell easily by looking at her and feeling her power she was hardly even able to be considered an adult. She was at the very most 17 or 18.

He looked up to see her eyes wide and the blush even brighter. It derailed his train of thought completely.
"Sorry, my mind just wandered a bit. The pain of being alone is severe, sometimes you don't know its touch until it's too late and it's left its mark on you." His talons extended towards her but he stopped. His mind burned and his gut twinged with pain. He had made it awkward enough and possibly even embarrassed the living Tartarus out of his host, not to mention he had utterly no idea where all this talk and thought had come from. It was like he was compulsed to make an action and did not care how it sounded until after he had done it.

He stepped back and began to turn, hoping he could just wash the experience away with literally anything else, but Twilight’s voice called him back. "Tyrin, your eyes!" He flinched and looked back.

"What is it? Bleeding ink again?" He looked at Spike, who stared in fear, sparking interest and concern.

"No! They are on fire!"

"Huh?" Tyrin looked into the shiny pillar of crystal to see black flames licking up from his eyes. He looked like a demon straight out of Tartarus. Fear gripped him but quickly his talons came up to smother the flame that sprouted from his eyes. He could feel the malicious power from the black flames, he could see the fear in their eyes. The image of Twilight changed to a young purple pegasus mare staring up at him in fear as he drove his blade through her heart. To send a message, Aldiquine should not have turned his back on King Helios. The image shattered, not because it was over but because it enraged him. Harnessing that rage, he forced the memory back. He opened his eyes to see a massive pillar of flame around him. He stared at it and as his anger slowed to a halt so too did the flames. He did his best to calm down before patting himself to see if he was burned or otherwise injured, t. Then panic took him. He turned and looked to Twilight who surprisingly was staring in awe.

"Did I move at all?!?! It's important! Did I do anything other than stand there?"

"N-no, you just stood there and caught on fire. Black fire, I've never seen anything like it, this is astounding. I think it's tied to your emotions!" Twilight's eyes were wide in awe, Spike was just hiding in the corner, but Tyrin was content collapsing into a pile as relief flooded through him.

The emotions in the flashbacks were exceedingly powerful, the whole ordeal was far too realistic, he would not have been able to forgive himself had he hurt the Princess or anypony else. Even if it was his flashbacks, he had little to no control. He did not want more blood on his conscious than the memories and flashbacks convinced him he had.

"Princess, I know you are - um -doing your thing, but may I please have some time alone, perhaps the rest of the afternoon. I have a lot I need to do.” He was very relieved that his flashback did not cause him to be violent like waking up from his dream did, but still he did not want to put anypony in danger simply by living near them.

Twilight cleared her throat, calming down. "Yes, of course. My apologies, I am sorry, I got caught up in the moment. I forgot about the recovery process. You can do whatever you need, if you leave just tell Spike where in general you are going, and when you plan on getting back. I want to be sure you are safe." She smiled warmly and he sighed.

"Well, I guess there is one thing, it will keep my mind busy before I go out. Can I get a quill and some paper?" He gestured with his talons in a swaying motion as if to show it was not important but something he would like.

"Oh? You are writing something?" Twilight yanked some papers from one desk, and a quill and inkwell from the shelf, both from the room across the hall.

"Yes, a letter, and a poem..." Taking them up, he gave a firm nod in thank you nod.

"Well, Spike will be here.... I am curious though, who are you writing to? I mean, if you don't mind sharing. I am the Princess of Friendship, I do like to hear about everypony making friends and writing poems and letters is a friend thing, or well, i... it can be."

Tyrin looked up, and then back down at the paper. Drawing the freshly dipped quill across the page. "The Princess that woke me up ... I owe her a thank you, an apology, and a compliment ... She was very kind to help me. And well, she has a really cute tush."

Twilight smiled happily, soaking in the words with a smile which froze when she heard the last part. He had said it with such ease that she did not catch it at first. "What? Um, Tyrin,... um, uh,... well... um."

Her mind blazed trying to figure out what to say. Nothing came to mind. She felt like she should object, but at the same time she felt it was not her place. Maybe if she let him do it Luna would nip the problem in the bud right away and the problem would not come up again. After all, she was a bit older than she looked, chances are she had some experience and would correct this in a manner she saw fit.

"Hey, I just need a good something to keep my mind off ... well you know." He forced himself to chuckle writing quickly as Twilight slowly and slightly uncomfortably left.

He chuckled at the letter, it contained a real apology and his true heart's feelings of how grateful he was for Luna's assistance, then a terrible poem. Something just demanded that he tease the princess, he could not understand or explain the urge. But he felt like it simply needed to be done. He finished up the letter and rolled it gently before applying a wax seal and pressing it in with his talons leaving a small odd mark from the indent of three talons pursed together firmly.

"Dragon... It was implied that you can deliver this..." Tyrin held out the letter which Spike graciously took up with a 'can do' smile. "It goes to The night princess. Please make sure she receives it. As well I was asked to let you know when I was heading out. I have a friend I must see and thank in person..."

