• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 1,523 Views, 136 Comments

The Emergency - Wheller

95 years in the future, the fight against communism rages on!

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Summer came back to her house, swiping the MIP over the door lock and pushing through the door. 'Aurora?' she called out to her younger sister as she trotted up the stairs.

Aurora opened the door to her bedroom and looked up at Summer worriedly, she didn't know what was going on, and Summer intended to keep it that way. At least, not to the full extent. Aurora didn't need to know that the pervert had been taking pictures of her. Summer leaned down and latched on to her younger sister with a tight hug. 'What's going on?' Aurora asked, her voice trembling with fear. Filly was certainly smart; she knew when something wasn't right.

'Nothing you need to worry about', Summer said with a smile. 'I took care of it'.

Aurora looked up at her sister and smiled. She was glad to know that she had her older sister to look out for her.

Summer however, was a little more worried, not that she was showing it, but still, worried nonetheless. She didn't think that Aurora was in any kind of danger or anything, this was probably just an isolated case of perversion... still. A pervert who stalks his prey so far from his home usually indicates that there is more going on than she'd like to think about. Worse still, she was going away soon, and when she was gone there was nothing she could do to protect her little sister.

'Aurora?' Summer asked, looking down upon her little sister. 'I need you to promise me something'.

'What is it?' Aurora asked as she raised an eyebrow in confusion.

'Whenever you're out and about, whether it's with mum and dad, or you're at school, I need you to pay attention to what's going on around you, and if at any time you feel like someone strange is around, tell mum and dad or your teacher, okay?' Summer asked.

Judging by the look on Aurora's face she didn't understand why her older sister was asking her to do this. Still, instead of questioning what she was being told, she merely offered her sister a smile, and nodded her head to indicate that she would do as she asked. 'I promise!' Aurora said with a smile.

Summer smiled back and hugged her sister tightly. 'Thank you Aurora', Summer said softly. It was probably nothing, but as long as Aurora was alert about her surroundings, Summer could go off to fight without needing to worry about her.

Summer had been dreading this moment. The hours were winding down and it was time to leave. She needed to be back at Camp Trixie in an hour and a half, and it would take about that long to get back. She had kissed her goodbyes to Aurora and her parents, and she now stood waiting for the bus back. She checked the clock on her MIP and remembered that she was still wearing it. She removed it from her fetlock and stuffed it back into her bag. Last thing she wanted was for Drill Sergeant Gunmetal to have something to chew her out on.

The bus came around the corner, and pulled to a stop in front of her, opening its' doors and allowing her entry. Unlike the bus that she had met Anastasia Hopely on, this one was far from empty. In almost every seat was someone clad in an army uniform. As Summer stepped on, she looked around, checking to see if there was anyone that she knew.

There was one. Not someone that she knew personally, but someone that she had been made aware of. Lieutenant Madeline Wolsey sat looking out the window in her seat. The seat next to her was empty, almost as if no one on the bus wanted to take it. Summer trotted up to her and offered her a salute. 'Is this seat taken, ma'am?' she asked.

Wolsey looked up and shook her head. 'No, you can have it', she said before turning back to the window.

'Thank you, ma'am', Summer said, about to salute the Lieutenant before being interrupted.

'Please stop with the ma'aming and the saluting. You don't need to do it here, okay?' Wolsey said with slight annoyance in her voice.

'Sorry...' Summer said, taking the seat, and almost regretting having ever asked in the first place.

'It's fine private. You're just doing what you've been taught', Wolsey said with a shrug. 'Madeline Wolsey', she said before turning back, offering a hoof to Summer to shake.

'Summer Lightfall', Summer said, shaking in return. 'Your reputation precedes you'.

Wolsey opened her mouth to speak, and then closed it again after a moment. 'What do you mean, “my” reputation?' she asked finally after a moment.

Summer had to admit, she wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, or what the lieutenant meant. 'I've... heard that you're one of the best officers in the regiment', Summer said after a moment.

'And?' Wolsey asked.

And what? Summer had only really talked about Madeline Wolsey once, in passing, with Joker on their first day of training, other than that. Summer didn't really know anything about her. 'Uh... that's all I've heard', Summer said, offering a shrug.

'Oh', Wolsey said, thinking over what Summer had said for a moment before a small smile formed on her face. 'Good then', Wolsey said finally, continuing to smile and look out the window.

Summer thought the line of questioning was a little odd. She had questions now. Was there something about Lieutenant Wolsey that everyone knew but she had somehow missed out on? Regardless, Summer shared no more words with Madeline Wolsey, and it wasn't long before she closed her eyes and took a nap. Her leave had left her exhausted, with everything that had happened with Shortfuse Skydancer, Anastasia Hopely, and the pervert that had been stalking Aurora; she had only gotten three hours of sleep the entire time she was on leave. It was no surprise that as she closed her eyes, she drifted right off to sleep.

'Did you hear that they're remaking Wonder?'

Summer was now wide awake; having slept just enough to feel refreshed and rejuvenated, despite the fact that she can't have slept more than an hour. She recognised the voice that had just spoken as belonging to Pender.

'What? Why?!' Joker cried out. 'Wonder is a classic! It does not need to be remade!'

Summer sat up in her seat, looking over to the seats across from her to discover that Joker and Pender were sitting next to each other, they either had not noticed Summer or realised that she was sleeping and had wanted to let her do so. 'Did I hear you right? Pender? They're making a new version of Wonder?' Summer asked as she turned to look at them.

'Yeah, my dad's a gaffer, and he's going to be working on it. And he's just as happy about it as we are', Pender said with a shrug. 'He was a kid when the original came out'.

Summer frowned. Wonder was a war film from Year 45 of the Republic, set during the Great Patriotic War, it chronicled the famed aerial duel between Group Captain Soarin' of the Equestrian Republican Navy's Naval Air Corps and the traitor Podpolkovnik Spitfire who flew for the Præsidium. Before the fall of the Old Monarchy, Spitfire and Soarin' had been best friends, and team mates in an aerial stunt group call the Wonderbolts. After the Fall of Canterlot, however, Spitfire had been disgusted at the over throw of the monarchy, declaring the Republicans traitors to Equestria, and went into a self imposed exile, where she was never heard from again until the onset of the Great Patriotic War, where her former team, flying for the Equestrian Republican Navy discovered her single headedly engaging and destroying entire flights of Republican Navy aeroplanes. Soarin' orders his flight to withdraw, and speaks to Spitfire himself, trying to convince her to stop what she's doing and come home. She refuses, saying that she is on a mission from Celestia to destroy the Republic one plane at a time; Soarin' announces that the only way that this can end is with one of their deaths. Spitfire agrees and opens fire on him. After a painstakingly difficult fight, Soarin' eventually comes out on top, and Spitfire goes down in a ball of fire.

What really made the original version of Wonder great was its’ historical accuracy, and the fact that Soarin' had been played by himself. As one could expect, it was both Summer’s favourite film, and Aurora’s least favourite.

‘This new one is going to suck’, Summer said with a frown.

‘No kidding’, Pender said, nodding her head in agreement. ‘It’s being directed by Saul Boll’.

Summer cringed. Saul Boll was a schäferhund film director, and possibly the worst thing that could have ever happened to the remake of Wonder. ‘And to think. It would be illegal to shoot him’.

Pender let out a sigh as the bus came to a halt outside of Camp Trixie. Everyone rose in unison and made their way off the bus. Now it was time, they would be getting their assignments and shipping out.

Summer took a deep breath, and readied herself. She was feeling much better about her chances, after everything that had happened to her. She would be coming back. She could feel it.