• Published 10th Sep 2016
  • 1,121 Views, 15 Comments

The Last Enemy - derpyland

At the end of time, Twilight battles Death himself for the fate of the universe.

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Alternate Chapter 5: Time's Rebirth

Author's Note:

This is the alternate ending that beacjere proposed. I'm not sure which one I like better. Feel free to pick the one that you like best.

Twilight slowly walked toward the serpent until she was right above him. She looked down at him. Tears were streaming down her face. Her eyes were red and her entire being was filled with pain. “I hate you,” she whispered.

Death smiled. “Do we have a deal?”

Twilight immediately lifted a hoof and crushed his head.

The serpent screamed in pain. It writhed in agony on the ground.

The pony turned her head to look at the lion chimera. Her tears had not stopped. “It’s done. Cast him into the abyss.”

The lion nodded. He approached the serpent at lightning speed and grabbed it with one of his talons. Using his second claw, he ripped open a hole in the air. Inside Twilight saw nothing but utter blackness.

The chimera tossed the snake into the hole and closed it. “It is finished,” he said.

In that instant, time stopped.

* * * * *

Two beings, clothed in light, appeared next to the frozen Twilight. They looked at her with respectful silence. It was clear to them that the alicorn, although victorious in battle, was heartbroken. Her mind was filled with trauma and pain. Her mane was dirty and tattered and her wings were spotted with her own blood, which Death had spilled in his repeated attempts to kill her once and for all.

“What should be done about her?” the being asked.

“She should be returned home,” his brother replied. “Yet she has no home to return to. She has no place here.”

Discord calmly walked over to Twilight. He peered into her eyes for a second and then looked up at the watchers. “If I might be permitted to partake in this glorious conversation – I think I have an idea that will solve your little problem.”

It was impossible to see the faces of these beings of light, but it was clear they were startled. “How is it that you can discern us?” the first one asked.

“Magic, of course,” Discord said deviously. “But seriously, let’s talk about this. Twilight clearly wants to go home. You want her to go home. I want her to go home. Therefore, as anyone can plainly see, the obvious thing to do is send her home.”

“But she has no place to go,” the second watcher said.

“Sure she does. After all, her parents are still going to exist, won’t they? Just make sure that they get together – as I presume they did before – and arrange for Twilight to be born. Since all of the other ponies from the old timeline are going to be born into the world, I don’t see why you can’t do the same thing for her.”

“But Twilight is already in this world,” the first watcher pointed out.

“So? Take her out of it! Suspend her in time or something. Don’t you guys have any imagination? Just keep her someplace safe until it’s time for her to be born. She can then be raised from fillyhood, just like she was last time. This brave new world of ours will become the only world that she knows.”

“But what of the memories of her past?” the second watcher asked. “She has done a great deal and triumphed gloriously. Why should the memory of that victory be taken from her?”

Discord waved a claw dismissively. “Don’t you two have records of everything that’s happened?”

“We do,” the first watcher said.

“Then there you go! A trillion years from now you can get all the little ponies together and give them a happy little history lesson. But for now let Twilight be herself again. Give her a new life. You’re giving one to everypony else, so it’s only fair. Do you really think she wants to remember the time when Death crushed the life out of her? Besides, if you tell the pony race what Twilight did they’d probably build statues of her and make her their queen, and put her through all sorts of nonsense. She doesn’t want that. Hasn’t she suffered enough?”

“There is wisdom in what you say,” the first watcher agreed. “Brother?”

“I say let it be done,” the watcher replied.

“Then so it shall be.”

* * * * *

An eon later, the magnificent city of Canterlot spread along the Equestrian coast like a glittering jewel. The capitol of the pony republic was known for its beautiful harbor, amazing beaches, and its diverse population. Creatures from all over the world, and from every species, were proud to call it their home. It had some of the tallest skyscrapers in the world – and the largest intercontinental airport.

One of the city’s many attractions was Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Only the best ponies were accepted into this elite academy, which was run by none other than Celestia herself – the Princess of the Sun. Although she was not one of the nation’s elected rulers, she faithfully raised the sun every morning. Her sister, Princess Luna, raised the moon every night. In spite of the fact that there was no Equestrian royal family, the two sisters were still given the title “princess” in honor of their contributions to the nation.

From a young age, Twilight Sparkle’s dream was to become as great a magician as her hero, Starswirl the Bearded. The young unicorn was delighted when she passed the school’s entrance exam with flying colors. While her brother was chasing after the affections of a pink pony named Cadence, Twilight spent her time learning as much as she possibly could about magic. On this particular day, though, something would happen that would change the course of her life forever.