Spike nodded firmly and breathed a shot of green flame which sent the message well on its way. "I'll let Twilight know. Oh and by the way, the name is Spike, and your night princess is named Luna." His tone was happy and calm, instructing and light. He just seemed happy to help which was all too fine with Tyrin.

"Do you know of a farm where they make cider? I believe it has a very old green earth pony mare." He was asking as he slowly limped to the door. His casts were all off and his wounds had healed very quickly, almost too quickly. But despite a borderline miracle of healing, he still had a few very sore joints and quite the ache through his body, especially his left foreleg which was broken severely, then broken again when he first woke up and scuffled with Princess Luna.

"Granny Smith, it's the Apple family farm down that way! Should be easy to find. Stay safe and if anything happens just ask somepony to come and get Spike the brave and glorious. I'll come and save the day in a jiffy." He gestured with a single claw at the very end of the town.

Tyrin nodded firmly and started a slow limping walk. Making his way out of the castle he slowed and took his time, it was a fine summer evening so he found no reason not to.Trotting along he took in the sites of the small town. It was very cozy, everything within a short distance. A little heavy on population for such a small town but it was all well and good. He watched as a gray Pegasus with a blonde mane spoke with a chestnut colored earth pony, introducing an adult gray unicorn stallion. They giggled and happily talked. It felt good to be in the presence of such positive auras. Next he watched a purple earth pony, clearly intoxicated stumbling about and trying not to bring attention to herself. He made note to talk to her on where to find more nightmare reducing drink.

He spotted a small black unicorn filly, she looked starving. Instantly his senses expanded and he was put on guard, though all he could feel that he understood, was sorrow for her condition. He was going to approach when her head shot up quickly and she stared right at him with fear in her eyes. Quickly she dashed off as fast as her little legs could take her. He watched her go but did not follow. Clearly she had some reason to fear him, he did not want to give her more reason by chasing her down. He pondered the emotional and mental responses he had for the filly, but he pushed those thoughts back and instead continued down towards the farm as per Spike's direction.

It was a short enough walk, made longer by how much his injuries prolonged him and even longer by the ease at which he desired to travel. But he stood comfortably at the front gates of a happy looking farm and orchard. Slowly made his way in. He spotted the red stallion he had fallen on, his body was still bandaged but he appeared to be in good enough health and in good spirits. As he strode to speak with the stallion and perhaps apologize again, his eyes caught the real reason he was here. Just as quick he turned and headed towards the sleeping Granny Smith.

As if she sensed him coming, Granny Smith opened her eyes as he walked closer. His grip was still weak but he held out the flask firmly. She smiled and waved him off. " Don't ye worry sonny. You hold onto that, it needs somepony worthy of it, and if that puppy is empty then you are quite worthy... I hope you found the answer to your problems at the bottom."

He smiled again tilted it as if to toast the old mare. "I did, I was safe from the worst of the ... problems. I have you to thank. I don't suppose I could get more of that stuff? To me it is worth its weight in gold. I do not yet have money to pay, but I will gladly work for it once I am well enough to do so."

She nodded happily taking the flask and waving for him to follow. As he did he noticed she seemed cautious. The actions told her that the secret life of her boozing habits was one that she preferred to keep secret. He considered how old she was and figured she deserved a secret or two.

Leading him through various sections of the farm she finally came to a rather interesting trap door in the orchard, near the house. Slipping in behind her he smiled at the site of a few stills and various barrels of booze. "Ey... I been workin' this here mini brewery for ages, I took it from my pappy when he passed and I was gonna leave it to my son... but fate got in the way..." She grumbled trying to use anger to hide her pain, it was clear this son of hers was dead; not only did he see it in her face but oddly he could feel it in her aura. "Applejack despises the stuff and yelps at me every time she finds any in the house... If ye be willin' teh work this here still with me, to keep this here Apple family tradition secret and alive until them varmints of mine are old enough to drink and drink responsibly then I'll let you sample and drink at your leisure..."

He paused to wonder what made the old mare take to him so quickly, it was almost alarming but he nodded happily. "Sure thing Ma'am... I am all too willing to take up such a generous offer..." He extended his talons and she answered it with a firm hoofshake.

She had a happy look on her face. It lacked energy but it was clear she was very happy and poured him a very stiff drink. It was quite possible that she just needed somepony to talk and drink with. Granny too enjoyed a short drink as she regaled old stories to him that would put any young filly or colt to sleep before their dust cloud settled. He happily listened and drank with her, unlike the young, he was quite happy to listen to her tales.

The flashbacks were strong and he could always start to feel them coming. The strong alcohol seemed to dim feeling and brighten up the darkness. The drunker he was the further away the flashbacks were from him. He almost wished he could be drunk the whole time even if it lessened the horrors a little. Looking up at Granny Smith as they spoke he felt comfortable and safe knowing that his nights would be free of the darkness and full of drunken bliss. His mind did not even bother trying to comprehend the possible health issues, what he needed was for the nightmares to go away. He needed relief, he needed freedom, and most of all he needed to be happy.

