• Member Since 9th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Feb 15th, 2023


I'm like an iPhone. It's just worst versions of this every year.



After Nightmare Moon is banished to the moon, and Luna forces Nightmare Moon into hibernation after 400 years, she has 600 years left, and no idea what to do. So what does she do? She decides to play chess... with herself, sort of.
*Warning!* Sad-ish Ending!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Great story man.

My only problem was that a couple paragraphs were a bit too long and could be cut to a couple smaller ones, but other than that a great story.

Nice little story, with a good dose of humour.

The ending doesn't seem terribly sad, considering we know how Nightmare Moon's return works out. But still, it was a nice ending.

Have a like, assuming the site ever lets me.

Thank you both! Thank you to StrategyBrony for the constructive criticism and thank you to you both for positive feedback! It's nice to know people and ponies alike care.

Master strategist?

SO MUCH HEADCANON! :pinkiehappy:

(My headcanon is that Luna is Equestria's commander in chief, cuz Luna is war princess, and head of foreign policy, which is why we don't see her a lot.)

>>Circuit Breaker
Headcanon accepted

‘I can’t wait to beat Celestia at chess.” LOL. When destruction is about to come, she thinks about that!:rainbowlaugh:

Luna: Mate in three moves

Celestia: We haven't started yet.

Luna: (Pause) Mate in four moves.

(Royal facehoof)

8092998 The most royal of all the facehoofs!!:rainbowlaugh:

while Rocky flew over to the black one.

How does a pony made entirely out of rock fly?! Haven't you heard the expression "sinks like a rock?"

Anyway, this was a goofy little cute story, and I have to say I liked it. Ordinarily, I'd complain about those page breaks, but it kinda fit in with the pace of the story, so I'll just shut up. The only negative thing I can point out is the structure of your paragraphs. I see someone's already pointed that out, so I'll go a bit further.

“Feels good to be back,” said Luna happily. But then something dawned on her. Or rather, two things dawned on her. First, the sun. Second was the fact that now that she had her body back, she had absolutely no idea what to do. She hadn’t expected Nightmare Moon to give up so easily, and when Luna was in the subconscious, she had been in a sort of limbo between consciousness and unconsciousness. No that she wasn’t there, she was bored. For the next few months, she decided to explore her temporary home. But by the end of the first month she had explored every nook and cranny she could find. At least she didn’t need to eat, and the moon had it’s own magical atmosphere with oxygen so she didn’t suffocate. Then, she had an epiphany. She gathered up rocks of all sizes and using her magic, formed a statue in the likeness of herself. Then, using the leftovers and bigger rocks, she fashioned a giant chessboard on the surface of the moon. Then, using her magic, brought the statue to life, and gave it a personality and intelligence equal to her’s, except in one regard. The dummy would be much better at chess, for a challenge.

You see, this one paragraph has three separate subjects. The first being Luna's thoughts, the second about her exploring her surroundings, and the third is the construction of the statue. So, you should start a new paragraph at *For the next few months* and then another new one at *She gathered up rocks*

Anyway, good story. You get my like, and I'll check out some more of your stuff eventually.:pinkiesmile:

8101961 Thank you! Yeah, I've been meaning to go back and fix those page breaks for a while but I never have time, so as soon as I get some, that's what I plan to do.

The page breaks are fine. You use them to speed up time and although I'm not a big fan of that, it works in your story. I wouldn't recommend changing them.

Honestly, one thing that makes your story a bit unique is that the story's pace is very fast, and yet the story doesn't suffer from it. But I suspect that's due to the story being on the moon. It's a very bland environment so you really don't have to describe it. You just focus on her thoughts and feelings and then move right along with the plot.

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