* * * * *

“That was some party last night,” Spike commented. The young dragon was with Twilight in her room in Celestia’s academy. Twilight was on a break at the moment – but that didn’t stop her from studying.

“It was kind of fun,” Twilight agreed distractedly. The unicorn was, as usual, deeply engrossed in a thick book.

“I still can’t believe Moondancer talked you into going! It’s almost impossible to get you out of those books of yours. You spend more time reading than any other pony I know.”

Twilight looked up at Spike. “Well, Moondancer and I are friends, you know. Plus, everypony in class was going to be there – Twinkleshine, Minuette, and even Starlight Glimmer. I just felt like I should be there.”

“Your instincts were correct,” a regal voice replied. Twilight turned her head and saw that a tall white alicorn had walked into her room.

“Celestia!” Twilight exclaimed. She ran over and hugged her mentor. “It’s so good to see you. What a surprise! If I’d known you were coming I would have reorganized my room or something.”

“It’s good to see you as well,” Celestia replied. “Starswirl tells me that you have been a very dedicated and faithful student.”

“He makes it easy. Starswirl knows so much about magic! It’s amazing. I wish I knew even half the things that he does.”

Celestia laughed. “He has had a lot of practice, my student. After all, he has been studying magic since before I was born.”

“So what can I do for you, princess?” Twilight asked. “Is there some exam I can take?”

Celestia smiled. “My dearest Twilight. I have come because I have an assignment for you – one that I believe will turn you into the pony that you ought to be. You see, Twilight, there is more to a young pony’s life than studying.”

“Yeah, I know. That’s what Spike keeps telling me. It’s just that books are so fun!

“There is great wisdom to be found in books,” Celestia agreed. “Yet wisdom is of little value if it is never applied. It’s time that you left the theoretical realm and engaged in some field work. Therefore, under my authority as the Princess of the Sun, I am sending you to Ponyville to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, surprised. “But why me?”

Spike spoke up. “It’s probably because you’re super good at organizing. I mean, seriously. Have you seen her skills?”

Celestia laughed. “Twilight, I am sending you on this mission for a simple reason: I want you to go and make some friends. I have created a checklist for you that will, in the course of your official duties, introduce you to some of Ponyville’s most amazing ponies. This is a perfect opportunity for you to start learning about a new kind of magic: the magic of friendship.”

“I see,” Twilight said eagerly. “And you want me to send you reports and let you know what I learned, right?”

“Of course. I will help and guide you down this new path.”

“Thanks!” Twilight said excitedly. “Spike, let’s pack our bags. We have a plane to catch!”

As Twilight hurried to get ready to leave for Ponyville, Celestia gave her the checklist and bid her farewell. She found her sister Luna waiting in the hallway. “Did she agree to go?” Luna asked.

“Of course,” Celestia replied.

“Do you think she will be all right?”

“She will be fine,” Celestia assured her sister. “Twilight is a special soul. According to Discord she defeated Death himself in order to save her friends. I do not think she will have trouble forming a bond with them.”

“But there will be no threat this time to bring them together,” Luna pointed out. “In the previous timeline Twilight only became friends with the rest of the Elements when I returned from my banishment and threatened the whole world.”

“True. But on that occasion Twilight was so distracted by the danger you posed that she actually skipped the party Pinkie Pie threw for her! This time her heart will be in it. She will find her place in the world.”

“I suppose you are right. But are you sure it is wise to keep this from her? Surely she should be told about her past.”

“Give her time,” Celestia replied. “She is still young. Let her enjoy her youth. Who knows – perhaps she’ll meet some nice young pony and will fall in love.”

Luna nudged her sister. “Speaking of that, I’ve heard tales that you and Sombra have grown quite close.”

Celestia blushed. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“I think you know exactly what I mean. Have you told Father?”

“Come now,” Celestia said. “I’m a thousand years old.”

“So am I,” Luna retorted.

As the two sisters teased one another, Discord watched from a painting in the wall. It looks like my work here is done, the master of chaos thought to himself. Time to go and visit Fluttershy. I mustn’t keep her waiting!

And with that, he was gone.

Comments ( 4 )

Maybe Twilight would have strange dreams of the past in this timeline. :twilightsmile:

Great story!!!

How long was Discord waiting to meet Fluttershy? How badly was he longing for the day when he saw her?

Amazing. This was amazing story thank you so much <3.

These endings are cool, but what if instead of being reborn she just, took the long way round?

I mean that griffin called her emperor, so she could just stay.

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