Hours passed and the two happily drank until Celestia’s sun set. Taking the hint he was just making his way back home, a full flask and a small pack full of bottles. It was dim outside, he had spent so much time with Granny that he was now quite late. He was a bit worried what Twilight would think, not only on the subject of him being late but showing up drunk. He was planning on just stopping by to return the flask, but he spent the whole day there with Granny. He was woozy on his paws but he was alright. Ponies did not pay him much attention as he continued on his way.

Just a few minutes away from the castle the griffon stumbled a bit. Sitting down he gave a quick thought to knocking back the flask that Granny Smith had topped off for him but he decided against it. As good as the booze was, he only drank it to snuff out the darkness, he did not need any more for the night. So he elected to sit for a bit. Looking about in his light stupor he noticed something in the shadows, he played coy to ensure it would not notice his attention on it. He waited until it was close before his talons shot out faster than even he knew he could perform. There was a sharp ‘eep’ which ended when his other talons also gripped the little thing. Another look at his catch and he just felt bad, even with the alcohol in his system he just felt bad.

In his talons was the little black unicorn filly. She struggled in his grip but he doubted she would have the strength to free herself even if it was just the weight of gravity holding his talons together. “Calm down little one… I'm not going to hurt you.”

Not only did the little one feel strange in his grip but just looking at her there was something odd. The darkness inside him felt contempt and disgust, but the part of him he quite enjoyed felt sorrow and a deep compassion for the little bugger. But this was all thrown out by the fact that he did not seem to even care about the next realization. Looking the filly over, she was absolutely terrified, but she was utterly starved, on her last legs. Looking into her eyes he noticed something and on a hunch he gave her horn a quick flick. The filly’s image flickered and went up like smoke. He was holding in his talons a very small changeling filly.

Oddly he felt no compulsion to act aggressively, he could feel the darkness demanding aggression or contempt. However, the darkness seemed to melt away at his compassion for the little filly.

“P..please don't kill me!” She winced and struggled weakly. He could only shake his head and hug her in close.

“What are you?...If you were so afraid why did you come this close little one?.” He looked about and could plainly see that nopony was around. He held her in his talons and looked her over. She struggled to get her disguise back up and he could plainly see why it was a struggle. She appeared to be utterly starving, not only that but the base of her horn was cracked, and he could see what looked like something of a mix between long laceration and burn scars across her back. However, the most interesting of features was that her eyes were not the usual changeling drone blue. They looked like normal pony eyes with soft blue Irises. By instinct he seemed to jump to the conclusion.

“You are a queen?....” He patted her head and tried to see if it was just another disguise.

“No… my mo….the Queen said I was imperfect…. She cast me out. I'm not a changeling anymore…” The little creature seemed to be expecting him to simply crush her under his talons at any moment.

The Griffon held the little sickly thing in his talons for a moment longer. Every time he looked into her eyes all he could see was the hundreds of dead eyes he saw when he closed his own. It hurt him to see. He looked her over and honestly something within him grew dark with anger. He was angry, more than just angry. Seeing the little creature made him livid, literally nauseous with anger. Something inside him told him how easy it would be to snuff it’s life out. Not like any of the locals would mind him killing a changeling.

His Talons moved over her as her eyes stared up at him with fear and helplessness. There was a trickle of blood and he noticed that it was coming from his beak. He was clenching up so much that the stitches around his mouth that had only just healed had began to reopen. Blood, but it didn't feel like his. It felt like the blood from his dreams, blood from the thousands. He looked into the Foal’s eyes and he felt sick. She was just a child, he could not believe himself. This was dark, vile, disgusting that he had even considered hurting her. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that the visions and dreams were more than just dreams, it was part of him. He really was a monster.

Stifling a retch he shivered and trembled holding her in his talons. Forcing himself to remain still he resolved himself, right there made a firm choice. He was going to prove that he was not the monster. If nothing else he needed to prove it to himself.

In one sudden movement he pulled the little changeling close and hugged her tight.” You don’t have to worry little one, I will keep you safe. At the very least I will keep you safe…”

Everything within him boiled. The disgust flared and fought against his resolve, but quickly flooded him with warmth. Something deep inside felt right, it got harder and harder to remember the pain or feel the darkness. He held her in his arms and closed his eyes. Breathing easily he held her tightly. He only opened his eyes when he came to a realization. He felt a little more sober, a lot more time had passed than he thought.

Looking down into his arms he noticed that the filly was fast asleep, and surprisingly she did not look nearly as weak. He yawned and looked about, carefully placing her on his back. “Well… let’s see if I can get away with showing up drunk, late, AND showing up with an orphan to take care of…”

Author's Note:

Well, too much time went into this, I really wanted to release it far sooner but honestly, everything got in the way. And even when it was completed editing took way too long. Honestly, I don't even know if the editing is done XD
So if you see a few typos or something like that don't gouge your eyes out just yet... put away the spork. Salvation will come to you and your eyes...